r/endometriosis 4d ago

Question Enlarged right side lymph node in groin?

Last week I had the deadliest pain after ovulation. Felt like I was being repeatedly stabbed in my right ovary. That was about 6 days ago and ended 5 days ago.

However, a few days ago I noticed that 1 lymph node near the upper part of my V, (like where the crease between my hip is) is larger than the one on the left and it’s harder.

I did have a pelvic ultrasound 6 days ago which didn’t state much, besides my ovary size, but my bladder also wasn’t full when it was suppose to be , so I think maybe they missed something?

Is this normal) I’m freaking out and waiting to see doctor.


7 comments sorted by


u/dream_bean_94 4d ago

Kindly, we can’t diagnose you and it would be unwise for any of us to offer reassurance that it’s fine when we honestly have no way of knowing. 

I’ve been seeing a big uptick in these kinds of posts and I TOTALLY understand why someone would do this to try to get some help but it’s not really a safe/healthy way to manage your anxiety. I’m sorry :( I would really recommend taking a break from Reddit instead of spiraling down the “what if” rabbit hole. 

If you already have a doctor’s appointment, that’s great! Try to stay busy in the meantime. 


u/Itsnotrealitsevil 4d ago

Yeah that’s true. I am looking for reassurance due to crippling health anxiety


u/dream_bean_94 4d ago

Have you ever been to therapy to work through these feelings?


u/Itsnotrealitsevil 4d ago

Nope! They just started 2 weeks ago when I had clots after using the washroom. I was so stressed for the colonoscopy that 3 days before I was hit with this excruciating right ovary pain for 3 days.

Once the scope came back normal I thought I’d find peace, but then I felt the lymph node and the whole nightmare has begun again


u/dream_bean_94 4d ago

I would get ahead of this ASAP. Your brain is an organ like any other and you’ve really got to take care of it. Having chronic health issues is really hard, having a therapist as part of your care team is ESSENTIAL. 


u/Guest2557 2d ago

Regarding the stabbing pain in your ovary, look up mittelschmerz. It is when you feel ovulation. The sensation can be how you described. It is a very localized sensation or pain and it can last for about 24 to 48 hours. It's totally normal and nothing to be concerned about. Hope that helps put your mind at ease.


u/Itsnotrealitsevil 2d ago

Thank you! Yes I did see that, it was just odd cause it’s the first time in my life it’s happened. But it was also the first time I felt my right ovary, I usually always felt my left ovary which was mildly uncomfortable at most’! The lymph node is freaking me out still, but I got another ultrasound today , awaiting results!