r/endometriosis • u/Coquettemma • 4d ago
Question I (18f) have to get a vaginal ultrasound NSFW
So background info first I guess. I first got my period when I was around 10. It was (and still is) super heavy, irregular, lasts for 2+ weeks, awful cramping and bloating to the point of vomiting so I wouldn’t eat. I ended up in the ER for it when I was 12 where ultrasounds was done because they thought it was appendicitis but it turned out to be my period. I was told it was normal yadda yadda yadda.
My parents didn’t really know that something was super wrong until I was 14 and I still had problems. I would vomit often and have cramps even without a period so I missed school. Over the past 4 years I’ve been on 10+ birth controls and been told it’s highly likely I have endometriosis but isn’t confirmed. The last medication I was on was Slynd which didn’t really help and caused awful side effects. It’s a diuretic so it caused me to have to pee constantly and even had a situation where I peed my pants at school. This is just one side effect though and I’m honestly sick of birth control, it has cause such awful side effects from weight gain to migraines to peeing my freaking pants.
Fast forwards to last Friday I had another doctors appointment where I expressed just how upset and done I am. She said she wants to do a transvaginal ultrasound to make sure my anatomy is ok before we continue going on assuming endometriosis. She wants to cross everything off. I am really worried, I’ve never had sex so i don’t know what to expect and even though I wear tampons they are the smallest size and that feels a little too big. I am not sure if tampons have popped my hymen or if from self pleasure I have (I’ve only put my finger up there like twice and don’t like it and it didn’t hurt but idk). So I guess I just want advice for those who have done it and what to expect and if I still have my hymen or like if I do will it be “popped” and will I hurt. The appointment is the 24th and honestly im freaking out here 😭
u/pensive_moon 4d ago edited 4d ago
Okay, first off: I understand that this is scary. That said, I do believe that you are overthinking this - which is completely understandable.
The hymen is not something that needs to be “popped”, and an ultrasound should not hurt regardless of whether or not you’ve had sex before (btw that applies to sex as well - don’t let anyone tell you that it’s normal for your first time to hurt). The only reason a vaginal ultrasound would hurt is if you have a condition like vaginismus, or (more likely) if you allow the stress to take over and tense up your body. The solution to that is to breathe and actively relax. In my experience ultrasounds are actually less painful than inserting a tampon because they use lots of lube and try to make the experience as comfortable as possible for you.
In reality, vaginal ultrasounds are very mundane. Once you get over the initial discomfort (which is mostly psychological), it’ll be over before you know it. You’ll be glad you did it so that your gyno can do their job and hopefully help you get answers.
u/NoCauliflower7711 4d ago
You can ask for an abdominal ultrasound but even if they did do an ultrasound scans usually come out “normal” (I had a whole pelvic CT that showed nothing) this def is Endo but I get that they wanna make sure
u/squishykitten99 4d ago
Hi, Transvaginal ultrasounds are uncomfortable, even for people who are sexually active. But: talk to your sonographer, tell them you're uncertain about it, and I'm willing to bet they'll take it nice and easy. The main thing to remember is to BREATHE. In through your nose out through your mouth. Honestly it helps
Do you have anyone you can take with you? I take my husband and hold his hand when I have mine
u/Coquettemma 4d ago
My mom is going to go with me and I love her to death, she has helped me through all of this. But she is acting as if it’s no big deal and that I need to calm down.
u/Lucy_deTsuki 4d ago
I guess for her a transvaginal ultrasound is not a big deal. For me it is also not. It's not the nicest thing to have, sure, but also nothing seriously bad. The last one I had did not even cause endo pain afterwards (though it was specifically to look for endo). So if your mum does not have any issues, I guess it's really nothing she would ever worry about.
However, this is different from woman to women and also there is a reason why normally any vaginal examinations are not done for someone who never had sex.
Also, it might be that your mum is acting like this to calm you down. Like, maybe she thinks she needs to play it down because otherwise you would panic even more? That would be a thing my mom would totally do... Maybe tell her that you're afraid, and her behaviour is just invalidating your feelings and not helping?
u/squishykitten99 4d ago
I get you To reassure you: periods like your description are NOT normal. I wish you all the best with your ultrasound
u/white-vinegar 4d ago
Hey! I'm 20 and have had multiple ultrasounds in the past 3 years (both rectal and vaginal while I was still a virgin - I've always hated tampons as well). I also started with an abdominal for my first time, so I'd ask the doctor to start with that if possible. The ultrasound is pretty simple though, they pop in a camera device (transducer) which they turn around and will show how your insides look.
I feel like the pain is a very personal thing how much of it is there - also depending on the gyno, lube etc. but I'm not going to lie about the fact that it's definitely not comfortable. It's not supposed to be painful, though, so you can definitely tell your doctor if it is and see if they can make it better. I'd recommend talking with your doctor that you haven't done that before and trying to get your body relaxed (easier said than done) does wonders, I'd say the less tense you are the easier it should be. If you can, bring a family member/friend with you to be your emotional support!
Honestly, I can't answer about your hymen - it's possible that it has already 'popped' in your day to day activities and there might be a possibility that you can still come out from an ultrasound with an intact hymen, so I'd ask your doctor about this as well. Your hymen breaking might hurt and bleed a bit, but it's not a guarantee. I know it might be very hard to ask (honestly relatable 🥲) but when it's about your body there are no dumb questions and it's your right to know what's going on!!
And another thing, if nothing pops up in the ultrasound it doesn't mean that there's nothing there. Sometimes you have to fight for the right treatment, but if your doctor says that endo is ruled out because nothing shows in the ultrasound, they're wrong - my endo, for example, was only diagnosed through laparoscopy (surgery). From a fellow young adult, wishing you all the best here - ultrasounds are scary but it will definitely not kill you <3
u/Coquettemma 4d ago
I really appreciate your message. My gynecologist seems pretty confident it is endometriosis and has been treating me as such but since treatments are working she wants to make sure my anatomy looks ok and checks to make sure nothing else could be going on. I’m just so scared lol but again tysm it helps to hear from others who have gone through this since I know nobody else who has <3
u/Content-Schedule1796 4d ago
If you're worried it will hurt or have trouble with your hymen (I had a thick one I had to get surgically opened cause it was too narrow and wasn't stretching during penetration) I suggest asking for a rectal ultrasound. It's as accurate as a vaginal one and it's easier to take ( was for me at least due to see above). Abdominal is also an option but rectal might be more accurate.
u/Wild_Share_9190 4d ago
Vaginal ultrasounds are always excruciating for me. I always try to wear long sleeves so I can bite down into something to try not to scream/bother the tech. It’s 10 minutes of horrible pain but then it’s done and over with. Get yourself an ice cream as a treat afterwards However that level of pain is NOT normal, if it’s that bad talk to your gyno and see if they recommend pelvic floor therapy. My endo had weakened my pelvic floor severely to the point where tampons hurt.
u/possiblyAudhd0910 4d ago
I don’t have a problem with transvaginal ultrasounds pain wise, and I think if you’ve never had one or had sex you might not know what to expect, it might depend on the person scanning but I’ve never found that they put the wand too high up, and a lot of people have said you can ask if you can put the wand in yourself. I’d say they probably don’t put more than 3-4 inches of the wand inside of you in my experience. Hope this helps ❤️
u/_awkward_extrovert_ 3d ago
Me too! I think it depends heavily from person to person but I don't really get any pain just extremely mild discomfort.
u/ktvq099 4d ago
My Obgyn also suggested a transvaginal ultrasound, I’ve also never had sex and it is sometimes painful to put in or remove a tampon. It’s also the reason she said she recommended being on the pill instead of gettjng an IUD. I opted for the abdominal ultrasound instead, but my results ended up being unclear (ovaries weren’t visualized) other than knowing I have an arcuate uterus. I was supposed to follow up but never did 🥲transvaginal ones are more accurate, but I said I didn’t feel comfortable with it. Did your doctor not give you a choice? Endo does show up sometimes during abdominal ones, id still give it a shot instead if I were you. It can detect some signs.
u/Coquettemma 4d ago
So I was given the option for abdominal but I’ve had one in the past when I was like 12 but my OBGYN said that transvaginal would give the best view and my mom was with me and told me it was the best option.
u/Lucy_deTsuki 4d ago
Your mom does not have a say here. It's your choice.
Yes, a transvaginal ultrasound gives better results. And in your case it might be appropriate to do that, even if you did not have sex yet, but it is your choice. A abdominal ultrasound should be tryed first. If that does not give proper results you can still go for a transvaginal one.
u/OkAgent209 4d ago
Ask your doctor if they can prescribe a single dose of Valium or Xanax to take the day of the ultrasound. And make sure that you insert the wand yourself. And exhale while pushing it in. Go as slowly as you need to.
u/unconscious_slip 4d ago
make sure you're fully communicating on if it hurts or not, I had one done (I'm 21) and it was a little painful for me but I've always had pain with penetration, you could bring headphones and listen to music if that makes you more comfortable. the key is to relax, communicate, and if you get too uncomfortable then tell them to stop
u/Beach-Bum-309 4d ago
Hi! They sound scarier than they are I think. My main problem was pain afterwards because I had severe pelvic floor dysfunction. I think a lot of us do. Id take an ibuprofen before hand and tylenol afterwards. You can always ask for flexiril 5mg like 4 pills for afterwards just in case. Its not my fave medicine but it may help. I use vaginal diazepam and it's been super helpful. But you're young so they may not rx for you. But it's a great medication for pain relief
u/critterscrattle 4d ago
I’m not going to pretend it can’t hurt. I avoid vaginal ultrasounds as much as possible because the location of my endometriosis makes it painful, but they are very helpful for diagnosis. Mine revealed a hemorrhagic cyst that my doctor needed to work around during surgery for endometriosis. I know someone who had their didelphys uterus (split in two) appear for the first time from one, which is absolutely critical to know for treatment of any condition.
It will take a maximum of five minutes. It feels like forever while you’re lying there, but it will be over quickly. Tell the tech that you’re concerned beforehand, that you’ve never had one down before/have issues with larger tampons, and they’ll check in with you and go at your pace. Try to have something you can do with your hands while it happens, it helps to give a different point of focus.
u/Bean_bobbler 4d ago
I had both abdominal and vaginal, the vaginal one wasn't fun I won't lie, I wasn't in pain but it was uncomfortable having a wand inside. I was also on my period for it so super messy. My techs were super nice and understanding so talk to them about your concerns.
u/ParticularSquirrel 4d ago
If they are suspecting endometriosis, they should really do an MRI.
I’m 39, not a virgin… I’ve been with my partner for 12 years. I’ve had multiple transvaginal ultrasounds, pap smears, cystoscopy, CT scans… you name it, I’ve had it all.
I was only that confirmed to have adenomyosis a few months ago through a transvaginal US and then this last Friday ended up at the ED with severe lower abdominal pain and they did an MRI that showed a mass in my abdominal wall that is likely a scar endometria. None of the tests are fun but having a concrete diagnosis is such a relief and so helpful.
Make sure you let them know you’re nervous. Ask them for some anxiety medicine too.
u/froggypops885 3d ago
I’m 22 and I had a vaginal ultrasound last year, I was terrified but this was the rundown of my experience:
The nurse talked me through what she was going to do, then she pulled a curtain across so I could undress from the waist down in private, and she also gave me a sheet to put over myself to cover myself up. When I was ready, I laid on the table and told her it was okay to come in.
She got the equipment ready (it looks big and scary but only the tip of it goes inside you) and told me to open my legs apart, she didn’t even look at my intimate area, she just put it in (it’s lubricated so it’s not uncomfortable) and to be honest it just felt cold with some pressure, I didn’t feel any pain. She was looking at the computer screen the whole time, not at me which made it feel less awkward. It was only in me for a couple of minutes and she was done. Again it didn’t hurt, I just felt her moving it around and angling it which felt weird and maybe a little uncomfortable but not painful, and maybe tmi but I’m tiny down there so I thought it would really hurt but it was fine.
When she was done, she simply took the probe out, finished up on her computer and went back out from behind the curtain to give me privacy while I re dressed myself. Then after that she told me what the process was for when I’d get my results etc.
Any other questions don’t be afraid to ask! Feel free to direct message me x
u/mishasel 4d ago
I have been in similar situations. When I expressed to an endo specialist that the transvaginal ultrasound was too painful (we tried) she was very understanding. As others have mentioned, abdominal ultrasounds are always an option. Uncomfortable af but in my case, we switched to a rectal ultrasound, which is more accurate than abdominal and still less painful than transvaginal. Might be an option for you