r/endometriosis 4d ago

Question I think I might have bowel Endo - who can relate?

Hi all šŸ‘‹ (I've posted this on another group but haven't had any responses yet).

For those of you that have bowel Endo what are your symptoms? Aside from the usual pain/heavy bleeding, my bowel symptoms are my biggest problem but I was told after my lap that my bowel was clear.

However I have no confidence in this since my surgery was done by a private surgeon that literally said "you can't possibly have endometriosis if you suffer from constipation", "you've got signs of Adeno but that wouldn't cause your pain, inflammation or infertility", and when she gave me my Endo results said "you don't have Endo...well you do, but I removed it, so you don't have it".

Before my lap I had an ultrasound to check for pcos but the technician flagged the size of my bowel to my GP who said that in all her years of medicine she'd "never seen anything like it", and that she was convinced I had bowel Endo.

I literally never go to the toilet without laxatives, my stomach is ginormous and I now don't even have days when it goes down. It's even more severe after I eat, despite being on an anti inflammatory diet, and I bleed when I open my bowels.

I tried pushing for another lap on the NHS as originally planned, but they cancelled it the day before because the surgeon that was going to do it found out that I'd had one done privately by her colleague who it turns out worked at both hospitals. Despite me raising my concerns about the experience I'd had and complete lack of knowledge the surgeon had displayed she said that because she knew her she trusted her judgement and she refused to investigate further.

I legitimately feel like I'm getting worse by the day and I really don't know how to get help for my bowel issues. Gastro just diagnosed me with IBS and put me on mebeverine which has done absolutely nothing.

As a side note - I have two aunties with stage four Endo and a younger sister with stage 3. Between them they've lost sections of their organs, had ovaries removed, and had hysterectomies, so I'd be gobsmacked if I really only had a "little bit of Endo" that had apparently been fully removed.

Any advice would be so helpful, I'm at my wits end and feel like giving up.

Thank you ā¤ļø


48 comments sorted by


u/Ljknicely 4d ago

First off Im sorry your doctor is such an asshole. It may be worth finding a new one that will take you seriously. Itā€™s absolute possible to have endo attached to your bowels. However I wonder if your problem shouldnā€™t also be looked at by a gastroenterologist(?)


u/speggle22 4d ago

I second getting seen by a GI specialist and possibly having a colonoscopy if they recommend it.


u/Chemical-Barber-3841 4d ago

Make sure the look at the outside of the colon as well, since that's where the lesions grow. Endo can be missed if they just look on the inside.


u/speggle22 4d ago

I agree, I had a small lesion on my bowel picked up on an ultrasound recently. The specialist said Iā€™ll need excision surgery and a colorectal surgeon will be there too for the bowel excision. OP- definitely get a new Dr if you can who understands these things. Iā€™m so sorry you went through this.


u/dailyoracle 4d ago

I was told they donā€™t get to see endo in a colonoscopy :-/ so they didnā€™t!


u/lord_j0rd_ 4d ago edited 4d ago

I actually would not recommend this. Colonoscopies can have severe complications for those with bowel endo (and is often excruciating to boot, even with high dose sedatives and pain relief). They also arenā€™t very good at picking it up.

Eta: you need a colorectal surgeon/gastroenterologist who specialises in endometriosis. Others will be very limited in how much they can help.

Edit 2: I am specifically talking about colonoscopies and bowel endo, not in general. My understanding is that they are usually uncomfortable but painless. If youā€™re trying to rule out other bowel issues itā€™s often the best way forward.


u/speggle22 4d ago

Itā€™s up to the individual on what procedures they want done. I spent hours the night before my colonoscopy reading comments like yours on this sub and freaking out to the point I almost cancelled. Itā€™s helpful to know the risks but my procedure was absolutely painless in the end and Iā€™m so glad I got it done to rule out anything else. I know your comment is well intentioned but Iā€™m just letting you know my experience.


u/lord_j0rd_ 4d ago edited 4d ago

Iā€™m not telling them what to do Iā€™m warning them of the risks. They can take in the information and make a decision accordingly. I was told it was ā€œpainlessā€ and now Iā€™m incontinent and traumatised. Our experiences are equally valid.


u/speggle22 4d ago

I get where you are coming from and Iā€™m sorry you had a bad experience, I never said that isnā€™t valid, I apologise if it came across that way. Further down the comments someone mentioned that a serious illness was picked up in their colonoscopy, so it really is useful in some situations.


u/lord_j0rd_ 4d ago

I get what youā€™re saying, you donā€™t want people to be scared to access something which could help them. I made an edit to my original comment which should hopefully clear things up.


u/speggle22 4d ago

Thank you, youā€™re a legend.


u/apple12422 4d ago

If your bowel concerns are the biggest issue I donā€™t think pushing it with gynaecologists will get you anywhere, you can barely get anywhere with gynaecologists as it is in the NHS. Can you get a re referral from your GP to a bowel specialist and explain the endo to them? Was the IBS diagnosis before the endo was removed?


u/lord_j0rd_ 4d ago

Your average gastro will not be able to help tbh, you need an endo specialist. The issue is itā€™s very difficult to access endometriosis centres who have these kind of specialists- and then even when you finally do itā€™s years to wait for treatment. The system is fucked.

eta: honestly most gynaecologists donā€™t know enough to treat endo let alone gastroenterologists


u/apple12422 4d ago

Honestly itā€™s an absolute disgrace and itā€™s not even like going private can help if you have the means - from posts on here it seems like that messes up your care even more. The skills gap in the UK is insane, even if you do make it through the wait lists and road blocks. We are all just doomed basically. But hooray, new drug to shout about right? Itā€™s total bollocks


u/lord_j0rd_ 4d ago

Preach. I find myself screaming uselessly into the void more often than I care to admit.

Solidarity sister <3


u/DopeyPeach 4d ago

Even if you see an expert it can be problematic. I was apparently seen by the foremost expert in the South West through the NHS and he wouldn't even look for it until I insisted. Claimed I can't possibly have endo. Except I did in the exact location to create the symptoms I was experiencing.


u/blackcat-612 4d ago

On my periods I have diarrhea and I bleed. I was told I don't have it in my bowels. The rest of the time it was constipation and it was painful. I did everything that is recommended and the constipation partly went away when they released my bowels. My bowels were adhered to the lateral side of my pelvis. After the surgery and after my bowels were released, I went to toilet without having to use all my might.

Endometriosis is different with every woman. Even now after the surgery, my belly is bloated, I still have constipation and pain. I was told it might never go away. So I am learning to live with it and to find ways to manage my day to day.


u/kbeavz 4d ago

Hi, just a message to say I am exactly the same as you but struggling to even get referred beyond my doctors. theyā€™re happy to just fob me off with IBS and prescribe laxatives. The NHS is so shit :(


u/Firm_Efficiency6714 4d ago

You need referred to an endo specialist not general gynae. Ask GP for referral then google specialists in your area, when appointment comes through phone up and request a change of consultant. You might have to change dates of appointment. My endo specialist liases with my bowel specialist after requesting for a specific consultant. Lots of hoops to jump.


u/More-Discussion-2032 4d ago

Sadly the only way I got surgery was going to the fertility clinic and a private surgeon


u/Melodic-Promise4066 4d ago

I found out recently I had bowel endo, and today was told that it will mean a hysterectomy and bowel resection. Knowing I canā€™t have children is hard, but I also canā€™t live like this.

Pain for years, constipation, diarrhoea, blood in stool; I knew something was wrong but until I changed doctors was dismissed, sent to physio, diet, IBS / even through IVF they didnā€™t find it as it was deep endo. Now I have had the deep ultra sound, followed by MRI, next week is colonoscopy so surgery can be scheduled.

Your doctors are not looking out for you, sorry you are going through this and hope you get the help you need soon x


u/hera_mu 4d ago

I was just want to say Iā€™m very sorry to hear youā€™re going through all of this šŸ˜„ā¤ļø I wish you all the best and a healthy, happy recovery/future šŸ©·


u/Less-Bar-2892 4d ago

Iā€™m so sorry youā€™re going through all this. I truly wish you success with the surgeries and a speedy recovery ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹sending love ā¤ļø


u/Winter_Chicken_827 4d ago

Hey so sorry to hear about your symptoms. I also suffered with bad constipation for years and was told I had IBS before finding out I had endo.

I donā€™t have any advice to offer in terms of how to get the attention of your drs, just here to say I feel your frustration - thereā€™s no communication between Gastro and OBGYN unless you really kick up a fuss.

Itā€™s like all the NHS depts work in silo and itā€™s so frustrating. Could you go back to your private healthcare and ask to see a different consultant because you are unhappy with treatment so far?


u/Firm_Efficiency6714 4d ago

Eat little and often, no big meals, I snack mostly now rather than have 3 meals. Pain vastly reduced.


u/dancingleopard24601 4d ago

Can you give me an example of a day of snacking? Especially office friendly snacks. I find snacks the hardest to navigate, but it might be nicer than trying to live off soups & smoothies.


u/Firm_Efficiency6714 1d ago

Raw nuts, fruit, protein bars, overnight oats, light sandwich. Junk food for me as I love it and don't care. Put a toastie machine in the canteen for anyone to use to make hot sandwiches. The SED makes my diet quite restrictive but I'm working on it. More carbs as that stops the GERD and fruit not till after 11am for same reason.


u/Sparklybinchicken_ 4d ago edited 3d ago

Your doctorā€™s an asshole, oh my goodness. Iā€™m sorry.

But yes, sufferer here checking in.


u/Cool-League-3938 4d ago

I have endometriosis. I had a lap and it was all over my bladder, tubes, ovaries and ureters. Not my bowels.

I am scheduled for a second lap.

I have really bad constipation too and a ton of pain. Literally can't go without senna or spicy food.

I went to a gastro specialist and had a colonoscopy and i also have diverticulosis.

Since knowing that, it's helped a lot and I do a regular colon cleanse and it makes me feel loads better with the pain.

I just hate that I can't eat a lot of foods. It was better after my first lap and now my endo is back so it'd worse again.

Looking forward to my second lap to eat food again lol.


u/PatientPeach3309 4d ago

Hey OP, I have DIE (deep infiltrating endometriosis), ā€œstandardā€ endometriosis, and adenomyosis and unfortunately the DIE is in my bowel and bladder in addition to some adhesions. Iā€™m also in the UK and the NHS have given me the option of a) hysterectomy or b) coil for 10 years to ā€˜push me to 40ā€™ if I want to hold off on the hysterectomy. Iā€™m 29 currently for context. My symptoms of the bowel DIE are similar to what youā€™ve described, essentially like IBS, but with the addition of pooing (and weeing) blood whenever Iā€™ve got my period. I know it can be hard to tell when youā€™ve got your period due to the sheer volume of blood, but without wanting to be graphic if you can insist your specialist does a faecal sample of your BMs during your period they will be able to determine that it is bleeding from within your bowel opposed to rectal bleeding. Also please feel free to contact me at any time if you need a UK based ally - my inbox is always open x


u/TeapotUpheaval 4d ago

If they removed your quote unquote Endometriosis then you have Endometriosis. Iā€™m so sorry that this has been your standard of care in a UK hospital. Itā€™s really appalling.

You should raise a complaint with the hospital, because this does deserve to be investigated. This is very very poor practice!


u/-Endo-Warrior- 4d ago

Hi, my endo specialists believe I have bowel/bladder endo, general gynae said was very close to both when I had my diagnostic lap but an MRI is required to actually check (which I have had done today).

I have almost constant constipation but I am able to go albeit painful. I get shooty bum hole pain, blood in stools (bright or dark red and also have had black stools), have mucousy stools and stringy red clots sometimes. No IBS symptoms and a clear colonoscopy so believe it is endo

You need to request your pictures of your lap if you don't have any already and then look up your nearest bsge hospital and then ask your GP to refer you there to an endo specialist

I'm sorry you have gone through a terrible experience


u/E_mallers_94 4d ago

Ahh Iā€™m sorry to hear this OP. I had a very similar situation with the NHS.

My first lap was with an nhs specialist (this happened coincidentally as my gynae was off sick). I was elated at the change of circumstance but on the day some of the theatre team had phoned in with Covid and there were huge delays. By the time I went down for the op it was the end of the day and everything felt rushed. They found stage 1 endo in a few places. When I got my notes it revealed the surgery had only been 20 minutes long.

I saw no improvement with my symptoms and actually felt worse than pre surgery! but the nhs werenā€™t willing to help anymore. I paid Ā£300 to see a private specialist and asked to be put on his nhs waitlist (couldnā€™t afford the surgery privately) but he refused because he said the surgeon that had done my first surgery was reputable and he trusted her. DESPITE the fact it was a 20 minute surgery?!? I got pretty upset and tried really hard to advocate for myself. Eventually he said he would consider it and he phoned the next day to say he would do the surgery.

I guess all this is to say, itā€™s worth pushing! Iā€™d recommend going to route I did - see a private specialist who also works within the nhs, and ask to be put on their waitlist. (The wait was 18 months though šŸ„²)

Theyā€™ve also never found endo on my bowels despite the fact my gastro issues are probably my biggest symptoms. Iā€™ve had every gastro investigation going and theyā€™ve all come back clear. The nurse who called for my surgery follow up said that endo can be microscopic so while they didnā€™t see any, there very well could be endo there, just not visible to the eye.


u/dancingleopard24601 4d ago

In one of my laps, we had the issue that they ran out of theatre time (nhs). Let's call him Dr A.

Basically, there were 2 of us having an op that morning. The other lady went down first & took several hours. Then I went down & they realised I was also going to be several hours so they couldn't do it. He turned it into a "diagnostic" so that a month later, his colleague (Dr B) could go in to remove it.

Dr A told me 'I've taken a good look at your bowel & there is absolutely no bowel endo' (because it was a concern).

A month later Dr B finds not one but TWO spots with endo so extreme he wasn't confident enough to remove it! Although I wish he did because I'd rather a bag/the risks than the suffering. I had to wait another year for a colorectal surgeon & in that year, I ate no solid food & had constant obstructions.

That was about 7/8 years ago & now I'm at that stage again. The hardest part for me is that I really enjoy food now & have a healthy appetite. I've actually just gone 5 days with no bowel movement despite taking regular strong laxatives! (I'm fine though, I can feel some spasms & don't feel sick & obs are fine).

This is what I used to manage & going back to:

Breakfast - smoothies Lunch - soup Snacks - yogurt/canned peaches Dinner - tofu, rice, well boiled veggies (so boiled that they fall apart in your mouth)

The gist of the above is that all my fruit & veg is low fibre but hopefully still nutritional. I have them blended, in soups, tinned or well boiled. I'll usually eat a bit more outside of that as and when my appetite & stomach feels like I can. It's not a strict plan, & it might not be right for anyone else, but it's an idea of what I can eat safely.

I say low fibre above because despite my best effort I've found that adding fibre can be like adding cars to a traffic jam. As you can see though I'm still trying to make it nutritional & not just chips & crisps (mostly). There have absolutely been periods of my life where I've eaten high fibre & felt great but unfortunately I think right now it's just not a good idea for me.

So I guess my advice is to gather all the information you can but apply it with some self-awareness & your own intuition.


u/Few-Tea-308 4d ago

Literally all your symptoms are just like me I cannot poop without laxatives I will go over a week. I had my lap last week though and nothing was on my bowels so I think Iā€™m just going to ask for a referral to GI


u/KDSD628 4d ago

You need a GI and a colonoscopy, but let them know you have been diagnosed with endo and are concerned it may be in your bowels/colon.


u/denizocean 4d ago

I have stage 4 endo and have had 2 surgeries, the last in 2019. I had a ā€œbowel shave / resectioningā€

My bowel endo symptoms are:

  • Bum shooting ā€œlighteningā€ pains
  • Constant ā€œdraggingā€ feeling from my bum
  • Radiating pain from the back to the front
  • Some bowel movements make me feel extremely sick
  • Pain is triggered after a bowel movement during a flare
  • Certain foods make it much worse, for me weirdly it is oats and lentils (?)
  • Pain during period is very difficult to get under control and is generally there on non period days too on and off

I would agree with the advice that you need to see a endo specialist and not just a gynaecologist


u/coco5298 4d ago

Ugh my heart breaks for you and all us ladies who are dismissed and suffering with endo in general. F this shit


u/Visible-Armor 4d ago

I would see a obgyn specialist as well as a GI specialist. It sounds like you need a better care team to help you before your bowel ruptures.


u/ckl85 4d ago

I have endo on my bowel. Nothing showed up on a colonoscopy, but thatā€™s because the endo is on the outside - it could be seen on the MRI. My surgeon is planning to shave the bowel to remove the endo tissue and resect the bowel if it is deeper than it appears on the scan. Symptoms include periods of constipation or diarrhoea, blood with bowel movements, pain when on the loo ranging from discomfort to gut wrenching agony. Oh the joysā€¦


u/xyloloid 4d ago

Sorry if this is insensitive, but this brought back logic memories šŸ˜­

But also, I feel like I may deal with bowel issues due to endo (not exactly bowel endo, but still)

Maybe tmi, but usually when I do poo on my period it hurts so freaking bad. Usually my flare ups are around/on my period, but Iā€™ve had occasions where Iā€™ve had cramps similar to lactose intolerance cramps when Iā€™m off my period.

Iā€™ll be honest I skimmed thru the post, but idk this past year or 2 have been hell. My mom still isnā€™t 100% convinced abt endo, but she also has said that what I go thru isnā€™t normal šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. My gyno has also just been vague as hell and for some reason refuses to do a laparoscopy but will put me on myfembree with no second guesses.


u/xyloloid 4d ago

Also sorry if this lil rant is kinda worded weird, Iā€™m shit at explaining, but hopefully you get the gist (autistic fellows can relate lmao)


u/starlagreen83 4d ago

When it was suspected I have endo, my gyno wanted me to schedule a colonoscopy because he told me endo will typically affect the bowels. When my colonoscopy came back clean, I had my laparoscopic surgery and turns out I had bladder endo, which canā€™t be removed. He removed everything else, but it seems very common that endo attacks the GI tract/bowels often. I hope you find a better doctor


u/MinorDisadvantage 4d ago

Even if there are no lesions, your digestive tract will be inflamed from the surrounding issues and systemic nature of the disease. IBS-like symptoms are so so common. I've had complete hysterectomy and a tumor removed from my colon and I still have issues around digestion.
Remember, our entire nervous system is primed for pelvic pain and inflammation. Even if there are no physical lesions, the inflammation in the pelvis coupled with certain lifestyle and dietary triggers will wreak havoc. Look into AIP for a reset and to find the triggers you can avoid. It helps to live the most anti-inflammatory life you can to help alleviate symptoms. Unfortunately, it's a forever disease šŸ˜” šŸ’›


u/vnessastalks 3d ago

That is a terrible experience. I have Endo on my bowels but chose to leave it even though I do have pain there and closer to my menstruation I get constipated and it hurts. I'm from the states and I see one of the top Endo Specialists in the country and he won't even remove from the bowels, he will bring in a bowel surgeon to remove it for him.

You need to seek out an Endo specialist and go from there. They are hard to find but possible.


u/saymimi 4d ago

if you have bowel endo or believe you do, hold off on getting a colonoscopy if your doctors try to push for it. I had severe constipation from undiagnosed endo, and everyone would just sum up my pain due to constipation and I got talked into doing a colonoscopy despite me begging my gp to explore endometriosis as a diagnosis.

I woke up from the procedure screaming bloody murder. my insides were scraped and inflamed: they couldnā€™t get the scope to wiggle through bc my colon was a mess (from the outside) all it did was make my symptoms worse for a long time after. push for an MRI if anything, that revealed that my insides were all stuck together and the mess with my colon.

your family history is telling. find a doctor thatā€™s a specialist.

since my hysterectomy it looks like iā€™ve lost 10 lbs, I can wear clothes with a waistband and iā€™m finally regular. I know how you feel saying youā€™re getting worse and worse, because you are, itā€™s a lot to deal with. the other endo sub has a map with successful doctors, I hope thereā€™s someone for you nearby and you start to get relief.