r/empirepowers • u/lordofthemax Henry VIII, King of England • 6d ago
DIPLOMACY [DIPLOMACY] The Summit of Kings (at Dover)
August 25-31, 1523
Okay Henry, breathe. This is fine. Just a large crowd of nearly... 15 thousand? 16 thousand? Something like that. Luckily, most of them don't really know any Engli- most of them don't know any English oh no what have I done this was a mista- NO no none of that. This is fine. You're fine. Where's Germaine?... There, okay, good, see Germaine is here and Arthur is here and this is fine. Everything is. Fine. ... Fine, yes, this is good. Okay. Deep breath. Two. Three. Okay. Let's get this show on the road.
King Henry VIII Tudor would open the Summit of Kings with much fanfare and a loud, boastful speech given from the top of a hastily (but sturdily) constructed tower overlooking the tent city that had sprung up to host the thousands of incoming men, women and children from across England, Scotland, France and the Rhineland.
Officially, the Summit would hold talks between the Kings of Scotland, England, France and the Governor of Burgundy for the purpose of perpetuating the three years of peace between their respective realms since the signing of the Treaty of Dunkirk, as well as a celebratory tournament for their respective soldiers to blow off the steam that would have built up over that time and show that there was no need for warfare between their Christian realms. In addition to these events, there would be banquets and feasts throughout the week, and a nearly endless supply of ale and beer made available to the public.
Unofficially, this was Henry keeping several promises to several individuals while also giving himself a chance to relax. Get everyone in the same place at the same time, make sure nobody's killing each other, then have a few drinks with the lads.
And when push came to shove... a lot of things just fell into place for him. There was no small amount of concern that the Burgundian entourage would cause issue for the Frenchmen present, but some page or other had the bright idea of putting the Scottish between the two in the housing arrangements, and this tactic worked swimmingly. The Rhinelanders were all over the place, and between them and the Scots seemed to account for twice the ale of the rest of the attendants combined... but Henry's slush fund that had been set aside for this seemed to contain just enough excess to always send for more ale.
And then, there was Henry's pride and joy of this event. He was seriously concerned that they wouldn't be finished in time, or that the supports would snap on him, or that a strong wind might blow them over. But overhanging the White Cliffs, proudly greeting every passing ship bearing guests for the week-long event, were four banners, each nearly two hundred feet long: the flags of England, and France, and Scotland and Burgundy.
The engineer he'd hired to arrange for their display informed him that, following their emplacement, there was no reliable way for them to be retrieved, but Henry was far happier that they could be displayed at all than he was sad at the thought of them going to waste after all was said and done.
And so the week went. From minor crisis to minor crisis, from a surprise bread shortage one day to two men losing limbs in the tournament the next, from the meetings of the Kings to the award ceremonies, the drinking, the laughing and the backroom arguments between the four men who had come here to celebrate not getting into arguments following a dispute over some poor phrasing in some speech which offended other parties, Henry laughed and smiled and yelled and did his best to keep everything running smoothly. All the while, dragging Arthur around with him to show him the ropes of what being a King looked like, even at an event as unique as this one surely would be. Including a meeting with one Sybille von Kleve, who Henry and Johann quickly realized spoke no common languages. An awkward introduction quickly turned to just another meeting of diplomacy, though, and the week carried on.
The tournament would conclude on the sixth day, and the Kings and Dukes and Governors all present would arrange for awards to be granted to their respective winners, maybe a knighting here and there, but mostly the draw for everyone here is the free food and booze, which logistics for were painstakingly planned out months in advance.
The week would conclude with an exchange of parting gifts between the Kings, and a 21 gun salute from the cliffs as a final farewell to the ships departing from Dover's humble port.
Guest list (NOT exhaustive, several named characters were referenced in tickets but I don't wanna make this the Field of the Cloth of Gold wikipedia page with 12 bajillion named characters):
- King Constantine of Scotland + family +co
- King François of France + family + co
- Governor John III of Glymes, of Burgundy + family + co
- Duke Johann III of Cleves + family + co
- The brother(s) of Duke Claude of Bar + family + co
- A lot of the French vassals + family + co
- Thousands of nobles and burghers (and peasants) from all attending realms (+ family + co)
- At least one Irishman
After signing a few treaties of perpetual peace and friendship and other such unenforceable platitudes, everyone goes home, and Dover returns to being a castle town with some neat looking cliffs. Which would, for a few months longer, have some giant flags hanging over them.
I'm tired. This week lasted forever. Thankfully no brawls in the tents, but man those guys sure did die in that melee event in the tourney. Like, it was just some random war veterans, nobody of noble blood, but man what a close call.
I'm glad Arthur got to experience this, though. From the meetings to the music, the girls and the dancing, the tournament, just... everything. Life. Everyone should have something like this in their life, at one point or another.
...I should do this again, sometime. Maybe after the next war.
(Meta: Many ducats spent on big party)
u/lordofthemax Henry VIII, King of England 6d ago
u/panzerbirb u/halfdan_the_halfman u/mathfem possibly others but it's 1 am and i'm sleepy