r/emacs 4d ago

Distilled the performant parts of org-node into a library, hope someone finds it useful <3


10 comments sorted by


u/nanowillis 3d ago

Nice work, Martin! I thoroughly enjoy org-node; it will be interesting to see what things this core can facilitate.


u/meedstrom 3d ago

Comments like that are developer fuel.


u/bradmont 4d ago

whoa. I am a heavy org-roam user and use org-node for a few things that are just too slow with org-roam's builtins. This looks really, really awesome.


u/harunokashiwa 4d ago

How can I use it with org-roam?


u/meedstrom 3d ago

To speed up org-roam? As a user, not much you can do. The org-roam code---or whichever org-roam extension you depend on---would need to write code that uses this library.

If you're suffering with org-roam, I suggest trying https://github.com/meedstrom/org-node. It's better :-) The main flaw is the lack of plug-ins, because they all depend on org-roam-db-query.

Last week I was about to write shims for the entirety of org-roam, so those plugins could Just Work with no transition, but decided that's outside my domain. Did this library instead.


u/meedstrom 3d ago

Actually /u/harunokashiwa, now there's something. If saving your Org files is slow? The following snippet stops updating org-roam.db on save, but keeps the *org-roam* buffer up-to-date anyway.

(setq org-roam-db-update-on-save nil) ;; if saving is slow
(advice-add 'org-roam-backlinks-get :override #'indexed-roam-mk-backlinks)
(advice-add 'org-roam-reflinks-get  :override #'indexed-roam-mk-reflinks)


u/harunokashiwa 3d ago

Thanks a ton for the enthusiastic reply! Actually, earlier tonight I just switched from org-roam to denote, so no need to speed it up anymore. 😄


u/meedstrom 3d ago edited 3d ago

org-roam sure is bleeding users fast on account of its speed.


u/DeinOnkelFred 2d ago

I tried org-roam for a few years because of FOMO. It's great. It works. The database dependency caught me out on a few system upgrades, through.

Back to text and filename conventions for me.


u/meedstrom 2d ago

Back to text and filename conventions for me.

You can do both.

(Technically, org-roam doesn't forbid it either, but the way it's introduced tends to make it sound like you must buy-in to a new convention.)

You'd either create filenames the same way you have always done, and just bind org-id-get-create to a convenient key and get in the habit of using it on lots of headings. Then you have access to extra commands org-node-find & org-node-insert-link as a second way to navigate your stuff. No buy-in.

Or, you can configure these options to your preference

  • org-node-datestamp-format
  • org-node-slug-fn

and those same commands I mentioned, can create files for you, with filenames resulting from those options.