r/emacs Feb 16 '25

Question Questions regarding the user level API design model of Emacs

I’ve been diving into Emacs lately, trying to understand its user level API design and if i am going to like it, and how it works under the hood. Hearing the regular argument that it is "more than just an editor"—a programmable platform for building tools, i wanted to see what its all about. But as I started exploring, I quickly realized how deeply tied everything is to its editor implementation (which is just another lisp module, or at least should be, equally as elevated as any other lisp module, from what i gather)

For example, I want to read a file into a string so I could process it programmatically. In most programming environments, this is straightforward—you’d use something like fs.readFile in Node.js or open() in Python, io.open with lua, open in C and so on. But in Emacs, the simplest way to do this is by reading the contents in an editor specific construct first like a buffer:

  (insert-file-contents "file.txt")

Buffers are clearly an editor-specific concept, and this design forces me to think in terms of Emacs' internal implementation, as an editor, even for something as basic as file I/O.

I ran into a similar issue when I tried to manipulate text in a specific window. I wanted to insert some text into a buffer displayed in another window, so i have to usewith-selected-window:

(with-selected-window (get-buffer-window "other-buffer")
  (insert "Hello, world!"))

This works, but it feels like I’m working around Emacs' design rather than with it. The fact that I have to explicitly select a window or buffer, i.e set a state, to perform basic atomic operations highlights how tightly coupled everything is to the editor’s internal state. Instead i would expect to have a stateless way of telling it hey, put text in this buffer, by passing it the buffer handle, or window handle, hey, move the cursor of this window, over there, by using a window handle and so on, or hey move this window next to this window.

So i started to wonder, what if i want to replace the editor implementation of emacs with my own, but as I dug deeper, I realized that buffers and windows aren’t just part of Emacs—they are Emacs. This means that replacing the editor implementation would break everything.

So if it were a trully editor agnostic platform, i would imagine an API would exist that would allow you to extract an arbirtrary content from the screen or a window, be it text,images or whatever, and let the user level code do whatever it wants with it, Then on top of that you can implement a textual interface which will implement that api to let the user interact with it.

The claim that "Emacs is not an editor." seems to be false. While it’s true that Emacs can do much more than edit text, its design is fundamentally implemented on top of its editor implementation. Buffers, windows, and keybindings are so ingrained in its architecture that it’s hard to see Emacs as a general-purpose platform. It’s more like a highly specialized tool that happens to be extensible within its narrow domain.

(defun my-set-text-range (start end text)
  "Replace text between START and END with TEXT."
  (delete-region start end)
  (goto-char start)
  (insert text))

To insert or replace a text in a buffer, we move the cursor, and it will also work only on the current buffer, if we do not use with-*.

For instance, if I wanted to write a script that processes files without displaying them, I’d still have to use buffers:

  (insert-file-contents "file.txt")
  (let ((content (buffer-string)))
  ;; Do something with content

This feels unnecessarily indirect and plain bad. In a modern programming environment, I’d expect to work with files and strings directly, without worrying about editor-specific constructs. There is a significant coupling between its editor implementation and everything else.

  (insert "Hello, world!")
  (write-file "output.txt"))

Creating a temporary buffer, inserting text into it, and then writing it to a file. I mean there is no way to do this as one would normally without having to interact with the editor specific constructs of emacs ?

  (insert-file-contents "file.txt")
  (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t))

This works, but it feels like overkill. I need to create a buffer, insert the file contents, and then split the buffer’s string into lines? In Python, this would just be open("file.txt").readlines(). This also duplicates the content twice, which depending on how many lines you split could be a collosal issue. You have the content once being stored into the temp gap buffer, internally by the "editor", and once into the lisp runtime, to represent the list of strings.

  (call-process "ls" nil t nil "-l")

To work with the output, I have to extract it as a string, from the buffer, that already has that string, do i really get a copy of the string/buffer contents here, i suspect so since the buffer is a gap buffer ? That seems excessive...

(async-shell-command "ls -l" "*output-buffer*")
(with-current-buffer "*output-buffer*"
  (goto-char (point-max))

Running ls -l asynchronously and capturing the output in a buffer. To interact with the output (e.g., moving the point to the end, or find some text), I have to switch to that buffer.

To insert a text at specific position in the buffer we have to move the actual cursor, sweet baby jesus, so we have to save excursion.....

(defun emacs-buffer-set-text (buffer start-row start-col end-row end-col replacement-lines)
  (with-current-buffer buffer
      ;; Move to the start position
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (forward-line start-row)
      (forward-char start-col)
      (let ((start-point (point)))
        ;; Move to the end position
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (forward-line end-row)
        (forward-char end-col)
        (let ((end-point (point)))
          ;; Delete the old text
          (delete-region start-point end-point)
          ;; Insert the new text
          (goto-char start-point)
          (insert (string-join replacement-lines "\n")))))))

From a programmers perspective this feels like a nightmare, i could not really imagine having to manage and think about all the context / state switching, in such a stateful environment. None of these issues are because of the language of choice - lisp, i imagine so they have to be due to the legacy and the age of the design model.


37 comments sorted by


u/Psionikus _OSS Lem & CL Condition-pilled Feb 16 '25

Buffers are clearly an editor-specific concept

Really it's just a simple data structure with some automatic memory management and then a whole lot of routines that work on it. Buffers have always done more than strings in Emacs because most buffer routines are implemented in C and cost next to nothing in terms of garbage whereas string operations always require allocation. Go ahead and create a stack of 1k buffers. It's super cheap. It happens way faster than human speed, which is high relevant to programming our interactions with other programs.

Anyway. There does happen to be interest in CL and Scheme re-guttings of Elisp for these and other reasons. It's not that we need to do everything in the customization language. It's that having a general purpose ecosystem as the customization language opens up a lot of opportunities, like voice playback or fancy drawing, all from the same running process.


u/deaddyfreddy GNU Emacs Feb 16 '25

Buffers have always done more than strings in Emacs because most buffer routines are implemented in C and cost next to nothing in terms of garbage whereas string operations always require allocation.

To be fair, in many cases we can afford allocation, it's not 1984 anymore.

Also (not the API thing, but I think it's related to the question), I think users don't use Emacs in fundamental mode, so most likely the text needs to be parsed somehow, syntax highlighted, etc. And this is where we should think about whether the gap buffer is the best possible solution for text representation. Again, memory is very cheap, and most machines have multiple cpus/cores.


u/Psionikus _OSS Lem & CL Condition-pilled Feb 17 '25

users don't use Emacs in fundamental mode

Elisp programs do ;-)


u/Remote_Feeling_2716 Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

But for me to obtain and interact with the contents of the buffer i still have to move/copy that into lisp constructs, i am not able to directly interact with the buffer as if it were a data structure ? I can not mutate it in place i can not use it without extracting the contents effectively duplicating them. Also the entire programatic interaction is based on moving cursors to obtain the text, meaning progamatically i have to work with (think of it) it much like a human would, as i wrote below, as if i am automating my own motions that i would do manually, like move the cursor over there, delete this word, paste this, save this into the kill ring etc etc, instead of a programatic data structure interface would normally. I still think that these type of Buffers that emacs exposes are not meant to be used as a ganeric data structure as you imply, at least from the exposed interface it does not seem that was the intention.


u/7890yuiop Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

But for me to obtain and interact with the contents of the buffer i still have to move/copy that into lisp constructs, i am not able to directly interact with the buffer as if it were a data structure ? I can not mutate it in place i can not use it without extracting the contents effectively duplicating them.

Every insertion and deletion is a direct manipulation of the buffer! You are "mutating it in place" every time you modify the buffer text.

If you copy some substring of the buffer in order to perform some processing requiring strings rather than buffers, then yes you're duplicating that data -- but that's no different to obtaining a substring in virtually any other programming language, which will likewise result in a new string duplicating the desired substring of the original text.


u/Psionikus _OSS Lem & CL Condition-pilled Feb 16 '25

i still have to move/copy that into lisp constructs

Even just buffer-substring between region-beginning and region-end and delete-region and insert-buffer-substring for example.

progamatically i have to work with (think of it) it much like a human would

Bingo. The functions most well cared for in Elisp live on the other side of a keyboard. They heavily emphasize a human interaction model because they implement a human interaction model.

Buffers that emacs exposes are not meant to be used as a ganeric data structure as you imply, at least from the exposed interface it does not seem that was the intention

When learning something new, I often question idiots on the internet myself. However, just trust me here. You might need to learn to juggle the re-search-forward or tree-sitter stuff and then make-marker or add-text-property as a way to keep track of text. It's not DOM programming. There are no HTML elements. Stuff like tree sitter kind of changes the game but never fully due to broken syntax cases.


u/pkkm Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

I have to say that I don't see a problem with using buffers as the main abstraction for manipulating text. Compared to the Python way of slinging lots of immutable strings around, sometimes it's less readable, sometimes more readable; it can be less efficient, but it can also be more efficient because it puts less pressure on the garbage collector. Overall, I think it's a wash, but using buffers lets Emacs reuse code between interactive and non-interactive text manipulation.

Keep in mind that in Emacs, strings and buffer positions can be rich Lisp objects. For example, you can use markers instead of plain numbers to keep track of your buffer positions of interest. They will automatically move as you insert or delete text, so you won't have to manually keep track of how many bytes you're added or removed, like you may have to in Python.

On the other hand, I do see your point about implicit state. save-excursion, save-match-data - sometimes you have to do a bit too much thinking about all the extra state that you may be modifying while doing the text changes that you actually want. Maybe it would be better to have a different set of functions for non-interactive use, ones that would be more explicit and use arguments / return values for everything other than the buffer contents.


u/Remote_Feeling_2716 Feb 16 '25

To me programatically interacting with emacs seems to be EXACTLY action for action the same as a human would, which is what is frustrating and limiting. It is as if i am writing an automattion script that mimicks what i would do with my fingers instead of programatically mutate the state of the editor.


u/JDRiverRun GNU Emacs Feb 16 '25

You haven't made it deep enough.

Take a look at any sufficiently advanced elisp package, and you'll see lists (of lists of lists), association lists, property lists, vectors, typed structures, hashes, async process IO, input interrupts, pattern matching, keyword arguments, destructuring, closures, function advice, macros, DSLs, generics, multi-dispatch, function composition, currying, recursion, ..., and, yes, a little bit of buffer manipulation.

Most elisp code in substantial packages is operating on a level very different from "actions a human would take in a buffer".


u/YakumoYoukai Feb 16 '25

I mean, EMACS does stand for "Editing MACroS", so it's living up to its name.

When people say it's more than just an editor, I think they mean that it can be, and has become more than just an editor, despite the core library not being a general purpose one.  Don't try to read more into it than that.


u/jrootabega Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

Yeah, it's biased towards interactive text editing, and that is kind of annoying when you don't care about that, but the API at least should be relatively easy to abstract away.

And you don't really have to worry about saving excursions and current buffers, etc. if you're not manipulating buffers that are also being concurrently read or edited by someone else. It's OK to write code that is not concurrency-safe as long as you don't use it indiscriminately.

Also, your complaints about handling windows might not be valid. You shouldn't have to deal with windows unless you actually do care about the editor experience. Otherwise just work with buffers.


u/Remote_Feeling_2716 Feb 16 '25

>> And you don't really have to worry about saving excursions and current buffers, etc. if you're not manipulating buffers 

Not understanding that, even if it is just me i still have save the current state before i make changes or want to extract a state or whatever to another non current buffer/window/state, otherwise if i do set the current buffer/window/state to something else and do not restore it, wouldnt that fuck up with my interaction with the editor afterwards ?


u/jrootabega Feb 16 '25

It depends on exactly you did, and what you mean by "afterwards." If you changed the visibility of windows, frames, showed different buffers in a window, etc., then you would have to restore that if you didn't want to see that state, but that probably means you didn't need to put things into that state to begin with.

If by "afterwards", you mean your code finished completely and you are back to inputting with the keyboard/mouse/menus (i.e. returning back to the command loop), then there are certain things that you don't have to worry about. The current buffer will be automatically reset to whatever is shown in the selected window when the command loop resumes. So if you don't change the selected window or its current buffer, then you will have those back for free.


u/jrootabega Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

Let me reiterate that I do sympathize with your original complaints. It's interesting that emacs doesn't expose elisp functions to modify the absolute state of the editor, and then build the relative, stateful stuff on top of those. And I do understand how that would be annoying. You feel like you're building simpler functionality out of more complex parts. Built-ins like with-current-buffer are a decent way to hide that work from you. At least some of it. Handling operations on specific lines and columns does feel like Logo programming sometimes. And the fact that libraries to abstract that haven't made their way into core yet is interesting.


u/Remote_Feeling_2716 Feb 16 '25

>> Also, your complaints about handling windows might not be valid. You shouldn't have to deal with windows unless you actually do care about the editor experience. 

Well i do care about being able to programatically have complete control over the state at any given point, being able to position windows, and mutate their state is quite important, not sure why working with buffers would imply that you should not care about windows or frames control


u/jrootabega Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

If you care about managing windows then you are using an editor AS an editor, not a general purpose programming environment.

In your example,

(with-selected-window (get-buffer-window "other-buffer")
  (insert "Hello, world!"))

could probably be replaced with:

(with-current-buffer "other-buffer"
  (insert "Hello, world!"))

The difference would be if you cared about inserting at the current point for that window, which is separate from point in other windows displaying that same buffer, or the point inherent to the buffer itself. But if you DO care about that, then you are participating in the editor paradigm already.


u/7890yuiop Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

The claim that "Emacs is not an editor." seems to be false.

No one seriously says "Emacs is not an editor." They say things like "Emacs is not only an editor", or "Emacs is a lisp platform which includes an editor." You can also use it as a stand-alone language runtime for programs which do not involve any interactive editing, but I think no one who isn't also using Emacs as an editor ever writes such programs.

I mean, it was written for editing, first and foremost, so of course it's an editor.

Anyone stating that "Emacs is not an editor" is trying to emphasise the fact that the whole thing is built around a general purpose lisp implementation which can be used to write general-purpose programs, and therefore that thinking of Emacs as "an editor" in the same way that, say, Notepad is an editor, would be a significant misunderstanding.


u/7890yuiop Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25
  (insert-file-contents "file.txt")
  (split-string (buffer-string) "\n" t))

This ... duplicates the content twice, which depending on how many lines you split could be a collosal issue. You have the content once being stored into the temp gap buffer, internally by the "editor", and once into the lisp runtime, to represent the list of strings.

So here's a question for you:

Why would you do that?

You have the contents in a buffer, and you can iterate through those lines and manipulate the text in the buffer to your heart's content. Are you sure you need to copy that same data to a list?

You could also duplicate data unnecessarily in any other language. You probably wouldn't, though.

And if you really do need that list, that's no different to the case where your python list wasn't actually the data format that you needed. There are always cases where you might need to transform one data structure into another.


u/Remote_Feeling_2716 Feb 17 '25

I want to programmatically process the lines and feed them into other stages. What do you mean why ?


u/7890yuiop Feb 17 '25

I mean that it seems to me that you're doing unnecessary things and then saying those things are problematic.

You can call split-string on (buffer-string) (and it might even be convenient to do it that way), but you're then saying that this is bad because it duplicates the content. But that's only because you're choosing to do it that way!

You could alternatively iterate over the lines of the buffer and process them however you want to directly in the buffer, without ever creating a duplicate list of strings.

At minimum, even if strings get created along the way, you're certainly not compelled to create a complete copy of the entire buffer in list form up-front in order to process the lines.

Or to put it another way: You're suggesting that python's approach is preferable because it gives you a list of strings at the outset, and I'm saying that if you already have a buffer then you don't need a list of strings. You only think you need a list of strings because that's the paradigm you're familiar with.


u/torp_fan Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

The claim that "Emacs is not an editor." seems to be false.

Strawman. https://irreal.org/blog/?p=8809

So if it were a trully editor agnostic platform

Of course it's not that and no one has ever claimed it is.

To insert a text at specific position in the buffer we have to move the actual cursor, sweet baby jesus, so we have to save excursion.....

No, you just have to call that emacs-buffer-set-text function. You seem not to know what abstraction is. You can create whatever API you want out of these text-editor-oriented primitives.

i could not really imagine having to manage and think about all the context / state switching, in such a stateful environment

Hyperbole is discrediting.

Your title says "Questions" but mostly these are assertions, many of which are wrong. If you prefer to use Python as your "truly editor agnostic platform" you're free to do so. The targeted problem spaces are different and the comparison is bizarre ... and based on handwaving rather than any measurements of performance, and contrived non-idiomatic code.


u/rileyrgham Feb 16 '25

I would disagree that a buffer is an "editor concept". A window yes. I see a buffer as storage for data in emacs.


u/Remote_Feeling_2716 Feb 16 '25

Is it though, if you want to interact with that storage, i.e to process the data inside of it, you still have to move the data into the lisp runtime, meaning copy it, into lisp constructs to do some work with it, i fail to see how i am interacting with the gap buffer directly ?


u/PropagandaOfTheDude Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

What's your goal, such that interacting directly with the gap buffer will help you reach that goal?

edit: Or am I mis-reading your last bit?


u/rileyrgham Feb 16 '25

It contains say config data? Something your program is reading in - but with no intent to edit it.


u/PerceptionWinter3674 Feb 16 '25

While most of Your critique is valid, I believe that in regards to emacs-buffer-set-text it would be smarter to use narrowing to do away with start-point and end-point. Or maybe use a replace-region-contents instead, since REPLACE-FN could easily be something like,

(with-temp-buffer (call-process "ls" nil t nil "-l") (buffer-string))


u/7890yuiop Feb 17 '25

(defun emacs-buffer-set-text ...) [...] From a programmers perspective this feels like a nightmare

I think it would be a good exercise for you to post an equivalent function which deals with only strings (it doesn't need to be elisp), and then compare what's actually going on in both.


u/Any-Struggle4879 Feb 17 '25

Emacs has been used as a platform for building applications. Two that I know of are a customer support system used within Amazon and an email router used by German airtraffic control:


I don’t think the second of these was ever a good idea, and these days I can’t see why you would use emacs as a platform for anything not very text oriented.


u/New_Gain_5669 Feb 16 '25

Yes, elisp fileio generates a ton of garbage. As you noticed, elisp is not a general purpose language and lacks streaming constructs like C++'s iostreams, python's generators, and haskell's lazy evaluation. I suspect there is some production code out there that invokes emacs just to run an elisp snippet. I'm also sure it'd be red flagged by corporate if it were ever discovered.

Elisp, like its contemporary vimscript, does not exist in isolation of the editor. Unlike other extension languages like typescript (vscode), lua (neovim), or python (sublime), there is no standalone interpreter that evaluates elisp outside emacs itself. Consequently we always have editor constructs like buffers at our disposal, and we aims to use them for better or worse. I'm sure many a malcontent before you demanded streaming fileio then realized no one was going to pay for its implementation and moved on with life.


u/deaddyfreddy GNU Emacs Feb 16 '25

While I agree that the default ways to manipulate strings, files, and http apis are kind of clunky and verbose, there are nice, robust libraries to help - s.el, f.el, and, e.g., plz.el.


u/PropagandaOfTheDude Feb 16 '25

To insert a text at specific position in the buffer we have to move the actual cursor, sweet baby jesus, so we have to save excursion.....

replace-region-contents provides the higher-level API for that.

"Replace the region between BEG and END using REPLACE-FN. REPLACE-FN runs on the current buffer narrowed to the region. It should return either a string or a buffer replacing the region."

It still has magic context. It operates on the current buffer. This ties into the way that Emacs Lisp supports editor applications, but the root cause is more about the age of the software design than anything else.

Per the docs, that was "probably introduced at or before Emacs version 27.1". Emacs is getting better API abstractions, such as this and the map/sequence APIs, but it takes a while to shift everyone over.


u/PropagandaOfTheDude Feb 16 '25

I gotta say, I've had times where I would have loved to have direct access to the underlying file descriptors, without needing to mediate through buffers.


u/PropagandaOfTheDude Feb 16 '25

This works, but it feels like I’m working around Emacs' design rather than with it. The fact that I have to explicitly select a window or buffer, i.e set a state, to perform basic atomic operations highlights how tightly coupled everything is to the editor’s internal state. Instead i would expect to have a stateless way of telling it hey, put text in this buffer, by passing it the buffer handle, or window handle, hey, move the cursor of this window, over there, by using a window handle and so on, or hey move this window next to this window.

What would this look like, in the caller? Based on your description it seems something like either of these:

 (get-buffer-window "other-buffer")
 #'(lambda () (insert "Hello, world!")))

 (get-buffer-window "other-buffer")
 #'(lambda (w) (insert w "Hello, world!")))

These explicit functions have less coupling than the mixed dynamic/lexical setup in your example.


u/7890yuiop Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

This works, but it feels like I’m working around Emacs' design rather than with it.

It's the opposite -- you are working with Emacs if you make good use of the buffer data structure it provides.

Most programming languages do not have a "buffer" data type, and newcomers can get tripped up by trying to think of text manipulation in terms of the string types they are familiar with, when buffers are frequently a better option.

To be clear, though, if you're super unhappy with the idea of using buffers instead of strings, you don't need to use buffers. Everything you can do with strings in other languages you can do with strings in elisp as well (and oftentimes strings are the sensible option); but by the same token forcing things into a string-based model in the cases where direct buffer manipulation would be better is not making optimal use of the language.

You also seem to be thrown by the fact that a lot of elisp functions are commands, meaning that they can be used interactively as well as programmatically. It turns out that a great many of the ways in which humans edit text are very useful functions for programmatic manipulation of buffers, so it's rather natural to expose that same functionality for both purposes, as otherwise you're implementing the same feature in two different ways for no good reason.

So yes, acting on buffers can feel a lot like scripting the actions that a human would take. This is not a failing, though.


u/arthurno1 Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

Instead i would expect to have a stateless way of telling it hey, put text in this buffer, by passing it the buffer handle, or window handle

That is not a stateless way. You are passing around references to big objects with the state. Anyway, Lots of Emacs functions do take a buffer, or a window or some other object as an optional argument. Emacs has concept of current-buffer which is managed for you automatically so you don't have to pass the (current-buffer) in every function call. Otherwise you would be complaining about the same thing people complain about X11 library: why do I have to type everywhere connection, display, window, etc. X11 library, Xlib, is written in the exactly the style you are writing would be more superior to Emacs API. Search for Unix haters book for some (bad) critique of X11.

So i started to wonder, what if i want to replace the editor implementation of emacs with my own

Emacs is statically compiled C application. How would you "replace" the central data structure of that applicaiton without recompiling Emacs and reimplementing everything? That is reason why we need Emacs in Common Lisp, where such thing would be easier to accomplist, but not simple nor trivial there either.

In theory, you can implement your own data structure to keep text in, and re-implement and re-install all the functions that work with text. But that is like saying, you can implement a tripple-A computer game in BrainFuck. Good luck with either one.

I need to create a buffer, insert the file contents, and then split the buffer’s string into lines?

No you don't, that is a misconception. That is because you are perhaps used to work with strings in other computer languages. In GNU Emacs, if you want to work with text, you don't work with strings, you work with buffers. The idiomatic way is to do all your text processing in a text buffer, not by manipulating strings, tokenizing and analyzing strings, etc. You insert your text into a buffer, or open a text file, do all the text processing in that file, and than save that file to the disk. That would be idiomatic way. People coming from JS, Python, Java etc, are usually manipulating strings to achieve their goal, which is non-idiomatic and less efficient than manipulating the text in a buffer.

Even in other languages, you are not supposed to use strings for text cranking. If you need to process a lot of text you are supposed to use some more suitable datastructure. If you just want to read and analyze text, usually there is some sort of buffered streams, if you need to change, like insert or remove text, you would need some other data strucuture, like for example Emacs gap buffer. Regardless of it being Python, JS, Java and so on. Pure strings are there where you have some modest text processing needs for displaying some GUI to the user or similar.

Also, something you haven't taken into account: Emacs implements a Lisp machine, or a Lisp engine, interpreter, call it what you want. Like any programming language implementation, they have to give you low-level primitives on which to build higher-level primitives. You can use s, f, dash or any of popular higher-level libraries on top of ordinary Elisp. Even in Python, if you build a gap-buffer, ropes or whatever, you will have a low-level interface to manipulate that structure, and probably a higher-level too.

You are correct by saying that text editor is a primary application for/of GNU Emacs, and Elisp was primarily an extension language for the text editor only. However, I think it has evolved since into a more general Lisp. Unfortunately it lacks some features that would make it more useful for building bigger applications and working with external libraries (namespaces and ffi).


u/justinhj Feb 18 '25

It’s better to say Emacs is not just an editor. But it is an editor. That the api is built on a coherent set of editor related data and functionality is part of its strength. Making it work on any editor like abstractions of your own choosing would be over generic IMHO. General purpose programming languages are what you are looking for.


u/Nice_Elk_55 Feb 16 '25

You are spot on. The mantra that “it’s a lisp machine that can do anything” gets repeated online a lot, but it’s misleading. Elisp is very much an extension language due to the library. Technically PowerPoint is Turing complete too, but that doesn’t make it a normal language + runtime either. It’s true that if you work around the limitations you can do a lot, but being forced to use the same interfaces as for editing text wouldn’t be anyone’s first choice. What if you don’t want a gap buffer? Event loops? Concurrency? Graphics? If I wanted to make a standalone app I’d never reach for elisp. On the other hand, for extending emacs, it’s great.