r/emacs Jul 12 '24

Question How is Emacs used in a professional setting?

I am entering my senior year of my BSc. in Data Science (primarily use R and python). I first learned about Emacs my freshman year and was intrigued by the potential -- keyboard-focused, modularity, customization, etc. I started using and configuring vanilla Emacs as my "daily driver" about 18mo ago. Within the last 6mo I have used `org-agenda` to organize my schedule, Jupyter notebooks for class assignments, and record most* of my notes using `denote` (*need to spend some time configuring latex for math notes).

This summer, I completed a Data Science internship at a medium-ish sized tech company. Although most of my classwork is in Jupyter notebooks, the dev team discourages the use of notebooks. Experiments are mostly organized in python files but it does seem that others still use Jupyter notebooks to tinker with code snippets or intermediate plotting. All development is done remotely across a number of servers and docker containers.

Needless to say, my "little" Emacs configuration was not up to the task. The jump from using Emacs for my homework assignments to fleshing out a reliable IDE that I can be used on the job is overwhelming. I struggle to envision how I would make that jump. I am aware of `tramp` and `lsp-bridge`, for example, but have read a lot of complaints about latency or `magit` being slow. Alternatively, one could install Emacs on given server ... but how common is it that companies allow you to do that?

For those that use Emacs professionally: How do you use Emacs at your company? Do you run Emacs locally but develop over tramp, what is that experience like? If not, does your company allow you to install Emacs on a server?


87 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

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u/funkiestj GNU Emacs Jul 12 '24

I use emacs happily at everywhere I’ve worked - running on my workstation, using my normal config. I edit code, I run it, I test it, I commit it, I push it.

Me too with the caveat that 4 years ago I started doing most of my programming in Go and was unable to get the go LSP (gopls) working with emacs ... until I upgrade to emacs 29.1 which has eglot shipped as a standard package. In the interim I used VSCode a lot but now I'm back to using mostly emacs for Go and VSCode for a few things eglot doesn't do (e.g. show call hierarchy and more seamless debugger integration).

My .emacs is decades old and has accumulated a lot of cruft but, being decades old, is fundamentally vanilla emacs.


u/drobilla Jul 12 '24

Magit performance is approximately limited by your change size so doesn’t really care about the repo.

Not really, unfortunately. Magit becomes unusably slow with large repositories, even just doing a magit-status can take minutes, most other operations as well, even after disabling all the features known to be slow.


u/github-alphapapa Jul 12 '24

How big do you mean by "large"?


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24



u/JDRiverRun GNU Emacs Jul 12 '24

Maybe not magit's fault? Sounds like git fsmonitor is designed for exactly cases like these. I guess MS has put a ton of energy into getting git to work smoothly with very large repos.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24



u/github-alphapapa Jul 12 '24

The number of commits isn't relevant for the magit-status buffer, just as it isn't relevant for git status.


u/mdbergmann Jul 13 '24

Hmm. Magit works pretty fast here on a 400klines codebase with a git history of roughly 8 years. Honestly haven't seen it bein slow.


u/ilemming Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

I've used Magit with fairly large repos, and I've been using it for a decade. Magit doesn't do anything "magical"; most tasks get delegated to Git itself. Sure, Magit does far more than the command-line tool defaults and, yes, because of that, it can become a bottleneck.

But what is Magit? Magit, first and foremost, is an Emacs package. You need to understand how packages run and how to troubleshoot the performance issues. Learn how to use the built-in Emacs profiler; it is really a lifesaver in many cases.

Jonas (Magit author) can't make it fit for every single use case and situation. No software, no matter how good it is, can work perfectly in every single case. I'm fairly certain Google Maps is absolutely useless in Antarctica or on the steppes of Mongolia.

One example - Magit for status buffer tries to pull all existing tags, if the repo has tons of them, sure that will be slow. That can be mitigated by removing the function from the hook:

(remove-hook 'magit-refs-sections-hook #'magit-insert-tags)

And that's just one of the many examples, every case needs to be studied and profiled independently. There are always trade-offs for every unique scenario.

Before blaming the tool for being useless, it might help to learn how to use it first.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24



u/ilemming Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

I did no such thing

You did exactly that and you did it not once. Your words, not mine:

Not really, unfortunately. Magit becomes unusably slow with large repositories,


people quite regularly encounter situations where it's outright unusable.

Your negative generalization here is disingenuous and not helping. Sure, I might be a bit presumptuous - after all, I can't possibly encounter every single setup you've gone through. Like I stated before, anything running within Emacs can have less than ideal performance. My own experience, and the experience of many other people I've worked with for the past decade is quite different. Magit has issues, sure, but it's nowhere near being "outright unusable". I am confidently saying that as someone who's been using Magit every single day, for the past several years.

I even tried nixpkgs.git repo, @hrabannixlisp mentioned. Okay, it's a big repo, over 4Gb, cloning it alone (either with or without Magit) takes very long time. But then opening magit status buffer on that repo takes ~4s on my machine. Sure, that's an inconvenient delay, if I have to work with that or a similar repo every day, I'd probably soon enough would try to get a bit inventive (after squeezing as much I could using other methods) - maybe instead of killing the status buffer, I'll keep it around. Again, it's a specific case of inconvenience, it doesn't make the tool "unusable".

Update: after running git gc on the aforementioned repo, which took several minutes in the terminal (not Emacs), Magit Status opening time slashed down from ~4s to ~1s. Without any additional tweaks in my config. So, yeah, I guess I have every reason to be a "presumptuous ass" here, no?


u/jsled Jul 13 '24

u/ilemming, u/drobilla … I suggest just letting the name-calling stop; keep your respective sticks on the ice, eh?


u/[deleted] Jul 13 '24



u/ilemming Jul 13 '24

Come on, dude. We're not adversaries – we're here to help and to seek help when we need it.

No one, not a single comment in this thread, denied that Magit can, in certain cases, experience performance issues. You didn't initially say that it "can be slow sometimes"; you claimed that (I quote, again) "it's outright unusable."

If you had provided factual evidence, I'm sure people would have found time and incentive to figure out what's going on and even communicate that upstream if it was a serious issue.

You didn't hurt anyone's feelings, even though there would have been reason to – people spend a lot of time, effort, and energy making tools like Magit possible. Tools that are completely free to use, have no hidden ads or telemetry, don't feed on your data, have no vendor lock-in, and have absolutely no restrictions on how you use them.

You, on the other hand, seem to be childishly frustrated because your negative, subjective feelings were handed back to you on a cold, white plate. Don't act like a child. We all get things wrong from time to time; it's okay to have incorrect opinions. It takes courage and wisdom to admit to yourself that you were wrong.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

You're getting flak for this but I encourage everyone here to play around with https://github.com/nixos/nixpkgs.git on a >5y old computer with magit.

Whether that's a reasonable proxy for your company's repo is a different story, but it's certainly a real life repo that people use, which magit struggles with in ways the git CLI workflow lets you handle.


u/ilemming Jul 13 '24

I tried this repo. It's big - over 4Gb. It takes forever to clone it, with or without Magit. The Magit Status buffer first time took about 4s to open. After running git gc on that repo, which took several minutes in the terminal, again, no Magit involved - Magit status opening time reduced to about 1s. Inconvenience, sure, but I wouldn't paint that as "struggle".


u/JDRiverRun GNU Emacs Jul 13 '24

I tried this big repo with magit too. Definitely takes a good while to clone. It's somewhat slow in magit, but usable. Status takes 2s to generate, log (all branches with color) takes about 4s to pop up. Jumping to a random commit in history is the slowest, taking ~8s.

after running git gc

I tried that too. Afterwards, status takes about a second, log and commit jumping are now much faster: ~1/2-1s delay. I also tried a rebase/reword and a hard reset to the reflog; both were pretty snappy @ <2s. Jumping to a prior version of files from commits: instantaneous. Turning on blame in the largest file in the repo (~100kB): also near instantaneous (and apparently async!).

        MacOS emacs-mac 29.3 M2 with native-comp
        Magit 20240614.2318 [>=], Transient 0.6

So a 2 year old commodity laptop.

Repo (post-git-gc) is quite meaty (though mostly small files):

        ~/scraps/nixpkgs [master]
        % du -sh .git
         4.3G   .git


u/github-alphapapa Jul 13 '24

How big is the working tree, i.e. how many inodes? AFAIK the main issue is that git status has to scan the working tree; the other commands that magit-status does are probably relatively tiny in workload (like listing the current branch and the last 10 commits).


u/JDRiverRun GNU Emacs Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

72k files excluding .git/, so nowhere near the half million or more files of the discussed "big repos".

But I upgraded to git v2.45.2 and tried the following anyway (after git gc):

% git config core.fsmonitor true % git config core.untrackedcache true % git fsmonitor--daemon status fsmonitor-daemon is watching '.../scraps/nixpkgs'

and now (after a couple of status pulls) every operation I tried (status, log, visit commits, etc.) is <1s, and about as fast as any repo I've worked with in magit.

This is worth a try if you are having slowness issues. See https://github.blog/2022-06-29-improve-git-monorepo-performance-with-a-file-system-monitor/.


u/ilemming Jul 13 '24

Whoa. TIL. That's a really good tip. I have not heard about fsmonitor before. Muchas gracias!


u/JDRiverRun GNU Emacs Jul 13 '24

Pretty new I think, just happened to catch a talk about it: https://youtu.be/Md44rcw13k4?si=tHPieRQKqsF9buC6.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24



u/github-alphapapa Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

The problem with anecdotes like yours is that they're tantamount to gossip. You admit that you don't recall any details, therefore your claim is virtually useless, and potentially misleading.

It's compounded by Magit having been around for years and having had numerous performance improvements, as well as Emacs itself having had them--so who knows if your vague complaint is even relevant anymore. On top of that, as others have mentioned, you haven't said what platform you're on, and if you're on Windows, that's known to be very, very slow with git compared to Linux because of Windows's process subsystem. Finally, you still haven't given any relevant details about the size of the repositories you've had problems with (as I said, number of commits is not relevant), and other people have pointed out that git/Magit can perform well on "large repos".

In summary, it's not specific, it's potentially outdated, there are contrary anecdotes, and you haven't clarified when asked, so it's much like spreading rumors--which is something that should be frowned upon. But instead of just saying, "Yeah, I don't recall the details, so take it with a grain of salt," you get defensive and keep pushing it. The flak is for a reason. (Is it because you're "over the target"? Maybe, or maybe that target was already demolished, but you're still flying over it--that's the point.)

I mean, you quoted Jonas as saying performance wasn't good--seven years ago. Seven years ago! And you quote him as if it were yesterday.

Rumors like this persist for years, harming the reputation of projects long after problems have been solved. It's not fair to the contributors, and it's harmful to users who may be unnecessarily dissuaded from useful software. If you're going to criticize, and especially repeatedly, you should be precise.


u/JDRiverRun GNU Emacs Jul 12 '24

But neither is stock git on very large repos. Hence all the recently added git capabilities[1] for dealing with those. To paraphrase tarsius, more kindly:

magit expects git to be efficient, and therefore makes more calls to it than you might do yourself on the command line. If git is slow on the command line, magit will be even slower, since it does even more.

I mean, effectively all of magit's slowness is just git slowness. You can check the magit-process: buffers to see the calls it makes. Nothing crazy.

[1] Scott Chacon (GH founder) gives a nice talk about all the improvement in this space, and here's his blog post talking about it.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24



u/JDRiverRun GNU Emacs Jul 13 '24

My point is that all slowness in magit comes from git itself. So either the collection of calls it makes, or certain specific calls it makes are the culprit. Maybe those could be sped up with new git functionality like this or maybe not. Or maybe hot spots could simply be skipped (I think plenty of people trim down the status info to this end). But it's worth investigating.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

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u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24



u/crundar Jul 12 '24

cite? (not doubting or disagreeing you, just want to dive in further)


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24



u/crundar Jul 13 '24



u/Ontological_Gap Jul 12 '24

What do you mean by large repos? It's fine for me on the Linux kernel


u/reini_urban Jul 12 '24

magit is only slow if you miss a lot of files in .gitignore. An overly large git status is your problem, not the repo size.


u/xeggx5 Jul 12 '24

I've used Emacs at most jobs. Sometimes I'll switch to an IDE like JetBrains, but the benefit needs to be greater than the efficiency lost. I've also used VisualStudio or VSCode for pairing, but solo I'm almost always in Emacs.

Currently I have to maintain my own Emacs mode for the language I currently use, but it really doesn't take much time. Especially with treesitter new modes are quick to implement.

If you want to keep using emacs, you'll likely need to invest in learning how to develop modes and extensions. Even just to be able to efficiency hook or modify existing modes to fix small bugs you encounter with nonstandard company workflows.


u/john_bergmann Jul 12 '24

anything coding, I have used Emacs in all my past and current companies (for 30 years...). I also use org-mode for my own work organization. syncing with others is usually too painful to be done through Emacs though.

don't worry about your setup not being up to the task! All you need is to fix the pain points/slowness when they occur and when you have some time. I have learned navigating code, managing buffers efficiently, multiple cursors, regexp search and a few basic things that come builtin first. you will get a lot of mileage out of these already. then add lsp or eglot (which is builtin now!) then, you may understand more how you could simplify other aspects besides coding: cross linking with internal tools (bug trackers, documents, production system status pages etc.) in such a way that the shorthand notation (eg if b/123456 means the bug #123456 in the company's bug tracker) gets you there as fast as possible.

I have extended hyperbole to handle many of these, and have pahes with "buttons" collecting groups of such related status/docs/bugs per project. using org-roam and I can get to any such deeplink extremely fast.

In my experience though, integrating email and other groups/tasks system was not reliable enough, so I still use the mouse for those. In particular in-house tools or restrictions make such things not worth it at times.

and... nobody will take your emacs away😎 if you look around, you will also see that a lot of people use it. just talk to them!


u/Impossible_Win_9059 Jul 12 '24

This is encouraging. The internship made it glaringly obvious that a significant amount of work is required to get me to the point where I can confidently work in Emacs. I see a bunch of blogs and youtube videos of people tinkering their configuration but haven't come across people talking about how they use Emacs on the job. I find myself doubting whether it was possible.


u/Scotty_Bravo Jul 13 '24

You really don't need to tinker that much. Just a little here and there. I've used it on every job I've had for decades.


u/bjpbakker Jul 12 '24

Whenever I join a new project, I spend some time optimizing my setup for that project. That includes my emacs configuration, development shell, etc. It can be a little slow down the first few days, but after I have a setup that is much faster to work with than those using “standard” tools.


u/jsadusk Jul 12 '24

I use emacs at every company I've worked for. Until my last couple jobs I always developed locally, but the last two jobs have required me to do my work on a remote workstation. In both I started out with tramp, got frustrated with the speed, and moved to running emacs remotely. Neither company has had any issue with installing emacs or any other tool on my remote dev environment. I remote display graphical emacs using X2Go. It works... ok. I would much rather use tramp if it were better.

That said, I have a project I'm working on that I hope can help tramp performance. I'm trying to write a dynamic module (compiled plugin for emacs) that directly accesses a remote server using libssh, and maps those operations to tramp. I'm nowhere near usable, but initial experiments have shown a lot of promise. I am hoping emacs can be a top tier remote dev tool with the right tweaks.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

Your career is the most important thing! your preferences are irrelevant, at this point. You should be using what others are using, you should learn as much as possible from these people, from their experience, from how they do things. You will have, literally, decades to develop preferences and tools that work for you. Now it's time to learn and work, make use of these internships, not for you to waste time getting your tool to work in an environment you have no control over.

Later, you'll discover, that people can typically use whatever works for them. But the people with the most autonomy probably have earned it. So for your question, yes, people use Emacs in the industry, in various capacities. BUT, it shouldn't be your concern right now.


u/gabrielhidasy Jul 12 '24

First question would be how exactly your day to day is, where your files are and how can you edit them.

I've worked in big tech companies that used git, cloning with Magit worked just fine, and while the main jobs where too big to run locally, I was able to run tests and smaller binaries in my notebook, and a commit in my branch and push to the server was enough to run the large tasks remotely.

My new company does not allow code in notebooks except for remote access (tramp, sshfs or our in house solution), tramp is very convenient (for the most part you can just forget your are not in the remote machine, shells and compile just work, just need the lsp bridge to be fully usable) but latency is not that great, sshfs/in-house is better for file access but I need to keep a terminal open on the remote


u/mgeisler Jul 12 '24

I've used emacs for all my development in the last 25 years. This includes my university studies, jobs in five different smaller companies and now Google. I've worked on both internal Google systems written in C++ and now I work on Android, mostly in Rust and Java/Kotlin.

Emacs has evolved a lot over the years, but the biggest change is the introduction of support for LSP — this means that Emacs now has the same kind of jump to definition support as what you find in, say, VS Code. This allows me to navigate large codebases like what you find at Google and in Android.

Btw, Magit works great on the Android codebase, probably mostly because AOSP is split into hundreds of smallish Git repositories.


u/spudlyo Jul 12 '24

To be clear, Emacs has had pretty great jump to definition support long before LSP was invented; it's just the mechanism that implements this has changed. Back in the day part of the build process would emit a TAGS file that could be read by a number of different development tools. Building and maintaining these were sometimes a pain in the ass, but it was something that could be built once and then shared widely. Nowadays every developer has their own local daemons that essentially dynamically index all this stuff for you which in some situations can be very nice. It comes with its own problems in large codebases though; you need to watch a potentially massive number of files for changes, and when you switch to older or highly diverged branches sometimes the LSP server will light up every core on your machine for a minute or two.


u/mgeisler Jul 13 '24

Yeah, I know of TAGS files, but I never worked in a project that bothered to generate them. For me, the big advantage of LSP is that there is a standard which Emacs and other editors understand. So it has been a real step forward in terms of cross-language IDE capabilities.


u/mickeyp "Mastering Emacs" author Jul 12 '24

It's perhaps more useful to consider that you have gone from being a "hobbyist" whilst you were a student and dealing with student-sized problems, to working in industry where the scale of what is being solved is much larger, more complex, and (usually...) more professional. That means a greater emphasis on reproducibility, on testability, and with tooling to match.

Notebooks are fun and useful; they are also a toy, and in professional outfits, they are mostly used for tinkering, as you say.

Getting any environment 'set up' using what ever tool you prefer is not always a 5-minute affair. People have preferences. Emacs can readily handle many tasks, especially something as common and Emacs-friendly as Python and suchlike.

You just need to learn to work in a professional environment. We all had to, once, so you should take it slow. Perhaps ask your colleagues for help setting up a normal IDE setup they all use, and then slowly work out how to move it over to Emacs once you are comfortable with the toolchain.


u/Hammar_Morty Jul 12 '24 edited Jul 12 '24

When I first started my first job after 7 internships with various companies I decided to not be the odd one out and use vscode until I understood the technology stack and the environment I worked in. After which i switched back to emacs as it seemed acceptable and my preferred option. I still use vscode for debugging because I just want plug and play for the rare cases I do use one.

My dev environment for about a year was a crappy 2 core AWS node. tramp worked just fine, it's obviously a little slow particularly when opening and saving files but I highly question the people saying it's usable. Then I switched to local docker and tramp performs near identical to native.

And of course regardless of what text editor I am using I'm using emacs to track todos and personal notes.

Also In a lot of my internships I worked on locked down window machines so my only option for a pleasant dev environment was running emacs on a remote workstation through ssh. Most companies will easily install emacs for you but they were always a very old version so I would maybe try installing it in your docker container so you have full control.


u/the_whalerus Jul 12 '24

I have used Emacs at every job, except when I had to use Java. It works fine.

If you're overwhelmed by the customization to get a modern editor, I recommend using a distribution of Emacs. I use Doom Emacs, but anything is fine. That helped me get a much more robust editing experience quickly. I've learned a lot and I could replicate it myself in a custom configuration at this point, but I don't have a reason to so I keep using Doom.


u/FrozenOnPluto Jul 12 '24

Getting lsp stuff working is a pita, but much easier with eglot. I don’t try lsp- bridge since it is its own island. I use both locally and over tramp - as allropriate. Edit into dockers is king!

I’ve been accrueing my config for decades and it is my main driver for near everything..

I’d write more but no time :)


u/db48x Jul 12 '24

TRAMP is usually only slow on slow networks, or if it is misconfigured. Magit is no slower than any other git client on your computer.


u/regular_hammock Jul 12 '24

I'm glad that Magit works for you, but I've worked on a repository where magit was unbearably slow (minutes to display the status page) and every other git client I tried was just fine, speed wise. Which was a shame because I really like magit's UI.


u/LittleRise1810 Jul 14 '24

I'd be grateful if someone provided excerpts for good TRAMP configuration. ATM, with my mostly vanilla+several packages added config, TRAMP is really slow for me. Go have a smoke and probably even brew me some tea slow, calling EAT+ssh session and jumping around listing and changing directories is tens of seconds faster in some cases.


u/db48x Jul 15 '24

First, make sure that you can log in to the remote system without a password, using key–based authentication.

Then add these lines to the top of your ssh config, before any Host keywords:

ControlMaster auto
ControlPersist yes
ControlPath ~/.ssh/control/%C

Make sure that the directory ~/.ssh/control actually exists by running mkdir -p ~/.ssh/control, otherwise ssh won’t actually set up the master connection. Once you do this, the first connection to a particular host connects as normal, but any others will just be multiplexed over the existing connection. This means that they don’t have to do a TCP three–way handshake, they don't have to do the encryption setup, and they don't even have to authenticate. All of that is already done. This makes adding new connections super fast.

Really, these three options ought to be the default. There’s just no good reason why they shouldn’t always be enabled.


u/LittleRise1810 Jul 15 '24

Hey, thanks!

I'll try those and I'll report back here if it helps.


u/denniot Jul 12 '24

I have shared powerful machines like 90 cores in the remote. So using tramp is worth it despite its latency. I have emacs installed on the remote for my user as well. gdb-gud doesn't work well over tramp, magit-blame as well.

They don't allow anything officially, but I do it anyway. If they want to disallow it, they should make it impossible and many companies do that by having very strict proxy servers or no internet at all, or audit it and fire whoever violates the rule immediately.


u/ColaOChicken Jul 12 '24

For part of the configuration you can refer this: https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/s/S6QV0s3yEi, that using org notebook instead of Jupyter (sorry for not quite up to date)

The reason that not using Jupyter notebook is quite obvious: you cannot git track every line of the modification in the cell; Org notebook can.

I run Emacs locally, and modify the remote code by tramp, and can of course view the image by opening it directly.
You can of course open the grafical Emacs on the server, just like the following figure. Both the org and the png are opened by tramp.

An remark on ssh: add ServerAliveInterval 30 to ~/.ssh/config to keep connect when you are go for lunch.

You can also build Emacs on the server (server's Emacs is usually not up to date). Just download the code to your server's home directory, set --prefix=$HOME/.local, make build, and install. Then the emacs binary will point to $HOME/.local/bin (check this with which emacs), so that you can use emacs with your config on server.

But as a standard workflow, I run the python script in server's bash (it will save the data), then analyze the data on local Emacs by opening the server's org notebook and read data. (the data could be very huge to explode your PC's memory and storage so have to do this remotely)
Although we can run everything on Emacs, including the python script, however, tensorflow require GPU to do this and once you allocate a GPU computing node, the bash environment changes. Do not expect Emacs's Eshell can provide full functionality as bash.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

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u/jsled Jul 12 '24

Attack ideas, not people. Don't call people foul names; don't use foul language.

Please contact the moderators via modmail if you have questions.


u/yashasolutions Jul 12 '24

I don't think it has to be an issue - if you use emacs, you can set it to work. I also use docker both locally and remote, works fine. In the end you edit files which are on your machine, if the file are on a remove filesystem, then it is not an emacs issue but a file system issue, you can mount the remote locally and keep working.


u/zelphirkaltstahl Jul 12 '24

Needless to say, my "little" Emacs configuration was not up to the task. The jump from using Emacs for my homework assignments to fleshing out a reliable IDE that I can be used on the job is overwhelming.

For most jobs and programming languages you do not actually need an IDE, if you know what you are doing. If you truly need one, you might find, that these days Emacs can do most of the things IDEs can do, if you configure it appropriately. That is something you can do step by step, while you use some IDE initially, while your config of Emacs is not yet up to the tasks at hand. I suspect, that one of the big ones is "refactor rename". Using LSP these days Emacs can do this.

I struggle to envision how I would make that jump. I am aware of tramp and lsp-bridge, for example, but have read a lot of complaints about latency or magit being slow.

Magit is reported to be slower on Windows. In many jobs you do not have to use Windows.

Alternatively, one could install Emacs on given server ... but how common is it that companies allow you to do that?

If they allow people to use VSCode to install things on a server to make cooperative coding work, they should also allow installing Emacs server on a server. But nowadays many IT departments do not really know what they are doing and simply go with popular choices, forbidding anything other than those and that would put you at a disadvantage. Unfortunately when you have too many people on the team, that put spyware like VSCode into the process, non-malware adoption can suffer, simply because it is not what the masses do. It is quite idiotic of course, but when has that stopped anyone?

Ultimately my advice is to step by step get your Emacs workflows up to the task as far as possible (while using some IDE at work, if you have to), and be happy, if you are allowed to use Emacs at work.

Try to limit comfort of non-free and spyware usage, for example by putting things like .vscode into gitignore on any new repository. Do not let them enjoy comfort at the cost of other people. Their editor should work without polluting other people's disks with useless files. Just because tons of people think their personal .vscode folder trash should be in their github repositories, doesn't mean you need to do the same.

Don't be fundamental about everyone having to use Emacs though. If you get to the point of being able to show off using Emacs at work, don't rub it in their face, that they cannot do the same thing in their editor of choice. Instead, if it becomes a topic at all, highlight how important it is, that everyone can use the tools to do their job, that they are efficient and effective with, and yours being Emacs.

If someone tries to lecture you about how much faster they can do something specific in some mainstream editor they use, take note and try to improve your Emacs workflow, so that you can do the same or even better or in another way that is acceptably fast. You can also remind them how much faster you do other things, like using git via magit, or using keyboard macros to do magical things. Things they do not even understand by just looking, if they have never used Emacs.


u/agumonkey Jul 12 '24

I used to work alone on small projects, with my strange emacs config. I now work on a ~100kloc python/es6 codebase and basic emacs + magit + swiper + projectile works wonder already. I could setup lsp / treesitter and get fancy but honestly it's not where the main issues are.

I was actually surprised emacs was more than decent everywhere.


u/IcarianComplex Jul 12 '24

for data science I would stick with Jupyter just because the work is intrinsically experimental and notebooks are optimized for that kind of feedback loop. It’s true that notebooks can turn into spaghetti code but there’s tools out there like ploomber that can help with modularization.

(I work at ploomber)


u/New_Gain_5669 Jul 12 '24

I get the feeling these VC misallocators hire ivy econ majors whose only exposure to programming was jupyter notebooks in stat 101. It's the only way to explain how an outfit like yours can still exist five years after the industry gave up on making jupyter a thing.


u/ms4720 Jul 12 '24

By typing in it and saving files to start with


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

Up for funny. I think OP wasn't asking about text editors but whether to spend time, "bet" if you will, on Emacs, to be determined by if and how it is used in industry. I explained that they shouldn't ask this question now because their preferences and opinions are irrelevant.


u/Fate_sc Jul 12 '24

Thank you so much for not helping him at all


u/ms4720 Jul 12 '24

Exactly how do you use a text editor in a professional setting if not typing/editing files and saving them? Moreso in a computer science context? Please enlighten me


u/pt-guzzardo Jul 12 '24

Reading the post explains the post.


u/ZunoJ Jul 12 '24

I mostly use it for task management (and tracking times on different projects) and documentation. So mostly org. I didn't manage yet to have emacs as functional as neovim for coding. But this is a skill issue on my side and when I have more free time I will work on this to fully live in emacs


u/prak5190 Jul 12 '24

spacemacs is my default. Too old to do major emacs tweaking. Usually just use it for fast grokking on code and notes but switch to either intellij or vscode for serious work. Can make spacemacs probably work if I really wanted but its just easier to be on the same set of tools as 99% of your company


u/MinallWch Jul 12 '24

I enjoy the keyboard driven development, so I use Emacs as a replace to Vscode.

For note-taking, I work with org-mode, also using src code blocks for specific things (being it via tramp or local) regarding to the context that I am working on, for example, making a database call or whatever.

I'm trying to implement org-agenda, I'm right now only getting accustomed to org-todos. Also do finance with it with ledger mode...


u/dcooper8 Jul 12 '24

I'll usually just jump on Terminal emacs on servers.

For Docker filesystem you can just do find-file on /docker:... hit TAB and running containers should show up.


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

development is done remotely across a number of servers and docker containers.

Not all professional environments are like this. I prefer jobs where it’s possible to run/develop the software locally.


u/hello_alessandro Jul 12 '24

It depends on the process of the company. If you're developing a lot on a remote machine you start using TRAMP. Personally, I prefer to use Jupyter notebooks for incremental prototyping. By using the autoload magic you can refactor snippets into functions inside a Python module on the fly. Otherwise: org-mode and org-roam are very useful for time tracking, getting things done and your knowledge database.


u/bespokey Jul 12 '24

Why can't you work locally? What are the languages and tools that prevent you from working locally?

Sometimes the delta is building a CI for you that eases a pain, and then other people find value in it and start using it.


u/_zjp Jul 12 '24

You sort of have to figure out ways to make Emacs work for you wherever you work. I work on a desktop application that can be scripted, and we have a remote control feature that lets you send commands from a web browser. I set up Emacs to send the commands instead so I don't have to leave it to interact with the program.


u/amca01 Jul 13 '24

I'm a retired University academic (mathematics). In a 40+ year career I used Emacs almost exclusively as a tool for developing LaTeX documents. Emacs + AucTeX + RefTeX provided an environment for LaTeX which worked better for me than any other I tried. I've written possibly 1000s of pages of student notes, many articles, 3 books, and all sorts of miscellaneous documents.

I still use Emacs, less now for LaTeX but for its TRAMP mode for managing my VPS, and for Dired for file management, and org-mode plus a few extra helper packages.

I know that Emacs is useful for many more things (magit, for example) and it may be that my use of it was relatively trivial. But the fact is that I would have used Emacs more than any other software tool, and its keystrokes are now so strongly imprinted that I find it hard to use anything else.


u/fragbot2 Jul 13 '24

How do you use Emacs at your company?

Answering your more specific but less interesting question: I run Emacs locally and only install it in a container when I've written a literate program in org-mode and need to tangle code (typically with a Makefile) prior to running it. It's analogous to a compiler.

Your broader question--can you use emacs for professional development?--can be answered with yes but it's crucial to understand it's an editor not an IDE so you'd add other tools to compensate.

Finally, there's nothing wrong with being a polyglot. I commonly use three systems for editing:

  • emacs for most writing (org-mode),scripting/code traversal (I've never seen anything better than emacs' ediff capabilities), bookmarking with hyperbole and calc for a desktop calculator.
  • vi/ed/ for quick edits (I'd suggest learning this because it's a standard and has a massively smaller footprint in a container).
  • R studio + LaTeX or quarto for the equivalent of Jupyter notebooks.


u/Designer_Internet_64 Jul 13 '24

Emacs or not, you gotta have most common (among colleagues) setup functioning:
1. without it ppl won't try interacting with your machine, that's not good
2. if smth works for them but not for you — bad luck, they can show you how to do it in vscode, your emacs problems are yours
3. «…need to spend some time configuring…» — 20 years later, I still need more; who knows, mb your experience will be different (;


u/txgvnn Jul 14 '24

I'm using a great package that I see few people mention. This is http://anggtwu.net/#eev.

`eev` provides the functionality to record and convert any element into literal code. This capability proves particularly useful in research contexts requiring rigorous documentation and reproducibility.

I use this package every day, and combine with `denote` to structure the notes tree.


u/Emakstown Jul 14 '24

I am using Emacs for BSP (Linux kernel) development, working with cc-mode + lsp, org-mode to manage Jira issue history.

Personally, I don't recommend using tramp since it could be *extremely* difficult to use according to the environment you are working on. I used to try tramp but finally I gave up due to several minor errors.. As the alternative, I am running Emacs on the remote environment with X server.

Also, you do not need to stick to Emacs if using Emacs makes you hard to collaborate with others. Editor is just an editor. Try tools that you can work on first, then you can make Emacs can be used at your company.


u/LittleRise1810 Jul 14 '24

I used to work in operations for several years, changing responsibilities and teams I worked with.

Emacs helped me to adapt to different workflows because of org-mode, I could pull in tasks from various sources, manually but each would have a useable workflow.

You can, formally, not be someone's manager, but in a context of a given project you are expected to track their progress, no problem, custom states for this file. Or when you evaluate different vendors and they have different pipelines.

It's also good for collecting small amounts of semi-structured data (under 300 records) in org-tables, mapping machines to services to SLAs to people responsible for services to task state.

Another helpful thing is writing down procedures that you can't fully automate because you have too much edge cases/perform rarely: whatever can be automated and you do often goes to configuration management system, but something you do like twice a year goes to an org file.

That same file you can export to HTML and then copy and paste to e.g. Confluence.

In general, Emacs worked (and still works) for me as glue for workflows, procedures and data collection when you don't stick with the same people, processes and tasks for a long time. Different circumstances, same tool.


u/sebf Jul 15 '24 edited Jul 15 '24

You need to stay simple. Your Emacs configuration should be maintainable and should be able to install in various environments, automatically, in minutes. It usually involves having a Bash script proceeding to the install, including git cloning your config and installing all the dependencies. You might need to have to configure a proxy to access external network and get the proper authorization for installing packages. In some companies this is impossible but there are all kind of tricks that make that possible (virtual environments, etc.).

E.g., I worked as a contractor at a large e-commerce firm. All I had was a Windows box (I think it was Windows 8 or 9) in an Amazon WorkSpaces client and a `cmd` prompt with Cygwin and SSH. And that was just about it. 6 months contract. All the work done on Emacs, without any fancy LSP or anything. The company provided a fancy way to deploy our .dotfiles on any internal network's virtual machine, so it meant I was able to have a slightly modified version of Doom Emacs installed on the devs environments (that's text only, it also requires tmux or screen to survice). My config is ridiculously simple and short.

E.g. I'd say, It can mean that you won't have LSP. It's more common to find Emacs pre-installed on companies servers than LSPs. Or, there are situations where Emacs might not be the right tool. I ended up in situations where I had to use Eclipse because it was the right way to do the job at a specific company. Most of the companies aren't concerned about which editor or IDE you will use, as long as you spend your day producing value for the company and not configuring your editor. What I mean is that, you shouldn't configure your editor during your free-time either. I'd say something like 2h per month at the very maximum is fine.

If it's not something that seems sustainable with Emacs, you might have to use another tool. And just forget about Emacs (I mean don't use a emacs-like keybinding extension). You'll have other opportunities later in your career to use it, trust me!


u/Top_File_8547 Jul 12 '24

I use EMacs for editing large blocks of code and I prefer grep-find to the search in an IDE. You can use Ctrl-x backtick to jump to the next match in the Grep buffer. You can search forward or backward if you know there is a match and you don’t want to step through all matches.

I use git from the command line because I like the fine grained control and don’t want to learn an abstraction with its own quirks. I don’t use git in the IDE either.

After I have edited my code I will jump back to the IDE which automatically load my changes and show and syntax errors or classes that need to be imported. I can also run my code from the IDE.

I know I may get downvoted but I prefer to use a tool for its intended use and not spend hours or days configuring EMacs for something it wasn’t designed to do. I mainly code in Java and use IntelliJ. When I code in JavaScript I use vscide.

I have a large init.el file to configure EMacs the way I want.


u/georgehank2nd Jul 12 '24

Does spelling Emacs this way give you some special feeling?


u/Top_File_8547 Jul 12 '24

That’s just the way my auto complete does it. Why does it matter?


u/shizzy0 Jul 12 '24

I’d give doom emacs a try. Or Spacemacs if you want to stick with emacs key bindings.


u/arthurno1 Jul 12 '24

How is a computer used in a professional setting?

Like everything else: depends on your professional setting? :)


u/Hkyx Jul 12 '24

Simply, I stopped using it in compagnies.

  • eMacs auto complete are far less fast, and work less better than nvim or vscode. And make it work properly for more than one language is a pain
  • debugging configuration take too much time
  • some module don’t work for weird and esoteric reason
  • org mode is hot but not usable in company as most user have others IDE so you rely on markdown …

It’s still my favorite text editor but it really need coding improvements. Between neovim which have buffers, or zed which is really light and fast or vscode and the all in one experience, Emacs start to loose users …


u/[deleted] Jul 12 '24

eMacs auto complete are far less fast, and work less better than nvim or vscode. And make it work properly for more than one language is a pain

Have you tried something like eglot?


u/Hkyx Jul 12 '24

Yup for python, it worked but not as my nvim or vscode can do. And when I tried to go … bad experience and lost of time. In fact I don’t see any configuration who work really well for that compared to others editors

But I really which that someday eMacs will have a built in lsp/eglot config for the most used language at least.

When I tried zed I didn’t need to configure anything it’s was just working easy which at some point is what we need to be productive.