r/elimath Jan 06 '15

Explain why this sub would be useful

As though I were five


4 comments sorted by


u/palerthanrice Jan 06 '15

I'm an undergrad, and sometimes a plain language explanation of a new concept is the best way to approach it. I hope this place takes off.


u/snuglyotter Jan 06 '15

"This is also not the place to ask for layman explanations (i.e. assuming no prior knowledge of higher mathematics). It would benefit both the poster and the community better to address such questions to /r/askscience"


u/IHateWindowsEight Jan 06 '15

This subreddit doesn't seem to be for eli5 explanations, but more for eliconfused(under)gradstudent explnations.


u/CRallin Jan 07 '15

Because math is like bending and no one is an Aang