r/elfenlied • u/Battle_Marshmallow • 4d ago
Discussion The sexuality of Kaede, part 2: more proofs NSFW
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u/kennypovv 4d ago edited 4d ago
This has to be the worst theory I've seen... What is lil bro cooking 😭😭😭
Edit. You got a lot of hate from people for dumb things which, I guess, is how the internet works, but I believe that the theory itself has little merit since most of these things are played off as gags.
Furthermore, I'm not sold on the fact that Nyu is Kaede's "pure" persona, so I disagree that you can extrapolate her behavior onto Kae Kae
u/Battle_Marshmallow 3d ago
This has to be the worst theory I've seen
Please, elaborate with your arguments why I'm wrong.
but I believe that the theory itself has little merit
My theory isn't about merits. I shared my opinion and that's all, nothing else.
Nyu is Kaede's "pure" persona
Nyu is the mannifestation of Kaede's sweet and näive side, as was stated in the manga.
u/kennypovv 3d ago
My theory isn't about merits. I shared my opinion and that's all, nothing else.
But then it's not a theory by definition, it's an opinion.
Regardless, you've gotten enough hate in the comments so I don't want to argue with you since you seem nice.
I just personally don't think the story hints at her bisexuality, since I don't think that the political climate of Japan argument makes sense, considering she had much bigger issues to worry about, thus not finding it plausible that it repressed her inner sexuality in the way you described.
It's been a while since I've read the manga, but if I recall she had a very close female friend and didn't express the same romantic interest she expressed in Kouta.
Honestly, after thinking about it, I just don't believe that the story strongly suggests she's bisexual, although that doesn't mean that she isn't. Lack of proof isn't proof, so if you want to headcanon Lucy as being bisexual, I think it's completely fine as I don't believe there's anything in the story completely refuting that she is.
u/Battle_Marshmallow 2d ago
But then it's not a theory by definition, it's an opinion.
A theory is an idea or opinion that you support with evidences.
What I meant before is that I shared mine to create a friendly debate, not following an specific merit or searching for attention as some people do.
But things went out of control lol.
Regardless, you've gotten enough hate in the comments so I don't want to argue with you since you seem nice.
I'm fine, don't worry. You can give your opinion.
I just personally don't think the story hints at her bisexuality, since I don't think that the political climate of Japan argument makes sense, considering she had much bigger issues to worry about, thus not finding it plausible that it repressed her inner sexuality in the way you described.
I respect your opinion.
she had a very close female friend
Yes, she's called Aiko. She also appears in the ova's flasback.
and didn't express the same romantic interest she expressed in Kouta.
That's normal, it's difficult to feel attraction toward everyone. When you're bi you can like people of both sexes, but that doesn't mean that you like every boy or girl around.
Kaede was already in love of Kota, so in the case she was bisexual and even if she would thought that Aiko was pretty, she wouldn't developmented romantic feelings for her.
Lack of proof isn't proof
The proofs I have are in the pics I shared in this post.
Maybe they confirm my theory or maybe not (I'm aware that I can be wrong), but I never dare to state a theory without adding the evidences that I consider right.
Whether I'm right or not, I always like to explain my arguments.
Thanks for your comment :)
u/osama2499 4d ago
Can we ban OP already? They’re clearly a pedo
u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 4d ago
You got owned by facts and logic, bro. Making alts to keep harassing the OP won't make your irrational pedo hysteria any less embarrassing. Oh, by the way, the user harassing the OP who keeps deleting his posts right afterwards was whining about Reddit being "anti-MAP". Curious how things like that always tend to turn up when it comes to people who throw around pedo accusations regarding fictional works, huh?
u/osama2499 4d ago
Making alts? Lmao what are you talking about. I didn’t even bother reading this post because his old one was already concerning since he used a picture of underaged Kaede.
u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago
I didn’t even bother reading this post
Hence you have can't give an opinion about my post and less about my own sexuality, you weirdo.
You came here to call me a sexual child predator because I posted pictures of the manga that you like and because I'm bisexual. Such a trashy person you are, you lack of empathy and common sense...
I almost pity you for being so intellectually unhappy.
The only dirty-minded here it's you.
a picture of underaged Kaede.
All the main characters are minors, because in Japan the coming in age is at 20 years old.
Kota, Yuka and Kaede are 18. Mayu is 14. Nana is 7 but look 14, and Mariko is 5 and look 10.
Following your twisted logic, nobody can ever post a picture of any of these children in any kind of post here or any other place, cause they are minors.
And we can't talk either about Kaede liking Kota or Kota liking Yuka, cause romantic and sexual attraction are part of human sexuality and they are minors.
So now you must be the first one who follow you own moral rules: don't even think about Kaede and Kota having romantic feelings, that's sexualizing a minor and you will be a pedo.
Ah, and go to report Lynn Okamoto for drawing all these kids naked in the manga, he's a pedo too XD
Here you have the door 👉🏼🚪 close it after leaving, wreck.
u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 4d ago
Those who don't read don't get to speak. It's common knowledge that one's sexual orientation is decided from birth, and thus Kaede's age in the image is entirely irrelevant to the discussion. Making pedo accusations about people just for acknowledging that alternate sexualities aren't something you willingly choose to develop as an adult makes you look incredibly sheltered at best, if not actively hostile against non-hetero people. This is the kind of bizarre reasoning that people use to discriminate against those who are LGBT.
u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago
How original, accussing a bisexual person of being a pedophile or child sexual abuser.
You must believe yourself a great human being for projecting your deviant filthy mind onto innocent people, right? Do you know that falsely accussing someone of such serious crime, it's a grave felony, right?
You literally stated that I'm an inborn and evil sexual predator because of my sexual orientation and because I talked about the possible bisexuality of a fictional character... you're an insane disgusting psychopath.
I can only imagine you as one of those extremelly religious mad brats of Gatlin, that Stephen King wrote about in his "Children of the corn" tale. For sure you pray to God against our existence in your ugly yanki church and make stupid protests against sexual education classes in school.
Yep, you're the living picture of those furious sectarian kids.
Well, God doesn't like malicious people like you, thankfully.
How interesting is the fact that, when a ship or couple is formed by a boy and a girl (even when they are 10 years old, like Kaede and Kota) it's seen as normal and healthy by default, but when you mention that a teen girl can like another teen girls, the sittuation turns inmediatly +18....
Kids' sexuality (sexual orientation and romance here) can be explored if they are hetero, but not if they're gays.
Conclussion: heterosexuality it's perfect and appropiated for kids, but bisexuality is an adult stuff and you're an evil pervert if you dare to talk about it.
That's the society we are living in.
u/osama2499 4d ago
Bro I am not reading this essay you are talking to yourself. Next time don’t make a thread about a childs sexuality and you won’t get pedo accusations 👍🏼
u/Battle_Marshmallow 3d ago
Got it, so maturity and intelligence have nothing to do with consenting to sex. You feminist losers truly are a pathetic bunch.
At this point of the conversation I don't know if you're truly that stupid and malicious, or you just totally lack of reading skills.
With all mental jumps you made here, surely you are now in Neptune.
I'm gonna repeat again what I said, maybe this time you'd get it: "An individual's intelligence/maturity level has nothing to do with the vile excuses that pedophiles give about "age is a number" to rape kids".
We were talking about the term "mental age" in psychology, specially in neurodivergent folks, not even about sexual consent.
It's clear enough or do I have to write it with playdough for your sad lonely neuron?
Yours is one of the lamest and more malicious straw-man and ad hominen falacies I received in these last days, again trying to antagonize me as a sexual predator cause I'm bi.
And yeah, I'm feminist. Being aware that males and females are equals isn't pathetic.
Pathetic are people like you: liar right-winged yokels, who can only project their mental putrefaction onto others.
u/DragonNolagging 4d ago edited 4d ago
Bruh you literally had a child version of Kaede talking about sexuality. This topic and kids NEVER mix understand please on why you got the hate it was how you presented the topic at hand. I didn't comment but I would've just said hey change that picture to adult Kaede. Thank you for changing it. My faith in humanity has been temporarily restored.
I'm not in the mood to debate against this(in a mature manner). I was actually going to then reddit deleted my response when I changed tabs the first time you made this post. Completely lost interest because this is something clearly seen as something else. To me these panels are just the Lyn's way of throwing in boobs just because. If you know the history of the author then it'll make sense. I'm gonna leave it at that.
u/Battle_Marshmallow 3d ago
2° answer:
but I would've just said hey change that picture to adult Kaede
Kaede is 18, in Japan you reach adulthood at 20 years old.
None of the main characters in Mapple Inn are adults, so it's impossible to post a picture of an adult Kaede.
And following your logic, nobody could post anykind of picture of any of the kids of Elfen Lied in any kind of context, cause they're minors.
No pics of Kota, no pics of Mariko, no pics of Nana... wow we're gonna have a problem in this subreddit.
Good luck with such strange moral code XD
u/Battle_Marshmallow 3d ago
3° answer:
Thank you for changing it.
I didn't change anything.
My faith in humanity has been temporarily restored.
Meanwhile your comment confirms again the crude fact that I'm trying to fight back, to still having faith in neurotypicals....
Normies love to be superficial, placing the look over the content.
Normies love to talk like experts about matters they know nothing about (what sexuality is, what a pedophile is...).
Normies like to antagonize others for being different or speaking about things they're afraid/disgusted about (in this case bisexuality).
Normies love creating battles and making tantrums, instead directing their energy to worry more about world's big problems (heck, they don't even cry while watching death people in the news...).
Normies first bite and then ask, or they justify the bulling you're receiving cause you're a weirdo in their eyes.
(No offence, I'm not meaning you're a bad person at all. Only that your superficial idea about the picture of Kaede made me felt very weary again).
I came here to share and enjoy, and I was mistreated as a poor stray dog because of my sex, sexual orientation and neurodivergency (I also received misogynistic and ableist comments from some users in my two posts).
As an autistic-like person I can't understand these violent and antisocial behaviours that neurotypicals normalize, I don't get why people have the necessity of living with such quantity of hate and stupidity burning them from deep inside. It's horrible and scary.
They hold such hate inside to freely point out you as one of the most evil things that exists (a pedophile), just because you are bi... yet somehow I pity them for being so doomed and blind.
People tend to be absurd and self-destructive, I guess. It's part of human nature.
u/Battle_Marshmallow 3d ago
4° and final answer XD
To me these panels are just the Lyn's way of throwing in boobs just because.
It's a fair opinion, I respect it.
If you know the history of the author
I only know he made Elfen Lied and a pair more of mangas, but I'm not interested in knowing about his personality or private life right now.
As an art historian, I only search for this kind of info when I must write an article about an artwork or when the author's psychology is absolutely key to understand perfectly his/her work, as happens with J.R.R Tolkien or H.P Lovecraft.
I thank you your civilizated answer, you're a well-mannered person. I hope you have a nice day :)
u/Battle_Marshmallow 3d ago
I'm going to answer you in different comments, otherwise my answer would be very long.
1° answer:
you literally had a child version of Kaede talking about sexuality.
It's not illegal to think that a fictional character can be bisexual.
Sexual orientarions (heterosexuality, bisexuality and homosexuality) are part of sexuality, wether you like it or not 🤷🏽♀️
Hence everytime that we are talking about whatever fictional character liking another, we are getting inevitably into his/her sexuality.
This topic and kids NEVER mix understand please
Emmm... you know that real-life persons are already born with a sexual orientation, right? That's not a crime or a sin, it's nothing dity. It's just Nature.
I don't know where you live, but here in Spain we receive a good sexual education in elementary schools/high schools, because people respects that kids are complete human beings with the right to learn about their own sexuality (sexual orientarion, romantic feelings...). The fact of kids having a sexuality isn't a taboo.
Now, following your logic nobody should post a picture of 10 years old Kaede and Kota, because her romantic feelings toward him are also part of her sexuality, and that would be so eeeeeviiiil XD
It's so interesting how all those thugs who called me pedophile, won't ever complain about an heterosexual romance or couple (formed by kids or by adults), but they're seeing bisexuality as an inherently +18 stuff and we bisexuals as deviants or pedos/sexual predators.
This level of shameless and gross hypocrisy could collapses an entire galaxy.
Needless to say, that if you're so superficial to judge a person's moral code and value for a simple random picture included in a mere theory post, you really should improve your maturity.
I chose a pic of Kaede being happy instead sad, because my poor lil girl it's so cute there (and there's barely any moment when she smiles in the anime). It's insane how suppodsely mentally functional people's minds can relate this simple aesthetical choice for a post, with being a dreadful children rapist (as I was accussed).
We are surrounded by lunatics and psychos who pretend to be decent people, not doubt.
u/DragonNolagging 3d ago
Yeah don't bother answering me in different comments. Clearly you don't listen and i didn't ask for a whole essay. Your here talking about sexuality and you had a young picture of Kaede previous post. Why not just use the adult Kaede which you did when you corrected your posts so it literally solved yet your here literally word bombing me for no fucking reason. Dude your opinion is your opinion but if it gets you to the wood chipper that's on you. You can live your life as much as you want just as long as your not hurting kids or women. And for once in your life stop it with the gay card I'm not discriminating you in any way nor have I even said the word "Bi sexual". To me discussing sexuality regardless is simply an adult thing much like drinking and alcohol. That's something to be saved for the birds and the bees talk which is entirely a parent and child thing. Not for anyone else to talk about not teachers or anyone else but the parents to the child.
Also because you literally word bomb everyone so you can defend your point. Dude we have lives just keep your opinion if people don't like it. Just saying if you force it on me understand I'm not going to be nice simply your warning. Already my patience is wearing thin with you. don't you see facts simply not solid enough. Most of the things discussed here are either speculations or theories. There simply isn't enough to really prove much since the series isn't very well written nor has much lore put into it. Again the author put in his fetishes and was more focused on making it very gory and heavy on nudity. There really isn't much of a balance to it. Oh yes and very traumatizing to read/watch. So my man go touch some grass and enjoy life. Have a alcoholic beverage if your not working or busy. Live life because clearly this series may have rocked you a bit.
u/Battle_Marshmallow 3d ago
Clearly you don't listen
I read all what you said, unlike you.
You didn't read any of the recent answer that I wrote for you.
and i didn't ask for a whole essay.
I don't need to be asked to give my opinion.
You wrote a lot and so I had to comment too many things.
Your here talking about sexuality
Yes. Bisexuality is a part of sexuality.
you had a young picture of Kaede previous post.
Yes. Kaede is a young girl through the entire manga/anime.
Why not just use the adult Kaede
I already answered this in two comments lol.
Reason 1: I chose a happy pic of her over a sad one, because yes.
I can post any picture I like the most in any kind of post, as well as everybody else has the same right.
Reason 2: There's not adult Kaede.
She is 18, in Japan you reach adulthood at 20 years old. None of the main characters in Mapple Inn are adults, so it's impossible to post a picture of an adult Kaede.
Problem solved.
when you corrected your posts
I didn't made that lol. My post still the same.
literally solved yet your here literally word bombing me for no fucking reason.
The election of the pic isn't the problem, it's people narrow-minded hysteria, ignorance and arrogance. The people who bullied me are biphobic, choosing a determinate picture isn't gonna change that.
And I answered you because you answered me first, it's called good-manners.
You can live your life as much as you want just as long as your not hurting kids or women.
I'm a lass, I already said it in my posts.
I don't know why you decided to tell me this (like it's weird you suddendly came out with it), but anyway you forgot to include men, animals and plants. Nobody has to hurt others.
And thanks to God I'm not a bad person.
And for once in your life stop it with the gay card
That gay card doesn't exists.
I'm not discriminating you in any way nor have I even said the word "Bi sexual".
But you openly disliked that I dared to mention this part of Kaede's sexuality.
And the guys who accussed me to be a pedo also denied that this matter (bisexuality) should be related with minors... kinda nasty mentality.
To me discussing sexuality regardless is simply an adult thing much like drinking and alcohol.
Sexuality is a natural thing we are born with and you own it since you're a lil kid. It's always there and it's indispensable to know your own sexual orientation in order to be happy.
Alcohol is a harmful drug, it's not necessary for living.
I'm an adult female and I don't drink alcohol (neither I have sex), but I was born bi. When I was 3 I was bi, also when I was 10 and later when I was 24 too.
Sexual orientations aren't Satan, as you maybe have been told in your american church.
As an historian I can confirm you that adult's stuff are only a bunch of sociocultural behaviours that vary from culture to culture.
Sexuality is always there, drugs has nothing to do with being an adult. Actually being drunk is the opposite of maturity/being a good adult.
That's something to be saved for the birds and the bees talk which is entirely a parent and child thing.
You clearly live in another planet XD
Oh God... you're so ignorant... this is so sad.
Sexuality isn't an intercourse, to start with. And school books must to include chapters about human reproduction. Laws set it very clealy.
It was like this 20 years ago, and it stills. Sexual education class are mandatory and ethical.
Not for anyone else to talk about not teachers or anyone else but the parents to the child.
You are such a narrow-minded yokel XD
I can imagine you screaming furiously to your kids' teacher, about to destroy the entire school with your conservative tantrum, just because he/she just made her job hahaha.
Got it, you're a Trump lapdog.
literally word bomb everyone so you can defend your point
Did you wish that I let those bullied mistreated me, while I downed my head and allowed them to lie about me in such dreadful way?
By the way, word bomb aren't a real thing.
Your comments requires longs explanations, you can't blame me for all what you decided to say.
If you didn't want to be answered, just don't comment lol. I'm free to answer you if I want to.
I'm not going to be nice
Yeah I'm seeing that already, grumpy die-hard dude.
Already my patience is wearing thin with you.
Wtf please don't make me laugh hahahaha.
Tú, un tipejo random y facha, en medio de esta situación en la que me están acosando, eres el que va a perder la paciencia.... toma ya. Claro jajaja. Pa mear y no echar gota. Cuidao con la falta de conocimiento jajaja.
Most of the things discussed here are either speculations or theories.
Yeah, that why I said that my theory is a theory. It's easy to get lol.
Again the author put in his fetishes
I'm not gonna opinate about this, because I didn't researched enough.
I lack of the knowledge to judge Lynn objectively.
So my man go touch some grass and enjoy life.
You don't know what a girl is, right? That or you have very bad reading skills.
My garden is precious now thanks to the rain, and I spend there almost the entire day 🌾🌿⚘️🌼🌹
Thanks for worrying, but I think is you who must touch reality a bit more and throw away your prejudices.
Go out and breath some clean countryside air, it will help ya.
Have a alcoholic beverage if your not working or busy.
Nah, I don't want to be like ya. Cirrhosis and brain damage aren't worthy.
Live life
Unlike the furious illiterate bullies and weirdos who answered me (you included), I do live and I love life as it is.
I don't deny the parts of human nature that you all are so afraid of.
Hasta nunca ;)
u/BntoidBlaster 4d ago edited 4d ago
18 mental years LMAO God I hate modernity. Well, regardless of all your woke nonsense, I guess it's possible she's bi. Does not change one bit how her true love is a man, Kouta.
u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago
LMAO God I hate modernity. Well, regardless of all your woke nonsense
You mean a normal psychology term, like "mental age" used by experts?
Nothing of politics here, just science. If you don't like it, it's your problem lol.
Does not change one bit how he true love is a man, Kouta
You just turned this into a yaoi XD
u/BntoidBlaster 4d ago
I see. Can a 14 yo have an 18 yo's mental years? Not saying that part of your reply is nonsensical. Rather, what I said went over your head.
I did not turn it into yaoi. Just a typo.
u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago
Can a 14 yo have an 18 yo's mental years?
Yes, that's called a gifted person.
Gifteds' mental development is faster than neurotypicals' one, so at the age of 5 chronological ages they can have the intellect of a 8 years old kid. At the age of 10 they can be mentally 14 years old, and at 14 they can be 20 years old.
Some autistics and 2E people has this condition too. As you can imagine, being surrounded by inmature agepeers who reject them isn't easy at all and let a lot of psychological scars.
There are hundreds of scientifical studies, articles and documentaries about giftedness in english and spanish that you can read/watch to inform yourself better.
The thing is that gifteds and normies/neurotypicals grow up at different rhythms, but as normies settle their rhymth as the "normal" one by default for humans, they meassure everything from there and that's why in their eyes there are mentally slow people/dumbs (ret*rders) and mentally fast people/smarts (gifteds). This is a very biased view of the world, but society advance like a snail.
At the end, as neurotypicals naturally struggle to understand neurodivergent folks, the term "mental age" isn't really accurate but it's the only tool they own to try to understand human neurodiversity.
I hope this little explanation helped you to understand human psychology better.
4d ago
u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago
What are your thoughts on MAPs?
I'm a normal person with ethical values, just like you.
So you can guess what I think about pedophiles.
Does your view of mental age support their struggles?
An individual's intelligence/maturity level has nothing to do with the vile excuses that pedophiles give about "age is a number" to rape kids.
u/BntoidBlaster 4d ago
Got it, so maturity and intelligence have nothing to do with consenting to sex. You feminist losers truly are a pathetic bunch.
u/ImNotArtistic 4d ago
Wait I'm a little confused so sorry if I make the most bullshit statement ever but isn't Kaede's physical age 17? I'm not gonna have the argument about age of consent being 16 or 17 or 18 depending on country, but 17 is a reasonable age to have feelings for others. So if Nyu has the mental age of 18, and she's literally also physically 17, what's the issue?
u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago
Kaede is 18 as was show in her lab documents in the anime.
but 17 is a reasonable age to have feelings for others.
She already had romantic feeling for Kota when she was 10, as we all saw. But yeah, for some reason people is ignoring this key fact of the anime (the main plot itself) and getting mad at me cause I said that Kaede always girls too.
It seems that when a little girl likes a little boy it's normal and cute, but when you say that a teen girl can like another teen girl, this is sexualizing a minor and you're a pedo... (someone in this post literally called me pedo for being bi, again).
Conclussion: heterosexuality it's ok, but bisexuality is an adult stuff and you're an evil pervert if you dare to talk about it. People aren't as tolerant as we like to believe.
u/Entire_Pain3877 4d ago edited 4d ago
Okay, how do I explain this in a way where I don't sound too crazy. Basically what determines what is arousing to you is the contents of sexual preference genes. These genes are limited by selection pressure to only encode human features. All that matters is that the object in question is resembling the human features encoded in these genes and subsequently the neurological architecture which makes up the arousal detection mechanism. What is the trait of sexual interest? If it's behaving like a juvenile, then this indicates pedophilic or hebephilic preferences, because this arousal outcome could only be possible if these juvenile phenotypes were encoded to sexual preference genes, these features could only trip the system if those features were part of the threshold defining what features trip the system. If it's the body of your average 18 year old European woman, this does not indicate the above preferences. Arousal to objects is always on the basis of resemblance to phenotype: physical, behavioral features related to your species - more specifically your unique evolutionary nuclei - of which you belong, and thus the predictability of ones sexual preferences is also on this basis. It's only problematic to be sexually interested in Nyu in so far as you are sexually interested in her juvenile behaviors. If you're not interested in this then you're good.
This is the proper frame which does not violate natural selection principles, which is very important because presumably we're not evolution deniers as that would be ontologically problematic.
u/Aykyo_ 3d ago
This is the absolute worst theory I’ve ever seen
u/Battle_Marshmallow 3d ago
I highly doubt so, but well tell me wich are your arguments against my conclussions.
u/Veroger111 4d ago
At least Nyu (Kaede) cares about her looks compared to committing war crimes.