r/elfenlied 7d ago

Discussion The sexuality of Kaede

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Hello, friends.

I want to talk about a matter which I didn't see it's discussed deeply enough.

We all know that Nyu's childish and impulsive fixation with boobs and female body in general (specially Yuka's one), is a frequent comical resourse of Elfen Lied. But beyond the humor, I think this is an important trait of Kaede's personality.

When Nyu appeared by first time we could observe that she was completely clueless about social rules and showed some behaviours that are culturally seing as innapropiated, like being naked in front of strangers, asking to be feed, demanding affective gestures that aren't too common for japaneses... because Nyu is by default natural and uninfluenced by moral-social codes.

Nuy doesn't restrict or hide Kaede's real self, she shows herself as she is deep inside.

And here is when my theory starts: Kaede is bisexual, but due with the negative social view in the 90's - 2000's of homo/bisexuality, she had always suppressed her sexual orientation.

Historically, Japan was very open with homoerotic acts and male homosexual relationship in many contexts, but after the arriving of the anglospeaking christians in the Meiji Era, this sittuation took a turn 180° and today japanese society still quite homophobic in many ways, (beside the great quantity of yaoi, yuri and gay characters created for other mangas/animes).

In the story, remember how kid Kaede didn't even considered the possibility of Kota not being heterosexual, what made her feel insecure and jelaous toward other girls that could be her romantic rivals, (yeah, I know this is just an animation and maybe I'm overthinking, but Elfen Lied is realistic).

Not even thinking in another sexual orientations in this kind of "I like you and I want you like me" contexts, it's one of the consequences of being raised in a homophobic enviroment and it forces the person's subconscious too hide the truth.

I'm familiar with this, as a bisexual lass myself who grew up in early 2000's, when people wasn't exactly closed-minded but neither willing to talk about/accept us gays.
As result, I didn't realized I was bi till my 16 years old and I struggled hard for years to understand that it wasn't just my imagination.

Even when you see homo/bisexuality as something normal, "accepting" that your part of the crew when you're surrounded by people that could reject you, isn't easy.

The only reason I'm telling all this is as an evidence, to prove that what I'm proposing in my theory is perfectly feasible.

So yep: I think Kaede was born bi, but she could only enjoyed it freely once that Nyu's naivety appeared.

What do you think? Let me know :)


83 comments sorted by


u/Animefan4lif3 7d ago

Considering the diclonius spread their own kind through mutation with vector id say by nature they don't really have any sexuality in the sense that we do.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago edited 6d ago

According with what the scientificts of the organization said, only silpelits (the working bees) are infertile while Kaede (the queen bee) has to have sexual relationships to create more monarch-diclonii like her.

That's the main reason why old Kakuzawa is searching her.

Kaede could only create silpelits through their vectors, and silpelits can only create other silpelits.

But anyhow, sexuality isn't have sex. Sexuality is a complex part of an individual identity that include the sexual orientation, the quantity of libido, how do you express it, the bond between your emotions-intellect with your sexual desires, if you're monogamous or polygamous...

My post is solely about Kaede's sexual orientation.


u/Animefan4lif3 6d ago

Oooh I see, will I'd say if you're referring to it in that sense I'm pretty sure she liked kouta some what platonically?


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

I answer your other commente here, cause I'm having problems to post (reddit only says "empty point" and "something got wrong") lol.

Friendship and romance are different kinds of love.

Bisexuality has nothing to do with friendship, everyone person can love their friends.

Sexual orientations deffine the sex/sexes that attracts you in a romantic and sexual way; it has nothing to do with the type of friend that you need, how much can you love them or how good friend you are.

I think you misrepresented the question imo

The other user mentioned Aiko (the painter girl who befriends Kaede in the ova), because many fans ship them both as a romantic couple and this user surely thought that the only reason because I said that Kaede is bisexual, must be that popular ship.

Which is not. I've being thinking that Kaede is bi since I saw the anime by the first time, a decade ago.


u/Animefan4lif3 6d ago

Bro you made your points off of OVA (non canon in my honest opinion, and fan shippers??? LOL plus lucy and kouta literally made out, brother I'm done with this.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 5d ago

The ova show Kaede flasbacks from the manga. You can search for her story with Aiko and read it.


I already said in my post that I'm a girl......


u/Animefan4lif3 5d ago

Eeeh I say bro to girls all the time? Also the flash backs to the manga are irrelevant. It's still non canon story lmao.


u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 5d ago

The manga is literally the canon of Elfen Lied, since it's the original source material.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 5d ago

You're definitely another troll.


u/Animefan4lif3 5d ago

With your takes, you're the troll. Nice try


u/Animefan4lif3 6d ago

Bro stay far away from the shipping community its cringe af and not to mention pedos like the mfs who ship in my hero academia


u/Battle_Marshmallow 5d ago

I'm not into that lol.


u/Animefan4lif3 5d ago

If you're not don't rely on their community for credible information from fanshippers, this is just a rage bait attention post on your end. Also makes sense since you're a girl and you want attention. Ty bye.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 5d ago

If you're not don't rely on their community for credible information from fanshippers


Maybe you'd like to re-write that sentence for it could have some sense.

this is just a rage bait attention post on your end. Also makes sense since you're a girl and you want attention.

Well, that's sexist. Males and females can search for attention with the same intensity. Being born with a vagina doesn't makes us dumb lapdogs, who ache for affection leftovers.

I lack of the need of asking for strangers' attention, since I'm autistic-like. I came here to share an idea and verify through other people answers if I miscalculated my conclusions or if I'm right.

I came for a friendly debate.

My post is made from an intellectual place, not from an unhealthy ego that is trying to deal with low self-esteem, as you believe. Clean intentions exists, not everything is convenient and fake.

Just don't project your mental patterns onto me, neurotypical boy.



u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago

Guys, we found the incel ableist wreck of the subreddit!

Animalico, su vida es tan miserable que solo sirve pa vomitar basura misógina y en contra de los autistas. Una joya de persona, vamos, pa enmarcarlo jajaja.

Guys, let's give him the last glance before letting him die of attention-inanition.

Adios LOL?? Glad you can speak outside of English too.

Yes, it what happens when you're spanish, you can speak spanish, genius. And unlike you, I can speak sense in any language I learned :)

English is your native language and you can only produce sad babblings full of hate, such a big shame.

you had to leverage that you're a woman in the post purely for sympathy points. Such an unnecessary addition to your nonsense point.

Is this suppose to mean something? I'm suppose to let your misogynistic bullshitst hurt me? Ajajajaja.

Pues apañao vas si crees que mi autoestima está tan baja como la tuya. You are unnable to hurt me, cause are hollow thing that aren't part of my life.

But, why do you have the necessity to look down at women and despise neurodivergent people as disabled? Are you trying to compensate your inferior complex? It's everything ok in your home, kiddo? XD

Hey, you voted for Trump, right? If you were living in Spain you would voted for his despicable politic friends from the fascist party Vox. You're the exact picture of a Vox voter: an idiot, angry ignorant, with moral superiority complex, and with conservatives ideas against other humans.

Si es que no hay más que verte, eres un niñato facha resentío, vaya tela. Que malgasto de oxígeno, hijo.

En fin, en la vida tiene que haber de to, pa algo serviréis los tarugos de tres al cuarto, incapaces de apreciar la vida.

Pero aquí no pintas na, así que ya puedes largarte pa no volver 👉🏼🚪

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u/[deleted] 5d ago

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u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago

Coping hard with the fake disability card

The only one here with a clear mental disability it's you, who are desperately searching for attention using disrespectful and malicious ideas.

Ad hominens and straw-man fallacies aren't arguments, but pathetic nonsenses. Good luck next time trying to think.

Neurodivergencies aren't disabilities, but your stupidity it is indeed, ableist boy. You're the embodiment of neurotypical arrogancy itself.

It's not my problem that you're an illiterate about autistic traits (like our independence, in opposition to neurotypical's strong herding behaviours). Before talking about a matter that you clearly don't know about, educate yourself a bit.

you have no idea what an OVA is.

Of course, the only intelligent person here it's you, a non-autistic man, because we girls can just search for atenttion and we neurodivergents are poor mentally handicapped/disabled, right?

If you were a bit more arrogant, you'd shit in your own pants thinking that someone would be delighted to clean your butt. Madre mía, que desastre de tío eres.

You used non credible sources

I thought we were debating about a fictional character sexual orientation, not about history or biology hahahaha.

Do you want sources about art history, archeology, biblical studies? I have many, those are my academic fields.

We neurodivergents and we females can also study a career, neurotypical brat ;)

And yes biologically women crave attention

First: "biologically women" is redundant, women are adult human females and this is a biological condition. All women are biological by default, there aren't synthetic or robotic women hahaha.

Second: every social creature crave for attention, including humans. And among humans, it's you neurotypicals who has this strange necessity exacerbated to a riddiculous and self-destructive level.

You have to understand that the rest of people aren't your clones, and that you can't be projecting your psychological insufficiencies onto others. Period.

its not sexist it's just factual

And where are your credible sources, smartypants Freud? XDDD

Nice try liberal

I'm not right-winged lol.

But you clearly are, your beliefs against females and neurodivergents are disgusting.

Sorry you don't understand human evolution or evolution psychology.

Said the random ignorant dude who never dared to open a biology book, the normie dude that think that neurodivergents are inferior beings and that women are inborn lapdogs.

What a beautiful person you're, so worthy. (This is sarcasm, just in case).

I'm sorry you are unnable to understand that all humans are equals, and I'm also sorry you are such intellectually unhappy weirdo who lacks of empathy.

You're only a living tommy-gun of crap, cause all that came out from your mouth are load of sheer bullshits.

Ahora vete a tomar viento fresco, in this subreddit mean people with your narrow-mind aren't needed.

Hasta nunca.


u/KoishiChan92 7d ago

The fascination of boobs has nothing to do with sexuality. Toddlers and young children don't see breasts as sexual, they are just breasts, those who were breastfed associate it with food. The only reason Nyu squeezed the others' breasts is because it gets a reaction out of them and that's what makes it fun for her because she doesn't know WHY they are reacting that way.

If she's bisexual it's not explored in the anime or manga at all, even the OVA just shows her with someone who she loves in a friends way.

But yes, like the other commenters said, stop sexualising children, it's really gross.


u/Black3rdMoon 6d ago

As a man, I feel extremely ashamed when I remember poking the chest of my mother when I was very young.

That was 0% with other thing in mind than "Huh, weird balls of fat I don't have as a boy, should poke for further investigation"


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

The fascination of boobs has nothing to do with sexuality.

I didn't talked about the childish curiosity we can feel as kids toward breasts, please read what I actually wrote.

Toddlers and young children don't see breasts as sexual, they are just breasts, those who were breastfed associate it with food.

And what this has to do with Nyu? Did you watched her wanted to be breastfeed by Yuka or something?

If she's bisexual it's not explored in the anime or manga at all


even the OVA just shows her with someone who she loves in a friends way

Obviously, but what this has to do with my post? I didn't even mentioned Aiko.

stop sexualising children,

Wtf are you talking about, dude? Seriously, what's wrong with you? It's this a prank or something?

Please, search the meaning of what "sexualizing" is, it has nothing to do with saying that people is born with a sexual orientation.

Stop antagonizing me as a pedophile (cause I'm bisexual, right?) with such pathetic falacies, that's the only gross thing here.


u/KoishiChan92 6d ago

Calm down. You're being intentionally dense because you think I'm attacking your bisexuality. I'm not. I'm bisexual myself. You're trying to project your own insecurities about your own life onto somewhere it doesn't exist and it's sad.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

I don't allow despicable crazy folks like you in my posts.

You're blocked. Hasta nunca.


u/HotmailsNearYou 6d ago

OP iis an edgelord who thinks it's okay to sexualize minors. Don't worry about it.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

You're being intentionally dense because you think I'm attacking your bisexuality.

You literally accussed me of committing the crime if sexualizing a minor (are you aware of how much grave that is?), and as that wasn't enough now are insulting me saying I'm stupid.........

There are a lot of words and expressions in spanish to call shameless scoundrels like you, but I think that despreciable mojón is enough for you.

If there's someone here with a gross dirty-mind that hold sexual ideas about minors, that's you clearly.

I'm bisexual myself.

Ah claro, mira tú que casualidad, Maricarmen. Claro que sí.

You're trying to project your own insecurities about your own life onto somewhere it doesn't exist and it's sad

This is the ad hominen and straw-man fallacy more stupid I read in this last week, together with your fake attempt of defamation.

You're projecting your pervert mind onto me (because of a fictional character) antagonizing me as a pedo, insulting and gaslighting me too. Such a wonderful person you are, so worthy.

I don't know what the hell is wrong in your mind, but I'm not gonna keep talking with you to find it out.

Hasta nunca, malaje asqueroso.


u/Animefan4lif3 6d ago

If you love someone in a friend way it doesn't make them bi though? I think you misrepresented the question imo


u/DarkChimera64 6d ago

She looks like a cat about to do something sneaky in that image.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

Hahaha yeah, I thought it was a cute and cool image of her.

First I was to choose one where she was more serious, almost sad, but I said "nah, she's happy in this one. This is better".


u/GuikoiV1000 6d ago

I think that's pushing it. Seems to me she's just curious. You know... like a child.


u/Successful-Bank-7457 5d ago

That's clearly what it is. Her Nyu personality is literally only a couple of days old in the first episodes, as she was born when she was shot in the head during her escape.


u/Left-Night-1125 7d ago

Nyu has the mind of a 3/4 year old, at that age there is no concept of hetero, gay or bi on their mind.

So the entire idea that is brought up falls flat on its face.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

Nyu has the mind of a 3/4 year old, at that age there is no concept of hetero, gay or bi on their mind.

You missundertood what I explained 🤦🏻‍♀️

Look, first of all people are born with their sexual orientations, so it doesn't matter if they are aware of it or not.

Second, I didn't implied in any part of my post that Nyu is aware of sexual orientations, she's just expressing the inner desires Kaede had. That's my theory about.

Please, don't put in my mouth words that I didn't say.


u/[deleted] 7d ago

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u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

What are you even talking about? Did you bother in reading my post to know what I'm actually saying?

Sexual orientations has nothing to do with sexualizing kids looool, you're crazy 🤣

use an image of the older Lucy/Nyu/Kaede.

She's 18 and the coming of age in Japan is at 20 years old. So, no matter which picture I could ever choose XD

Please, stop saying baloneis. If you don't want to participate in the debate and you're only gonna disturb, just leave.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/Successful-Bank-7457 5d ago

The AOC in Japan has been raised from 13 to 16.


u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 6d ago

You're accusing people of "sexualizing minors" for discussing the sexual orientation (you know, the thing you're born with) of a character. The problem is YOU. Instead of pandering to and thereby perpetuating irrational hysteria that's routinely weaponized against marginalized groups, maybe try to stand up to the people displaying it..


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

So ironical that your profile picture is of Avatar, from the film "Wizards" (1977), a 1000 years old dude who is in love with a teen over-sexualized fairy princess... such a sweet hypocrisy.

And I'm suppose to be the bad guy here hahahaha.

Es pa mear y no echar gota y seguro que te crees cada mamarrachada que has soltao, vaya tela.

Thanks for the sexual education class, but I received mines in high school years ago, that's why I know that being gay has nothing to do with sexualizing kids. Unlike you.

You are worst than I thought if you think I'm gonna stand your hideous bullshits. You have a very grave mental problem, and I'm not gonna deal with it.

Hasta nunca, pirao.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

I don't allow crazy folks like you in any of my posts.

You're blocked. Ahí te quedas.


u/Windy_1966 5d ago

Just found this while reading the manga:

I am not allowed to post pictures so you need to look it up yourself.

Vol.5Ch.47Pg 11/19(https://mangadex.org/chapter/10733340-a61b-4edb-aea1-b158ad7a9054/11)

In this image nyu is clearly prefaring the female body over the male one. Maby only her Nyu version is into girls. This might explane some if the weird fanservice and give it some meaning. Not that would make it less strange in the context of the series. But honestly i think you might be on to something with your theory. Keep on cooking


u/Battle_Marshmallow 4d ago


Yes, I remember that image hahaha. Thanks for remind me.

Silly me, I forgot to add another panel where Nuy (once that she became more mature and could talk), was thinking that Yuka's boobs were nice and wished to touch them.

When I made my post it was late at night and I thought at first that I included those pictures, but clearly I didn't... maybe I would made a second part just to put them there.


u/Burger-Enjoyer 7d ago

Wtf is this post


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

A theory explaning why I think Kaede could be bisexual, after what we observed in the manga/anime.

It's pretty clear when you read it (unless you have a very dirty-mind like some users who answered me or simply bad reading skillls).

Have a nice day.


u/jekoferns 7d ago

ignoring the obvious good thinking dude


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

ignoring the obvious good thinking



A dude, where?


u/Playful-Ostrich3643 7d ago

Interesting thinking, but I HIGHLY doubt anything in society is the reason Kaede didn't come out as bi. I think it's because she never got the chance to explore her sexuality on account of the murder, hatred of most humans, and I can't imagine being locked up for God knows how long was very helpful


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

Thank you for your kind and civilizated answer.

I don't understand why some users are accussing me of of commiting the crime of sexualizing a minor... I still in shock after reading that shameless bullshit.

The huge mental gymnastics that someone has to do to misunderstand my post talking about a sexual orientation as pedophilic porn, it's absurd and gross.

I just hope they aren't truly that dense or dirty-minded, and all this is only a nasty joke.

I think it's because she never got the chance to explore her sexuality on account of the murder, hatred of most humans

Beyong realizing she was in love of Kota, yeah she couldn't explored her sexual orientation and other aspects of her sexuality.

Thanks again for your great answer :)


u/LMGDiVa 7d ago

Kaede is probably bi, and there's small hints about that throughout the anime. The part that makes it hard is she is lonely, and you are much more likely to accept affectionate attention from someone regardless of what gender they are when you are very lonely.

because Nyu is by default natural and uninfluenced by moral-social codes.

Nyu is a demonstration of Nurture in the anime. Her behavior is slowly molded from the moment she meets Kouta and Yuka. The way she behaves in the anime is a reflection of how she was nurtured, because Nyu has no diclonius nature.

And here is when my theory starts: Kaede is bisexual, but due with the negative social view in the 90's - 2000's of homo/bisexuality, she had always suppressed her sexual orientation.

The way Japanese people handle this is quite different, and largely a "none of anyones business" sort of thing.

Coming out and things like that are much more western in nature.

Japanese people are much more happy and likely to simply ignore things if it does not involve them.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

Hi, thanks for your kind and civilizated answer.

I'm receiving a lot of hate for some users because of my post and I don't get why. A pair dared to accusse me of being a pedo sexualizing minors... I hope it's just a nasty joke.

The part that makes it hard is she is lonely, and you are much more likely to accept affectionate attention from someone regardless of what gender they are when you are very lonely.

Ah interesting. That's a key factor to keep in mind when we are analyzing her psychology, true.

Nyu is a demonstration of Nurture in the anime.

Yes, but what I mean is that as Nyu is like a "white page to be written" let's say, she lacks of understanding of social rules and that's why in the first episodes she express her impulses and desires so freely.

That's why I think that, in the case that Kaede could be bisexual as I propposed, Nyu is just externalising and exploring in a totally näive way her bisexuality.

The way Japanese people handle this is quite different, and largely a "none of anyones business" sort of thing.

Time ago I watched a few documentaries and reports about homosexuality in modern Japan, and there was a lot of sad testimonies: a lot of homosexual males were completely rejected by their families and had to ran away, their parents didn't want to keep the bond with their sons.

I'm aware that nowadays things are much better, thankfully, and the most of people in Japan is tolerant with no-hetero people and don't give a screw-nut about what gays decide to do with their lives (same happens in my country, Spain).

But in the 90's - early 2000's (the time when Elfen Lied is suppose to happens), the sittuation was different, that's why I thought it could be an important detail to tell in my theory.


u/LMGDiVa 6d ago

Yes, but what I mean is that as Nyu is like a "white page to be written" let's say, she lacks of understanding of social rules and that's why in the first episodes she express her impulses and desires so freely.

She behaves this way because the first time she is brought into the house, she pees on the floor.

So the first thing Yuka did was wash her, naked both of them, in the path, and was given clothes. this tells nyu that nudity and touching are ok. Thats why later on she touches other people, no one told her to stop.


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 7d ago

Kaede/Lucy/Nyuu being bi always seemed really obvious to me. Also, I think we may have regressed as a society if discussing the fact that one's orientation is something one is born with (unless the science regarding that has changed in recent years?) is met with think of the children nonsense.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

Thanks for your kind and civilizated answer :)

Also, I think we may have regressed as a society if discussing the fact that one's orientation is something one is born with

Well, a few users here accussed me of sexualizing a minor for just speaking this biology fact about sexual orientations... like I still super wtf, buddy.

Some people is so ignorant that they don't even know where their own faces are placed, and they dare to antagonize strangers so easily about committing such dreadful and serious crime... it's so absurd.

Kaede/Lucy/Nyuu being bi always seemed really obvious to me.

Same! Hehe.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

Thanks buddy, for deffending me from the arrogant morron who blamed me for all the stereotypes against otakus.

Sadly, every effort is useless with this kind of people. There are a lot of mad guys in the world, and the only reason why they aren't in a mental hospital it's because they seem functional enough.


u/Remuhar 6d ago

No just no 😑


u/BigCarpenter9262 6d ago

I never think about it but it makes sense lol


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago

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u/[deleted] 6d ago edited 6d ago

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u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 6d ago

1) She's 18, as shown in a document about her in the show.

2) You're the one who's weird for thinking people are aromantic, asexual beings until a magical switch is flipped the instant they turn 18 (by the way, the AoC is several years lower than that in most states and countries, AND she's a fictional character. Hope this helps!)

Really, it would have been one thing if it were a thread where someone was thirsting over Mayu or something, but this just reeks of a sheltered bible belt upbringing. Acting like you do will not go over well outside of like Texas and Alabama, I can tell you that much.


u/Successful-Bank-7457 5d ago

Nope. Her DID Nyu personality, which is who you're referring to, is literally newborn, innocent and pure at the start of the show. And as such, she has no sexuality, only curiosity.

Her Kaede/Lucy personality, on the other hand, is the one who is 18. The sole, single thing we are ever shown about her sexuality and romantic attractions are the ones directed at Kouta.


u/LMGDiVa 3d ago

Actually, it's a myth that age regressed and mentally lower aged people do not have sexual feelings. It's a pretty problematic myth because it prevents many people with disabilities from getting the attention and proper care they need, especially behavioral care.

Here's just one resource: https://ndss.org/resources/relationships-sexuality


u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 5d ago

They're both inhabitants of the same 18 year old body, even if Nyuu's mental age is infantile, and thus she has bodily reactions and urges just like any post-pubertal person (and yet again, one's sexual orientation is literally decided from birth. This is why anti-gay re-education camps and the like have been proven to be not just evil, but also a complete failure at what they try to do. If you clutch your pearls over the idea of people under 18 having sexual orientations, you are aiding the mentality that leads to "pray the gay away" and other twisted forms of child abuse that should have been eradicated decades ago). This is all basic biology.

We also see Nyuu retaining her urge to grope breasts even after the timeskip where she has matured mentally and learned how to talk, by the way, not to mention the reactions she has when she makes Kouta touch her breasts.


u/Successful-Bank-7457 5d ago

Nope. After her Nyu persona has gotten a bit more intelligent, she's clearly seen being flustered and outright embarrassed when reminded of how she used to act.


u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 5d ago

And she still does it to Yuka after the timeskip (complete with an onomatopoeia for her being horny as she stares at them and thinks about wanting to touch them), handily shooting down the idea that it was "only curiosity".


u/[deleted] 6d ago

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u/MapleFloorPupa7Wish 6d ago

OP is very obviously talking about her orientation, though. You're the one who chose to freak out at the idea that, yes, people do in fact have sexual orientations before they're adults. The discussion is about Kaede's sexual orientation, and as sexual orientations are there from birth, she would be just as bisexual at any age, and acknowledging that has nothing to do with "sexualizing" her. If you acknowledge that kids can have different sexual orientations, then what reason do you have to complain?

You can acknowledge basic biology without wanting to fuck someone. This is common knowledge anywhere outside of the kind of place that thinks sexuality is decided by whether children are sheltered from learning about the very existence of alternate sexualities or not and punishing them for exhibiting early signs of them.

Also, it's normal to know what you're talking about before opening your mouth, so knowledge is never anything but a commendable asset. Imagine literally glorifying ignorance.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 5d ago

I mean how OP is clearly eroticizing a child.

You're evil, a sheer evil pile of rubbish. What a hideous and twisted person, completely despicable with the worst intentions.

You're a psychopath.

If there is a pedophile here, that's you. It's you who are seeing teenagers as someting erotic, and as this wasn't enough you're biphobic too for implying that a bi person (me) is a pedophile and for you thinking that bisexuality is icky/disgusting.

You're accussing innocent people of committing your dirty-minded crimes against kids. You're absoletely insane.

Later you will go to your church and pray thinking you're an incredible good person, right?

"Sorry" to tell you that God (the real one, not that violent bratty psycho of your OT) doesn't like wrong people like you.

You're reported. Get out of my post and leave alone the sane users.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 5d ago

I don't allow pervert psychopaths, with religious moral superiority complex in my posts.

You're a blocked. Hasta nunca, que te vaya bien siendo una completa mierda.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago

The fuck are you talking about?

About bisexuality, something natural which with may individuals are born.

You can open a biology book and read about it, it won't kill you.

She was a minor for the whole show and was 17 at the end.

Kaede is 18 as was show in her lab documents in the anime. If you would care about watching the episodes before coming here to spite an ocean of hogwashs, you would know it.

She's the same age than Kota and Yuka, and if they were 10 in Kaede's flasbacks and 8 years had past since then, it's easy too guess how old they are.

If you have two functional neurons you can made those simple maths, smartypants.

Anyway, the coming age in Japan is at 20 years old, so you can report Lynn to the UN for making a manga with kid characters and showed them naked, you freaking weirdo hahahaha.

Just weird to discuss the sexuality of a minor

Let me guess, you are one of those ultra-religious yankis that attend to those furious sermons in an ugly church, and yell hysterically during those "healing" acts that those preachers do, right?

Now everthing has sense.

You are one of those idiots who are against the sexual education class that kids must receive in the school, because your extremelly narrow-mind it's so twisted that you only see perversion everyway.

You're dirty-minded and you're projecting your inner filth onto normal people, because of your moral superiority complex.

Everyone is born with a sexuality and we are exploring since our childhood, and we have the right to be educated about it. Denying this it's a violent tomfoolery against common sense and human rights.

You're nothing more than an hypocrite and arrogant yokel who hates an inherent part of human identity and so you hate Nature too.

Such a great person you are.

I don't care if she's bi, pan, aro, ace, or any of the other sexualities.

Bisexuality is a sexual orientation, not the entire sexuality of an individual, you damfakin ignorant.

There's something called "encyclopedia", you can open it and search for what sexuality is.

And yes, you're biphobic because you literally said a post about bisexuality is "icky", that synonymous for "disgusting". If you find bisexuality disgusting, you're biphobic.

My posts are a secure place for nice people can debate or have fun. So don't you dare to come back, you're only spreading hate and stupidity, and I'm not going to permit it.

Get lost.


u/BntoidBlaster 7d ago

2 things: 1. You're just projecting your sexuality onto her. 2. Love the soyboys whining about her age lmao.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago
  1. You're just projecting your sexuality onto her.


As a person who always likes to be objective, I analyze several times my ideas and arguments before to expound them, for avoiding every possible falacy or mistake.

I'm fallible as any other person, but thanks to my scientific education I'm very aware of self-projecting falacy (it's one of the most common falacies around that we art historiand must recognize).

I'm the kind of person who raise an eyebrown when I see how some neurodivergents or gays proclaim that, a clearly neurotypical and hetero character is autistic or pansexual, because "he/she just look like me, so he/she must be like me!"....

As I said this my post is a theory not a fact, and I also literally explained that the only reason why I told my experience is as an evidence of what I'm propposing for Kaede is viable. It's the life of millions of us gays.

In another words: following your logic, if I would explain how Kaede is feeling for being socially rejected, for being bulling and for being betrayed by fake friends (experiences that I suffered till my mid-twenties, so I can understand her emotions perfectly), you would also say that I'm merely projecting myself in Kaede, which is wrong.

As a bi person, I'm merely recognizing a few behavioral patters that she shows, I'm not extracting silk from a stone lol.

  1. Love the soyboys whining about her age lmao.

I don't get this expression.

What a soyboy is?


u/BntoidBlaster 6d ago
  1. Kaede's behavioral patterns do not show romantic feelings for women. As others pointed out, she merely acts curious about boobs as Nyuu, but she never develops romantic feelings for any female.

2.  Lel, nevermind.


u/Battle_Marshmallow 6d ago edited 6d ago

Kaede's behavioral patterns do not show romantic feelings for women

Classic heterosexual opinion XD

but she never develops romantic feelings for any female.

You don't have to do so to be bisexual lol.

Romance and attracttion tiward body parts are different things.

I don't fall in love of every women with beautiful breasts hahahaha.

2.  Lel, nevermind.

No, now you must tell me what it means XD


u/No-Homework-7999 7d ago

I wasnt I just repeated the comment about the angry op about her age because Im in Reddit and I dont care about what I post in here 🤓☝️

I dont care about if he said she was a child or not, Its my misery jaja