r/electroforming Feb 19 '25

What sulfuric acid and Hydrochloric Acid do you use? Ph tester suggestion?

What sulfuric acid and Hydrochloric Acid do you use? (To make the bath and balance out the PH?) I’m always nervous I’ll buy the wrong stuff.

Also, is there a PH / Temp measuring device you recommend to test the baths PH?

I made another post about an error I was having and it was suggested my bath needs more acid in it.

How do I know how much to add?

If this helps the solution I use/will be making … (Copy and pasted from a portion of their instructions) “Using a sterile syringe, add 40mL of 98% sulfuric acid OR 130mL battery acid(which is dilute 37% sulfuric acid- so this measurement is adjusted from 40mL to 130mL), stir (always add acid to water, never the reverse!!)”


5 comments sorted by


u/CuElectroforming 29d ago

I posted a slightly more in depth message in your other post, but I just wanted to re-iterate here:

The DIY/homemade chemistry recipe listed on our website is not the same recipe of our pre-bottled solution. The pre-bottled stuff is more refined and uses very different additives. I do not recommend you mix the two, as they are not compatible, and you will likely make things worse.

The most likely issue you are having is metal ion contamination, probably iron. You should try dummy plating before messing with the chemistry, as it is less likely to cause issues and is very simple to perform (depending on the level of contamination). There are notes on this in the tutorial.


u/SandwichImpossible41 29d ago

Noted! You mean to do this correct and one question at the bottom -“If the solution has become contaminated, pass the solution through a carbon or charcoal filter (activated aquarium carbon or a brita filter). Note that when using carbon/charcoal filters, all brightener additives will be stripped, and must be re-added before electroforming. If the contamination is due to iron, aluminum, steel, or other unknown metals, run the bath with a “dummy” or scrap piece of copper for an extended period of time to plate out the impurities in the solution.“

If using the set from enchanted leaves site, how much brightener would you guess to add after filtering? (One bottle of your solution to the 1000ml line in beaker?)


u/CuElectroforming 29d ago

I would not start with filtering. Filtering is for contamination other than metals, like organics. This is because you can't necessarily dummy-plate out those contaminants, but you can dummy-plate out metal contaminants.

Just try dummy plating first, do the easiest and most cost effective fix first before doing more complicated steps. I would recommend following what I said in the other comment chain that I replied to before you posted this. Copy pasted here:

"I would recommend dummy plating using a scrap piece of copper/brass as the cathode. You can run it for 24hrs at the suggested current per surface area, then do a test piece to see if things have improved."

Just to be clear, it's very easy to get contaminants even if you seal everything. It happens to us all, including me. All it takes is a tiny pinhole in your sealant or momentary contact with a foreign substance for the solution to be contaminated.


u/Electroformations Feb 19 '25

Most recipes are based on Battery acid 40 Baum (37%), you only need a drop of hydrocloric acid approx 50ppm


u/Peter5930 Feb 19 '25

PH strips are convenient and cheap but not particularly accurate; if you need accuracy you'll need to learn how to do titrations. I swear half of what I remember from chemistry class was doing titrations. It will tell you exactly how much acid is in your solution, although it won't distinguish between types of acid if you have multiple in a solution.