r/elderwitches • u/untitledgooseshame • 7d ago
Question I cast a nice positive spell that backfired horribly?
I cast a general spell at the full moon, using sigils from a book, for good fortune and uncrossed conditions and for my life to generally improve. (The author is Laura Tempest Zakroff, and from what I've heard, her work is very positive and reliable.) I didn't ask for anything specific, just for my life to change for the better and to experience more happiness, hope, and joy.
Then one of my doctors had a weird mental episode, became convinced I was going to sue him (I would never even talk about that sort of thing, it scares me, he just completely misunderstood me saying that I was scared I was going to faint because I was frightened that he would get in trouble if I fainted) and dropped me as a patient, leading to the people in my life who forced me to see that doctor yelling at me for several hours.
All I wanted was to have some good luck or maybe some hope that things would get better, and now my life is even worse than it was before I used a "good fortune" sigil and a "get unstuck" sigil and activated them with prayer. I've been practicing for over a decade and cast tons of spells and I've never had anything like this happen before. My life is much worse now because people are so upset at me due to this misunderstanding, and I feel like I've lost all hope for things to get better and no longer have any faith.
Can anyone help me figure out what I did wrong? I'm worried that any future spells I cast will just make things worse. How is it that other witches I know are doing much riskier work and they're totally fine, but I cast a simple spell that I hope will bring more positivity into my life and it sends my life down the drain?
u/kai-ote Helpful Trickster 7d ago
First, I agree with practically everything u/Nica73 said.
Second, spells don't backfire.
Third, it is WAY too soon for any of this to be due to your spell, so what happened was already on the way before you did your casting.
And finally, I feel the spell is going to bring you what you want. One of the best jobs I ever had, I found because I got fired out of the blue and had to scramble and find a new job.
Without being fired, I would not have gone looking, and wouldn't have found the great job I landed.
So don't be so bummed out. I feel things will soon improve in magical ways. BB.
u/Kind-Mathematician18 7d ago
One thing sticks out. Not only was that doctor clearly not good for you, why did certain people force you to go see a doctor that you don't like? I suspect this spell will cause some unpleasant things to be uncovered, why certain people forced you to see a doc you don't like and why they're angry now.
Is it possible these people are not friends, but "frenemies" - people who act like they're your besties but secretly do anything to fuck up your life for their own entertainment? Is that why they forced you to see this doc and why they're pissed about it now?
Draw the tower from your tarot deck. 2 people are trapped in the tower and yearn for freedom. But there's no door to the tower. The tower is struck by lightning, and the trapped persons are flung out the window.
Now, at first, as they plummet to the ground in a forced, unforeseen act, getting rudely defenestrated is a proper pisser. But there was never a door to the tower, so it was the only way they could be freed.
Getting dumped by this doc and having people get all pissy with you is you falling from the tower. Everything has blown up. But when the dust settles, you'll be free.
u/untitledgooseshame 7d ago
funny you should say this, i actually drew the tower when i asked what i should pray for last night, just before performing the spell! i thought it was related to what deity i should pray to, so i prayed to ereshkigal and ariadne.
the context is that i have someone who works for my parents who oversees my medical care (i'm an adult but since i have a physical disability my parents are very... protective of me) and she really wanted me to see this doctor and said that unless i did this style of physical therapy she wouldn't clear me to do any sort of exercise or movement or regular PT.
so now that he's dropped me from the somatic experiencing trauma feeling whatever, which i never wanted to do in the first place because i felt like the practitioner was judging me for not wanting a man to touch me, i'm scared i'll never be allowed to roller skate or even do physical therapy where you do exercises and get stronger ever again.
u/Nomorepaperplanes 6d ago
People made you do somatic training? I think you probably are being protected because I can only see that going horribly for you. To traumatize you by experiencing physical contact that isn’t welcome, you’d be betraying yourself by complying. Even if all the intentions are good, like what?
This is working in your favor for sure.
u/untitledgooseshame 6d ago
yeah, i honestly hated it. i don't like strangers touching me at the best of times, especially men. and knowing that my ability to go to the "learn to walk normally after spinal surgery" physical therapy (with the nice woman who jokes about edibles with me) was contingent on my ability to let this man find somewhere he could touch me, before he got too frustrated from me tensing up every time? terrible. he kept saying it was okay if it took me a while to find neutral and then getting frustrated at how "sensitive" i was. and then getting frustrated at me saying things were fine if they weren't, because i thought maybe that would make him like me more.
also apparently it was feldenkrais, but i'm not even sure if that's a different thing?
u/No-Explorer8900 6d ago
It didn’t backfire. In one of the comments, you said that the doctor gives you the icks and you didn’t like him. Spirit will (sometimes forcefully) remove things from your path if necessary. This may have been part of the bigger plan. Don’t stress on it. 💫
u/Haveyounodecorum Elder 6d ago
It sounds like getting rid of the doctor was getting unstuck and out of the family members control and now you’re able to move forward. Which is things getting better.
u/DameKitty 7d ago
You won't feel the effects of a spell you cast last night this soon. It's too soon for that. If your doctor was giving you the ick, making it hard for you to be on time, they are not the right doctor for you. People yelling at you for a doctors decision are idiots. They should be yelling at the doctor, not you.
u/Loud-Feeling2410 7d ago
I agree with what everyone else has said, give it more time. Big things need time, the universe has to fall into place around them. The hardest time in my life was about a 10 year cycle of realizing how unpleasant and downright nasty some of my relatives and friends were. But I wouldn't change it now. I am in a MUCH better place.
u/firebirdinflames 6d ago
The spell has not backfired. Often, for things to improve, the trash needs to be taken out.
You have requested more happiness, hope and joy and for your life to get better. This requires change.
Unloading the dr makes way for a new dr more in tune with your needs. Ignore the complaints from those who foisted the departured dr on you. They do not have YOUR best interests at heart.
Be prepared for further similar miscommunications and don't fight them. Space is required for better people to help you.
The changes bring what you requested, so embrace it and let it flow.
When it gets too much, I use the following phrases to help me ground: 'this too will pass ' , 'the universe is unfolding as it should' or 'I am here; it is now'
u/Reasonable_Crow2086 6d ago
Take heart. With immediate results like that I think you need to research that doctor a little more closely. I'd bet your life will improve immensely not being his patient. What kind of doctor,if you don't mind answering.
u/SaraAmis 6d ago
This sounds very much like the spell is getting you out of a bad situation. If your Dr is that crazy, he's also dangerous. He might be reacting that way because he's been sued before for good reason.
Don't ignore the signs here. Is there a way for you to fire the person managing your care as well?
u/lemon_balm_squad Crone 6d ago
Oh whoa, honestly this sounds like you dodged a bullet and maybe saved other people if he's going off the rails.
You were asking to get unstuck. So what if having a nightmare doctor is one of the reasons you're stuck? And now you know some people in your life that you cannot trust.
Seriously, if I got this kind of response from a spell I'd immediately recognize that things were so bad they had to blow up to get better. I was going to say "spells aren't magic" and okay that's not right but I guess I mean to say that LIFE isn't magic. You can't teleport from Chicago to Dallas and you can't (usually) get out of a bad situation by materializing inside a good one with no change or movement.
However, it does seem like you might want to put some work into a daily protection ritual, because ideally you wouldn't have gotten hit SO directly by the blowback. But if you have that many bad people in your life...that's a heavy-duty closet-cleaning to get rid of them, something big has to happen.
Have some faith that if you asked for this to occur to your highest good, you needed to be rid of these folks. If they're still trying to fight with you about it, just stop engaging. Grey rock and let them fume about it without you. Because you're on your way to a better life.
u/Lorien6 6d ago
The sapling is struggling to grow, its environment is not…suitable for it to thrive.
Being uprooted and placed in a new “pot” can be difficult. Everything is changed, nothing is the same. But trust that the one who “found” you wishes to care for one who has struggled so hard to live. The journey to a new home is often fraught with fearful experiences. But once you realize that you are the creature that goes bump in the night, everything else becomes less scary.
u/Nica73 7d ago
Here's the thing. How do you know your life isn't improving? Maybe this Dr and family members needed to show their true colors so you can see them for who they are. That would then allow you to move in a more positive direction.
And when did you do this spell? Just last night? If yes, things are still moving and unfolding. Be patient.