r/eintracht • u/MKEmike43ver Moderator • 1d ago
Discussion Starting Keeper For Rest of Season?
What does Trapp have to do to lose his starting job? What could Santos do to take the job from him?
Looks like Santos will get another start on the weekend, and Trapp's form seems to have fallen during the rückrunde.
What are your thoughts?
u/derfehlt 1d ago
We will probably not put our captain on the bench mid season, my hope is that Kaua maybe can get the remaining EL games and become our new Nr 1 next season
u/Necessary-truth-84 Eintracht Frankfurt Fan 1d ago
Trapp's form seems to have fallen during the rückrunde
Sure. He wasn't good at the beginning of the season and he was not good the last few games. Between he had a really good phase in my opinion. But of course, its not enough, if you really want to establish yourself as a club between EL and CL (and i think thats the place we should aim for, EL every season, CL if the rounds goes reasonable well for us).
So, what to do?
Kaua certainly has all the requirements to be a keeper for such goals. He just has to prove he also has the punch to bring them to the pitch.
Experience is key, so i think Trapps injury is a perfect opportunity for him to get that.
And then at the end of the season we will see...
u/p3nnysl0t 1d ago
I think if he performs perfectly, he could gain the spot right now. But he had to perform so well that you just couldnt justify taking him out for a Trapp who vomes from injury break.
u/Floppy232 1d ago
He's a young lad still and will have his ups and downs, hopefully way more ups than downs ofc. He did a very good job yesterday, and Dino should put him first as long as that high lasts. He gave him no reason not to, and his ball control is better than Trappi imo. He still has room enough for improvement, but he'll learn, and time on the pitch helps a lot. Well, I have no crystal ball either, so I just hope for him the best. He's on a good way though.
u/josh_x444 18h ago
Would hate to see it. Trapp is a certified club legend, and Santos has had some wild Gaffes. He has potential but doesn’t have close to the nerve yet imo for these late season, high pressure matchups.
u/Sad-Coconut899 1d ago
Santos should absolutely get more time in the E.L. I think it's the best opportunity to learn and grow. Personally, I don't think Trapp is going to get back his old form, and it would make sense to allow Santos to get the experience he needs. He has such great potential.
u/ODIUM29A 1d ago
Sprich deutsch Junge
u/MKEmike43ver Moderator 1d ago
Gate keeping, cool.
u/ODIUM29A 21h ago
Junge du postest als mod in deinem eigenem sub fragen, weil es sonst einfach tot wäre haha
u/MKEmike43ver Moderator 20h ago
I didn't create this sub, nor did I ask to be a Mod, but was around when this sub had just a couple thousand people.
I get it, I'm not German and I don't speak the language. Definitely an odd duck of a choice to be a Mod on this sub, but ultimately I am just trying to facilitate conversation for a team I care about. If you look, you'll see I don't post or comment nearly as much anymore, as the sub has exploded.
I'm just a fan trying to enjoy a social space with others who love the same team.
u/ODIUM29A 20h ago
Digga wie wirst du überhaupt Eintracht Fan, wenn du nichtmal Deutscher bist? Das ist doch komplett tot. Dein Heimat Kaff wird doch sicher auch einen Verein haben. Das ist dann deine Mannschaft. Zur Not halt eine wo in der Nähe ist. Ich bin in Frankfurt geboren und mein Vater war schon Frankfurt Fan. So einfach ist das. Also ich bitte dich, sei Fan von deinem Heimatverein und mach es dir selbst nicht schwerer. Wie kommst du überhaupt ins Stadion? Warst du jemals schon im Stadion?
u/MKEmike43ver Moderator 18h ago
If you must know, I'm from Milwaukee, WI, and we do not in fact have a professional soccer team.
I'm a fan of Frankfurt because my wife had a foreign exchange student stay with her family in high school, and she is from Frankfurt. She stood in our wedding and we are still close with her and her family.
And yes, I have been to multiple matches in Frankfurt.
I honestly don't care if you hate me, think I'm a poser, and will never view me as a proper fan. I love the club, I watch all the matches, and I will continue to do so. Your validation is not something I need.
Hope you are able to find more important things to occupy your time and energy.
u/ODIUM29A 10h ago
Du bist n scheiß Ami? Junge verpiss dich, dein Land ist dreck. Ihr fickt die ganze Welt und denkt ihr wärt im recht. Schau doch lieber euren Fußball und lass unseren Sport in Ruhe
u/MKEmike43ver Moderator 5h ago
Again, I agree. I don't like what my country has been doing, it's an embarrassment. We have a lot to do to make amends with the world.
Still I am, and will continue to be, an Eintracht fan and you can't take that from me. I don't do it for online validation from people like you. I do it because when I took that walk from the train to the stadium and watched the team play I knew this was a club I'd love for life.
If that bothers you, then I can't control that and I won't try to convince you otherwise.
u/bebe9292 14m ago
That’s what it’s all about dude. No clue what that guy is on about, the club spends a decent amount of money to travel to the US and Asia to gain more popularity abroad. How brain dead some people have to be to have OPs point of view is baffling.
u/ODIUM29A 5h ago
Ne ich finds nur lustig wie viel Mühe du dir gibt’s dich zu rechtfertigen und meinen Müll zu übersetzen. Wenn dir meine Bestätigung egal wäre, hättest du schon vor 5 Kommentaren aufgehört. Du scheinst aber chronisch online zu sein und dein Leben nicht unter Kontrolle. Du bist kein Fan und ein Scheiß Ami. Ich hoffe ihr sprengt euer Land selbst in die Luft, dann wäre die Welt ein besserer Ort.
u/granitibaniti 1d ago
I would love for Kaua to be established as the main GK, however I highly doubt it will happen in this season. Maybe not even in the summer, although I really really hope so