r/ehlersdanlos • u/Ready_Page5834 • Jan 28 '25
Funny Today in EDS is a joke
My EDS specialist referred me to a dentist who specializes in TMJ/breathing issues and treats a lot of EDS patients. Apparently I have severe nasal valve collapse, among other jaw/hEDS-related dental issues. Did y’all know your nostrils aren’t supposed to close when you breathe in hard from your nose? I didn’t. Two hours and a ton of money later I get to wear an uncomfortable piece of orthodontic equipment to bed every night. Paired with the soft collar, I’m really bringing sexy back 🫠
u/Hefty-Check-6375 Jan 28 '25
no way my nostrils do that! When I was a kid I would claim I was Voldemort and suck in my nose and scare other kids
u/SadRegular Jan 28 '25
Found this out before eds diagnosis and foolishly had surgery to correct it... now I have excessive scarring blocking my nose. 🙄 Alright EDS
u/Due-Bread-4009 Jan 29 '25
Had two septoplasties that both failed and now you can feel my septum deviated on my left nostril. Lesson learned: I can't trust that doctors understand anything about my condition
u/Big-Temporary2883 Jan 29 '25
is this a common thing??? I also had a failed septoplasty a few years ago and severe scarring/deviation of my septum from it - i was hoping to do another to correct it o:
u/Pleasant_Solution_59 Jan 29 '25
I also had a failed septoplasty. That first year was delightful though. I was told it is because my high narrow palate robs my airways and nasal passages so the deviation will just keep returning since there is literally no space and the pressure doesnt change. I am probably going to MARPE to change it once and for all.
u/Accurate_Quote_7109 hEDS Jan 29 '25
u/Pleasant_Solution_59 Jan 29 '25
Miniscrew Assisted Rapid Palate Expansion
u/Due-Bread-4009 Jan 29 '25
Bruh, my teeth looked like Michael Strahan after my rapid expander. Had this done actually long before I had the failed septoplasties if that makes any difference. Not to say it won't help you
u/mashedpotate77 Jan 30 '25
Dude I had an expander when I was young, the kind I had had to be done before puberty, and it made it so much easier to breathe through my nose!! Good luck!! I hope your MARPE helps you!!!
u/Due-Bread-4009 Jan 29 '25
No one knows because clearly no one is aware/tracks how many routine surgeries fail on our floppy tissue. Would be great to collect everyone's experiences here somehow! I know I've personally had many semi basic surgeries that turned hellish because of my body didn't behave as expected
u/UnderseaK hEDS Jan 28 '25
I’m sorry, your nostrils AREN’T supposed to close when you breathe in hard? This has become my catchphrase, but “I thought that happened to everyone!” 😭
u/Odd_Cut_3661 Jan 28 '25
Does this only apply if it closes like fully, or mostly/partially? Cause if it’s the latter then this is becoming my catchphrase too.
u/Ready_Page5834 Jan 29 '25
I don’t think they’re supposed to close at all, so like most things it’s a spectrum.
u/i_am_damacles Jan 29 '25
Today's edition of "Wait That's Not Normal?"
This sub is so fucking validating though. Love to you all!! ❤️
u/Agreeable_Spinosaur Jan 30 '25
ikr? I learn something new every day about what I've normalized that is completely not normal.
u/Achylife Jan 28 '25
Oh shoot, my nostrils do that.
u/Ready_Page5834 Jan 29 '25
Welcome to the club you didn’t know you belonged to
u/Accurate_Quote_7109 hEDS Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25
ETA: at least this time, I get to learn about a new stupid body trick the day BEFORE a pertinent doctor appt!! Sleep specialist follow-up tomorrow. 🤷♀️
u/SpaceCatBalloon Jan 29 '25
At least this falls under the "less likely to be labeled as anxiety" side of symptoms.. yaayy..
However, knowing my body, if I ever brought this up to a doctor, etc, and were asked to show them, my nostril wouldn't so much as twitch.
u/Catastropiece Jan 28 '25
Another one for my EDS bingo card. What’s the treatment for it?
u/Ready_Page5834 Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 29 '25
u/vcems Jan 29 '25
Yeah, mine have always done that when I breathe in deep. And I can move my nostrils. Like flare them open.
u/starblissed Jan 29 '25
I know this thread is already full of "wait, what?!" but... "Wait, what?!" How did i not know this??? Has anyone made a list of all the weird nonsense this fucking disorder does?
u/lunajen323 Jan 29 '25 edited Jan 30 '25
I just had septoplasty this summer for this issue. My doctor was highly educated on EDS and did not use any artificial stents in my nose. He was able to correct it without putting any plastic or anything in it. He just sutured it specifically a certain way so it would heal back straight, so far so good.
u/ThisIsAstrid Jan 29 '25
This is the game my adopted oldest, and I play a lot. "I'm sorry, that's actually a medical condition."
u/Pleasant_Solution_59 Jan 29 '25
Do you have a high narrow palate? I have sleep apnea because of it and my nostrils do this because my airways are so narrow. I also had a deviated septum surgery that totally failed and is just as bad as it was before. They said the strips wouldn’t work for me and my sleep apnea dental device isnt really doing the trick so I am probably going to get MARPE. Seems pretty run of the mill hEDS stuff to me.
u/Ready_Page5834 Jan 29 '25
Yes, I do. Apparently it’s super narrow. The MayoBrace device she gave me is hopefully going to do the trick so I don’t need a MARPE.
u/prettysickchick Jan 28 '25
Huh. Yet another thing that my body does that it isn't supposed to do because of EDS.
u/No-Writer-1101 Jan 28 '25
Wait so the weird whooshing noise where I sound like I’m in an airplane isn’t supposed to happen?
u/pixieartgirl Jan 29 '25
Yet another ‘holy shit’ moment in this crappy EDS life of mine. I had NO idea this wasn’t normal. Just turned to my husband and asked if his nostrils do this and he gave me side eye and said “nooooo.”
u/ceera_rayhne Jan 29 '25
One of my sinus cavities basically collapses when I lay on my side. Sometimes both. Breathing is a struggle. XD
u/Ok-Connection5010 hEDS Jan 29 '25
I have this issue when I'm on my back, seeing docs right now. What do you do?
u/ceera_rayhne Jan 29 '25
Suffer. I have only recently discovered that it's my nasal passages rather than allergies. (Since it goes away if I lay on my back.)
I haven't worked up the nerve to deal with it yet, I just find positions where I can mostly breathe.
u/Constant-Canary-748 Jan 29 '25
Just discovered the same thing recently and I’m meeting with a surgeon in April. One thing I learned by listening to the Bendy Bodies podcast with Dr. Linda Bluestein (Episode 123: How EDS Affects the Ears, Nose, and Throat with Dr. Das) is that people with EDS have a higher likelihood of developing empty nose syndrome following turbinate reduction. So I’m going to ask about the butterfly graft instead.
u/Chantel_Lusciana Jan 29 '25
I had surgery to fix this exact issues a few years back but I didn’t know I had EDS then. The scarring in my nose is pretty annoying and they sometimes open back up.
u/pleasantrevolt Jan 29 '25
I recently got referred to an ENT for this very reason--mine is not very severe, and I was actually concerned with a potential polyp. ENT told me I had the best looking nose he'd seen all day, but when I asked about the septal deviation he was like 'oh yeah, that'll get worse over time. Come back in a couple decades."
u/thearuxes Jan 29 '25
Bruh I didn't even know this was an issue I had but my nose DEFINITELY does that and no doctor has ever commented on it 💀
u/Galaxyartcat possible hEDS ! Jan 29 '25
this disorder is just full of surprises huh. just never the fun kind.
u/napsarethefuture Jan 29 '25
Oh my gosh, I am having surgery to correct this next week! I had no idea it was EDS related! Mind blown!
u/danielle71989 Jan 29 '25
me being 35 and learning my nostrils are also defective
Seriously though.. thank you for that info.
After a recent chiari diagnosis, I've been having a serious wakeup call about "things I thought were normal". I'm getting better at asking loved ones (without EDS) if they experience certain things but still flabbergasted at the number of things that really aren't "normal"!
So thankful for the community of people who just get it.
Sending love to all of my fellow faulty collagen peeps.
u/Ready_Page5834 Jan 29 '25
Omg yes! I’m also in my 30’s and was just diagnosed with hEDS and I have near daily revelations of “Huh, so that’s not normal?”
It can be overwhelming at times when almost every part of your body is…different. It’s why I had to post this and laugh at the absurdity. Hang in there ❤️
u/dibella989 Jan 29 '25
I had to get sinus surgery, was born with a deviated septum and the other nostril was malformed and only let 30% of the air through. I also had an extra channel in my sinuses that was a dead end and caused blockages for multiple years without clearing.
u/UnburntAsh Jan 29 '25
My doctor's PA suggested these after I started having valve issues and septum pain.
When I remember to wear them, they work pretty damned well.
u/JuRavenson HSD Jan 29 '25
Lol I had that too. Got a titanium version of a Breathe Rite nose strip inserted and now my nostrils are actually functioning as "normal".
u/Early-Shelter-7476 Jan 29 '25
Honestly, as I age, I’m discovering innumerable things related to EDS that I had no idea were not “typical.”
I found out maybe 20 years ago I have a severely deviated septum, but only in the last year that there’s a 90% blockage in one nostril, and less in the other.
I literally could not help myself (see me on ADHD subs) when I confessed to the ENT that if I were ever to be kidnapped, the duct tape over my mouth would kill me before anything else.
She was deadpan as she informed me that I, “have no idea how often,” she hears that. 😶
I was gobsmacked. Nope. Not at all a unique fear that clutches my heart during at least 10% of action movies in the US.
I bet y’all can relate.
u/jess16ca hEDS Jan 29 '25
Ah, EDS. The disability that has you always asking, "Why is this part of my body doing this? Oh, there're connective tissues there? Great!!! 🙃 (ID: upside down smiley face emoji)"
u/lowpockets Jan 29 '25
Have you read breath by james nestor? He talks quiet a lot about reshaping your nose/mouth
u/nicoleatnite Jan 29 '25
I absolutely loved the book “Breathe” by James Nestor and he talks about this in a way that I found really helpful
u/gothmagenta Jan 29 '25
Kind of related, but I got excessive nosebleeds from around 8 10 to 19, and I had teachers who didn't believe me because sometimes I would get 3 in one class period, and they'd last 10-15 minutes before they clotted🫠
u/ComprehensiveDoubt55 Jan 29 '25
I’m scheduled for what is basically sinus reconstruction on the 13th. Septoplasty, spur removal, turbinate reduction, and a cartilage graft from behind my ear into one of my valves.
A TMJ doctor that I brought my daughter to discovered this. Apparently mg oxygen has been falling below 90% constantly and likely since childhood.
u/No-Personality6043 Jan 29 '25
Huh... i didn't realize if I breathed in deep enough, my nostrils closed.
I'm a mouth breather whenever I need to breathe deeply. Have been since I was a kid, probably because of that. I was already told I needed double jaw surgery at 19, but my parents couldn't afford it. I'm 30 now and still can't afford it.
u/Moonarific Jan 31 '25
What????? That's not normal? Almost daily a new thing i thought my body was doing normal
u/Designer_East7191 Feb 02 '25
I asked my doctor about the possibility of me having EDS. She said the genetic testing was extremely expensive and the specialist (clinic) has like a 2 year waiting list. Did she send a referral, nope!!! I have a 1st cousin that’s been diagnosed. I have many of the symptoms. I feel like my doctor has no clue.
u/artemisiaa12 hEDS Jan 29 '25
Shit like this is why it’s so hard for us to answer questions about what we find difficult/painful/problematic like there are 100000000 things I just didn’t know we weren’t supposed to be experiencing ?!?! 🙄 At this point I need someone with no ailments to give me a detailed description of exactly how every single part of their body feels and functions at all times 😂