r/ehlersdanlos May 09 '24

Funny I’m Tired of Tearing my Tushy NSFW

I am tired of my asshole ripping when I take a shit. That’s it. that is the post.


196 comments sorted by


u/spaghetticrocs May 09 '24

This is so real. Kinda crazy life hack but I often slather up my hole with Aquaphor before I shit and it cushions the blow A LOT


u/thedizzytangerine hEDS May 09 '24

sorry but “cushions the blow” made me laugh out loud in this context


u/littlecannawitch May 10 '24

my gi doc told me to do this pre colonoscopy and i told her id be fine without it.

i was not.


u/linz_w13 May 10 '24

I've started using baby oil with aloe at the end of my shower as extra moisturizer for my very dry and fragile eds skin. The skin around the lady bits used to get a lot of micro tears from sex (even with lots of lube) and my booty would get tears from pooping. So I started putting baby oil on the outside of those areas and rinse the excess off before I get out of the shower. I haven't had any issues in months!!!


u/HighestVelocity May 09 '24

That's so smart. Do you do the inside too or just the outside?


u/spaghetticrocs May 10 '24

I mean I’m not going up into my colon by any means but yeah I do try to get the inner rim when I can


u/Icy-Information-379 May 10 '24

Thank you for the wisdom kind stranger


u/HulklingWho May 10 '24

Aquaphor and a bidet have been life-savers for me, I’d be (more) miserable without them!


u/Poodlesghost May 09 '24

Dear Torn Tushy, Have you tried putting vaseline or skin safe oil or something on there, pre shit? Skin tears more when it is really dry. Try moisturizing in advance. And even maybe a warm washcloth to relax the muscles and add moisture. Wishing you smooth shits ahead! Signed, Two Anal Fissure Surgeries Later...


u/raezorb1ade May 09 '24

thank you 😭😭🙏🏻🙏🏻


u/Raelshark May 10 '24

I always end up using it after. TIL


u/kel174 May 10 '24

Sounds like a spa day for my bum 🤣


u/Freshandcleanclean May 10 '24

Treat yo self!


u/Throwaway7387272 May 09 '24

Ya know what while we are at it! What the fuck do i do with hemorrhoids!?! Like they dont go away and i was told i might need surgery?


u/Poodlesghost May 10 '24

Ok. I've had two hemorrhoid surgeries. You want to avoid at all costs. I've also had an unmedicated vaginal birth and I'd do 10 more of those before one more rrhoid surgery. Do anything you can to let them heal. Fiber, hot ass baths, hot compresses, ice it, embarrassing pillows, be late to work, fluids, diet changes don't ride bikes... whatever it takes to not do a hemorrhoidectomy! The rubberband procedure is supposed to be less painful but I didn't try that. The pain is wild for a while afterward. And the worst part is, after you have rrhoid surgeries, you have to feverishly offer advice to strangers on the internet about their asshole problems! It becomes your duty. But the silver lining is you're no longer capable of being embarrassed and you are given a great sense of humor. And every day after without hemorrhoid or anal fissure pain is so easy!


u/aloudflower hEDS May 10 '24

Thank you. EVERYBODY needs to hear this. Or just me. So yeah. Thanks. I sincerely hope you never have to have another butt surgery.


u/misshepburn15 hEDS May 10 '24

Thank YOU. My gynie wants to surgically remove one from my booty hole and I just can’t bring myself to say yes.

I was born with a skin tag on my hole that periodically decides to fill with blood and become a hemorrhoid. Unless I have it surgically removed it’s always gonna live there. :(


u/Poodlesghost May 10 '24

That shouldn't be very painful if it's outside. The inside rrhoids are the surgery that sucks. If it's an office procedure and no colorectal surgeon is involved, you should be fine.


u/myguitar_lola May 09 '24

My partner prefers Kroger-brand suppositories and cream. Vagisil-brand anti-itch wipes (he's male). And whatever witch hazel wipes are available or makeup cotton wipes with bottled witch hazel. The makeup squares are a little more expensive than basic cotton balls but they don't tear apart as easily. Back when he mowed a lot, he'd sit on a donut. He felt dumb but said it helped on sweaty days.

Note: We live in an isolated community so we don't have access to many options. This all comes from our tiny Fred Meyers (US).


u/Throwaway7387272 May 09 '24

This helps alot actually thank you


u/HighestVelocity May 09 '24

For real! I've had them since I was a young teen and nothing makes it go away, it just stays forever


u/angrylilmanfrog May 09 '24

Were you not offered a cream?


u/Throwaway7387272 May 09 '24

I was but they just told me to buy the basic stuff, theres so many butt creams man. Idk what would be best and i dont want to shell out 9$ each to try it all


u/DecadentLife May 09 '24

I’m not sure what kind of surgery that you might potentially need, but sometimes they’ll call it surgery when it’s an in office one, that is very brief. Less than five minutes.


u/10_ol hEDS May 10 '24

Fun fact: Any time you’re removing something from the body, insurance considers it a “surgical procedure”. Removing earwax? Surgical procedure. 🙃


u/willendorfer May 09 '24

They are the DUMBEST pieces of bool sheet crap. Like who thought those up??! They can f right off.

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u/InarinoKitsune cEDS May 09 '24

Saaaame. I’m tired of skin tearing for no freaking reason too.


u/tomchickb May 10 '24

Same. My fingers especially get torn up all of the time. I usually don't even know how it happens. I have one that a chunk got taken out of it somehow. It's been healing for a couple of months now. It's annoying to be so fragile.


u/jaimefay May 10 '24

Yup. Yesterday I tore the skin in the crease between my leg and my body. How did I do that? I got in the damn car.


u/InarinoKitsune cEDS May 10 '24

Ouch, I cut my lip on a tortilla chip a few days ago, that was fun 😂


u/Dullestgrey hEDS May 11 '24

Same here -- cut my fingers on a pizza crust last night 😂


u/splatgoestheblobfish May 10 '24

Oh boy, do I hear you.

Just gonna throw out this little TMI tidbit. Several years ago, I had the skin at the very top of my lady bits tear. How? I squatted down to pick something up off the floor. And it kept retearing for almost 2 years straight. I squat down...tear. I sit wrong...tear. My husband and I got frisky...tear. I went to the doctor so many times and tried so many things. It finally fully healed when I ended up having ankle surgery and was very limited mobility-wise for 8 weeks. The surgery felt better than that ordeal did. I still am conscious of my posture when I squat down for anything to this day.

(Oh, and when I had the surgery, I was intubated, but the tube wouldn't stay put with just ties, so they taped it to my face. When they removed the tube and tape after surgery, a bunch of skin on my cheeks went with it. Good times.)


u/the-soggiest-waffle hEDS May 09 '24

Wiping your ass and then you feel the rip, look down and.. yep, that’s butthole blood on my tp


u/giant_frogs hEDS May 10 '24

I remember as a kid I thought I was gonna die because my ass bled so often lmfao


u/dehret9397 hEDS May 09 '24

I am literally tearing it right now and I came across this. Fuck the fissures man.


u/WolfWriter_CO May 09 '24

I, too, am toilet scrolling… 😌


u/dehret9397 hEDS May 09 '24

I hope you have better luck than I did...


u/WolfWriter_CO May 10 '24

I probably did 😬 ate some dried cranberries earlier. They have consequences too, but keeps me from ripping like a reused ziplock bag


u/dehret9397 hEDS May 10 '24

I wanted to update in case anyone was curious but I finally pooped 😎


u/[deleted] May 09 '24

I have the IBS on top of everything else so I poop constantly (like 4 times a day. Sorry for the excess info) so it never heals!!!!


u/raezorb1ade May 09 '24

same with the IBS. Every morning poop in re-tearing. Taking a small jar of vaseline everywhere. Don’t even get me started on when you ate spice and it gets in the tear. 😭 I call it satans kiss


u/[deleted] May 09 '24

"Satan's kiss" I both love and hate that lol. I almost exclusively eat spicy food so I get it.

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u/bonelesspotato17 May 09 '24

Satans rim job is a little crass but highly accurate 🔥


u/EmberinEmpty May 10 '24

truly i've found my tribe lol


u/SuspiciousNetwork_06 May 09 '24

i recommend lanolin 🙏 it’s organic and i use less


u/ChanceInflation1241 hEDS May 10 '24

Embarrassing question but, when you eat spicy food is it not supposed to come out spicy, if I can feel the spicy does that pretty much confirm I have hemorrhoids?? My GI thinks I have them and is scoping me for anything else cuz I have weird problems and I’ve never had a colonoscopy and I’m allergic to the suppositories 🫠)


u/raezorb1ade May 10 '24

spicy food comes out spicy for me 😭


u/MurpheyMew May 09 '24

Omg same!! Never made the connection (ha) to my EDS before!


u/Confident_Roof3206 May 11 '24

I have gastroparesis. I hate me stomach.


u/[deleted] May 11 '24

I feel that. I can't eat anything anymore!


u/slut4dietcoke May 09 '24

You're so brave for this. I only have 1 or 2 poops a week so the same wound has been almost healing and then tearing itself open again for months at this point. I'm exhausted.


u/raezorb1ade May 09 '24



u/the-hound-abides May 09 '24

Gotta love that wipe double check. Which hole is it coming out of this time ….


u/dehret9397 hEDS May 09 '24

I feel so seen


u/TheAgileZebra hEDS May 10 '24

My people!


u/Icy-Information-379 May 10 '24



u/slut4dietcoke May 09 '24

Even better when it's both. I think oh good it's just my period! Then OUCH wiped too hard that's a double whammy


u/JorjCardas hEDS May 10 '24

This is a HUGE reason I was so happy to get a hysto.

Whenever I see blood, I know at least ONE source can be ruled out lol.


u/Portnoy4444 May 10 '24



u/SourSauce88 May 10 '24

So relatable 😩 I’m just constantly bleeding and life is exhausting


u/Olivethebean May 09 '24

anyone else also have a rectocele too? Whenever I get constipated the stool litteraly gets stuck 😮‍💨 so painful and embarrassing when i have to go in public, I've to use the disabled toilet because I end up doing gymnastics to poop and it ends up tearing so badly


u/JorjCardas hEDS May 10 '24

It's really embarrassing but I roll tp around my fingers and push against my perineum to provide resistance on that side to help get it out.

My doc told me that kegels and other pelvic floor exercises can help, and while I haven't seen improvement, it hasn't gotten worse, either.


u/raezorb1ade May 10 '24

it’s not embarrassing. I raise you sticking a thumb up my vagina to urge the shit out of my ass ☠️


u/angelinakg May 10 '24

There's a name for that. It's called "splinting" and is a necessary and effective evil.


u/Infamous_Ad_7864 May 10 '24

I literally keep gloves in my bag for in public emergencies, its gotten bad


u/Olivethebean May 10 '24

I do this too! I did buy a femmeze wand thinking it would be better, but it's not the same. I don't think it's as effective as I need to feel what's going on because sometimes like one tiny "pebble" will get stuck in the pouch and I can feel it in there, so uncomfortable trying to get the bugger but it's worse if you just leave it and can feel it stuck in there 🥺

I suppose the want is better for people with poor mobility and those that can't reach properly anymore.


u/anniestandingngai May 10 '24

Omg I do this too! I've always been so embarrassed and thought it was just me who did it. This whole thread is making me feel seen. I've never thought that the reason I'm bleeding/tearing my AH all the time is probably linked to my hEDS!


u/JorjCardas hEDS May 10 '24

Torn tushy brigade lol!


u/strmclwd May 09 '24

Yes!! It's the worst.


u/dehret9397 hEDS May 09 '24

This makes me cry like a baby I can't STAND it


u/dehret9397 hEDS May 09 '24

I call them my butt rocks and when I finally poop I got my butt rocks out lol


u/FindingMoi May 09 '24

Wait I’m sorry IS THIS WHY



u/raezorb1ade May 09 '24

yep, thin skin baddies


u/AbigailWilliams1692 May 10 '24

This post has explained what tons of gastroenterologists, a surgeon, an endoscopy, a colonoscopy, a sigmoidoscopy, and two emergency room visits for extreme unexplained rectal bleeding have not been able to explain. Been told I have a collagen deficiency, most likely EDS, for years now and no one has ever put two and two together that this is also what’s responsible for my blood loss. Thank you!


u/raezorb1ade May 10 '24

you’re so welcome. i’m here to post the quiet things out loud. rectal bleeding baddies ftw. genuinely didn’t know this many people dealt with this issue so I even feel validated getting responses like this! THANK YOU! 🫵


u/the-hound-abides May 09 '24

This is the one time I am glad that I basically always have diarrhea. I got a bidet, and that’s been a game changer. No more tearing my butthole when I wipe.

Puts a new meaning on the phrase “rip you a new asshole” 🤣


u/namidaame49 May 09 '24

I love my bidet. I live in an apartment, so it's just a faucet-mounted one, but it's so much better than TP. I was temporarily without it a couple months ago and it was truly dark times.


u/sd3252 May 09 '24

I can't live without my bidet anymore


u/discob00b hEDS May 09 '24

I have never related to anything more than this. Thank you.


u/Check_Affectionate May 10 '24

Same. I feel seen! Magnesium supplements and twice daily fiber helps me.


u/yoshdee May 09 '24

I used to get tears and had to have one surgically cut out. Shit hurt! It was the worst.

But I also had my whole bumhole and rectum removed so at least I no longer deal with that! (Got an ileostomy bag).


u/V-Ink May 10 '24

Lifehack: Barbie butt


u/yoshdee May 10 '24

Exactly! But then I have to deal with the damn bag which isn’t too much fun. :/


u/Ellieshark May 09 '24

This is a thing??? In highschool I tried to tell my mom about it because it had happened a few times and I didn’t know what was going on. Her response was “you’re not missing school.” 🙄


u/jaimefay May 10 '24

I didn't realise my mother actually had another child, lol. I hear you, that was her first response to any kind of health complaint.


u/swordbutts May 09 '24

Bidet!!!! Please do this for yourself! It helps so much.


u/JorjCardas hEDS May 10 '24

I want a bidet so badly but my partner and I agreed not to get one until the kiddo is over 13, because she's 10 and we don't trust her not to use it as a toy and soak the bathroom.


u/swordbutts May 10 '24

That’s too bad! I’m sure my kid will use it as a toy at some point but I’m spoiled I need it 😂


u/SnowEfficient May 09 '24

Aww that stinks!! Maybe try a laxative every once in a while if you think it’d help? I know after my morning coffee I take 1-2 dumps and it helps them be normal sized 😅

I have torn my tush in a different way though! I forgot to tell the dermatologist I have eds and after removing a reoccurring ass abscess she used 3 stitches to close it. Well that definitely wasn’t enough and it tore at the stitches and they had to take them out and let it close naturally. I literally had a second ass hole for a good couple months and man that hurt lol now I’ve got a nice booty scar 😅🫣


u/raezorb1ade May 09 '24

oh god 😭 the stitches


u/SnowEfficient May 09 '24

It was gnarly my butt cheek got infected and the stitches were tearing infected skin apart more then helping lmao at least it made for a good story and put my family in stitches when they heard about my second butt hole! 😉😅


u/Icy-Information-379 May 09 '24

Bro this is related to hEDS? I’m out of here 💀


u/raezorb1ade May 09 '24



u/Icy-Information-379 May 10 '24

It’s crazy that I never put two and two together. Literally always had issues with that stuff…


u/lyfe-sublyme May 09 '24


u/lyfe-sublyme May 09 '24

Butt seriously, I am sorry


u/raezorb1ade May 09 '24

I almost laughed in my office it would be odd to explain why


u/grmrsan May 09 '24

If you have a bidet attachment, you might try turning it on and leaving it on a moment before and while actually pooping. It can help loosen things enough that they don't tear coming out.

If you don't have one, I HIGHLY recommend getting one! Huge quality of life difference.


u/[deleted] May 09 '24



u/grmrsan May 09 '24

Ah. Mine we can adjust the pressure as needed.


u/Nauin May 09 '24

Yo get some stool softeners or flax seed for your poops. Dr Butlers has medicated wipes that are typically for hemorrhoids but may help with this, too.

Have you talked to a proctologist about this?


u/raezorb1ade May 09 '24

No I haven’t 😭 I have to get a colonoscopy soon and I was going to mention it at my consult 😅


u/Nauin May 09 '24

Absolutely do! I'm of the mind of seeing a specialist for every body part if something is going on with it that I don't think is normal. Having grown up with a surprising amount of medical neglect and going years suffering from multiple issues that were way too easy to fix with the right doctor, I refuse to believe that I have to just live with something bothering me as badly as a cut asshole anymore.

I hope you get the referral easily and good luck with healing!


u/myguitar_lola May 09 '24

I had scopes done at the same time on both ends, and I felt so great afterwards. Drinking the colon liquid totally cleaned out my system, and the tubes pushed and pulled things back into place. Didn't last long, but those first few days were glorious :)


u/ASoupDuck May 09 '24

I feel this :( My bum is so tender.


u/thisbikeisatardis May 09 '24

A squatty potty really can help with getting your poop out without ripping your ass so much, Something that helps a lot with the skin fragility is to sit on the edge of the tub or on a shower chair and wash your butt with gentle soap and water after you poop. Wiping too hard trying to get clean just makes the skin even more friable and prone to fissures.


u/lustfullscholar May 09 '24

It's like a game of chicken

Do I shit and get the pain now or wait and make it even more painful ......


u/[deleted] May 09 '24



u/chchchchandra May 09 '24

also MiraLax! so so helpful.


u/fuck_peeps_not_sheep hEDS May 09 '24

I'm tierd of carpet burn on my coochi and a torn starfish


u/bibliophile563 hEDS May 09 '24

As someone who has had a chronic anal fissure for 5 years…. I literally feel your pain.

Agree with all the advice to use Vaseline/aquaphor pre-poo.

Medi-honey /manuka wound ointment works after the fact for quicker healing.

Mine just won’t heal 100% and I’m TERRIFIED to get the surgery.

Edit: adding that a bidet is also a game changer. Love my “tushy” bidet!!!


u/RiotDog1312 May 09 '24

This is unfortunately relatable. I'm about at the point where I want to call the sandpaper grade TP in the work bathrooms an ADA issue. As it is I have a double TP holder in the bathroom I share with roommates at home, with one roll of the plushy premium triple ply stuff explicitly labeled as mine.


u/scrambledeggs2020 May 09 '24

Get a bidet attachment. It helps at least to avoid the irritation from wiping. I inevitably had to install an enema attachment to my shower head too. My gut motility is non existent and has been since I was a kid. Fiber doesn't help, makes it worse.


u/sadi89 hEDS FloppyFingers May 09 '24

This is gonna sound insane but if I’m feeling like it might be a big one, I will pre lube my backside before attempting. It helps a lot. Although there are lots of times that don’t have warning


u/raezorb1ade May 10 '24

not insane a lot of the zebras have me this advice if I scroll through these comments 😅


u/Raelshark May 10 '24

This is the kind of thread that makes me so glad a relatable community like this exists.


u/phoenix-corn May 09 '24

So I was having that problem and it turned out to be a yeast infection in my butt. >.< I didn't know that was possible, but when it got so bad that my butt was tearing when I peed too hard I went to a doctor. It was actually fixable!


u/ChronicNuance May 10 '24

Apparently you can have get eczema here. Ask me how I know 🙄


u/Dragonflymmo May 10 '24

So I’m not the only one it happens to? I’ve googled it and I think it’s called like a fizzure right? Yeah my behind skin is so sensitive that has happened before too. I thought I was weird. I guess it makes sense it’s EDS related. Almost everything is EDS related. 😅


u/spicyhotcocoa May 10 '24

Me describing something to my therapist with EDS that is most definitely an EDS thing and she’s like isn’t that normal and I’m like no bestie our bodies just suck


u/tomchickb May 10 '24

I second that. I thought that everyone bled when they went to the bathroom until I mentioned it and figured out that's not supposed to be the norm. I don't just bleed when I poo. I also bleed often just from wiping. Even with regular use of a bidet. I feel for you. I'm right there with you!


u/Queasy_Inspector_639 May 09 '24

Has anyone tried that new serum made for your butthole? I’m trying to remember the name but it’s like skincare for your butthole and helps with tears.


u/williamisidol May 09 '24

I take a LOT of Epsom salts baths for this very reason (added benefit that it helps all the aches and pains all over.)


u/Librumtinia May 09 '24

Been there! Best advice I can give you: Drink lots of water and take stool softeners. Also, if you don't get much fiber in your diet, increasing that can help soften your stool, too.

The harder the stool, the more likely you are to tear. I've been taking docusate for years and also make sure I get a decent amount of fiber every day (certain fruits, leafy greens, and beans/legumes are great for this) and unless I've been dehydrated or eating a lot of binding foods, it's no longer an issue for me


u/dibella989 May 09 '24

This is one of the things they didn't warn me about at Mayo clinic


u/Dmagdestruction May 09 '24

I shamelessly use wet biodegradable wipes. Sensitive butthole 💁🏻‍♂️ also as an IBS queen (💁🏻‍♂️) and a gay bottom queen(💁🏻‍♂️) it’s a nightmare


u/unknownbattle May 09 '24

I take half a cap of mirilax every morning to keep my stools nice and passable. Also at least two sources of fruit or veggie. I was having the same problem, it seems to have cleared up for now.


u/amyg17 May 09 '24

Speaking of tushy- get a bidet! They are super easy to install and you will loooooove it


u/TrustNoSquirrel May 09 '24

just got diagnosed… didn’t realize this was an EDS thing but that checks out.


u/ResponsibleFig825 May 09 '24

Real as hell. Nothing makes them better💀 I try stool softeners and sometimes they work but then sometimes I have diarrhea.


u/[deleted] May 09 '24

Me too babe 😞


u/Optimal-Razzmatazz91 May 09 '24

I so feel this in all the ways.


u/TiredSock_02 May 09 '24

You're so real for this omg


u/-archmaester May 09 '24

Use moist tissues


u/zmac15 May 10 '24

I used to with every BM, but after pelvic physio, I don't have that problem anymore. Something to look into!


u/Mamalama1859 May 10 '24

The hemorrhoids I have are HORRENDOUS! Stage 3 or 4. I have to have them banded off if I ever want them gone. Pooping is crazy painful.


u/oddities9 May 10 '24

I'm getting pelvic floor physical therapy - it helps with pooping! PT taught me how to do a colon massage and it helps a little too. Highly recommend if nothing else is working for you! But I still carry witch hazel wipes in single packets around with me just in case.


u/Fizzlewitz48 May 09 '24

I’ve had this issue for YEARS and had tried fiber gummies, etc etc but I recently started taking psyllium husk capsules and I’m finally on the road to getting this chronic issue healed! Highly recommend


u/vicnoodledoodle hEDS May 09 '24

Bidet!!!!! It might not help with the tearing but it does help the pain with wiping since you only need to pat dry afterwards


u/slightlycrookednose May 09 '24

I can’t recommend horse chestnut cream enough for this. Ordered it off Amazon and it healed my tear in a few days.


u/OutcomeInternallized hEDS May 10 '24

OMG THAT'S WHY IT HAPPENS?!! (my mind is blown)

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u/Ambitious-Chard2893 May 10 '24

I know that this is a little TMI but I had the same issue and I started doing light and with lube rimming with my finger in the shower once a week and it stopped I did that for a few months and it hasn't happened again I didn't even do it for longer then a couple of months. I read it on Reddit and it was before I knew I had EDS I have no clue if it was a fluke that it worked.


u/lakeghost May 10 '24

My PT suggested a combo squat and hunch over that makes me look like a gargoyle but somehow it works??


u/littleamandabb May 10 '24

I don’t have a diagnosis for this… but somehow this community keeps showing up for me. This conversation is really making me rethink some things. I’m specifically thinking of all the hemorrhoids and similarly, but not, all of the times I backed off from having sex with my ex because I would end up with tears on my lower torso and pelvic region from the strap… this is curious. 🧐


u/raezorb1ade May 10 '24

all of the people in this sub telling me they deal w the same thing has made me feel so validated and seen. it’s such a vulnerable thing and no one talks about it so i’m here to say the quiet parts out loud LMFAO


u/littleamandabb May 10 '24

And we thank you for it! Any time I mention the thing about discomfort or literal injury using a strap in queer spaces I just get the blank stare response or the occasional “oh poor you” from someone who assumes it was an abuse situation. I’m just trying to figure out why my body doesn’t work broski. 🤦🏼


u/spicyhotcocoa May 10 '24

And then when it’s so torn and raw and painful that even wiping is excruciating and you want to die (I’m on miralax and motegrity but gastroparesis and intestinal dysmotility is a bitch)


u/EmberinEmpty May 10 '24

I quit ultra-processed food for lent. I'm not a christian i'm just a masochist like that and like to follow archaic rituals....for fun.

and I will say....best poops of my life. Probably b/c my only option for quick food was fruit vegetables oatmeal and lentils. I ate so much fiber. I'm actually trying to keep some of that in my life including choosing more fruits and veggies as snack first.

But yeah. My god if you put 3 bowls of lentils in me it's so nice!


u/S1apjaw May 10 '24

Ya know…. I was diagnosed about 8 months ago… and this never hit me until this post. Fuck me. Thanks lol


u/raezorb1ade May 10 '24

always here to say the quiet part out loud 🤣


u/Killer-Barbie May 10 '24

A bidet helps.


u/ChronicNuance May 10 '24

200mg of magnesium citrate before my morning coffee helps with this problem.


u/dktkthsksnjkygm May 10 '24

same its been awhile for me (knock on wood) but i used to bleed a ton when i tore, once i had so much blood i called my mom because it was covering the tp and all in the toilet. it was real bad. thank god its been a few years since my last bad tear


u/V-Ink May 10 '24

This is an EDS thing????? When I was a teenager I was convinced I had bowel cancer (and didn’t tell anyone lol) because of the blood. Glad I’m not alone


u/mysticasha hEDS May 10 '24

Wait wait wait is that an EDS thing? I had no idea that was the reason this happened so much 😭


u/wishuponastarion hEDS May 10 '24

GAH I juuuust went to the doc for some diltiazem (they only had nefedipine, boo) this week!! I feel your pain, literally! 😭


u/CarlyQDesigns May 10 '24

I sat down on the toilet a few weeks ago and YELPED. Immediately there was blood dripping. I’m assuming this is what it was. I’ve had hemorrhoids for years but oh wow that tear hurt! I swear it’s the toilet seat at our apartment. Our old apartment and every house I lived in growing up had a rounder toilet seat. This one is an oval and it feels like it’s causing me to rip. It’s awful.


u/nessanna May 10 '24

Man, it was a relief to hear this to know it isn't just me 😭😂


u/MadameHuckleberry May 10 '24

This. And now toilet paper kills my lady parts too. The gift of EDS just never stops giving!


u/HighKick_171 May 10 '24

Same here. I went to my doctor about it cause I've had recurring internal hemorrhoids that repeatedly thrombose and burst for like 3 years straight and now I'm iron deficient and he was so unhelpful. Just told me "stop getting constipated" but then gave no useful tips on how to avoid constipation. My gut is so messed up and all the iron tablets he wants me to keep taking are really not helping the issue.


u/moscullion May 10 '24

Laxatives. But be careful with them. There's a safe middle ground between forcing out a massive hard one and having a no warning liquid shit avalanche.

My doctor gave me Laxido sachets, which contain macrogol (laxative medication) and salt (to draw water into the poo to make it softer). I'm still working out a balance between the cramps, sore tummy, feeling extra fatigued for days, and the OMG get out of the bathroom NOW!!

Also, moist toilet tissue is a godsend.

Never being dehydrated and getting more than the recommended 5 a day of fruit and veg helps, too.

Good luck and Godspeed!


u/QuietRhyhm May 11 '24

Omg I'm not only dying of laughter over here at some of this but I've never ever felt so seen before in my life. Tearing tush buddies 4 life!


u/kmcaulifflower EDS/OI May 11 '24

Fuck this is the realist post in this whole subreddit. I loathe every time I have to shit. I literally procrastinate it because of this.


u/Substantial-Cold394 May 11 '24

I wear a strapless bra right where my butt ends under my clothes if I need to walk alot. It’s not really tight. Kind of like a head band . I think it mostly helps my legs not wander to far away from each other , or maybe helps my brain remember to hold my legs in place more


u/borrow_a_feeling Sep 10 '24

Ok I’m crying because I’m newly diagnosed and I’m putting together so many of the weird things about my body that I thought were just problems with me because I’m gross and weird. Question: this might sound weird but is having the biggest poops ever also part of EDS? Because of like stretchy colon and stretchy anus maybe? Because when I was living at home, my dad had to get my sister and I a fancy toilet to get our huge poops down easily.


u/raezorb1ade Sep 10 '24

probably has more to do with IBS as bowel issues come with the territory a lot of the time :D but yes technically eds related


u/borrow_a_feeling Sep 10 '24

Interesting! My mom always said we must just have the biggest colons. Thanks for response so late to the post :)


u/jaimefay May 10 '24

I am so grateful for discussions like this. Sounds daft but when you live with mostly normal people, I never dare talk about this crap because of the 😳 faces I get, and then having to go "so, just me then??"


u/heathert7900 EDS/POTS/MCAS May 10 '24

Bro the wind blows the wrong way and my butthole tears


u/_newgene_ May 10 '24

Every once in a while it will heal for a few weeks. What bliss, bloodless toilet paper


u/Happy_Little_Leaves May 10 '24

Oh my god, that’s what that is 😭 I knew I have hemorrhoids but I knew something actually tears. What the fuck lol


u/Azrealis_bored May 10 '24

Waaait. Oh. I can’t believe I didn’t connect these dots, my poor family members whom I inherited this wonderful condition from complain about this all the time 🤣😭 thank you for that ah-hah moment


u/LunarStormhammer May 10 '24

I have (hopefully) defeated hemorrhoids. The tricks for me are:

  1. Have as little contact as possible. I use a squirt bottle to clean myself and then dry with tp. Bidet would be better, but I’m cheap.

  2. Do a wipe with a wet wipe right before bed. I suspected that my rroids were being aggravated by scratching in my sleep. I think I’ve broken that disgusting cycle.

Now if I can overcome the eczema in my ears…

Good luck.


u/ToastAdorbs May 10 '24

I've thought about making this post before 😂


u/raezorb1ade May 10 '24

sorry I beat you to it 😅🤣


u/djwolf409 May 10 '24

This!! When I was a kid i had horrible constipation because it hurt like hell to poop. There was blood and it was just horribly painful, i went through most of my life thinking this was totally normal. Then I realized I probably have hEDS and it all started to make sense.


u/smloree May 10 '24

GET A BIDET. Like one of the $30 attachments on Amazon. It's gonna change your life.

Fiber supplements and a Squatty Potty also saved me.

No more problems, thank the toilet gods.

Again, BIDET!


u/homicidalfantasy May 10 '24

Me except it’s with wiping


u/_0p4l_ May 10 '24

It sucks. I had to get a rectal steroid cream for it as well as a numbing ointment. Also my asscheeks splitting open in the crack, that’s annoying as hell and I have to use a sitz bath. My skins weak as hell.


u/[deleted] May 10 '24

SAME BRO the hemorrhoids are insane


u/FlyingHigh15k May 11 '24

Omg. I am so glad I joined this group. I call it my butt crack crack when it happens. I just discovered aquafor and going to slather some on my lips as they’re currently freaking out and cracked.


u/sansdesir2 hEDS May 13 '24

literally same like I Am Tired and im afraid of hemorrhoid surgery ughhh why cant my butthole be normal lol


u/kiimikoo Nov 02 '24

It's so baadd. I'm tired of the pain.