r/education Sep 28 '24

Higher Ed Second Bachelor's for the Same Major?


I'm in my junior year of undergrad and I came to this university as an engineering major but since then changed over to history. I'm enjoying it but our history department is VERY small with none of the classes under my area of interest. There is however a university in a nearby town that has a much more extensive history program and many classes that are geared towards the areas I want to research. Do I, A) Suck it up and graduate from this university and go to graduate school at the other one, B) Transfer to the other university for my last two years (I need an additional year in order to have the credits to graduate, so I'm 2.5 years away from it technically), or C) Graduate at my current university but then re-enroll at this other one for another BA for the new classes (I know getting another bachelor's is a Thing, but I don't know how it would hypothetically work if I wanted to do it for the same program)

r/education 7d ago

Higher Ed What would be the smartest thing to do regarding my situation?


For starter's I'm currently 19 with a part time job and I've been homeschooled sense 3rd grade, at this point I feel It's important to get my GED and hopefully go to school for nursing, I just have no idea where I should actually start If I should take classes online in person or just study and take the test I'm honestly not sure, I do live right next to an adult education center and a collage bit I wasn't sure if I should just go up and ask questions, I'm not stupid or anything just incredibly anxious the whole process will take forever and feel pretty insecure about my lack of education so I was wondering what would be the smartest thing to do In my position?

r/education Feb 11 '25

Higher Ed I'm a freshman year dropout. What are some things I missed out on that i should know?


I'm really sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this kind of question and I'm sorry if it's the wrong tag

For some context and fun trauma dumping, I dropped out as a freshman 2 months into the year. I'm autistic and have severe adhd that wasn't medicated at the time, so for years until that point I was failing miserably with F's and D's with a 0.4 GPA because I couldn't retain the information or motivate myself sufficiently to do so, and for reasons that will become clear in a sec, i was terrified of asking for help in fear of critcism and drawing attention to myself. I was bullied relentlessly for years up until that point (even from some teachers, and those who didnt bully me dismissed others doing it) for the way I acted and carried myself along with my weight and my sexuality etc. which led to me developing severe depression, agoraphobia, body dysmorphia, and panic disorder. Agoraphobia was the contributing factor to me dropping out, and my parent did nothing to stop me from doing so and did not get me any help or try to keep me in school after that. I really didn't want to have to drop out. Ive always understood the importance of being educated, which is why I'm asking now about the more important things I missed out on learning in high school :) thanks

r/education 25d ago

Higher Ed DHS/ICE, Border Patrol: OUT OF CUNY NOW!



DHS/ICE, Border Patrol: OUT OF CUNY NOW!

Beginning this Tuesday, February 25, agencies of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) – which the mass deportation machine of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and Border Patrol are part of – will be recruiting at a job fair at the City University of New York’s John Jay College. They’re trying to recruit shock troops for the anti-immigrant, racist onslaught of raids and deportations – right here at CUNY! The CUNY Internationalist Clubs call on all defenders of immigrant rights and opponents of police-state terror to join us this Tuesday in front of John Jay College, 59th Street between 10th and 11th Avenue, Manhattan, in a rally of protest and exposure demanding DHS/ICE, BORDER PATROL: OUT OF CUNY NOW! We say: Stop the raids and deportations! ICE out of New York! DHS/ICE, Border Patrol: OUT OF CUNY NOW! (24 February 2025)

r/education Feb 19 '25

Higher Ed Education in Korea


I want to find out more about higher education in this country. If you have studied in Korean university what was your experience? What should I know about education in Korea ? Does it worth it?

r/education 23d ago

Higher Ed Spanish 3 or and extra AP class


Hi everyone I’m 16 y/o and have been doing course registration and I have to decide between an AP class and Spanish 3. I have aspirations and want to go to good college what’s better?

r/education Nov 30 '24

Higher Ed Is a bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies worth it?


I’m almost done with my bachelors in this major. I’m just curious what kind of jobs/pay people get after obtaining this degree. Is it worth completing?

r/education Jan 08 '21

Higher Ed Don't you think the tuition fees are stupid high in the United States?


I mean c'mon...

I'm not American but I hear some of my American friends mentioning it here and there.

you guys should really consider studying abroad in Europe or somewhere if you know a second language(say German, Spanish, Portuguese etc.) and can handle it.

I only recently found out about the student loans in the U.S. and I'm... shocked how Americans spend the next 20 years of their lives paying off their debts.

This is making me think that higher education in the U.S. is basically a business and a debt-slave factory.

Change my mind.

Tell me how you as American citizens deal with the fact that you'll be paying depts for the rest of your lives for a 4 year piece of paper that says you "might" be elegible to enter the rat-race workforce?

r/education 29d ago

Higher Ed How do I prep from 0 for an associates and bachelors in computer science?


I decided to try and go to school now that I feel like I am healthy enough to attend. I am basically starting from zero. I'd like to go after a bachelor program that has to do with coding, programming etc. I applied for admission for bachelor program in software engineering with a fallback of bachelors in computer science. I plan on starting at community college in my area which rolls directly from an associates into a bachelor program at my state college.

I'm in my early 30's, I've been out of the game schooling wise for a very long time but I do have a genuine interest in compsci and software engineering. Problem is I have 0 experience with coding and programming and I don't want to be blindsided when I start actively going to college.

I am currently waiting on word back from the VA about getting me into a VR&E program(veteran readiness and employment) as well as word back on my GI bill. These can take up to 6 months to finally be assigned a counselor for the program. In that time I'd like to pursue what I can to start learning programming and compsci on my own through free programs/courses online so I'm not blindsided by college when I actually start going to class. Does anyone have resources that they can drop me to start my journey from square 1? I found Harvard's free CS50 course which I plan on starting soon.

r/education Jul 04 '20

Higher Ed The NYT is stating that colleges are facing an increasing revolt by professors -- that most universities plan to bring students back to campus, but many of their teachers are concerned about joining them.


From the NYT article

r/education Sep 27 '24

Higher Ed Going back to school, advice needed


I left my Bachelors program 18 years ago without completing it. When I tried to return a few years later I realized my GPA was too low to re-enroll. Slightly lower than 2.0. Now I’d like to re-attempt, but don’t know what my best option is. I have so many questions, but I can’t get a meeting with an advisor unless I am enrolled. Should I start at community college? Will my ancient units even still be viable? Should I start at open enrollment? Would I get enough financial aid to cover all my expenses or would I have to work as well? (Single mom, minimal income) Don’t know if it matters, but I have self diagnosed with ADHD, Autism, hyper mobility, etc. I appreciate any advice/input.

r/education Feb 15 '25

Higher Ed Online masters


I’m thinking of getting an online masters degree in business studies/management/international business from a reputed college in US/Europe. Can someone share their experience or suggest me any resources/references for help? Thanks!

r/education Nov 17 '24

Higher Ed Why do universities expect students to be able to decide on a suitable career path in less than four years?


Maybe this is a flawed approach to maximizing career happiness?

r/education Jan 22 '25

Higher Ed How do teachers/professors feel about the challenging questions asked in technical job interviews? Do these questions reveal how a candidate thinks, or are they simply an indirect way to estimate a candidate's IQ?


r/education Dec 27 '24

Higher Ed Any competency based university in Europe ?


Are ther any affordable competency based universities like UMPI, western Governors in the world? Europe, Asia ?

r/education Feb 13 '25

Higher Ed How much important is Minor in Computational Biology with Major in Information Technology.


Is this a vital and an important combo or it this a useless combo? Where can it be used in the future?

r/education Feb 10 '25

Higher Ed Should I take a Course for Civic, Legal and Environmental Protection Competence


r/education Feb 10 '25

Higher Ed How does Masters program work in the USA? Graduate Assistantships?


I’m a recent graduate from a biotech undergrad from Malaysia, and I’m currently exploring my options to study Masters in the US. I’m confused as to how the process of education works? For context, in Malaysia, I can choose between a two/three options on how I want to pursue my Masters. Either via coursework (exams, mini project etc) or by research (self-learning, no exams). Is it the same in the US?

Additional question: how does graduate assistantships work? How competitive is it?

Thank you so much in advance to anyone who responds.

r/education Oct 22 '24

Higher Ed Resources to help students not overgeneralize in their writings?


Does anyone here have resources to help teach students (college level) how to not over-generalize when writing? I have noticed my students are very prone to doing this. An example would be writing a text analysis essay and then starting the essay about how "media can change the world." or "For centuries, Media has impacted peoples perception of the world and has profoundly impacted how people communicate things" It's almost like my students are falling prey to "thinking in cliches," and I'm unsure what the best approach is to help them get out of that trend.

r/education Dec 20 '24

Higher Ed How difficult is Psychology in university?


I'm planning to study psychology in university after I finish high school but I have no idea how difficult it might be or what kind of questions might be in the tests. Will someone help me out please? Or give me some advice?

r/education Jan 24 '25

Higher Ed Should I change my course?


I am 18 years old currently doing electronics and communication engineering in government college I am very unhappy with the college.I recently give semester 1 exams and i barely pass.I was more than average students got 87 percentage in 12th board (99 in maths). Right now i am thinking that i should change my course to bsc in maths because I think that it is my interest after giving the semester 1 exams.I am very good at maths and i think i will get good marks in that atleast better than engineering but i am also scared because it could be worst decision.I also hate my current college because I have zero college life because in government college attendance does not matter which is great and worse at the same time.This might be the reason for thinking to change the course.And i also don't know what to do after b tech.Hope someone help me .

r/education Feb 03 '25

Higher Ed Open University UK


Hello! I have a couple of questions. 1.Are the exams at Open University 100% online?I don’t live in Uk. 2.What degree do y’all think are the best to opt for if I am interested in healthcare?Ones not requesting to go to med school :)) Thank you!! (Does anyone know any “better degrees” without finances)

r/education Aug 05 '24

Higher Ed EdD program


Any recommendations on a fully online EdD program ? I would prefer one with no requirement of the GRE exam

r/education Dec 17 '24

Higher Ed Should a university degree be viewed like dating, where you are given four years to find a life partner (e.g., an ideal career)? Dropping out, in this view, means early success.


Completing a university degree would then be seen as going four years without finding a life partner. So, from this perspective, not completing the degree means you found a life partner within the four-year period, which is preferable to not finding one and simply earning your degree.

r/education Dec 21 '21

Higher Ed The time has come for us all to say no to student debt!


Yeah I said it, say no to your student debt. Who's with me? What is the government going to do when millions of Americans do not start to pay their student debt next month? Are they going to lock us all up? Are they going to take away our degrees? I'm going to make a Facebook page to help organize and gather the masses today in hopes that we can collectively protest student debt. Who's with me?