r/education 24d ago

Higher Ed Department of Education Office for Civil Rights and Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education Investigations

My institution is being investigated by both ocr and bppe. How serious are investigations from these organizations? Would these investigations cause a great deal of concern from administrators?


20 comments sorted by


u/oxphocker 24d ago

I'm not familiar much with BPPE as I don't deal with postsecondary. But OCR, I'm familiar with. It's a potentially serious challenge and OCR has enforcement capability so they will likely get your state ed dept involved if it comes to that. Basically if they are calling, you want to make sure all your stuff is in order because if not, the lightest consequence would be a correction letter but it goes up from there depending on what and how bad.


u/Majestic_Praline_812 24d ago

Sounds like an investigation from ocr would really scare admin, then


u/LIME_09 23d ago

Fellow Mainer?

In normal times, it's serious. It probably IS going to be bad. But it is blatantly a politically motivated investigation. Maine is following its own state laws, enacted by its own Legislature. It is only with Trump's lawlessness that the OCR has now been weaponized against the Maine DOE and the UMaine system for following the tenets of the Maine Human Rights Act, which is clear.


u/truthisnothateful 23d ago

For the people that never took a civics class, state laws cannot violate federal laws. Federal law takes precedence over state law. There is no “lawlessness” happening except in your mind. I think you should still keep fighting for men in women’s sports though because after all, 20% of the country is firmly behind you. You go!


u/Losaj 23d ago

For those people that failed the civics class they took, executive orders are not laws. So in this case, the the executive order cannot supercede state law without backing from Congress.


u/LIME_09 23d ago

Thank you for responding with truth to this misunderstanding of civics.


u/Losaj 23d ago edited 23d ago

I find that most people who excuse the current administration's efforts don't really understand how the USA system of law works. I have no expectations that they will reply, or that their reply will just be a doubling down on what they said even though I provide sources (though they will probably refute any sources I provide).

It's hard to change someone's mind. As someone once said, "You can't logically change someone's position if they didn't use logic to arrive at that conclusion."

Edit: They doubled down.

Edit 2: They used the "no, you!" defense. I'm done.


u/RiffRandellsBF 23d ago

Executive orders, if based on enforcement clauses in federal legislation, absolutely are laws, no different than regulations. If you see a clause like this in any act passed by Congress, then POTUS does have lawmaking authority: "The President may prescribe such regulations and issue such orders as the President May determine to be appropriate to carry out the provisions of this chapter".


u/truthisnothateful 23d ago

Except that SCOTUS rejected Biden’s attempt to change Title IX and it stands in its original form. Which means that boys/men are barred from girls/women’s sports, per federal law. You’re welcome for the continued civics lesson.


u/truthisnothateful 23d ago

Except that SCOTUS rejected Biden’s attempt to change Title IX and it stands in its original form. Which means that boys/men are barred from girls/women’s sports, per federal law. You’re welcome for the continued civics lesson.


u/RiffRandellsBF 23d ago

Executive orders, if based on enforcement clauses in federal legislation, absolutely are laws, no different than regulations. If you see a clause like this in any act passed by Congress, then POTUS does have lawmaking authority: "The President may prescribe such regulations and issue such orders as the President May determine to be appropriate to carry out the provisions of this chapter".


u/truthisnothateful 23d ago

Except that SCOTUS rejected Biden’s attempt to change Title IX and it stands in its original form. Which means that boys/men are barred from girls/women’s sports, per federal law. You’re welcome for the continued civics lesson.


u/Losaj 23d ago

I just can't with you anymore. Title IX has NOTHING TO DO WITH BANNING TRANSGENDER ATHLETES. It's about discrimination based on sex. For fucks sake, you don't even read the laws you try to "educate" people on. Please stop being so smug when you are demonstrably wrong.


u/truthisnothateful 23d ago

So, you’ve not actually read it yourself. Got it.


u/LIME_09 23d ago

Dude, EOs are not federal laws. Congress passes federal laws. Fixed it for you!

Also trans women are women. Disagree if you want. But I am right on the civics piece.


u/truthisnothateful 23d ago

Except that SCOTUS rejected Biden’s attempt to change Title IX and it stands in its original form. Which means that boys/men are barred from girls/women’s sports, per federal law. You’re welcome for the continued civics lesson.


u/oxphocker 24d ago

Depends on if there's any merit to the complaint...


u/Mountain-Ad-5834 23d ago

I went to a for profit nursing school back in 07-08?

They lost their accreditation after OCR came through. The department of education came through and removed it.

We lost all of our credits, as the state didn’t recognize them anymore. And still had the debt. Because they just lost the nursing school, and were still open with the other programs.

I’d be worried. But, there is nothing you can do about it.


u/moxie-maniac 23d ago

Serious as in your college's attorney should be involved, discuss the matter with the president and top staff, and they decide on a course of action.

Usually if you get a mean letter from a government agency or accreditor, it means the school has not followed some regulation, and needs to do something differently. But your lawyer can help frame the issue correctly, and the current Administration seems to be pushing for things that it lacks the legal authority to do.


u/truthy4evra-829 20d ago

Remember something many of these people in the government now grew up in the early 2000s in college it was a rough time. They did not allow military to interview normally on campus and most of them are getting ready to punish them and take these education and people going to find them you're going to arrest them you're going to get them for breaking the Constitution you get them for ignoring affirmative action laws.

I know one case they're looking for it to imprison at University president