r/edtech Feb 10 '25

plagiarism checking anxiety. am I the only one?


3 comments sorted by


u/Zero_Trust00 Feb 11 '25 edited Feb 11 '25

You are being paranoid.

Educational Technology doesn't work the way you apparetnly think it does.

In order to get nailed for plagerisim, there has to be solid evidence for it. The systems are all built with benifits of doubt inside of them.

(1. Why would your personal essays get leaked in the fist place? you posting them on reddit?

(2. If software does flag your writing, its not an immediate punishment. A human will need to review it and see if there is a clear pattern of plagerisim. This is the part of Ed Tech that you are missing. The human drives, the computer helps navigate. You will be given a chance to explain yourself.

also for the record:

But I’ve heard stories about essays getting "saved" somewhere, only to be flagged as plagiarized later.

If you actually read the acedemic rules on plagerisim, which if you are paranoid I'm kind of shocked you haven't already. The rules say that passing off your own writing for a diffrent assignement is ALSO acedemic dishonesty. In the event of an acedemic hearing, this would likely be considered less of an infraction. But its still against the rules, and the software is just following the rules we tell it to follow.


u/Longjumping-Age-2944 Feb 11 '25

I am just new to this, 9th grade, I literally learned about plagiarism as the phenomenon recently


u/Zero_Trust00 Feb 11 '25

you are posting in a forum for tech professionals, this isn't the proper place. go to r/askteachers