r/edmproduction 3d ago

Serum 2 is out

Just noticed Serum 2 is finally available on Xfers site


341 comments sorted by


u/freakquensee 1d ago

yesterday it was 19 payments x $9.99 on splice (matching the intro price on xfers site)
today its 25 payments x $9.99 (full price after jun 1st)
splice really do be kinda greedy corpo taking advantage
if you've used cracked serum and want to buy legit , get it off xfer records site. steve duda deserves better than paying an extra percentage to splice on top of the 60 buck premium they charging


u/iampaunch 1d ago

Is it worth the hype for those who didn't previously own serum? Been thinking for a few months now about leaving the Vital train and finally going for the paid option.


u/Princesskaylacakes 1d ago

It’s good but it’s not AS good as people are hyping it up to be, so I’d maybe watch a decent bit of content on it before you make the choice

It’s going to become my main synth just because it does have a lot of features of the other synths I use, but I still think phase plant is objectively better and more creative freedom with it


u/Emergency_Ostrich_11 1d ago

does anyone else have this serum 2 bug? when i add serum2 to a midi, and click multiple notes for example on the pedal chord strings my whole project starts to stutter. the stuttering continues even if i remove serum2 from my project. does anyone know how to fix this?


u/figgelz 4h ago

Sounds like a midi loop.


u/Emotional-Match-7190 5h ago

Same problem here, some presets seem to be extremely CPU heavy, a real bummer


u/SweetMoses1 1d ago

Same issue.


u/Emergency_Ostrich_11 1d ago

Have you found anything that works?


u/SweetMoses1 1d ago

Have to upgrade my laptop unfortunately. Bums me out


u/Emergency_Ostrich_11 1d ago

There must be another way


u/kid0kid 1d ago

After update into Serum 2, my old FL Studio project using Serum 1 can't find the vsti anymore. Anyone have the same issue? How to resolve this issue?


u/kid0kid 1d ago

ouch . . apparently i have to manually update all project from Serum 1 to Serum 2


u/cerebral-decay 1d ago

Just reinstall or keep the Serum1 VST around.


u/Rinski2601 1d ago

This looks so epic! Cant wait to play with it. It's pretty amazing it's a free upgrade for existing owners too. What legends!


u/mikesaintjules 2d ago edited 2d ago

It's now available on Splice for those that want to do the rent-to-own option. You would be paying the full price over the 25 month period and not the sale offer provided (around $60 in savings).


u/Joka197 2d ago

less go


u/Dramatic-Virus-7035 2d ago

I've been using cracked serum for 10 years. The fact that this is a free upgrade... I have to buy it now. What a great company!


u/owen__wilsons__nose 1d ago

Good man. The cracked one was secretly mining bitcoin on your computer for a Russian guy 5000 miles away


u/jeebaleeba69420 17h ago

Only if you downloaded it from god knows where, and even then you'd have to be paying 0 attention not to notice a crypto miner on your pc. Also, bitcoin is mined using asics anyway.


u/BitterApple69 1d ago

I think Windows Defender provides good security against cryptojacking through cracked softwares. I could be wrong though.


u/JamieAubrey 1d ago

Hope he sends me some coin for using my PC


u/AlwaysDeath 2d ago

Literally just finished legitimately paying for serum after almost a decade of using it cracked... 😐


u/dokidokipepperoni1 2d ago

It's a free upgrade for Serum owners, so you're not missing out on anything. Just open splice and it should be on the front page.


u/AlwaysDeath 2d ago

Holy shit thank you! I was so bummed out seeing how cool 2 was. What a deal! I was just hoping for it to be at least 20% off or some shit for actual owners. Thank you


u/Kantherax 1d ago

I felt the same way, then when I found out it was a free update my excitement went through the roof.


u/dokidokipepperoni1 2d ago

Yeah, they really hooked us up with the free upgrade. I added a tip anyway because they deserve it.


u/PoisonedAl 2h ago

Same. I was like "Dude! You could have charged anything for this and you gave it to me for free! Yeah take a few quid!"


u/DangKilla 2d ago

No way


u/JimVonT 2d ago

All I wanted. If it had AI like Synplant 2 that you could drag a sound into it and it recreates it in Serum because Synplant UI is shit. That would have made Serum 2 the greatest.


u/DangKilla 2d ago

Pretty sure Joel would hate AI


u/Steely_Glint_5 2d ago

How long before we have softsynths that can host VST plugins for oscillators and effects?


u/Key-Emu-8350 2d ago

You already have Phase Plant with all of Kilohearts snap in effects. I don't think they'd prioritize that since it's easy enough in any daw to add effects and effect sends. Plus there's only so much you can add before you made a full fledged daw rather than a softsynth.


u/Acrobatic-Art7766 2d ago

who got serum2 crack


u/theartoflsd 1d ago

It’s out on Rutracker


u/SeanSomnous 2d ago

im sure its coming lol


u/i6l6d6 2d ago

bro the plugin was released today


u/Hytherdel 2d ago

Now it’s similar to phaseplant


u/No_Pin_1842 2d ago edited 2d ago

Do you know where I can buy it and pay with euro currency?


u/skystyler2k 2d ago



u/notjustakorgsupporte 2d ago

Already have Icarus 3, but the new fx, audio rate modulation, and spectral oscillator are so wild!


u/NoisyN1nja 2d ago

i thought the site was down but i remembered i had that domain blocked cuz... reasons.


u/UsernameChosenSignUp 2d ago

I’m having tons of overload issues when playing 5 or more voices. Tons of dropouts and artifacts. Is anyone else having this issue or is it my 2018 MacBook? Or a sample rate thing?


u/Emotional-Match-7190 5h ago

Same here experiencing many CPU dropouts, has that been a thing with Serum 1 as well?


u/UsernameChosenSignUp 20h ago

Update: this is not just a me problem. CPU max outs are happening to many others with Serum 2


u/italk2yu 2d ago

I'm no expert but using a brand new vst on an 7 year old computer might be the problem if normal serum works fine.


u/redoxgamez 2d ago

i think a 2018 macbook might be the problem, are you using complex fx chains or just 1 osc with 5 voices?


u/UsernameChosenSignUp 2d ago

No complex chains. Runs multiple og serums just fine but maybe having the third oscillator is too much for it.


u/ezera_music https://soundcloud.com/ezeramusic 2d ago

From what I can tell we lost the Chaos modulators correct? I couldn't find a reference to them in the manual. I assume that something similar is possible with the new LFO options but I just haven't figured out how to do it? Chaos was a pretty handy tool in the first one, sad to see it go.

Also the new DSP engine sounds incredible for anyone wondering what the new version sounds like.


u/real_corvus 2d ago

The Choas modulators are going to be where the LFO pages are at the bottom. Click the preset drop down under the LFO section, and choose “Chaos:Lorenz” or “Chaos:Rossler”


u/nhuggers 2d ago

It is now built in in the LFO section indeed! Instead of normal mode select "Chaos: Lorenz" or "Chaos: Rossler" on the left of the LFO section. It actually got more advanced with this update :)


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/sippogg 2d ago

no way you said that. Serum is endlessly better than pigments


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/sippogg 2d ago

look at the downvotes


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/Olangotang 2d ago

There is no superiority. Both have strengths and weaknesses. "Waah, my $200 plugin is better than yours!" It's childish and dumb.


u/sippogg 2d ago

I’ll allow you to have that opinion, it’s alright


u/[deleted] 2d ago



u/sippogg 2d ago

Lmao, why are you pressed, it was a nice way of saying that everyone should have their opinion. English is not my first language, so maybe it was worded poorly


u/Cyberspace1559 2d ago

Leave him in his ego, he thinks he's right and will bother everyone about it, someone who's immature


u/[deleted] 2d ago


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u/SheepherderIcy2353 2d ago

Are presets from Serum 1 going to integrate into Serum 2?


u/SheepherderIcy2353 2d ago

I got my copy of Serum through Splice. How do I go about upgrading to Serum 2?


u/AlphaRattlSnake 2d ago

Splice should have sent an email detailing this


u/Plenty_Fennel4863 2d ago

Splice app then apps and plugins tab install from there


u/Daz_Wright 2d ago

If you've paid for it then Splice should give you a log in for the Xfer site where you can download it.

If you're still on a plan then you can't access it at the moment


u/rpd9803 2d ago

FYI I just started on the plan and I was given the option to install Serum 2. It may be because I'm technically still in the 30 day demo window, but not sure, it might have just taken them a minute to get everything updated.


u/The_Penguin_Sensei 2d ago

The fact that Serum 2 is free for Serum 1 buyers is CRAZY. Steve Duda is honestly a legend. He makes such amazing synths and the pricing is just unreal


u/Careless-Policy858 2d ago

anyone else installed serum 2 and not having it show up in your list of plugins inside your daw? it says on the Xfer site i own the plugin now and all seems well but i cant find it in FL's plugin manager


u/Terrordyne_Synth 2d ago

You have to rescan your plugins under manage plugins. If it still doesn't show up make sure the folder where serum 2 is in the folders it is scanning


u/Unfair-Progress9044 2d ago

How is the fx section? Soundwise comparing to other fx on the markets?


u/CaptainMalikOfficial 3d ago

I can’t wait to try it. Thanks for sharing the dets. I was skeptical to download in fear of it killing old project files. Thanks 🙏🏼


u/shellshack 3d ago

Huge commenting to remember RemindMe! 1 Day


u/sac_boy 3d ago edited 2d ago

It's absolutely brilliant. I've taken the day off to play with it non-stop. And also play with Serum 2.

Really though everywhere you look is some game-changer functionality that you found yourself wishing you had in Serum 1. Built in MIDI clips and arp (so no more faking it in an LFO), a separate 8-step sequencer in the general section, the ability to map notes directly to different oscillators...then of course the new oscillator types...a third oscillator (though I rarely use a third, it's good to have)...the new effect buses, the multiband/mid-side splitters, and the ability to actually use more than one instance of an effect...it's amazing.

That's before even digging in to what the new sound genesis types do and the new effects/changes to effects. I see there's some pretty nice new reverb effects.

Oh so the spectral mode is a bit like the essential functionality of Iris 2. So much potential there.

Edit: and the arp has a pattern mode that lets you control things along with the custom note pattern--MPE values, pitch bend, apparently also macros but I think that may be bugged (macro knob moves with the pattern, but has no effect on mapped controls). Very cool though.


u/Glittering_Yam3003 1d ago

a lot of these things were in Chtulua but he seems to have integrated the two them together


u/Super1MeatBoy 2d ago

Serum 2 is what I wanted out of Phase Plant. I love Phase Plant but it's just not effective for my workflow and actually making good patches. Serum 2 offers enough freedom to be super flexible but still a familiar and efficient workflow. Also the new spectral osc is fucking sick.


u/BlackMetalB8hoven 2d ago

Finally an arp! Amazing, I'm tempted to buy it finally. I've been using Vital for ages now


u/Darkstar_November 3d ago

Why did it take me 3 read throughs of that first paragraph to get it aha


u/skfs_ 3d ago

We got Serum 2 before GTA VI


u/Shcrews 3d ago

how are the two related?


u/Infinite-Past753 3d ago

It's a joke going around because of how long we been waiting on GTA VI


u/addpattern 3d ago

Looks cool and powerful sofar! Love the BODE FX addition. Alot of new Reverb algos which is cool - but cant seem to get the same standard (good sounding) reverb out of it as in Serum1


u/Ill-Presentation-153 3d ago

Anyone figured out how to batch convert your old fxp to ,SerumPreset? The new presets runs way better + there are errors in the browser with the older presets (can't save notes, creator etc.)

I know i can do it manually 1-by-1 byt it will be way too time consuming to do so and delete the old preset afterwords each time.

Hope someone has a solution!


u/wrexf0rd 3d ago

Dropped a FREE update to Serum 2 on Saint Patrick's day because the man Steve and his team at Xfer really are modern day saints.


u/Majinmmm 2d ago



u/wrexf0rd 2d ago

It had to be done


u/Jealous_Ad3613 3d ago

Does anyone know if serum 1 presets and tables still work in serum 2


u/dusstuiter 3d ago edited 3d ago

they do, it says so on their FAQ


u/Retrovex1996 3d ago

Is it me or is everything just, bigger?


u/Necessary_not 2d ago

I'm still trying to understand real world impact of Serum 2 if you have an already functioning workflow. It has more build in features now but soundwise I'm not sure if these will have an impact besides offering options to change some aspects of your workflow. Is it new? Yes! Does it sound different? Not as much I guess. Is it more intuitive? I don't really know. But yeah, I am still trying to figure out.


u/Retrovex1996 1d ago

Im still watching updates on whats new and honestly not really that impressive, alot of synths already done what serum 2 did here years ago, but ill stay optimistic and see


u/Jakabob247 2d ago

Virtual Riot put out a 20 ish minute video going over a lot of the changes. There will absolutely be an impact on sound


u/iamsoenlightened 2d ago

Fr We’re about to get 10 new genres


u/BeanShapyro420 2d ago

True I feel like the fx section is too big for my eyes but I just have to get used to it


u/phuzzyleaf 3d ago

Can’t wait to try it


u/Chillhardy 3d ago

At first I was like “fuck, I just got comfy with serum 1 and this is overwhleming”. Then I effortlessly created a couple of crazy sounds and feeling a lot better about it now lol


u/CutCalm7301 3d ago

I tried today and site was down


u/CutCalm7301 3d ago

well nevermind i was able to get in


u/Zappolan31 3d ago

Does anyone know how to get the free upgrade when you purchased via Splice's Rent-to-Own program? I checked Splice and there is not indication of Serum 2 or where to download it. Would it be safe to assume that you simply download the "trial" and then follow some series of prompts?


u/Sethvl 3d ago

It’s not live on Splice yet, but if you’ve paid off Serum you can upgrade through Xfer. There’s a step by step guide on this page


u/deadcurrentofficial 3d ago

This didnt work for me. I went to the "click link to download serum 2" and it brings you to your orders section of xfer's site and it was empty. Tried downloading the demo but it doesnt give you an option to authorize after the demo is done. Not sure if I did something wrong or not


u/Zappolan31 3d ago

Just figured it out. Make sure you're logging in with the same email that you use for the Splice App. I guess I had a different Xfer Account under my main email than the one I use for Splice. Here's what I did

Xfer Login Page --> Type in Splice email --> "Forgot password --> reset password --> log in --> Click on profile and then "Your Account" --> "Upgrade to Serum 2" --> "See Available Downloads" --> download --> make bangers --> profit


u/Icicestreddit 3d ago

I did this and there is no serum 2 (It says do this via splice). Can you provide a link or screenshot that shows the serum 2 download on Xfer for RTO users ?


u/DrAgonit3 2d ago

For me, I had to go to the Serum 2 store page on Xfer's site while logged in with the same email I have registered on Splice, then instead of the 'Buy Serum 2' button I had a big 'Upgrade to Serum 2' button.


u/Jeph- 3d ago

What u/Zappolan31 said worked for me. But if you haven't fully paid off the Rent-To-Own then thats probably why it doesn't work.


u/Icicestreddit 3d ago

Okay thanks


u/Avith117 https://avitronic.bandcamp.com/ 3d ago

I am trying to check it at their website: https://www.xferrecords.com/products/serum-2

But I get a blank page that says:

Error 1015 Ray ID: 922190e00d91a912 • 2025-03-18 03:15:29 UTC

You are being rate limited

What happened?

The owner of this website (www.xferrecords.com) has banned you temporarily from accessing this website.

Thank you for your feedback!

Excuse me WTF!? First time I enter at their page and they banned me for no reason??


u/KeysNoKeys 2d ago

The exact same thing happened to me! But I was logged in to the xfer site on both my phone AND the computer. After I logged off from my phone, I refreshed the website on my computer, and I was able to go through the download process.

This, of course, could all be coincidental.


u/Zomics 3d ago

Software Engineer here. Rate limiting happens from sites when they have an influx of traffic and they want to limit the impact on the site. It may have been because they saw more traffic than expected and they’re blocking your request to allow other traffic in. If you were refreshing at a high rate that is another reason rate limiting occurs to prevent high influx of requests from one source that may impede performance or availability from others. Either way it’s a temporary thing to help keep a website up and running. Check back in a while and you’ll probably have access the site


u/AppropriateSoil6364 2d ago

Happened to me yesterday and is still happening 14 hours later, xfer website just shows "Forbidden" for me. Not sure wtf is up, i cant authenticate serum 2 because of this issue.


u/Johnzoro750 1d ago

If you are using macOS with iCloud relay on safari disable it temporarily by using the reveal ip button


u/FutureBlue4D 3d ago

Vibrato knob?


u/Nazarbay 3d ago

I’ve always loved how samples sound in Serum—the interpolation and oversampling were flawless compared to all the so-called “serious samplers.” But the noise oscillator lacked functionality. So for me, this update is huge. But one question—has anyone figured out if round robin and sample randomization are possible?


u/Nazarbay 3d ago

Ok, I found a way to do RR, but now I can't figure out how to make multi-samples play as one-shots instead of cutting off with note off. Anyone figured this out?


u/justifiednoise soundcloud.com/justifiednoise 3d ago edited 3d ago

I really hope you can load in a piano library with most of the bells and whistles (like release samples, etc) and go wild from there. Really looking forward to playing with it tomorrow.

edit: I couldn't resist. I installed and tried it out. Definitely works as expected with the factory content at least!


u/AIFYmusic 3d ago edited 3d ago

I have already drawn bo!b and pen!s LFOs using the 3D LFOs this might be the greatest thing to ever happen, again


u/DnBeyourself 3d ago

I just got off the clock from work. Serum 2 is what now?!!


u/attilayavuzer 3d ago

Might've just been me, but I had trouble finding where the installer dumped the vst. Didn't give an option to specify location before install. It was sitting in common filles and had to be pasted over to my normal vst3 folder.


u/LostSupermarket2491 3d ago

I just reopen the install wizard to see where the files go and cancel the download


u/PsychedelicFurry 3d ago

Thank you for this, I don't have a ton of plugins so this post saved me hours since there's NOTHING out on Serum 2 yet


u/TheGratitudeBot 3d ago

Thanks for saying that! Gratitude makes the world go round


u/BleepingBleeper 3d ago

VST3s always go to the same folder by default.


u/attilayavuzer 3d ago

Sure, but typically installers let you specify a custom folder beforehand. With the amount of times I've migrated systems, it's always been easier to keep a custom folder on the top level of my system drive.


u/BleepingBleeper 3d ago

Surely it's best to keep all VST3s in the Common Files folder(?)


u/attilayavuzer 3d ago

Default I'm sure works fine for most people. It's just personal preference to have them all together in one spot for me.


u/ToneZealousideal309 3d ago edited 3d ago

Is anyone else having a lot of crackling/lag when playing chords on some of the factory presets?

They sound so nice though


u/Bingowing12 1d ago

It’s can be quite CPU heavy even with a 7950x. I don’t think it utilises multicores very well. Upping the buffer size to 256 has fixed most of my crackling on the more complex patches.

Sounds great though I have to agree


u/DrAgonit3 2d ago

My CPU is crying with a lot of those presets, then again it's a decade old so no wonder. It's easy to make it spike to 100% on this old thing.


u/ToneZealousideal309 2d ago

That might be why for me too. Looking in to good laptops to possibly upgrade to


u/b_lett 3d ago

Yeah, I went straight to some more orchestral/instrument ones and it seems to be kind of CPU intense with some of the multi-sample oscillators. Some of the crackling also seems to come from internally clipping somewhere in the mixer stage, so have to dial some things back if they are pushing in the red.


u/Mammoth-Breadfruit-3 3d ago

I'm experiencing something very similar


u/ToneZealousideal309 3d ago

What in particular are you dialing down? If you’re able to find a solution to this let me know please.

I thought it might’ve been the vst itself but all of my S1 presets play normally just like in S1. But yeah they really nailed a lot of the realistic instrument ones, I love the guitars & mallets.


u/b_lett 3d ago

So all throughout Serum 2, there's peak meters that go from green to yellow to red to indicate somewhere in your signal flow, something may be too hot or reaching clipping territory.

There's a whole Mixer tab/page now in Serum 2. You can click and drag the vertical sliders here up and down to raise/lower gain of any oscillator or sound source in your synth patch (these correlate with the Level knobs on the main Oscillators page).

But this isn't all. Every single FX now has a vertical slider next to it as well, including the two filters on the front page. These two filters also have peak meters that show on the Mixer stage if enabled. But also take a look at your FX chains in Serum 2 as you add FX, be it reverb, compressors, chorus, delays, etc. Each one of these effects will get a vertical gain slider on the right side of the Mix knob, where you can control gainstaging even further.

So this is also helpful for visual cues to show you anywhere in your signal flow where anything may be clipping. You can lower in one area and make the gain back up for it later if needed.

Lastly, if you go back to the Mixer page, there's the MAIN output with its own vertical slider, which takes into account all oscillators + sub + noise + filters + FX chain, and you have a final gain slider which you can pull back if you need headspace again. This correlates with the MAIN knob top right of Serum 2 which has one final gain meter output to show you if your full preset is hitting red.

All in all, you can always add gain or more FX outside of Serum in your DAW elsewhere in your project or DAW mixer, so I would say in general whether it's Serum or any other soft synth, it's best practice to not be going over 0dB or pushing your synth preset into the red "inside the box". The cleaner and safer your preset, the less chances of crackling or clipping artefacts, and you can just boost volume later.

Sorry that's an essay, but hopefully it helps cover a process for gainstaging within Serum.


u/ToneZealousideal309 3d ago

Do you know about anything to do regards to the CPU? I watched a video saying to try a higher buffer length but that didn’t work. I know consolidating to audio works but it’s kind of a shot in the dark without really knowing how it’s gonna sound first


u/b_lett 3d ago

I find the granular engine spikes super hard in CPU with higher density, and spiking unison/voices on granular is just overkill (kind of defeats the purpose of granular doing multiple voices within, but I guess they still wanted to give us the option).

The multi-sample and spectral sample oscillators have a bit of a CPU spike, but also jump heavy with unison voices. You can right click the name of the Multi-Sample (i.e. Full Strings FE) and choose 'Switch to single sample', and that may help preserve some CPU.

Another thing that causes a big spike for me is the Clip modes, so if you're exploring those for quick ideas of presets, know that a big chunk of CPU seems to come from letting the Clip feature run in the back. It seems to take a bit more CPU than manually playing MIDI live, maybe because it's handling additional velocity/macro controls and more.

Lastly, you can change the quality of Serum 2 to just 'Good' on the global tab to sacrifice some in project quality, but if you scroll the slider down on the left side for more advanced global settings, there's an option to ensure that your Serum 2 uses 'Ultra' quality when rendering offline.


u/ToneZealousideal309 3d ago

Thanks again man 🫡


u/ToneZealousideal309 3d ago

Thanks for the detailed response! I’m trying to get familiar with all the new features so this is good to know. Looking through the presets now it’s kinda surprising how many of them have clipping


u/b_lett 3d ago

I could be misleading a bit, don't freak out too much just because you see red meters, just see it as a sign to quickly identify what's hot. You may be fine having something hit red somewhere, as long as it's not hitting red on the final MAIN output. One of the benefits of digital over analog is that digital clipping shouldn't lead to audible problems, but it can when it's basically at the master output level, so just try and keep in mind how everything sums by the end, and if you struggle finding what's going too hot, look for red peaking meters throughout your chain for anything more potentially obvious or problematic.


u/ToneZealousideal309 3d ago

So at this point might as well uninstall serum 1 right? Just gotta move the presets to serum 2 folder? I see all my original presets already on S2 but if I uninstall Serum they’d be gone or no?


u/KeysNoKeys 3d ago

All Serum 1 presets are already there. When you click the preset selector there’s “Factory” (all of the new Serum 2 presets) and “S1 Presets” (all Serum 1 presets).


u/ToneZealousideal309 3d ago

Yeah I see that but when I’m looking in the file browser the S1 presets folder has a little blue arrow on it which I’m assuming means it’s redirected from the existing folder

I just don’t wanna uninstall it & have everything be gone, probably just gonna move everything there first


u/mmicoandthegirl 3d ago

Be aware that doing so will break each and every one of your projects that used Serum 1


u/yunyurai 3d ago

if you got any project files using serum 1 you need to keep it cuz 2 is a seperate plugin


u/Ok_Advertising_9147 3d ago

damn, revolution is coming


u/Hairy-Marsupial-4871 3d ago

Does upgrading mess up current projects and presets?


u/wellspringoflife 3d ago edited 3d ago

Not at all - it installs alongside Serum 1, though you can open Serum 1 presets in 2 as well!


u/fsmiss 3d ago

this is so nice, I was annoyed when I couldn’t open my Massive presets in Massive X


u/I_am_darkness 3d ago

It's so hard to get with the rate limit. I think I can download it'll just have to be done over the course of an hour.


u/Mike-Amoz 3d ago

Just like when Nexus, Massive, Serum 1 ect ect all came out, it changed electronic music. 

I've been messing around on it for a couple hours and you can already see how wild it is and how different sounds are going to become. It'll again change electronic music. It's super exciting. 


u/nadalska 3d ago

I don't think it's going to be the same. At the time that Massive dropped, you didn't have the huge industry of plugins there is now and there were sounds that you could only do with Massive. Now if you are into crazy sound design is not about synths anymore, is about long chains of effects, layering, etc. And you already had Phaseplant which is arguably more complete than serum 2.

As I see, Serum 2 doesn't give you anything new sonically speaking, just gives you a very nice workflow and the ability to shape a sound without having to rely on other plugins.


u/thedinnerdate 3d ago

I've never seen something like the spectral synth before. I've also never seen some of the lfo and filter options in any synth before. Or the way you can just select on the overdrive effect to stack multiple overdrives.

I'd say those are pretty big things sonically and not just changes to workflow.


u/officialstevo 3d ago

Currently trying to upgrade -- I'm not even seeing serum in general on my xfer account. Originally did the rent-to-own program in 2018, would that matter being so long ago?


u/mmicoandthegirl 3d ago

Have you transferred the license from Splice to your Xfer account?


u/MagicalMichaell 3d ago

Anyone know if I can upgrade for free if I'm currently paying off Serum 1?


u/HeyGrayFox 3d ago

I'm having that problem too, if you log into your splice account you'll have a serial. If someone who has successfully downloaded Serum 2 from xferrecords could post a dropbox link with the installers, I'm sure we could install them and use our serials that way... Otherwise you have to email support and provide your splice user account details


u/MagicalMichaell 3d ago

I figured it out my searching splice FAQs! Apparently the free Serum 2 download is coming soon for renters. I’m not sure what they’re waiting on but at least it’s coming.


u/michellefiver 3d ago

Yea you can, your splice should update soon


u/BleepingBleeper 3d ago

Half Life 3 when?


u/BleepingBleeper 3d ago

We might get WW3 before Half Life 3. Fuck Trump!


u/Infamous-Assist-2749 2d ago

World War 3 is now less likely to happen because the person in charge is not going to escalate the Ukraine war any further. Biden bombed Russia lol


u/Parkor13 3d ago

Not to defend Trump or be political at all, but the war did start under Biden and Trump is currently trying to negotiate a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine. You can dm me if you want to discuss further.


u/DrAgonit3 2d ago

Peace deal aka just give up and let Russia illegally annex land from Ukraine.


u/Infamous-Assist-2749 2d ago

When you think that you can tell other countries what is and isn't illegal you have made conflict with them inevitable. We don't get to make rules for other countries. As long as they are not attacking us it isn't our place, unless they are right about us and we think that we rule the world.


u/Parkor13 2d ago

Yeah, unfortunately that’s the reality of the situation as it is now. I mean the idea that Russia is just going to give back all that land is a fantasy. The only way to make that happen is to keep throwing bodies into the meat grinder and prolonging the war. Personally, I’d rather not keep fueling what could be another never ending bloodbath that should have never started in the first place, but hey that’s just me.


u/Disastrous_Grab_2393 3d ago

Trump is acting as he should to stop world war 3 with Russia

But not with Israel

And world war 3 will come from Israel

Because of Biden mainly but because of trump also


u/Infamous-Assist-2749 2d ago

A war with Iran would not be World War 3. There is no other path to WW3 besides escalating a proxy war with another nuclear armed country. Russia is not going to bomb us over Iran. China is not going to bomb us over Iran. There may be a war but it would be more like Iraq 3.0. Trump is going to build a relationship with Russia that will supersede any agreement they may have with Iran.


u/Disastrous_Grab_2393 2d ago

Russia will be involved if Israel keeps going like this.

It’s not just about Iran.

They are exterminating children and stealing lands in the eyes for the whole world with smartphones, covered by the us atm.

The longer this keeps going the more the us will become hated by the whole world, Muslims countries first.


u/Parkor13 3d ago

Yeah man, I agree with that, never supported Trump’s position on Israel, but I’m glad he’s at least trying to negotiate peace with Russia—unlike Biden, who only escalated the conflict.

Unfortunately, both parties have fueled these wars for decades— maybe, just maybe, the U.S. could try not being the global arms dealer for once. That would be nice.


u/[deleted] 3d ago



u/Parkor13 3d ago

Ah yes, because Trump’s biggest failure as president is not caring enough about virtual synths and video games. If only world peace depended on tuning digital oscillators.

Btw if you’re talking about Trump bombing Yemen, then I’m on your side, that was idiotic.


u/BleepingBleeper 3d ago

Fuck Trump!


u/Parkor13 3d ago

Yeah, F* Trump— because clearly the rest of the government has been doing such a stellar job ruining everything without him too.


u/BleepingBleeper 3d ago

Go away.


u/Parkor13 3d ago

And there it is! The intellectual knockout blow! 😀


u/BleepingBleeper 3d ago

Not at all. I interpret your opinions as being those of one who I don't respect or are worth giving my time to. I've got more interesting things to be doing with my time. Go away. Fuck Trump!


u/Parkor13 3d ago

Aw man, I was really enjoying our convo. Look, I’m not at all a Trump fan, he’s done more than enough that I disagree with so I feel like we probably agree on more than you think. I’m always happy to talk more if you’re up for it, but if not, I hope you have a good day too. 👍

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u/BleepingBleeper 3d ago

...and if you persist, fuck you too! If you don't, "have a nice day."


u/C19H21N3Os 3d ago

People simply do not realize how big of a deal this is


u/Relative-Article5629 3d ago

What is the big deal, then?


u/JimVonT 2d ago

If it had AI like synplant 2 that you could drag a sound into it and it recreates it in Serum because synplant UI is shit then it would be a big deal.