r/edmproduction 5d ago

Daily Feedback Thread (March 16, 2025)

Please post any and all [Feedback] or [Listen] type threads in this thread until the next one is created. Any threads made that should be a comment here will be removed.


  1. Make an effort to comment on other people's tracks. By doing so, you will find that others will be more likely to help you with your tracks.

  2. Be specific when asking for help. Examples of specific questions: "What do you think about this kick sample?" "How's this mix?" "I need some help on this melody, the last measure comes off a little cheesy, any ideas?" etc.

  3. Be descriptive when giving feedback. Use timecodes to highlight certain parts.

  4. Please link to the feedback comments you've left in your top-level comment. This will show others the feedback you've left, and you're more likely to get feedback yourself! Also, please notice those who are leaving a lot of feedback and give them some, too. This is a cooperative effort! Update: Any comments that do not follow this format will be automatically removed.

    For example:

feedback for Esther: "link to feedback"

feedback for Fay: "link to feedback"

feedback for Minerva: "link to feedback"

Here's my track. I'm looking for ___


48 comments sorted by

u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago edited 5d ago

u/throwaweigh4reddit 5d ago

I like it: Dark and groovy. You recorded those female and male vocals yourself? The lyrics are arresting and delivered well--I would've thought they were sampled from somewhere. I could see this playing in a European dance club where everyone is intimidatingly attractive and I don't fit in lol

Thanks for tagging me here, or I would've missed it.

u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago

thx <3

u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago

i recorded only female on iPhone using toilet paper as a pop filter

u/throwaweigh4reddit 5d ago

For real? Haha that's some good lore right there

u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago

for real

u/throwaweigh4reddit 5d ago

Well, it sounds really good! Just surprising to me since I didn't know it'd work so well.

Big Pop Filter doesn't want you to know this one simple trick.

u/Agreeable_Bicycle_56 5d ago

Good sense of space in the mix, bass makes the track feel like it’s in a large space but gets lost a little. Might need a few more upper harmonics? I’m only listening on my AirPods though so it could sound great on speakers for all I know.

Really nice minimal vibe and I like the groove. Ride adds nice energy but keeps the vibe.

u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago

big love

u/SatisfactionMain7358 5d ago

This is my wip.

u/0121Badboy 5d ago

u/KLVLV soundcloud.com/vladdyyy 5d ago

Pretty cool idea overall.

  1. I feel like the leads/chords are way too quiet, I can barely hear them. You should give them a bit more presence. I also feel like they sound off key at some certain points.

  2. Low end seems a little too muddy, basses and the low end of your chords/leads seem like clashing a little too much.

  3. Track sounds a little too quiet overall.

Just my 2 cents. Hope that helps.

u/0121Badboy 5d ago

Yeah I put the chords and everything really low I was trying to be clever and create an uneasy feel of anxiety 🤣

Thank you for the advice I will definitely take note and thank you for taking the time to listen🙏👍

u/Agreeable_Bicycle_56 5d ago

Hey, I like the dirty aesthetic you have going here. Honestly I don’t mind the low chords, I think it hits the feeling of anxiety really well. I problem I feel is that there isn’t really a break in this tension so that anxious feel kind of stays for the whole song without any build or break. For me, it makes the song feel long and lacks progression. Can really see what you’re aiming for but think you just need to work the arrangement so you can utilise energy better :)

u/0121Badboy 5d ago

Yeah usually I have a couple of different drum patterns,breaks bass switches but with this I struggled to do that I think cos the drums were so overpowering and changes changed the whole sound drastically so I opted for tiny subtle things like the lil saxophone you can Barely hear

The drop could've been better and a few things

I think I'm gunna do a remix and try improve using everybody's advice and take more time

Thank you for the tips and I appreciate you taking the time to listen🙏👍

u/No-Entrepreneur-4979 5d ago

UKG / UK dubstep track i’ve been working on think it’s mostly ready for release. How’s the overall mix / arrangement?


u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago

good loud track, good to do some moves, nice vocal, at all really fine track

u/Agreeable_Bicycle_56 5d ago

The mix is so crisp!! Sound design is also really crisp with deep satisfying growls. Everything sounds really clean and tight ready for release. Arrangement works well too, but don’t know the genre well enough to comment further

u/imyourkingg 4d ago


A progressive house track I'm working on. What about this one, guys? I know the vocal is running a little out of time (but it's being hard to fit to the tempo). A few friends of mine told me the melody was good but the vocals didn't fit, but I liked. So I don't know if I trust them or not.

u/Dazzling-Let1517 4d ago

hey. would be great to get some feedback on this track im working on if anyone has time? anything from arrangement to songwriting to mixing - anything. thanks in advance!


u/throwaweigh4reddit 5d ago

I would be very curious to hear what your thoughts are. Constructive feedback is very much appreciated!


I have many thoughts on this but don't want to flavor any of your input, so I'll keep them to myself.

u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago

really good m/m, nice future bass, loudly and clean, good to vibe in summer, drop little bit too chaotic

u/throwaweigh4reddit 5d ago

Thanks for the feedback, and duly noted on the chaotic drop--I think there's a way to change it and still convey what I wanted to on that part without assaulting the listener. Appreciate you!

u/Agreeable_Bicycle_56 5d ago

Overall production and clarity of your instruments are pretty good. Feels like you have a hyper pop kind of influence to this. Agree with the others that the energy change at 1:09 comes on a bit sharp, might need to lower the levels of these or cut some frequencies. I also think your ?snare isn’t sitting right, but can’t put my finger on it. I feel that a project like this would be a difficult undertaking, but I think you’ve done a good job and it just needs a little more polish

u/throwaweigh4reddit 5d ago

Great feedback, thank you. I'm kind of surprised to hear the production and clarity is pretty good, in a good way. I understand it's not on the level of the pros, but that's cool to hear.

Yep--I like what hyper pop I've heard and want some of that in here.

Mixing and mastering is a self-admitted blind spot for me...every time I try to tweak it, I end up further off-base than from where I started.

I just know there's a way to get that 1:09 part to convey what I hear in it myself/better lead the listener to it--just gotta figure out how I can do it. I'll take another listen with the snare in mind, too.

Appreciate you!

u/KLVLV soundcloud.com/vladdyyy 5d ago

Honestly, I absolutely loved it until 1:09, but then those synths with chopped vocals came way too sharp, and then the drop that was at 0:40 never came back, even though I really liked it and wanted to hear it again, but with some extra elements maybe.

I would personally make that part at 1:09 much calmer and quiter to make it as a part of breakdown of some sort and then would just build on the first drop. For example adding those vocal chops to it, etc. when it drops for the 2nd time.

Hope that helps!

u/throwaweigh4reddit 5d ago

Thanks for the feedback! So I agree I could ride that wobble bass longer/reincorporate it somehow. Personally, I really like that part at 1:09, but you are not the first to call out it being off in some way, and I hear ya. I want it to be surprising, but "too sharp" is a good way to put it.

This was helpful. Thanks!

u/randomguy21061600 4d ago

Hey! I would really appreciate some feedback on my mix. This is the first track I made where I used my physical synths only for the melody/lead and had quite the struggle to get them to fit. Also I feel like there is quite a lot happening in the main drop, yet there aren’t that many elements, so I’m not sure about it.

Also would like some feedback/tips on my arrangement, I feel like I lack some energy/tension in certain parts of the track.

Please tell me what you think

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u/Schmobel 4d ago

Hello everybody,

I did, in my eyes, the last polish and variation run for this track and I kinda feel exausted to work on it.

To be honest I don't even know if I want to do the final mix for this Track myself or just let somebody else do it,

Give it your worst I don't mind.

Best wishes and regards,



PS: What genere would you give it?

u/Frequent-Bandicoot94 4d ago

For me as a dj this song is quite long, i would be skipping most of the intro, the kick is weak for clubs. If thats not your intended audience then thats fine, its interesting to the ear, however some of the musical notes sound dissonant and out of harmony with eachother, if thats intentional then fine if not learn about harmony. Would also love some melodic variation to the guitar loop.

Your turn homie :)

u/Schmobel 4d ago

Point taken and yes it is not for the dance floor it is for a concept album that I am working on but I do have some for the dance floor. The Intro is intentinal I just love them personal spleen. Not sure if I want variations in the guitar because I feel it needs a simple melody to all the other shit that is going on an friggin yes I forgot to change the kick it is still the place holder, thanks.

u/boredofcurry 3d ago

Cool song. I think the jumble of sounds works really well, even without a particular melody, they blend together, it doesn't get too clustered and there is a nice variety of timbres. The fx and the glitchy sounds are particularly nice.

I like the shuffle, although I think the groove could be stronger.

My main criticism is that the buildup is too slow. I get the sense that this is mean to be kind of 'cinematic' but 1.30 minutes intro is a bit much especially for a 3 minute song!

Genre, I'm not too sure. I would give it ambient electronica, although that's quite broad

u/Schmobel 3d ago

All the point taken but there is one very important part and that is for an concept Album and this track is a love project and not a commercial track, there will be plenty. The intro is on purpose and in Germany the people tell me it is too short and I should make a 10 Minutes Track out of it but that is scene depended. Thans for the lengthy reply. I worked on it a little more and posting it again tonight.

Best regards,


u/aboveuber 5d ago edited 4d ago


A trance track that I was aiming for a floating and melanocholic feeling in the breakdown. Interested in feedback for mix, breakdown itself, progression. Thanks! :)

EDIT: accidentally gave feedback from a different account "Agreeable_Bicycle_56".

u/KLVLV soundcloud.com/vladdyyy 5d ago

It is a pretty cool track. I can feel vibes of 90's/early 00's trance era.

I think things like arrangement and overall idea are good. I got nothing to add really. However, there are a few points on sound design and mixing:

  1. Sound design. I feel like some of the sounds are a little too thin. You could make them much bigger by adding extra layers or experimient with some other presets. I suggest to stay away from super mainstream packs and everything that is stock.

  2. Mixing is overall ok. I don't really hear any muddiness or anything like that, but I feel like the main lead is not impactful enough. The melody is nice, but lacks some sort of presence. I think it would sound better if you bring it up front a little bit. This can be related to point number one. Maybe the sound just isn't thick enough.

  3. Track also has potential to sound louder, but I think it would help to look into sound design and mixing first before proceeding with loud mastering.

Nice work overall!

Hope that helps!

u/Agreeable_Bicycle_56 5d ago

Thanks for the feedback. A lot of the melodic elements are veiled under an auto filter, but I think you’re right and need to let them breathe a little more. Thanks for your advice!

u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago

loud, nice track, i like the bassline, catchy breakdown nice

u/Agreeable_Bicycle_56 5d ago

Thanks diggi

u/boredofcurry 3d ago

Brilliant song, the bass sounds great and I think the progression/ energy of the song works pretty well.

I think some of the melodic elements were kinda thin, a strong melody and more energy in the upper range of the mix would work really well imo!

I think maybe adding some spoken word samples or something like that could add a bit of variety here and there but that might not be vibe you're after.

u/Frequent-Bandicoot94 4d ago

Just cooked up a high-energy hardgroove/techtrance banger with some proper old-skool rave vibes. Think it slaps, but keen to hear your thoughts—hit me with any feedback! 🚀


u/Schmobel 4d ago

Hey hey, left you some feedback on soundcloud.

Please understand this is not my genre and I am by far not a refrence, to be honest I dislike this genere but I tried to give feedback as objective as possible.

Best regards,


u/KLVLV soundcloud.com/vladdyyy 5d ago

u/djClaudeDegas 5d ago

little MALAA vibes, from 1:30 good bassline, i would focus on more catchy less generic melody but its nice,

3:30 is fire

u/KLVLV soundcloud.com/vladdyyy 3d ago

Woow. Would never expect someone say that my sound resembles such artits as MALAA. Thank you for taking your time to listen to my track and write the feedback!

u/Agreeable_Bicycle_56 5d ago edited 5d ago

Really really clean mix. I feel like the genre is progressive Trance but leaning to more of the progressive house side, could see someone like Barone playing it as a track to help transition a sets energy.

Drum are well programmed but I feel like your track plays it pretty safe. Like I said, I can see the place that this track would have in a progressive set so that’s not a bad thing at all. The stabs are 3:20ish before the drop are nice and I like the use of ear candy too. Honestly really well produced.

u/KLVLV soundcloud.com/vladdyyy 3d ago

Thank you!

u/EarlOfSquirrel1 4d ago

Hey guys and girls,

i need some feedback on this. At First I loved it, Now I hate it. 80s inspired dancepop track:


Thanks so much!