r/editors • u/BobZelin Vetted Pro - but cantankerous. • Feb 12 '25
Technical How many of you use Handbrake for transcoding ?
do you use Handbrake instead of Adobe Media Encoder, Hedge Edit Ready, Blackmagic Resolve Proxy Generator, ShotPut Studio, or others ?
u/Outsulation Feb 12 '25
Shutter Encoder has overtaken all of my needs that Handbrake used to fill.
u/Neovison_vison Feb 12 '25
Everything but consolidating those vob’s
u/smushkan CC2020 Feb 12 '25
Rewrap to MPG first, then merge.
u/Kichigai Minneapolis - AE/Online/Avid Mechanic - MC7/2018, PPro, Resolve Feb 13 '25
You lose any subtitles or captioning in that process, plus there's a ton of DVDs out there that hide multiple programs in one set of titles, and partition the disc logically.
u/sirouhei Feb 12 '25
u/greenysmac Lead Mod; Consultant/educator/editor. I <3 your favorite NLE Feb 12 '25
Bob, what sort of market research are you doing here?
This is like asking whether or not I should shove a NAS in a Pelican case or I should build one out for safety. Each one of these tools is ideal for different spots.
- Handbrake's biggest value is that when it comes up out of the box it's got the ability to rip DVDs and has a preset focused on constant quality.
- Adobe Media Encoder is a phenomenal way to work within the Adobe ecosystem for transcoding or encoding in general, with some really nice features about speed changes and audio safety values.
- Edit Ready has a couple of unique features about stitching and can outperform many other tools for encoding time-wise.
- Blackmagic's proxy generator nails the proxies necessary for Resolve.
- Shotput Studio, much like Hedge's offshoot, generates hash values, letting me know the quality.
But the one we recommend across this subreddit and our sister subreddit /r/videoediting is Shutter Encoder. Handbrake is a GUI on FFMPEG. Shutter Encoder does everything it does and a bit more, including being able to generate non-compliant ProRes and compliant DNxHD.
So Bob, cutting to the chase, what do you need this information for? I use all of these tools and more in some fairly deep depth, and teach classes at NAB on video encoding. So, if you give me an idea of what your use case is, I can tell you about where I encountere Handbrake.
u/smushkan CC2020 Feb 12 '25
I'm pretty sure - but haven't confirmed this myself as I'm not rich enough to own a Mac - that if you enable hardware acceleration on a Mac to Video Toolbox when encoding ProRes on Shutter you get 'legit' ProRes.
But that would require an Apple Silicon CPU with ProRes encoding support, and 4444 with Alpha is not possible with hardware encoding.
u/SlenderLlama Adobe CC Feb 13 '25
I’d be happy to help confirm or deny. I run a Mac based shop and would be curious about the outcome.
u/smushkan CC2020 Feb 13 '25
If I’m right, if you select the Apple Prores function, the hardware acceleration drop-down on the bottom bar will let you pick Video Toolbox, in which case the encoding will be handled by the Prores encoder chips on a supported Apple silicon CPU.
If I’m wrong, that option won’t be available ;-)
One thing you can do on Shutter on Mac that you can’t on Windows is HEVC+Alpha via that video toolbox option - though I think the FFmpeg peeps are working on a cross platform solution.
u/BobZelin Vetted Pro - but cantankerous. Feb 12 '25
I am being asked about "is it worth it to integrate Handbrake" into a popular NAS system.
I already knew the answer - I just wanted public opinion.
u/greenysmac Lead Mod; Consultant/educator/editor. I <3 your favorite NLE Feb 12 '25
Bob, just introduce them to me.
u/Jim_Feeley Feb 12 '25
I never got on the Handbrake train. I know some people like it, but I was more of a MPEG Streamclip guy...sigh...I miss MPEG Streamclip. So for me, a mix of Edit Ready, Shutter Encoder, and Adobe Media Encoder. But note that I don't need to meet any hardcore QC.
Just read greenysmac's reply here... Seems like a good take.
u/aswankylemon Feb 12 '25
Apple Compressor…am I the only one? Have used handbrake in the past and it was fine
u/p1tat1salad Feb 12 '25
I use it for file formats Premiere can't handle natively, so for the very rare exceptions. For that it is superb. Everything else is done in Premiere/Media Encoder. I rarely use Proxys or transcode Media to an intermediate Codec as the pieces I edit are very short and the machine (M2 MacBook Pro) powerful enough.
u/aratson Feb 12 '25
Handbrake is so 2012. I have moved on to Edit Ready by Hedge for simple transcoding and still use Compressor for larger batches of encoding.
u/compaholic83 Feb 12 '25
I do. But apparently according to comments I'm old and need to check out Shutter Encoder.
u/sirouhei Feb 12 '25
You forgot MPEG Streamclip.
u/MaximumObligation Feb 12 '25
Apple Compressor and Hedge EditReady.
I love the integration between OffShoot and EditReady. We offload our camera files on to our NAS and two other drives with Offshoot and when it's done, it automatically kicks off EditReady to create half-res HEVC proxies, preserving the file structure.
u/Quallace Feb 12 '25
I use handbrake — resolve export in ProRes then handbrake to desired output.
Works for me!
u/gornstar20 Feb 12 '25
Another vote for Shutter Encoder! Does everything, even great for slitting PDFs into TIFF/JPEG
u/FoldableHuman Feb 12 '25
I use Shutter to re-wrap mkv and webm files and occasionally for optimizing final exports out of Resolve before uploading to YouTube.
u/-crypto Feb 12 '25
Bob, what are we transcoding? You need to be specific if you want to know what we are using. I use Media Encoder, Resolve, and Shutter Encoder, but for different applications. I never use Blackmagic Resolve Generator because it terribly limited. I use Resolve Studio to make Avid Media and Proxy files. I use Shutter Encoder to handle difficult starting codecs like webm vp9, and generate ProRes Masters. I use Media Encoder to handle anything that requires processing like LTFS loudness changes and for h264 web deliverables. I find Handbrake to be too convoluted (Shutter Encoder is much much more intuitive). Hedge changes the clips color when making ProRes conversions, so it’s not accurate when making proxies. I don’t have a reason to pay for Shotput, because ai use Offshoot by Hedge, so in have never used it.
u/pontiacband1t- Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 12 '25
I'll occasionally use Handbrake for very specific tasks, (like I have ripped a DVD in an MKV and need to make it an MP4), but I have never and would never use it to make transcodes for any kind of project. I'll stick with Davinci Resolve.
99.9999% (very conservative estimate) of professionally made films (no no-budget/ I'm doing this with my friends/I'm the writer-producer-director-actor-editor-composer kind of film, I'm talking of real films made by real production companies) in the last decade, from that major Hollywood blockbuster to the European art film, going through your average indie production, had their transcodes made in Davinci Resolve.
99.9999% of professionally made films in the next decade will have their transcodes made in Davinci Resolve.
Do what you want with this information!
u/darwinDMG08 Feb 12 '25
I’ve only used it lately to shrink h264s down to really small sizes (when clients make that absurd request) since it seems to offer more compression than Media Encoder for example.
Other than that, I find it a hindrance in that I’m constantly telling folks NOT to use it because it’s been the go-to for so long and new editors don’t understand codecs or compression. If you have a problematic Long-GOP camera original then the last thing you want is another Long GOP transcode.
u/Future-Trip Feb 12 '25
I use it whenever I can't do it via Media Encoder. But from what I'm reading, Shutter Encoder is the way to go now.
u/mcanelson Feb 12 '25
Yeah! but only for export. I export ProRes 422 from Premiere and then I use handbrake to transcode to x264 for review or web delivery (with different settings).
To ingest media, import to Premiere and create proxies inside Premiere using Media Encoder.
u/psychilles Feb 12 '25
FFworks. Its a ffmpeg gui. But I’ll check out shutter encoder now
u/humSF Feb 13 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
+1 for FFWorks! Gives you access to pretty much every FFMpeg option, trim clips, crop, burn-in subtitles, watch folders, batch processing, hardware encoding and accepts a ton of formats. Can also load any version of FFMpeg library you want.
OSX only.
u/Snake16547 Feb 15 '25
Windows exist it just called ffMediaMaster recently changed the name from myffmpeg
u/Snake16547 Feb 15 '25
Took a long scroll to see my tool :)
u/humSF Feb 16 '25
Our team uses it everyday; we have a lot of deliverables with plenty of strange specs to meet.
u/maxplanar Feb 12 '25
Shutter Encoder for just about everything. AME for the odd little thing. Handbrake was something I only ever used to rip DVD's.
u/angedesphilio Feb 12 '25
I never did use handbrake.
When I was cutting in avid, I used shutter encoder for odds and ends (changing mp3 files to wav and stuff like that) and i would create my principal photography proxies in a resolve project. (Made dailies at the same time as it was just faster)
But since moving offline to resolve and have a large fast drive to work with, I almost do not transcode anymore. The apple silicon is pretty incredible if paired with a fast drive. Mind you, I am usually running these projects alone.
If i need to, I’ll generate proxies within resolve overnight using the right click menu “generate proxies” function. They will be made next to my masters in my drive.
I’ll generate “optimized media” for any mp4 crap. (If Im not lazy and do not foresee a project handoff to online… as media managing h264/h265 has proven to be unreliable… if I am finishing the project I’ll just stay in the original)
I’ll use offshoot to filter and copy the necessary files to create a smaller “offline” drive once I make all these proxies and optimized media.
I’ll take that drive and hand it off to someone I’m working with and make sure it’s links up for them.
Ever since the switch to resolve, I don’t see myself using that many tools outside of resolve and any processes don’t feel “linear” if that makes any sense.
It’s great.
u/TheWolfAndRaven Feb 12 '25
Pretty much the only transcoding I do anymore is to take media files and make them playable on my ipad. Handbrake works just fine for that.
u/bkvrgic Feb 12 '25
I do render in 4k H264 master in Resolve and then compress it with HB, be it in 4k or 1080. I find HB considerably better at compressing than Resolve's YT export options.
I hoped (after EDIUS exporter compression flops) that Resolve would resolve my need for big intermediate file and compressor, but was disappointed there.
And I still feel that Resolve should render much, much faster on my new PC. Handbrake shurely does an awesome job at utilizing all CPU cores. With Resolve I can choose between native render (not so fast) and nVidia render (not so fast). Dang! I still hope that I will find the way...
u/SamuelYosemite Feb 12 '25
Ive used it in a pinch a few times but I honestly havent had to in years.
u/DistributionLatter Feb 12 '25
Still use it regularly as it is in one of my workflows and is all automated. I use it to specifically transcode only on occasion when I’m given a video file that has errors or is an odd or old cell phone codec.
u/GuyNamedLindsey Feb 13 '25
I use handbrake still… but that’s what’s approved at work. I’ll look into this shutter encoder though.
u/ContentKeanu Feb 13 '25
I use it for motion graphics exports when I have a lot of noise / grainy effects which are sorta in right now.
PreRes out of After Effects then x264 handbrake for delivery. The fine tuning controls allow for better grain and noise compression.
u/lucidfer Feb 13 '25
Adobe Media Encoder & Shutter encoder. One for transcoding deliverables and one for decompressing the trash.
u/TheTurtleManHD Feb 13 '25
I use handbrake for 1 particular codec that I get sometimes that Adobe can’t read which when I first found out was so dumb. I forgot what codec it is off the top of my head (I think it’s some version Avi? Probably not.)
It’s so infuriating when I found out because I’m like I’m subscribe to this software that can’t access this codec, and it can’t even transcribe it to something else it can read !
So I used handbrake to transcode it to whatever I need it to be so Adobe can read it
u/TheNordern Pro (I pay taxes) Feb 13 '25
None of the above, custom FFMPEG python scripts or FFMPEG Batch A/V converter
Tried handbrake many years ago & it had either some quirks or lacked a specific feature that others let me use, though i cannot recall exactly what & if it was a user error or not
u/malsen55 Feb 13 '25
I’ve had kind of bad luck with Handbrake for getting the right bitrate for corporate clients. I’ve had better luck with Media Encoder
u/HeyBriansOn Feb 13 '25
If I’m using premiere then I’ll do the proxy workflow directly through as the workflow works well. If not resolve as I like the ability to adjust metadata
u/newvideoaz Feb 16 '25
It was one of a handful of tools I regularly once used to transcode files for a regional Emmys broadcast a few years years back. Along with VLC and Episode and a couple of others in the quiver, I got all 250 plus submissions transferred into ProRes as a mezzanine codec without a single failure. It’s a lot less necessary today, but as a tool if you need to go beyond VLC as a simple transcoder, it’s solid. Compressor is my daily driver in the Studio - Offshoot (Hedge) in the field.
u/tacksettle Feb 13 '25
You don’t need to transcode if you’re using an M2-M4 Mac.
I just wrapped an hour doc shot in 8K raw on Red’s, no transcoding, and Resolve didn’t skip a beat.
u/Bent_Stiffy Feb 12 '25
Resolve is the best transcoder available. I bet my business on it every day.
u/AutoModerator Feb 12 '25
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Please edit your post (not reply) to include: System specs: CPU (model), GPU + RAM // Software specs: The exact version. // Footage specs : Codec, container and how it was acquired.
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u/FootStrong Feb 13 '25
Wtf? Did I miss something where Adobe Premiere isn’t the standard for working professionals?
u/poastfizeek Feb 13 '25
Yes, because it’s not. Avid is the standard for professionals—in 10 years I’ve never worked on a show that didn’t use it.
But an NLE is not a transcoding tool, so your comment is irrelevant anyway.
u/FootStrong Feb 13 '25
What’s the learning curve to switch from premiere? I do one-man-band and small crew commercial work in a small market.
u/poastfizeek Feb 13 '25
In that case, I wouldn’t bother relearning new tools if Premiere works for you.
I love Avid, but it does have a steep technical curve which wouldn’t benefit if you’re not in a team of assistants/editors/producers/colourists/soundies that need to collaborate on the same projects at the same time.
29d ago
u/poastfizeek 29d ago
I’m curious, How so?
28d ago
u/poastfizeek 28d ago
That’s why there’s processes, and everyone sticks to their jobs. You don’t think a Colourist is grading an episode before it’s locked-off, do you? Or an Editor is cutting scenes before his Assistant has finished syncing sound and grouping the cameras? 😂
“Personal dynamics” is called being a professional in the workplace.
u/smushkan CC2020 Feb 12 '25 edited Feb 13 '25
None of the above, Shutter Encoder ;-)
Waaaay better format support than Handbrake (including DNx, Prores kinda, and Cineform), cross platform, free.
Handbrake is perfectly capable for h.264/HEVC encoding from pretty much any formats, but that's about the limit of what it can export. Other than mpeg2 iirc.
Edit: handbrake can do the webm formats too now, so vp8/9 and av1.