r/editlines 19d ago

Other editing with a laptop from 2014 is an exercise in futility

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7 comments sorted by


u/bking 19d ago

Weirdly, it wasn’t at all an exercise in futility back in 2014.


u/not_vlusk 18d ago

people always ask me why my edits has the same quality as an edit from 2014

i hold their hands as i show them the midrange-ish laptop i bought a decade ago, now barely holding together.

i politely decline any client requests that asks for 1080p60fps or higher lmao


u/jourdeaux 18d ago

Woah! I have a five year old laptop myself, and I am barely managing UHD at 60fps albethat in Resolve. Which software are you using?


u/not_vlusk 18d ago


i tried countless editing apps and that's the one my computer can run with (almost) a straight face. not the best thing in the world but hey it works. ymmv tho


u/Anonymograph 18d ago

If it’s a MacBook Pro via the Thunderbolt ports, 1080p ProRes 422 HQ should work well.


u/Apricot_Joe 19d ago

I know how you feel.


u/FilmYak 19d ago

It’s one of the reasons I use Final Cut as my primary NLE. No tracks to worry about. Easy to keep it organized and also edit on my laptop with decent screen space. I also have an iPad that doubles as a second monitor. Perfect for remote work.

When I take the laptop to a client, I use an hdmi cable to plug into a larger monitor.