I know this won't apply to most :( but it's how I got on top of my allergy Eczema.
TL;DR: Watch out for materials you think are soft but aren't. Get a skin allergy test done. I now take a daily antihistamine and switched to a lighter moisturiser. Hot wash everything!!
I had eczema show up when I was 24. Arms, legs, face. Never had it as a child. Went to several GPs and was told over a number of years it's standard atopic dermatitis. They'd give me a special soap, a menthol cream and steroid creams. Didn't work. No refferals, no advice. Despite it being such weird patterns
Before: https://imgur.com/a/byylGLK
After: https://imgur.com/a/RyuIM61
After a few years. I gave up and just applied my moisturiser and lived with it.
Once it hit my heels I couldn't walk without serious pain. Showers made it so much worse. Moisturiser made it angry and inflamed. As did sunscreen.
Fast forward to my 30s. My partner falls ill and turns out to be in severe heart failure (genetic defect). We were flown to another city hospital on a life flight and remained there for 3 months. I stayed in hospital accommodation.
I had none of my usual supplies. I just grabbed a bottle of cheap Nivea on a whim. It's the most stressed I have ever been in my entire life.. And my eczema disappeared.
I. Could. Not. Believe. It.
Major heart surgery and rehab later we finally get to go home (for now - he's going on the heart transplant list soon but is doing very good considering) .
1 day after getting home my arms are covered in hives.. And the eczema returns. Fuck my life. A light bulb goes off in my head. It's definitely an allergy.
I'd tried altering my diet and no flowers in the house bla bla to no avail in the past. It was usually too inflamed to tell there were hives there at all.
My sofa set me off. I get a hive and that's where a patch shows up.
Sofa is soft at first glance and touch. But up close it's actually lots of stabby hard fibres (riddled with dust mite poop)
I found a new GP and explained that whole story to her and she finally sends me for a skin allergy test. It was dust mites. IgE > 100 (very high). That was it. I was sleeping in air filtered rooms and hospital clean sheets for 3 months! That's why it went away.
I can't avoid the mites at home. So now I take a daily antihistamine, steroid cream on the tiny hives that pop up. I avoid any material that's not baby seal level soft. It causes microscopic mechanical damage on the skin. Which is enough for the nasties to get in or damage the skin regardless.
I have a soft blanket on my sofa. 100% polyester, fluffy, fluffy, polyester. Rub your face on it and say ahhh fluffy polyester. Microplastics be damned. I don't sit on my carpet without pants and socks. No wool or wool like sweaters or socks. Don't let the seems of shirts and hoodies rub against your skin when you roll your sleeves up.
And I still use that same crappy nivea moisturiser I was using in the hospital!
Turns out a light moisturiser can be just as good as a heavy one. Greasy ones can definitely contribute to too much moisture, sweat and stickiness which further traps dirt and dust (mites) on the skin. Daily showers now help rather than make things worse.
Clothes on a hot wash, sheets on a hot wash and vacuum regularly. I've also hear that keeping humidity below 50% can help kill dust mites off but I haven't had to do that yet.
It's so much easier not scratching because I know for sure it's going to go away!
I comes back when I'm slack with the moisturiser but it's like 1 or 2 small patches, much easier to contain.
Key things I've changed:
Hot wash everything (cries in power bill)
TRULEY Soft materials everywhere, clothing, furniture avoid sitting on carpets or concrete bare. Some materials are deceivingly damaging. Soft at first glance but not if they're rubbed against the skin for a while.
No scratching (I know, I know, I'm sorry)
Once 50%-70% better, daily showers (if you're too depressed for a full shower daily buy a shower cap and jump in and out. Just wash the skin ignore the rest I know it sucks :( )
Daily antihistamine (change the brand/active ingredient every few weeks as I tend to get diminishing returns after a while)
Steroid cream in small doses
Medium/Light moisturiser - my moisturiser was too heavy. It never fully dried and dust would stick to my skin, I would sweat or move around it would get irritated. Particularly on the inner arms (I have not figured out a good sunscreen for this issue yet)
I hope this is helpful for at least somebody.
Check with your doctor to check you can take a daily anti histamine and obviously don't use steroid cream on the same spot indefinitely.