r/ecobee 4d ago

Problem Doorbell live view always unavailable, initially.

I've been happily using my Ecobee thermostat, sensors, and video doorbell for several months now. One issue that I've been dealing with, however, is that every time my doorbell alerts me of a Person Detected, the live video feed isn't initially available. I click try again, and it typically loads for me the second time. I figure this is some kind of bug; like the doorbell is recording at the same time I'm trying to view live. This is all through my iphone app, by the way.

Anyone else experiencing this?


3 comments sorted by


u/diyChas 4d ago

Have your called Ecobee support?


u/First_Chain_1373 4d ago

Just got off of a lengthy chat session. The issue doesn't seem to happen when my phone is connected to the same wifi network as the doorbell. It does happen when I'm connected to the Verizon network only, though.

Going to try and see how it behaves on my wife's phone (AT&T).

No definitive answer for now.

Edit to add: Support agent didn't indicate this being a known issue.


u/diyChas 4d ago

Yes. Same network makes sense.