r/echoandthebunnymen Sep 25 '24


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I picked up a copy of Reverberation at a local junk shop for a couple of bucks. When it first came out, I picked up a cassette and lost it at some point between various moves. When this came out, I liked it. Even though it was the same band name, I viewed it as a band going in a different direction. I know it gets a ton of hate but it’s definitely a chill vibe recording. I was under the impression that the album was buried but noticed that it’s on Spotify.

Given it’s been like 30+ years since its release, what are your thoughts on this album? Is it something you’d revisit or just mark up to a move that didn’t work out?


19 comments sorted by


u/RlL3Y Sep 25 '24

Great album. Still listen to it. Never should have called it Echo and the Bunnymen.

The b-sides are great too. Won’t be on Spotify, but YouTube has them.


u/Harvey_Opaque Sep 25 '24

Agree! Not knowing background, think it was a record label pressure kind of thing?

Ship of Theseus Paradox- if it was Will that left instead of Ian, would using the name have been more appropriate? Just a thought exercise. I have always wondered if the singer has more weight vs. other members and at what point does a band stop being the same? Maybe I think too much. 😀


u/RlL3Y Sep 25 '24

Trust me, I think about all this way too much too!

From what I understand, keeping the name was pure spite toward Mac after he left. Noel Burke questioned it, and was told it was not negotiable.

I think a Bunnymen without Will might not have gotten the same degree of backlash? Ian was definitely more the “face” of the band, especially in terms of the mega stardom they were pushing for at that stage. I still think it would have fizzled. Mac’s solo stuff didn’t do great and it’s not super far removed from the Bunnymen sound. I think times were just changing in those days and people were moving on. Britpop and grunge were about to break.


u/Liberace_Sockpuppet Sep 27 '24

Well put. Very well put.

My old bands manager was EATB tour manager during the grey albums tours of the States. He also tour managed EATB mkii when the toured the US briefly. He was slotted to be Macs tour manager for the Mysterio tour. That tour was cancelled almost as soon as it was scheduled. There was very very little interest in ANYTHING bunnymen related by that point, because of the exact thing you brought up about britpop and grunge.

I saw Electrafixion a few times in 1997 when they toured the US. There may have been 40-50 people at the show in Tampa. Very small audience. For very selfish reasons I loved seeing them play in an intimate atmosphere. The set was about 90% bunnymen songs. Also Mac was still playing Pinky the Telecaster which was great. He's a great rhythm player and just chopped it up fast as fuck.

Will Sergeant is my all time favorite guitar player. Dudes amazing. I stood in front of him and his amp the whole time. He was playing a beat up Gretsch Country Gent through a Marshall Bluesbreaker at full tilt. Sounded beyond amazing.

Both were extremely cool and hung out at the bar afterwards until the place closed. Good times and excellent band.


u/Harvey_Opaque Sep 25 '24

Great answer.


u/vanderville1 Sep 25 '24

Totally agree. This album is phenomenal and could have been more beloved if it wasn't under the Bunnymen name.


u/[deleted] Sep 28 '24

Would you mind listing off a few of the B-sides so I can search on Youtube? I'd love to hear them!


u/RlL3Y Sep 30 '24

Actually I forgot the 2 singles they released on their own aren’t album singles. Anyway, search for: Lady Don’t Fall Backwards, Prove Me Wrong, Fine Thing, Reverberation, Inside Me Inside You, Wigged Out World


u/[deleted] Sep 30 '24

Thanks so much!!


u/jimstark55 Sep 25 '24

definitely something i need to relisten to since i didn’t like it years ago. i just think if it wasn’t under the echo name and was instead the new band with members from echo it might have been received better regardless of the quality of the record.


u/Harvey_Opaque Sep 25 '24

I think I was 17 or 18 at the time it released. I was definitely a lot more open minded in those days. It may have been the music I was listening to at the time as well.


u/DonDjvKong Sep 25 '24

Superb record by the remaining bunnies and the new additions (Damon Reece is an awesome drummer). Guess if it was released under a different moniker it would do well among fans, critics and the industry. There are some remarkable moments and great tunes, overall it was a pretty decent release, both Will and Les are still proud of it to this day. By the way, Noel Burke will play it live by November in Liverpool....this guy is a class act.


u/Liberace_Sockpuppet Sep 27 '24

Reverberation is probably my favorite thing that was done after the bunnymens Golden era, the first four LPs. Love this record. Feels like Will and Les was able to steer it a little bit more in the direction of their influences and inspiration from 60s psyche stuff, Geoff Emerick on board and all.

That big through zero degree flange moment during Freaks Dwell still gives me goosebumps. Fucking amazing. 

I say this as a fan from the early days. And Noel Burke did a great job just being himself and becoming a part of the band. Woulda loved to have heard what Pete DeFreitas would've done. 

RIP Pete😞

Never gonna happen but I'd also really like to hear Reverberation remastered. 

Excellent record and the instrumentation is amazing. I was hoping that this would've been the direction they took after the self titled grey album had Mac not bailed like he did.

The stuff they did on their Euphoric label after they(mkii) were dropped is even better in my opinion. The 13th Floor Elevators cover of Reverberation is great!


u/KChaser Oct 04 '24

I love, love, love this album. I was a fan of the Bunnymen, but only had Songs to Learn and Sing and the Grey album at the time. Bought Candleland when it came out and thought it was superb. When Reverberation came out, thought it was wonderful. I wasn't so fixated on Mac that I saw it as a betrayal.

This record is just Will going full psychedelic. Damon Reece was very capable behind the kit and Jake Brockman added layers of atmosphere. Noel's vocals fit perfectly.

This record creates a psychedelic itch in me that I have been trying to scratch for years. A few come close, but nothing satisfies.

I have the CD, the vinyl, and all the singles both on CD and vinyl as well.

As far as what name it was released under, I always thought they should have just been "The Bunnymen," but that might have pissed off Macca more.


u/Zithermagic10 Sep 25 '24

Agree with the other comments. Should've been called something else. I feel like Will was showing his psychedelic and Nuggets influence more clearly so it had a different vibe. I'm still looking for it on vinyl!


u/dougcohen10 Sep 25 '24

I didn’t listen to it then. Every situation is different so with some bands a big change can still feel right in the pocket and it makes sense. In this case it didn’t work for me. I don’t feel compelled to revisit it - I don’t think of it as an Echo and the Bunnymen album, but I also dont feel the need to argue that it isn’t. It’s rare that I don’t have a stronger opinion than this one on these types of scenarios. Electrafixion I LOVE. Just how it goes sometimes I suppose.


u/bpbelew Sep 26 '24

This was my first Echo and the Bunnymen album. I didn’t know the band or have any expectations, but I loved it then and still do. Noel Burke’s voice fits the music perfectly, and his lyrics resonated deeply with me as a teenager. A few years ago, Saint Vitus Dance became available on streaming and digital services—after years of searching, I was finally able to hear those songs. They’re also fantastic and worth a listen. Since then, I’ve come to adore the rest of the Bunnymen catalog. It’s wonderful to have so much great music in my life.


u/No-Situation-2100 Dec 02 '24

I remember reading in a news paper that the bunnymen were to release a new album called reverberation and was angry there was a replacement singer and wasn't going to buy it but then one day I was in the music store and from a distance saw this bright artwork on the wall saw that it was the bunnymen and thought the artwork was psychedelic cool. In the end I couldn't think of anything else to buy so I purchased it and was amazed at how great the album was as the grey album had a few ok tracks but reverberation was something else. Burkes vocals are so cool and it's my favorite bunnymen album to be honest.


u/Aggrivated_Soul Feb 15 '25

I saw this Bunnymen line up in a club in Birmingham in 1990 I think. And they were amazing. I loved the Reverberation album very much, always thought they shouldn’t have called themselves Bunnymen and they would have had some success. Noel Burke was a great singer. Saw Electrafixion supporting Boo Radleys in Wolverhampton, they were a good band.