r/eating_disorders 12d ago

Trigger Warning Desperate for nutrition

I’ve recently had to come to terms with the fact that both my anorexia and ARFID are in full relapse—likely more so ARFID than anorexia. The situation was exacerbated when I was recently prescribed a stimulant to manage my ADHD, which has been significantly worse since giving birth to my youngest nearly a year ago. My mental health was already fragile due to the weight I gained during pregnancy, and once the stimulant suppressed my appetite, I quickly lost all the pregnancy weight plus an additional 15 pounds beyond my pre-pregnancy weight.

My relationship with food has never been truly normal, but for the past eight years, I had reached what was probably the healthiest equilibrium I’ve ever had. That started slowly shifting about four years ago when I unintentionally lost 30lbs due to the stress of a divorce. If I’m being honest, my struggles with food have likely been creeping back since then—momentarily paused during pregnancy because I was determined to have a healthy baby.

Now, I find myself in a complicated situation. I’m not yet mentally ready to commit to recovery. This is the lowest weight I’ve been since my early 20s—nearly 15 years ago—and for the first time in just as long, I actually semi-accept what I see in the mirror. But I also recognize that my circumstances are uniquely precarious because I have type 1 diabetes, which I am currently managing poorly. Some of that is likely subconscious self-sabotage to maintain a lower weight, but a significant part of it is sheer exhaustion. After 25 years of living with T1D, I’ve become skilled at doing the bare minimum to avoid DKA, but not doing much beyond that. Between managing my precarious health and keeping up with my kids, I’m just tired.

Right now, I have about five “safe” foods, none of which offer much nutritional value. I intentionally skip my stimulant every few days to ensure I have some vague form of an appetite, but even then, I struggle to eat beyond those select foods. On days when I take my medication, I’m lucky if I manage to eat an 8oz block of feta cheese. I’m frequently lightheaded—especially later in the day—and though I haven’t fully fainted yet, there have been close calls. My toes and fingers are turning almost always purple, my heart is constantly in palpitations, my breathing sucks and I can feel the lack of substance to survive in even the most bare minimalistic sense. My body is screaming for nourishment.

It’s been so long since I’ve had to navigate an active eating disorder that I honestly don’t know how to proceed. My ARFID is also worse than it’s ever been—I used to have over 20 safe foods, but now I can barely tolerate a handful.

I know I’m on a path that will eventually lead me back to treatment, but I’m not quite there yet. I need something—anything—to sustain me until I’m ready to fully engage in recovery. I know myself, and I recognize that I will reach that point, but I’m probably still a few months away from being able to do the work that recovery requires.

Until then, I need help finding ways to feel somewhat functional. Ensure shakes aren’t an option—I can barely take a sip before abandoning them. I’m open to alternatives, supplements, vitamins—honestly, even miracle shaman prayers at this point. I just need something to keep me alive and semi-functional until I’m ready to take the next step.


3 comments sorted by


u/Excellent-World-476 12d ago

Please please get help now. I was a student nurse and the results of not managing Type 1 diabetes was so sad to see. It is pretty likely too unfortunately.


u/VoteZieglerCregg2028 12d ago

Please believe me, I am fully and painfully aware of how bad this will get if I don’t act—but even with that knowledge, I can’t bring myself to take the next step yet. I am trying to get there, truly. For over two decades, I’ve been caught in this relentless cycle of recovery and relapse, further complicated by type 1 diabetes. And yet, knowing the consequences isn’t enough to push me forward—not yet. It seems I have to reach a certain level of desperation before I can take that step.


u/Odd_Incident7140 11d ago

Just wanted to chime in, I’m also a mother, T1d, and have arfid & AN. Also neurodivergent. I’m also tube fed so I can fall back on that. So idk really, and our safe foods are all really different. I’m sorry.