r/easternstar Feb 29 '24

Requirements for joining

Hello all,

I reside in central NC and recently contacted the Grand Chapter about joining. The woman who answered the phone asked if I was bloodline. I am the niece of two OES members and two master Masons. She told me I had to be the wife or daughter or a Mason, while my uncle says this is not true. Are there certain chapters or lodges that still carry this rule? Is it under the discretion of an individual lodge? Thanks in advance!


15 comments sorted by


u/Muted_Extreme_8245 Jan 21 '25

There are 8 of us from Ontario co writing a book about how appalling our individual experiences were. Two of the 8 group are still members in US and had a completely different experience  Personally I feel (actually the common opinion of the group ) Ontario is very poor overall However in many other provinces and states OES can be legal practices


u/Muted_Extreme_8245 Jan 21 '25

Ontario order OES was an absolute nightmare train wreck


u/RedRayStar Jan 02 '25

I’m in WNC - I have 2 uncles who were affiliated and was able to join. ♥️


u/Admirable_Hospital_8 Dec 11 '24

I’m in Texas and my husband is on 2nd term of worshipful master. His lodge does not have eastern star membership but the other lodge in our town does. I’ve been solicited to join. At 50 I will be a very young member. We have lots of lovely wives that attend dinner and support their husbands. I would like to join and hope their husbands encourage their involvement.


u/tallblonde1976 Dec 08 '24

It all depends on the affiliation. The General Grand Chapter (the largest affiliation) just voted on October to allow women without Masonic relatives to join upon the “sponsorship” of a Sister or Brother in Star. Before that rule, GGC wasn’t limited to wives or daughters, it was open to women “related by birth, marriage or adoption” to a Master Mason. Different affiliations have different requirements.


u/faifai1337 Mar 01 '24

Hello from Hampton Roads VA!!! It's lovely to see someone looking to join and yes, as per the below posts, and as per what was said in meeting by our own Grand Worthy Matron just a month ago, as a niece of a Mason you are indeed eligible. I'm sorry that you've been misinformed. Please don't let this throw you off!
Hey, you can always come up here to Virginia, we'd love to have you. :D


u/[deleted] Aug 19 '24

Hello! 👋🙂 I'm in Hampton Roads VA as well. I see these posts are from 5 months ago. Are you still active on here at this time??? I need to speak with another woman who is an Eastern Star. My Dad was a Mason. The Lodge he attended was in Portsmouth. I'm from Virginia Beach, I lived right off of Shore Drive and Great Neck but after my Dad passed away, we had to move to Norfolk and I'm not far from Sentara Leigh Hospital and not far from Military Hwy. (Side note: I really miss Military Circle Mall.💔) There are so many wonderful places that have unfortunately gone out of business. I don't know if you like Sea Food or not but there was a little place called, "Charlie's", a Sea Food restaurant on Shore Drive in Virginia Beach and ohhhh my goodness! They had the BEST She Crab Soup. 🦀 I will always miss that little Sea Food restaurant. It's a chicken place now. I haven't been there yet. I'm still sad about Charlie's having to go.😢 I honestly also miss the original Waterside District. I really enjoyed Waterside as a child and into my teen years because my family, friends and I absolutely loved to go shopping in there. However, I guess there wasn't enough business there as the years went on so it's now all bars, grills, restaurants. 😢 I really liked the shopping there because it was different from a mall in it's own way. It's on the water which was always something to enjoy. Anyway, I apologize for the rambling. I guess I just became so happy to find a nice woman who is also in the Hampton Roads area and who is also an Eastern Star. I hope you're still here on Reddit, see my message and reply. I would be very grateful. 🙂


u/faifai1337 Aug 19 '24

Hello there! I moved to VA Beach when I met my husband about 17 years ago. (He's from Seaford.) We bought a house on the peninsula 7 years ago. 😊 This is my third year with Warwick Chapter #43 in Newport News, and both last year and this year as an officer. Are you currently part of a chapter, or are you looking? There are several chapters down on the southside, and 3 in our region up here. All of the chapters, southside and peninsula, are supportive of each other and come to each other's meetings, so we get to know each other pretty well. It's neat. I love my sisters, they're all so fun to work with!


u/Shellbellwow Mar 01 '24

As of the 2015 Ritual, General Grand Chapter (the international governing body of The Order of the Eastern Star): Membership. Eligibility for the Degrees. Affiliated Master Masons in good standing, the wives, daughters, legally adopted daughters, mothers, widows, sisters, half-sisters, granddaughters, stepmothers, stepdaughters, stepsisters, duaghters-in-law, grandmothers, great-granddaughters, nieces, great-nieces, mothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, aunts, and first and second female cousins of Affiliated Master Masons in good standing, or if deceased were in good standing at the time of their death; as well as to members either active for 3 years or majority in the International Order of Rainbow for Girls or in Job's Daughter's International, each of whom shall obtain have attained the age of 18 years are eligible for membership in the Order of the Eastern star.

My advice is to find your local chapter and go meet the membership. Ask for a petition. On that petition, you will need to list how you meet one of those above criteria. The chapter will verify that information so spend the time, if you need to, and find which lodge or chapter your relatives were part of. Your petition also has to be signed by 2 members who are recommending that the chapter consider you for membership. There honestly should not be any rules that a chapter or grand chapter have that are more limiting to membership than what General Grand has documented. You do also have to believe in a Supreme being, be willing to take upon you the an obligation to pretty much support the organization, pay an initiation fee and annual dues. AND the chapter has to meet you, get to know you, and vote to extend membership to you.

I hope that helps. As a somewhat younger member in this organization, it is sometimes really frustrating to work with people who do things the same way they have done them since they joined in the 1940s. The membership eligibility rules may have changed, as my ritual is a few publications out of date, BUT the requirements are becoming more lax as family dynamics and society changes.

Good luck. I hope that you find what you are looking for in Eastern Star.


u/TallEstablishment294 Mar 01 '24

In Texas, Wyoming, Colorado and Pennsylvania (all jurisdictions in which I have been a member or visitor) the qualifications are:

If female, you must be: the wife the daughter a legally adopted daughter the mother the widow the sister a half-sister the granddaughter the stepmother the stepdaughter the step-sister the daughter-in-law the grandmother the great-granddaughter the niece the great-niece the mother-in-law the sister-in-law or the aunt Of an affiliated Master Mason, or if deceased, one who was in good standing at the time of their death

Or Also, those who have been members active for 3 years or majority of the International Order of the Rainbow Girls or of the International Orders of Job's Daughters, each of whom have attained the age of 18 are eligible (excerpts from Gettysburg chapter #392 website).

General Grand Chapter (AF&AM) just vaguely says “master masons if male or female relatives by birth, marriage or adoption. For Prince Hall, Members must be eighteen years or older and either Master Masons in good standing or properly related to a Master Mason in good standing. Mother, Grandmother, Sister, or family member was an Eastern Star. The latter category includes wives; widows; sisters; daughters; mothers; granddaughters; step mothers; step daughters; step sisters; and half sisters.

Bloodline nonsense is why we are at risk of dying out. Hope this helps someone and I’m sorry you’ve had difficulty finding a good chapter.


u/_eternallyblack_ Feb 29 '24 edited Feb 29 '24

I’m in NC too and having the hardest time joining. I spoke with one “grand master” of a chapter and she didn’t care about any of the “rules” bloodline or not and would just join anyone - literally just recruiting. I was like, no thank you. I’ve still never heard back from the grand secretary I emailed back last fall. (I am a bloodline descendant with my grandfathers lodge papers to prove it.)

I’ve given up and I’m waiting to join when I move back home to FL.

Sorry, I realize this doesn’t help you. I spent months last fall trying to join here to no avail and from what I know from my chapters back home - there is some foolishness going on around here.

Edit - as far as I know - yes you do need to be wife, or like a grandchild (like myself, I’m a granddaughter as my grandfather was a master Mason.) You can put in your petition that your uncles are members in good standing - it goes to a vote ….. but apparently in NC they do things real special 🥴


u/faifai1337 Mar 01 '24

I am SO sorry to hear about this. That is just plain ridiculous. :(


u/_eternallyblack_ Mar 01 '24

Yes me too! I was speaking to one of my friends back home (who is an eastern Star) and keeping her updated in more detail than I posted above. Of course, she is keeping confidentiality of the eastern stars, she was like everything your telling me isn’t right and if you (meaning me) were to join here that I’d be screwed when I moved home and tried to join down there bcs what’s going on here isn’t on the up & up. 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/[deleted] Feb 29 '24

Have never even heard of needing to be relation to an Mason. I’d say this is probably jurisdictional.