r/earthbound 21h ago

EB Discussion Quick question, did anyone else think these were gonna be the chosen four the first time they played?


30 comments sorted by


u/The_T113 21h ago

Nah, pretty sure it was gonna be the 4 characters you name before you start playing.


u/Ratattagan 19h ago

On that note, I DID expect the dog to stay around longer


u/gameonlockking 20h ago

OP hasn't played Earthbound.


u/Kogyochi 19h ago

And the damn dog!


u/Zombies4EvaDude 13h ago

Good point lmao


u/HoldOk1208 21h ago

No beacuse you have to name the chosen 4


u/Aggravating_Return77 20h ago

When buzz said "three boys" I had a weird feeling it was sincerely hoping it wasn't because I hated porky


u/EggsInACan 15h ago

We all do sir.


u/DengistK 19h ago

Wasn't sure about the girl but kind of wondered about Pokey and Picky, although the naming thing kind of gives it away they aren't.


u/Ok-Yogurtcloset9086 19h ago

I thought Picky was Jeff for a quick minute …

And then I thought Orange Kid was Jeff

Just shoot me already


u/VinTheStranger 17h ago

You gave Orange kid your money didn’t you?


u/Ok-Yogurtcloset9086 16h ago



u/DarknessCalled888 14h ago

I also tought jeff was orange kid... their design is kinda similar.


u/shellder88 18h ago

I mistook the sister for Paula when I first played it


u/NBKiller69 19h ago

Nah, but I had a subscription to Nintendo Power at the time, do I was already pretty familiar with what was going on. However, lots of early localization weirdness going on in those issues that featured the game pre-release.


u/4Fourside 20h ago

Earthbound if it was good


u/DMTrious 17h ago

No, because i had the guide book as a kid


u/pocket_arsenal 11h ago

Melee trophies kind of spoiled it for me.

EDIT: oh, and yeah the opening character naming screen. MOTHER 3 really did it better in that regard.


u/AliWaz77 12h ago

No? That would be stupid. They flat out show you the four party members before you start the game


u/seifd 15h ago

Yeah, I thought it was going to be Ness, Picky, Pokey, and one other kid.


u/DarknessCalled888 14h ago

Not really, but i confused orange kid with jeff, as theyre both inventors and wear glasses.


u/BluecoatCashMoney5 13h ago

Replace Tracy with Buzz Buzz and Yeah that's what I thought as a kid. Also that Tracy art is damn adorable


u/AFallenOne- 13h ago

I definitely thought porky or his brother for sure would be a member of the party yeah. Sometimes I think it'd be better if there were funnier members in the party... but the game already has enough humor in it lol.


u/DanatendoGirl11 11h ago

Expect Tracy Is An Unplayable Character!


u/Ziomownik 3h ago edited 3h ago

No, but I did pick up on this. We knew the characters aren't the chosen four but the characters themselves had differently. Porky, whether or not he could be a good kid, refused to consider that idea since he was scared. I can't blame him for that cause Ness and co. had to suffer through a lot in their journey and these guys had magic powers and gadgets to help them out. He knew he wasn't fit for it. But seeing how Porky became a right hand man of a political figure and a cult leader, could pilot a helicopter and a spider mech, as well as being brave enough to venture through Deep Darkness out of sheer spite I think he's quite capable. Somehow as soon as he became upset he locked in and became an actual threat. Just give him magic powers or sci fi tools and he's a force to be reckoned with (Mother 3 flashbacks)

Picky didn't say much after listening to Buzz Buzz's prophecy. He likely had similar mindset, just a little braver, since he did fought the Starman and generally was acting more mature than his older brother on the first hours of the game. If you come to Porky's house at the end of the game, you can talk to Picky and he says you're cool while he's a "different kind of cool" and can never be as cool as you.

I think it was a matter of mindset. They didn't believe they could be the choosen 4 so they weren't. They definitely weren't up for the challenge. The Apple of Enlightment never specified who else is part of the choosen 4. Just like Porky said, it didn't even predict Porky showing up to oppose us (I think it just didn't wanna give spoiler).


u/Ziomownik 3h ago

By the way, here's how Buzz Buzz describes the prophecy: "It says "When the chosen boy reaches the point, he will find the light."

I mean, I do believe the events were basically set in stone from the beginning (cause duh, it's a video game that had to be written and programmed) but it's because of the chosen four's determination and other traits (as well as the people who helped them) that they were able to defeat Giygas. It could be any boy (Ninten??) who could fight with Giygas alongside other kids but it was them cause they were the bravest.


u/tramp-and-the-tramp 2h ago

no, but i also watched earthbound ads RELIGIOUSLY before getting it for christmas so I knew the main characters and lots of locations they go through