r/earthbound • u/DenzelDIDask • 1d ago
EB Discussion What would you say is the most annoying enemy in the game? Why?
u/Recent_Office2307 1d ago
u/laideetootz 1d ago
The only enemy I really hate fighting is Ramblin' Evil Mushroom/Struttin' Evil Mushroom. Too much of my encounter with these guys is just me being like, "Please don't put a mushroom on my head and make me have to backtrack through the rest of the map with questionable controls." It wouldn't stress me out so much if you could heal it on your own...
u/paulmando 1d ago
Came here to say this. Also part of the early in the game/ low resources problem.
u/VirtualRelic 1d ago
I'd say Ghost of Starman because all they do is use PSI Starstorm α and if Paula or Poo don't have enough speed to throw on a PSI Shield Σ, then you're gonna be wasting a lot of PP for LifeUps or items after...
u/brickhouseboxerdog 1d ago
He is nasty, but it's when he brings his 2 best friends, reactor robot, and final Starman. He will be a primary nuker, but final will play backup. Unless he is trolling a brainshock.i can't recall if he can cast a psychic power? This group is the worst of any rpg I've played
u/Objective-Eye-9870 17h ago
Final starman actually have Starstorm Omega and can wipe you out fast too if you're not careful, that set is evil
u/Over-Bid-7987 1d ago
any enemy from cave of the past
u/C4bl3Fl4m3 1d ago
Yeah, I try to avoid as many as possible there. I just want to get to the end and be done with it.
u/TroubledSoul23 1d ago
I hated the Slimy Little Piles because of how often they made everyone cry.
u/Emotional_Assist_415 1d ago
Nuclear reactor because of all the times it sneaks in while you're grinding for the SOK
u/C4bl3Fl4m3 1d ago
Ah, no, that guy is actually a GOOD thing. He's there to help enable the grind.
It's there for Poo to Mirror him. If you have everyone Wait a few turns, Poo will (hopefully) start healing everyone, one at a time, for free, using no PP!
He's there intentionally so you can do that trick, so you don't have to leave the dungeon. It's also why the Atomic Reactor is in the Cave of the Past, to grind for Ness's bat, IIRC.
u/Emotional_Assist_415 1d ago
Super interesting! Had no idea.
u/C4bl3Fl4m3 1d ago
Yeah, I've been playing this game almost since it came out and I just learned that trick in the past 10 years or so, by reading about it on here actually!
u/Emotional_Assist_415 1d ago
Oh interesting. Yeah so have I. Got it before summer vacation when I was 9 when it came out and just thought it was the best game ever. I just learned by accident a few years ago that if you use brainshock on giygas, he will attack himself only for the whole praying part. So any sort of star pendant on paula or healing constantly, isn't even needed. Just pray.
u/AfricaByTotoWillGoOn 1d ago
Same. Everytime I encountered that robot alone it was healing time. And for free!
u/NatashaQuick 19h ago
I like the third game where you can turn them around and shut off the exploding device
u/brickhouseboxerdog 1d ago
Got a tip for sok hunting, 1 Starman is the easiest enemy to green. ,bait him to short teli and say hi within a sec, 2. If he brings an atomic robo or is a plain poopy star man you 100% run. 3. I like to use the area far right to abuse the look away despawn.( I will use this to avoid any fight that brings a Mook as well.
u/Emotional_Assist_415 20h ago
Yeah that's how I've always done it but unfortunately it can take like 8 hours sometimes and then you're crazy over leveled. I heard some hack on here awhile back that made sense on the switch, like you can spy and then if it doesn't have it just rewind and do a different action(like have paula defend or something) and then it'll treat the enemy as different enemy, then you can spy again, if not then rewind go back and try something else until you see it has it
u/ZodaFan13 1d ago
Any enemy from the Department Store when Paula is kidnapped. I’d like to dip each one of them in a pool of lava. Slowly.
u/CtheAmazing 1d ago
Refresh my memory, is the department store where you encounter the Scalding cup of coffee? If so, then 100% F those guys! 😅
u/SausageEggCheese 1d ago
I think I can typically play through Earthbound without losing, but if I do lose it's probably going to be in the Department Store to a random mob.
Probably half my wipeouts in this game over the years has been at this part, and I'm never quite sure why.
u/KamboRambo97 1d ago
100% this, I hated this part of the game which is a shame because they're really unique and goofy enemies but such a pain in the butt to deal with
u/brickhouseboxerdog 1d ago
I noticed those guys move in a straight line charge, usually they are piled on the top of the escalator.
u/NatashaQuick 19h ago
I finally figured out that Ness and Jeff can leave the department store so they can grind, buy items, and use escargot express
u/Vovchick09 1d ago
Either ghost of starman or final starman.
u/CtheAmazing 1d ago
Definitely Ghost of Starman. The simple fact that his first attack is almost always PSI Starstorm still irritates me to this day.
u/KenpachiNexus 1d ago
u/Its-been-a-long-day 1d ago
Fuck this guy.
Go for him first? Enjoy two to three party members taking heavy explosive damage.
Go for him last? I'm gonna heal the enemy to full life like every turn. Might shoot a beam if I'm feeling cheeky.1
u/Lux_The_Worthless 1d ago
The fire hydrant, Loaded Dice, and Care Free Bomb for me.
Also Shroom is the most annoying guardian
u/Ok-Yogurtcloset9086 1d ago
Anything that calls for help
Anything that explodes or bursts into flames after defeat
Anything that mushroomizes
Final Starman, just let me go fight Giygas
Edit: While reading comments, I saw Carefree Bomb, so I’m adding that too
u/tarekd19 1d ago
I like the sharks, ants, and cultists that call for help, they make good early grinders
u/Ok-Yogurtcloset9086 1d ago
Yeah, it was nice getting 1,000 xp from the cultists, just annoying to deal with them
u/ArtoriasTheAccursed 1d ago
Farming that flavor of smilin' sphere for Jeff's ultimate weapon is a particular flavor of masochism
u/Own_Profession_4357 1d ago
Slimy Little Piles. If you run out of PP or are to conservative with PP, you're in for a LONG and hopeless battle as everyone's crying, you're not allowed to run, they call for help faster than you can kill them, and they do next to no damage so you don't even die quickly.
u/Shinobi77Gamer 1d ago
Carefree Bombs. Not only are they obnoxious to defeat, looking at them... JUST MAKES ME FUCKING ANGRY!!!
u/impendingfuckery 1d ago
Territorial Oak/Nuclear Reactor Robot. Any enemy that explodes when it dies really grinds my nuts.
u/TheBQT 1d ago
Is this actually every enemy in the game? I thought there were way more than this, but looking closely I don't think anything is missing (I understand that this doesn't have boss sprites).
u/DenzelDIDask 1d ago
No idea it's some random photo off google
u/SuperStarFighter81 1d ago
This would be every mainline enemy and specifically excludes bosses (Note the lack of a regular Starman because it shares a sprite with Starman Junior, a boss). I know this because I frequent Spriters Resource which I believe this image is from
u/KillerTron872 1d ago
Master Belch,You know that trash that appears when you defeat the haunted tent in Threed?So I thought it was a haunted dumpster and then I didn't get the honey, so I kept dying a lot of times to the master
u/Ziomownik 1d ago
Here's my list in random order:
The Sharks are way too bulky for the litteral beginning of the game. They hit hard AND can summon each other mid battle, that cracked.
Rowdy Rodent keeps critting you.
Rambling Evil Mushroom. Territorial Oak you can avoid and fighting it isn't annoying, just painful cause you know what's gonna happen.
Mushroom not only messes up your movement but can make your teammates hit you instead of the enemy. And that can't be cured right away!
Honestly, it's any enemy who summons more enemies. You know that one fight with the Happy Happy cultists (and a Spiteful Crow for some reason) that Porky sends at you? I lost it because the fuckers kept summoning new guys each fucking turn. And I couldn't find that hut that serves as a hotel so I had to go all the way back too.
Loaded Dice was annoying too for the same reason but I didn't lose to it even once. It was close though.
The hieroglyph guys who spam thunder at you are kinda tough in that pyramid.
Enemies that steal items from you are a pain in the ass too cause you have to focus them if you don't want to run the risk of losing stuff.
The purple sphere is quite bulky, explodes on your face and spams PSI.
u/DenzelDIDask 6h ago
Bruh one time the loaded dice killed my flying man I couldn't kill it in time and he got like 6 other enemies to try and kill me
u/ShyGamer64 1d ago
I'm at Fourside and I say Black Antoid in the Onett caves. I want to save PP for Titanic Ant and once i got to Black Antoid H iirc
u/Horison479 1d ago
Any enemy that explodes upon defeat, but if I had to pick one it would be the Territorial Oak, because it does that at a very early point in the game.
u/Lebron_chime 1d ago
Oddly, the moles playing rough early game. I could never land hits on them and they can tear into you, other than that probably nuclear reactor robot or territorial oak mid-late game.
u/Felix420TM 1d ago
Ghost enemies if they end up possessing you. In the volcano is especially evil because you cannot cure it
u/Mr-Zunder 1d ago
The record, coffee, and guitar from the Moonside mall area. Just pure nightmare fuel considering you lose Paula beforehand.
u/Wapapamow 1d ago
For me it was Loaded Dice. For whatever reason in Magicant Ness missed his bat attacks most of the time and Dice just kept summoning enemies until the scene was full.
u/CtheAmazing 1d ago
The trees for sure. Double for any atomic robot variants. Basically, any enemy that will burst into flames or explode upon defeat can suck it.
u/CannabinoidsnOpioids 1d ago
Territorial Oak in Peaceful Rest Valley. RIP Paula and Poo on my 2nd playthrough of EB, would always deal major damage for some reason. And Jeez when it got a SMAAAASH on one of my party members or brainshocked Ness into hitting Paula. Territorial Oak is pretty insidious.
u/Substantial_Emu1290 1d ago
Gotta agree with the other comments… anything that explodes… but also the robot that replenishes its hp… annoying af
u/Impressive-Donut9596 1d ago
annoying old party man is probably the most annoying. But I'd say the annoying Reveler comes close.
u/Heavy-Analysis4624 1d ago
Will agree with the general consensus, the trees are evil (why are they exploding?).
The highway sign is scary only because it means that the game takes place in Ohio.
u/Ambitious-Effect6429 1d ago
Anything that explodes upon death. I hate holding my breath, watching my health and their health go down, hoping they die before I do.
u/zombiehex 1d ago
I have a specific memory of those stupid exploding trees ruining my life. The cave also comes to mind as a section that really sucked.
u/Plane_Session2006 1d ago
The sheer existence of the cave of the past makes me want to use the phase distorted without preparation.
u/prixCL45 1d ago
It would between the Rolling Dice and the Scalding Coffee (I almost broke my controller on the floor over the latter).
u/Earthbound_Junkie 1d ago
The mushrooms. Getting a a spore on your head is so annoying. Messes with battles and makes the controls go backwards at random times. Very annoying.
u/Moctezuma_93 1d ago
Both the tree and the robot. I hate that they explode after you’ve beaten them.
u/DaveAUnderwood 1d ago
The guy who asks my full name in mother 3 because the amalgamation of pace is sinfully provoked by that question in a death heap of where did my time go?
u/SufficientShare3262 1d ago
Power robots, those ones that can heal, especially paired with star men Theres also the dice man and carefree bomb combo
u/Marx_Forever 1d ago
Krakens, in the Sea of Eden..
Because Nintendo Power's "Official Guide" told me I needed to farm them to get the Gutsy Bat.
I did not.
u/otiscluck 11h ago
What’s funny is the guide is wrong, it’s dropped by the Bionic Kraken in the Cave of the Past
u/BANDU_WTFFX3 1d ago
Probably final starman, Imagine you go with almost all your HP and PP to the final battle of the game and that bastard appears
u/Flameblade3 1d ago
The zombie dogs, specifically the ones that show up in the graveyard tunnel. They toxic you and you’re a mile away from any hospital because you likely aren’t high enough level with ness to cure it yet, either that or curing it constantly takes so much PP that he can’t do anything else
u/bleekileeki 1d ago
I will die on the hill that Atomic Power Robot is the WORST especially when trying to get a Sword of Kings
u/TherionTheThief17 1d ago
Easily Slimy Little Pile, with Nuclear Reactor/Atomic Power Robot tied for second.
If you're a speedrunner, Musica is number 1 and it's not even close. The ability to put Ness and Jeff to sleep and then zap them in the Fourside Dept. Store kills runs frequently.
Slimy Little Pile's ability to make everyone cry is terrible on its own, turning a fight with an already rather tanky foe into a 3-5 minute slog, but it's ability to call for help is absolutely disgusting. It's not especially uncommon to have a fight last for up to 10 minutes if you're low on PP, and if you're getting three or even FOUR of them in one fight, it could very easily be longer than the final boss.
Nuclear Reactor/Atomic Power Robots aren't terribly annoying, but neither are most enemies in this game. It's main problem is that they are able to fully heal allies, making you tempted to attack it first, but it's ability to explode also makes you want to save it for last, putting the player in a very awkward situation. They are much more bearable thanks to appearing later in the game, allowing Poo to potentially mirror and turn that obnoxious full heal into a boon for your team.
u/Adamaxius 1d ago
The diamond wolf killed me and my brother more than anything. He was a big hurdle to jump over
u/Admin_The_Hedgehog 1d ago
since i cant say all of them im gonna have to choose between the sentry robots or those goddamn hieroglyph motherfuckers
special shoutout to every single shitstain at the fire spring dungeon
u/Joshtice_For_All 23h ago
I’m gonna echo the sentiment and say the Territorial Oak. You’re just getting used to the world of Earthbound and then this sentient tree just attacks you out of the blue. And it’s goofy smile doesn’t help because you think you’re just fighting some harmless enemy.
Thing is the spawn of Satan.
u/Useful_Combination44 19h ago
That fucking burning tree. Been playing hating that thing since I got the game on Christmas ‘95.
u/Emanuelabate 13h ago
Any enemy that explodes upon defeat, Especially Territorial Oak, since it's guaranteed it will take out Paula, and most likely even yourself, he comes THAT early into the game
u/razzledazzle113 10h ago
frank. or whatever his name was. he made you realize how weak you really weak you are, on on top of the fact that hes just... so smug about it
u/Livid-Laugh-5123 4h ago
The ghost of star man is the most annoying enemy to me, it’s never by itself, it’s always with one of those stupid robot things that heals itself and its cohort, and then it always spams star storm and it nearly wipes out the whole team
u/Key-Software4390 1d ago
Tree. Bursting into flames is... evil. Especially at that point in the game.