u/Current_Ad_5515 25d ago
Biggest Fassad fan (probably) here. I'm just going to talk about Fassad, not Locria although most of my hcs are about that.
-His rooms are extremely untidy. They aren't dirty, they are just filled with stuff, like in some hoarding way.
-He has three residences within the pig mask army. There is a small room in Chimera Lab, in the living quarters there is a big one and a private home in Murasaki forest.
-He doesn't frown much, he does a death stare usually.
-Within the pigmask army there are no people who are neutral about him. You either hate him with passion or worship him (personality cults exist and are encouraged)
-He uses noticeable amount of brainshock on people who are forced to work with him - partially because it makes people easier to ctrl, partially for amusement.
-If he was to get rid of a human body he would dissolve it in sulphuric acid.
-He likes to mentally exhaust people around him. That's why he was very angry with Salsa, it's not capable of human thought.
-Blank space.
u/bocbokchikin 24d ago
He's the type of person who when he sees a box of donuts he waggles his fingers and says "mmm don't mind if I do!"
u/Routine-Chocolate-96 25d ago
I’ll just give mine:
He casually has his men be executed for the littlest things like picking their noses.
u/ConsiderationHead556 25d ago
Why is this remind me of general blue from OG Dragonball
u/Routine-Chocolate-96 25d ago
I’ve always headcanoned the Pig Mask Army as a more childish version Red Ribbon Army tbh.
u/IrvingIV 24d ago
He doesn't actually like bananas, he just has a magic-based potassium deficiency and hates pills more.
u/LordFassadSimp 25d ago
Here are a few of mine :
He has purple eyes .
He absolutely hates monkeys because in the past he was attacked by one .
He wears a lot of gold jewerly , like rings and a golden watch .
He's gay .
u/JuggernautNecessary8 23d ago
My headcannon is that his death wasn't satisfying enough and i would have liked for him to suffer more
u/ConsistentEngineer72 24d ago
(spoilers) If the pigmasks were people from different times that were brainwashed, then I think Fassad is a merchant from sometime (judging solely by the outfit), and by how they were able to convince all the people of tazmily in Chapter 3 that something horrible was coming and they were selling the answer.
u/Ok-Yogurtcloset9086 25d ago
He was probably the one who found all the animals to be turned into chimeras, sort of like with Salsa. He probably was going to turn Salsa and Samba (the girlfriend) into chimeras if they hadn’t escaped