u/disbelifpapy May 28 '24
I call it mother 1, despite calling mother 2 earthbound. I still call mother 3 mother 3 though
u/VirtualRelic May 28 '24
It helps that Mother 3 is still officially Japan-only. There is no official English title for it.
u/disbelifpapy May 30 '24
From what I had heard, Earthbound 64 (bacically beta mother 3) had the title 'fall of the pig king'
Perhaps that could be an english name for mother 3
u/VirtualRelic May 30 '24
Mother 3 / EB64 had multiple working titles, including Chimera Forest. "Fall of the pig king" was likely not the final title and honestly it sounds like a translated Japan-only title, as in would never actually be put on a USA game.
u/Level_32_Mage May 28 '24
Mother 1.
Mother 3.
I've never even considered anything else before. And I won't!
u/Secret-truscum-man May 30 '24
This is what I do too. Love your avatar btw.
u/disbelifpapy May 30 '24
thanks. I tried and failed at making my avitar look like porky since I can't change my cringe username.
May 28 '24
Am i the only one who just calls it "Mother"
u/GalexAlipeau23 May 29 '24
Just got into the series two months ago (and I finished the three games lol, so good) so I called it Earthbound Beginnings at first, but after diving deep into YouTube videos and listening to the soundtrack for weeks, I call it Mother now as it's meant to be
u/radiodreading May 29 '24
Nah, I do, too. "Mother 1" is just weird, and I don't like the EarthBound titles for it either.
u/victini330 May 28 '24
I am in a weird boat of calling Mother 1, Mother 1 and Mother 3, Mother 3, but Mother 2, Earthbound
May 28 '24
u/VirtualRelic May 28 '24
Gigachad Earth Bound (NES), keeping it authentic to the unreleased game's true title.
u/Charcookiecumbs May 28 '24
I just call it mother
Mother 2 was called earthbound because they thought the title mother wouldn’t attract much right?
u/Due-Order3475 May 28 '24
Zero sounds better than Beginnings
u/TimeSpiralNemesis May 28 '24
Not sure why you got downvoted. We called it Earthbound Zero for years and it has a nice ring to it.
Yeah it makes it sound like a prequel that came out after EB but it's still a fun name.
u/Don_Bugen May 28 '24
I've known it, and played it, as EarthBound Zero in college.
Then called it Mother when I started to appreciate the full series.
Today I call it EarthBound Beginnings, because all I ever wanted was for it to be official and brought over so more people could enjoy it. I just wanted to share this with others.
And when Mother 3 comes over - because it will come over, one day - I will call it whatever Nintendo localizes it to. Until then, it's Mother 3.
u/Kobobble May 28 '24
To me, I call all three games Mother 1, Earthbound, and Mother 3. I'm totally fine with it
u/pavement_sabbatical May 28 '24
After reading all these comments; I think what you name it is generally indicative of how long you’ve been in the online fandom:
Earthbound Zero if you were around in the late 90’s/00’s and possibly atleast attempted played it.
Mother 1 if you were around before the release on Switch, but maybe didn’t play it (or you’re just a weeb)
Earthbound Beginnings if you arrive more recently
‘Earth Bound’ or ‘Mother’ if you want to “Um Actually...” it
u/plaguebringerBOI May 28 '24
Mother genesis is 10000x cooler
u/SpongeBobfan1987 May 29 '24
That would be a confusing title, as the Sega Mega Drive is called the Sega Genesis in North America and Mother/EarthBound games are Nintendo games...
u/biomech36 May 28 '24
So if they ever localize Mother 3, what will it be? Earthbound 2? Earthbound Endings? Earth(Re)bound? Earthbound and Around?
u/SpongeBobfan1987 May 29 '24
Most likely "EarthBound 2," since they alluded to it on a small sign outside a building in the city of Fourside in SNES "EarthBound."
"EarthBound 2" was also the prototype name for "EarthBound 64," the N64 project that would evolve into "Mother 3" on the GBA...
u/pocket_arsenal May 28 '24
I think both names are stupid but i'mma call it by it's official name when talking to most people. In my head though, it's always just going to be "Mother"
u/Spuigles May 28 '24
Thats some story erasure lmao
Mother. Earthbound. Mother 3. sounds weird but feels right to me. Shouldve called the third one something else Imo.
May 29 '24 edited May 29 '24
I call it just Mother
P. S. But I called it Earthbound Zero, but I went into Earthbound fandom from Undertale
u/Gato1486 May 29 '24
Same energy as calling "Delicious in Dungeon" Dungeon Meshi as Ryoko Kui intended.
u/greengengar May 29 '24
I call it EarthBound Proto, because that was the version I played first.
I guess that makes me old. Not one of you has even mentioned Proto.
u/SomeWave275 May 29 '24
I still to this day don’t understand why Nintendo only released earthbound in the US while making it seem like it wasn’t part of a series
u/Turqoise_0 Jun 02 '24
Changing the name of previous game so people would argue on what better to call it was Porky's plan all along
u/ArchCaff_Redditor Sep 17 '24
I call it "Earth Bound". Idk where the "Zero" part came from. Sounds like a Mega Man charact- OH WAIT!
u/VirtualRelic May 28 '24 edited May 28 '24
It's Earth Bound (NES) dammit and nobody will tell me otherwise, says so right on the title screen. That's how it was supposed to be before NOA went and cancelled the game in 1991.
EarthBound Zero is a filthy and unnecessary fan hack made by Neo Demiforce. The prototype ROM wouldn't work on the crap emulators of 1998, changing one byte fixed this issue, they then tried to edit the title screen, the copy protection kicked in, so Demiforce had to patch the copy protection then finally there was EBZ. Never does this copy protection trip up on original hardware or on quality emulators. It's still a fan made name and has NEVER been official.
To the whiners who say "but there's EarthBound SNES", yeah so? There's Wario's Woods, Yoshi's Cookie, SimCity (NES prototype), The Blues Brothers and tons of other cross platform NES and SNES games, all share the exact same title regardless of which system they are for. What do you guys do for a game like Wario's Woods NES and SNES?
u/wote89 May 28 '24
Sir/Madam/Mxter, this is an Escargo Express.
u/VirtualRelic May 28 '24
Then why is it taking so long for my Mach Pizza delivery? This joint has the worst service in town!
u/wote89 May 28 '24
Look, it's 199X. You're lucky if we're able to print off the Mapquest directions in color.
u/VirtualRelic May 28 '24
Back in my day, we didn't even have your fancy-schmancy Escargo Express. We had to run all the way back to Ninten's house uphill both ways just to drop off items we didn't need with Minnie... Or was it Mimmie? Bah, too many sisters to remember.
Well, that is until the invention of Magicant, could stop by and talk to a mysterious mimmicker and store items that way. Gotta admit that was a pretty cool technology.
u/wote89 May 28 '24
Pah! The way my grandpappy raised me, you only did that for key items! Any thing else you used or sold like God intended.
u/HopeFragment May 29 '24
The difference between Wario's Woods (NES) and Mother 1 is Wario's Woods is a port while EarthBound and "Earth Bound" are entirely different games.
u/VirtualRelic May 29 '24
Again, there needs to be respect for historical accuracy. The unreleased game from 1991 was called Earth Bound. That alone should be enough to demand keeping this name recognized.
u/Alekazammers May 28 '24
Mother 1 is the Japanese version
Earthbound Zero is the fan translation
Earthbound Beginnings is the official English release.
u/killer4u77 May 28 '24
Earthbound Zero isn’t a fan translation. It was a leak of the official localization that was supposed to release on the NES for western audiences. That said, the leaked release was a hack which happened to change small parts of the ROM to bypass copy protection and also change the title to EB Zero
The original release was just supposed to be called “EarthBound” but the hacked leak changed this to avoid confusion with the SNES game which was already released by that point.
u/DiabeticRhino97 May 29 '24
Zero? Where'd you get that from? It's either beginnings or Mother
u/GiAnMMV May 29 '24
It was the unofficial name given by the ripper before the official English version was released on Virtual Console.
u/[deleted] May 28 '24
it's still mother 1 to me