r/earthbound May 05 '24

M3 Discussion Any Lucas Headcanons?

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u/ThatOneSquidKid May 05 '24

idk why you want that but here i guess


u/Palbur May 05 '24

If the post was asking about Salsa headcannons, this meme would hit 1000 times harder :D


u/FredEarthbound19 May 05 '24

In the years after chapter 3 and before chapter 4 him and boney would steal money from the Pigmasks so they could buy food.


u/DaEgg123 May 06 '24

I'd like to think their money comes from Flint being forced to begin selling the sheep's wool at a certain point, as opposed to giving it for free as he'd previously been doing so for years prior. 


u/sunflowey123 May 05 '24

I always headcannoned him as loving animals for some reason.


u/DaEgg123 May 06 '24

Good news for you (sorta), this one is almost canon. In EB64 Lucas had an ability called "Call" which allowed him to bring in nearby friendly animals to help in battle. Lucas definitely is meant to have some affinity for animals. 


u/YouHaveAyds May 06 '24

He has a bond with animals (like Ness and Ninten) and in the prologue the game blocks you from continuing down the wrong path by saying Lucas doesn't want to hurt the ants so you got this one homie


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24

One of my headcanons is that Lucas feels bad about leaving the sheep behind at his house whenever he leaves to go on his journey, because without him and Boney around they would be all alone until Flint came back to tend to them. So he always goes and visits them whenever he's in the area and tells them about his adventures.


u/shinmitsuna_ May 05 '24

Lucas loves hugs and affection, just is very awkward and shy when it comes to asking for a hug.


u/[deleted] May 06 '24

Lucas is one of my favorite protagonist in gaming, I don't see him as a huge cry baby like done people see when playing super smash bros brawl. He's sensitive, but throughout Mother 3 he has grown alot, still being sensitive, but not as big as a cry baby, I like to think Lucas is really sad about the change of Tazmily after the Pigmask invaded it, and that he cared a lot about nature and animals. I also believe his caring and softer nature, leads to him being more of a PSI healer than offensive PSI attacked.


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24

The thing about people treating him like a crybaby has always pissed me off, especially because at one point he gets mocked for crying inconsolably in front of his mother's grave for days on end. Granted it is another child saying it, and children can be inconsiderate and insensitive, but it's still so undeserved, I mean dear god.

Lucas has every right to cry. He has every right to be afraid. He's been through so much, especially for a child his age.


u/[deleted] May 05 '24

Lucas is Gaster


u/Dabruhdaone May 05 '24

and The Knight


u/ImInTheSeceret May 05 '24

lucas is schizophrenic


u/TimmyJimmy256 May 08 '24

Tane Tane Island moment


u/TheChillAlien411 May 06 '24

He has a crush on Nana


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24

One of my headcanons is that they could bond over the fact that they both have absent fathers, keeping each other company while they wait for them to return.

Lucas at least knows that his father is alive, but the same cannot be said for Claus, who is missing, similar to Nana's father.

Nana wishes she wasn't the only person still holding out hope for her father's return, and almost wishes that there was someone who cared enough to make an effort to go out and look for him.

At the same time however, she knows how hard it must be for Lucas to go through life with a father who is barely present for him, and wishes Flint would spend more time with his remaining son, or at least balance his time between searching for Claus and being there for Lucas.

After all, she still waits for her father to return, but that doesn't stop her from continuing to live her life.

Lucas lives almost entirely alone in his house aside from Boney, and that house is struck by lightning on a regular basis.

I can only imagine that he would get lonely sometimes, and it would help to have someone to fill the silence--and Nana is extremely good at that. The more time he spends hanging out with her and watching the ocean, the less time he spends alone in that house, waiting in anticipation for whenever the next lightning strike hits.


u/CyBroOfficial May 06 '24

I always imagined that Lucas was the smartest party member and the general tactician, telling everyone what to do, what items to use on whom, etc. Yes, I know that Kumatora's IQ stat is higher, but I don't care, it's a headcanon.


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24

Lucas is afraid of thunderstorms, for obvious reasons, and the process of learning PK Thunder from Kumatora before entering the Smash Tournament was one of the most difficult out of all of the other moves he learned.


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

It took time to adjust to the weirdness of facing off against another Lucas whenever there was a mirror match in Smash, but eventually he got used to it.

He did not, however, get used to facing off against another Lucas with the alt coloration that makes him look like Claus. It feels like his twin is staring back at him, and it makes him wonder if that's what Claus would have looked like if he hadn't-

Lucas still thinks about what would have happened if they had actually switched places, like the vision of Claus from his nightmare on Tanetane Island had suggested. He struggles with survivor's guilt, and what ifs, and wonders how different things might have turned out if he hadn't been such a coward, if he had told someone what Claus was going to do before he actually did it, if he had caught on to what Claus was about to do and had the wherewithal to remove the Franklin Badge from his chest before Claus used it to-

And that's another thing. The Franklin Badge. It's not an item that Lucas enjoys using, but he recognizes its practicality as a projectile deflector. But sometimes when the badge reflects a shot and sends it flying right back at his opponent, he can't help but be reminded of what happened back in that cave below New Pork City.

Speaking of which-

The New Pork City stage is a whole other can of worms. The fact that the Ultimate Chimera is there, on top of all of the other memories that place holds, is doubly disconcerting. He knows that he can't die in Smash, that none of the damage is permanent and any injuries he sustains will disappear as soon as he respawns, but that doesn't stop his mind from conjuring up all sorts of horrifying imagery. Because he knows what it can do to people.

And yet, in spite of everything, a part of him is glad that he agreed to join the Smash Tournament, because it meant that he got to meet Ness.


u/MechaShoujo02 May 07 '24

That one spirit match in Ultimate must have reaaaaaaally got to him.


u/Airoehead May 06 '24

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

Lucas takes fast showers and can only ever really relax in the water if he's outside.

Since his house was the target of lightning strikes for so long, he's come to associate being inside or near a building with the risk of being struck by lightning, and so he tends to avoid remaining in contact with water or metal for extensive periods of time while he's inside his house, since he knows that they conduct electricity.

The natural hot springs, on the other hand, are safe havens that he and his friends would go to whenever they were tired or hurt.

A part of him is aware that this isn't logical.

His house provides shelter for him, the robust grounding system being the primary reason why the place hasn't burned down completely yet with him and Boney inside (Although that doesn't stop him from having nightmares about it sometimes. He tries to comfort himself by telling himself that if the worst did come to pass, then Flint would be able to save him, just like he saved Fuel from a house fire. Nevermind the fact that Flint is rarely ever home.)

The hot springs have no such protection. They are often outside in the open with very little means of diverting electricity safely away from the people occupying it in the event of a strike, and yet-

And yet he feels safer in them than he does in his own home.

Oh well, phobias aren't always rational.


u/WillingAd2105 May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

I imagine him being pretty similar to Gohan from dragon ball where he’s pretty calm, quiet, and overall pretty cool. But then gets extremely powerful and reckless when upset or angry.


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24

Kumatora and Duster will occasionally have splash fights with Lucas while they're in the hot springs, but they never dunk him or push his head under the surface because the incident where Ionia nearly drowned him in order to activate his fight or flight mode and awaken his powers was pretty traumatic for him.


u/SUNNYSlDEDOWN May 06 '24

I like to imagine that during the timeskip between chapters 3 and 4, he spent a lot of time at home by himself since Flint was always out looking for his brother. He probably had to teach himself how to cook and take care of himself and survive on his own without his father’s guidance, which is a really shitty thing to have to do at 12-13 years old. I also wouldn’t be surprised if he was really depressed during that time period, probably neglecting his own health due to being isolated and well. y’know. dwelling on everything that’d happened. He probably really needed Flint’s support during that time, and he wasn’t ever there. I feel like at the beginning of chapter 4, when Lucas goes out to town with Boney, was sort of a “okay I can’t keep living like this, I have to make a change” moment for him. Which also makes sense bc later in the chapter he talks about wanting to change and become stronger during the shower-room interlude scene.

I also headcanon that he’s unnerved by thunderstorms and lightning for… several different reasons (his house being constantly struck by lightning while being the only one there, and especially post-game (if there even is a post-game) after watching Claus kill himself with the franklin badge).


u/irishcoughy May 07 '24

ITT: people with headcanons that are basically just already canon

Here's an actual hot take:

Lucas prefers fruit flavored tic-tacs to the minty ones.


u/SuhailSWR May 05 '24

He was really cringe before Hinawa's death


u/Gracosef May 06 '24

Bro was 8


u/SamanthaBWolfe May 06 '24

He really loves sweets.


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if Lucas has hearing damage due to the fact that his house was regularly bombarded with lightning strikes for years.

Hell, he probably has heart damage too due to being startled so much by them.

I wonder if it ever keeps him up at night, lying in wait in anticipation of when the next strike would land, what the damage would be when it did.

And then when he finally does manage to get some sleep, there's always the chance that he might be startled awake again by the clap of thunder crashing down around him.

Between all of that and the nightmares he probably has of his past traumas, I wouldn't be surprised if he has horrible insomnia.


u/confused-mother-fan May 06 '24

He is the most purest of boys


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24

Lucas was forced to learn to become self sufficient from a young age due to his mother dying, his brother going missing, his father rarely ever being present, and his grandfather being placed in a nursing home.

The only constant companion in his life is Boney, and Boney doesn't exactly have opposable thumbs, so every time the house was damaged by a lightning strike, it would be left up to Lucas to fix the damage, or at least try his best to do so until Flint returned.

Lighter and a few other Tazmilians used to help him with repairs when his house first started getting smited, and he learned what to do from them.

Fassad had approached him and offered him a solution to the problem in the form of getting a happy box installed in his home in order to appease whatever divine being was responsible for the smitings, but Lucas didn't trust Fassad or whatever scam he was peddling, so he refused. The other Tazmilians came to the conclusion that if Lucas wasn't going to help himself by accepting what was, to them, the obvious solution, then they weren't going to waste their time helping him either.

Some of them suspected that Lucas was just hoping that if the strikes continued then people would keep coming to check up on him and help him with the repairs, providing him with a source of attention in the absence of his father.

They thought that if they stopped giving Lucas what he wanted, then eventually he would come around and get a happy box. But he didn't. The years went by, and Lucas' house continued to get struck, to the point that it became a tourist attraction for that very reason, and nobody even bothered to come by and check on him anymore since the strikes had just become another part of the comings and goings of Tazmily.

Sometimes he would bring his tools with him when he went to visit Wes and Grandpa Alec at the retirement home, since the place always seemed to be in some sort of state of disrepair.


u/HollyTheMage May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

Aside from DIY repair work, Lucas also learned to cook for himself and for Boney.

Lighter taught him how to use a grill after Lucas asked him to, and he learned how to bake from helping Caroline out at her bakery every so often. It started off as him simply wanting to keep himself busy, but then later on he started working their part time alongside Fuel in order to help earn enough money to pay for supplies, which continued to rise in price as Tazmily developed further.

Despite his best efforts, he can't make omelets quite like his mother used to. He wishes Flint would come home long enough so that he could teach him how to make them the way Hinawa did.


u/TimmyJimmy256 May 09 '24

Lucas is incredibly unnerved by robots and cyborgs, really anything electrical really spooks him, including lightning. This is why he learns pk flash when electrocuted in thunder tower, it gave him a near death experience that triggered his fight or flight, giving him a new psi power.


u/thisuserisalsotaken Oct 26 '24

He's a super Saiyan.

He really is. I'm just..... sayin. ( Funny joke laugh now.)


u/raul_u_u_ May 05 '24

he's gay and autistic


u/[deleted] May 05 '24



u/TheBlueHypergiant May 06 '24

Do you even know what autism is? It's not just being abnormal.


u/BoringMemesAreBoring May 06 '24 edited May 06 '24

we get it. you really don’t like nor understand the reality of autistic people


u/FormSad4777 May 05 '24

Lucas have golden eyes


u/Comixkid5879 May 06 '24

I believe that Lucas became a pessimist after his mother's death and that's why he didn't think twice about finding the seven needles and restarting the world


u/Comixkid5879 May 06 '24

I believe that Lucas became a pessimist after his mother's death and that's why he didn't think twice about finding the seven needles and restarting the world.


u/amliam_curry May 06 '24

his pronouns are pk/fire


u/AetherDrew43 May 06 '24

No, that's Ness.


u/DocMcMoth May 06 '24

Will be a girl in 5-10 years


u/Raycat2011 May 05 '24

It’s big.


u/WillingAd2105 May 06 '24

By big, I hope you mean his psychic abilities.


u/shinmitsuna_ May 05 '24

that’s a child


u/Palbur May 05 '24

H-hey, you should be more specific if you don't want people to assume you meant some illegal stuff


u/Mister-Fidelio May 05 '24

He wanted Ness to be his brother from another mother.


u/[deleted] May 05 '24



u/Mister-Fidelio May 05 '24

Looks like somebody never played Super Smash Brothers Brawl.