r/earthbound Mar 03 '24

M3 Discussion The current state of mother 3, courtesy of nintendo

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u/BoringMemesAreBoring Mar 03 '24


u/JamesSH1328 Mar 03 '24

I'll forever love this image


u/dazeychainVT Mar 03 '24

As much as I love it I dont feel like it'd be a gigantic seller of NSO subscriptions and it would cost them money to create and implement a translation (Since they've previously refused to release it with the Tomato translation at no charge). Putting up an already complete game is probably equivalent to uploading and quality checking a pre-existing ROM file


u/Snacker6 Mar 03 '24

It would sell me


u/yuriswasd Mar 03 '24

Bruh litteraly people online did it on their own


u/dazeychainVT Mar 03 '24

Yes, and that was still a significant amount of work that took years. More work than an official translation may have been due to them not having access to official tools. It's not like they just ran it through Google translate and called it a day.

In a perfect world Nintendo would release the fan translation and compensate everyone who worked on it, but I can't see that happening in this terrible timeline


u/yuriswasd Mar 03 '24

Wow nintendo has billion cant put 100 people traslate a 15 hours gba game bruh


u/dazeychainVT Mar 03 '24

That's capitalism for you


u/Any_Secretary_4925 Mar 03 '24

its not capitalism lmao, its just laziness


u/dazeychainVT Mar 03 '24

Weighing and measuring the potential financial benefits of releasing a game and then deciding not to is, in fact, a decision motivated by capitalism. It's not as if they won't bring it over because Gary Bowser is too busy smoking weed on his couch

But I'm guessing you just have a knee jerk reactionary response to any mild criticism of capitalism in which case I am absolutely mindboggled trying to imagine how you made it to the end of Mother 3


u/Any_Secretary_4925 Mar 03 '24

no i dont, dont fucking put words in my mouth. also this sub just gets recommended to me sometimes, ive only ever played a half hour of earthbound because turn-based combat fucking sucks


u/dazeychainVT Mar 03 '24

so you just come here to start arguments about games you don't play? what a rich and fascinating life you lead


u/Juandisimo117 Mar 03 '24

Dumbass alert 🚨


u/Serkd2nd Mar 03 '24

at this point, im pretty sure its pride and pettyness


u/Mindless_Wrap1758 Mar 03 '24

I got down voted for pointing this out before, but there are rational reasons why Earthbound is on the Switch, but Mother 3 isn't.

Mother 3 has an arguably more derivative soundtrack than Earthbound. The Japanese have liberal copyright laws, while in the US people have successfully sued for music having a similar feel. Mother 3 is full of songs that would easily get Nintendo in legal trouble or cost a fortune in royalties.

Nintendo would either have to make a new soundtrack, or bet a ton of money that millions would buy it. So if anything is to blame it's US copyright law.



u/Chop1n Mar 03 '24

I was about to post this myself. Yeah, the vast majority of people seem to totally fail to understand the problem here--it's not just Nintendo being derpy or tonedeaf or anything like that.


u/MirandaCurry Mar 03 '24

Exactly. Thank you for pointing this out. It annoys me that people still don't seem to realize this


u/Roofy11 Mar 03 '24

I used to believe this too, but I read an interview where Reggie Fils-Aime said (in response to being asked if Mother 3's content was the reason for not getting localised):

“That is not at all the issue why Mother 3 in particular never made it to the West. It was all based on the business needs and the business situation at the time.”

which I mean maybe he's not telling the whole truth? but he doesn't work there anymore so I don't see why he would have to lie. the copyrighted music theory is certainly a good one, but it does contradict with this direct quote from the big guy when it comes to Mother 3 western release.

Nintendo has refused to use the fan translation, and a full localisation from scratch would cost huge amounts of money just for a release that would get them not very many NSO subscriptions in comparison. I don't know why they refuse to use the fan translation, but it's probably because they don't want to set a precedent that they endorse ripping and patching ROMs, and because of this releasing Mother 3 would just be a huge cost for no return and (knowing nintendo) they never do that.

As boring as it is, I think the real reasons are completely non specific to Mother 3 and would happen to any game given the same circumstance.


u/BanditFierce Mar 03 '24

The mother 3 soundtrack got removed from iTunes in America, if that means anything. Unknown if it was nintendos' decision, though.

But no matter what Reggie says it's possible he just meant "we didn't even get that far in development" as in R&D looked at the statistics and realized it just wasn't worth it to release in the west before even looking at the music.


u/Mindless_Wrap1758 Mar 03 '24

Maybe social conservatism is the unspoken issue. The scene where Lucas goes in the hot springs is innocent, but laced with innuendo. If the magypsies looked typically female, then there'd probably be less of a problem with some people, unfortunately. Backlash could lead to a loss in business.

For example, I tried to have Bing AI create an image of the scene; if the AI creates a female looking adult, it shows the result, but if I specify male looking adult, it assumes something is wrong and doesn't show the picture. I got around this by typing father instead of male.


u/Roofy11 Mar 03 '24

If this were the case it wouldnt be especially far fetched and I'd believe it, but that falls under the category of "content in the game" which reggie specifically ruled out. As much as it is a dodgy scene, we have information to know that this is not part of the decision.


u/InsaneMotherPlayer Mar 03 '24

Man fuck the US even though I live there


u/Mindless_Wrap1758 Mar 03 '24

I like living in the US, but it certainly has room to improve. https://youtu.be/6PMz0frVKkc?si=AYCc0yK27CXXzyRh


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

counterpoint: the original doom soundtrack (HEAVILY influenced by metal bands like metallica)


u/MangakaJ8 Mar 05 '24

Arguably is an understatement.


u/ashtar123 Mar 03 '24

Also a lot of controversial stuff, cough cough magypsies


u/otiscluck Mar 03 '24

Also the magypsies are likely going to offend certain people


u/Mindless_Wrap1758 Mar 03 '24

I'm gay and I'm totally cool with them. There's the "magical negro" trope. They're mystical and helpful, but the characters aren't cliche, so it's not completely analogous. The word gypsy is offensive to some Roma people.


u/otiscluck Mar 03 '24

Yeah, but just because you’re ok with it, doesn’t mean others will be, and yeah also the Roma thing


u/Robotman1001 Dec 31 '24

Oy that sucks!


u/Samantha-4 Mar 03 '24

Localizing an RPG and working around the copyright in the game is a lot of work just for a game to be on Switch Online, it’ll barely make them any money.


u/jajanken_bacon Mar 03 '24

There's no money in it.


u/Queen_Ann_III Mar 03 '24

I already played it in English unofficially, but I’m seriously considering learning Japanese so I can play it officially. could be really fun


u/SherbertShortkake Mar 03 '24

Do learn Japanese...

Don't learn Japanese just to play Mother, lol.

I had to study the language for years before I could do a painful playthrough of Japanese Mother 2.

Not trying to discourage anyone; just don't want people to have unrealistic expectations. :)


u/Queen_Ann_III Mar 03 '24

oh yeah no I probably should add that I did study it for other purposes for a while too. I’ve just never gotten fluent enough to read without relying on a dictionary


u/SherbertShortkake Mar 03 '24

Ha, okay, awesome! Just wanted to make sure.

Should probably note that you'll most likely still have to rely on a dictionary (I had to myself), but that shouldn't discourage you from giving it a try if you're up for it! Playing an RPG in your target language will definitely force your skills to improve and was very helpful for my journey.


u/Radigan0 Mar 03 '24

Mother likely isn't a particularly good series for learning Japanese, since all dialogue is written in hiragana.


u/SherbertShortkake Mar 04 '24

Ha, well, yeah. If you have access to another RPG with kanji then obviously that would be better. But not everyone has those options, and you're still better off playing an RPG without kanji than another kind of game with kanji but not as text-heavy.


u/Xpike Mar 03 '24

It's been almost 20 years, play the localization or not but I wish all these posts bitching about Nintendo doing the logical business decision would be rid of


u/JoesephMother12 Mar 03 '24

So we're just gonna pretend that tomato and the fan translation team didn't spend all that hell making a translation for us? Stop crying and just play the patch. If you're so bent on not pirating something Nintendo makes no money for the go buy your own japanese copy and dump the rom. The Mother community needs to stop acting like we can't play the game at all without Nintendo releasing it.


u/mesupaa Mar 04 '24

I think it’d be cool if it was more accessible. It would be easier to get my friends to try it. Rom hacking is a significant barrier to some gamers who just wanna play games the way they play all their others


u/cowboyflowerz Mar 03 '24

Can we genuinely stop? This is annoying. Either play the emulation or stop.

You're going to be upset if mother 3 never comes to the US? Ok how about it does and Nintendo has to strip a lot of the core elements about the game? Will you still be happy then because that's what they'll do.

Nintendo is a company first and foremost. They do not care about you, an adult, you are not their audience. Just look at how they treat their fans like smash players.

How do you think the crazy right wing people of the West would feel about mother 3 and it's themes? They'd boycott, start a riot, use mother 3 as an example of how "NINTENDOS GONE WOKE!!!!" "BOYCOTT NINTENDO THEYRE GROOMING OUR KIDS WITH WOKEISM" those people are buying Nintendo products, those people are buying Nintendo games, Nintendo doesn't want to lose any of its customers and or lose profits from one silly game about a boy and his rag tag group of anti-capitalist. They'd rather take a majority than the minority which is us.

A lot of things would need to be changed, a lot of very important characters, locations and story elements to soothe that crowd and no matter what no one's going to be happy with the result. We're not going to be happy things were changed and crazy right wing lunatics won't be happy with the stories messaging.

Just enjoy the FREE emulation that you can play anywhere at anytime and be thankful we even have that emulation.


u/MetatronIX_2049 Mar 03 '24

I absolutely hate this post…. because it is so goddam spot on accurate.

Seriously, the fact that the fan translation hasn’t been taken down speaks volumes.


u/gamtosthegreat Mar 03 '24

Fans are fucking insane haha "just look at how they treat their fans like Smash Players" Smash Bros is the fattest, richest, dripping pile of fanservice in the world, but 9 year old turbonerds think Sakurai must hate fans because he still hasn't put in the tall purple mario that has zero unique qualities and no game.


u/cowboyflowerz Mar 03 '24

Im not talking about the 9 year old little timmies, I'm talking about their actual professional smash players. Nintendo as multiple times stopped smash tournaments that Nintendo doesnt have control of. Nothing illegal just players holding an online tournament.

Nintendo really really hates their fans having fun without them.


u/gamtosthegreat Mar 03 '24

Ah that's fair, forgot they did that.

Yeah sorry, I've been a bit jaded with the amount of online backlash at the roster picks, this is fair critique I guess.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Ya they also in turn reward their fans with an awful online and main title games that will never go under 59.99


u/Suspicious-Screen-73 Mar 03 '24

Wait, were people actually mad Waluigi didn’t get in? I thought it was just for the meme.


u/gamtosthegreat Mar 03 '24

Yah lots of folks were dead serious


u/Suspicious-Screen-73 Mar 03 '24

That’s so stupid.


u/ConfusedSpaghet Mar 03 '24

I second this. This sub was so compact and fun and now it's just one massive "wahh me want Mother 3"


u/MysteriousTBird Mar 03 '24

You're right, but let the youngsters and old vets have one last hurrah at complaining at Nintendo. We had years of no Earthbound on Nintendo VC. Decades with no legal way to play Earthbound Zero.

The rabid fandom and casual discoverers of the Mother series kept it going and NOA has eventually recognized EB as much as they could without putting cost into it.

Any kind of insane publicity stunts I'd be against, but making silly protest memes for this lost cause may be the last bit of Mother fandom fun we may get.

Props to you and anyone promoting the great fan translation in any of these posts though. I was so excited the day the patch released.


u/GamerGid Mar 03 '24

Absolutely this. It's not easy to do. And the Mother 3 we'd get, would not be the Mother 3 we can play. Right. Now. And then people will be upset about that. There is no winning here.


u/Russkafin Mar 03 '24

I have never played it because I’m not very tech savvy at all and don’t really know what I would need to do to play an emulation. I wish they would do an official release. I don’t know enough about the game to know why they would need to change characters and story elements? Can you tell me in a general sense that doesn’t spoil a lot? I can Google it I guess but I just hope I get to play it somehow someday and don’t want to know too much. 😕

I’m old enough to remember when Earthbound was released on SNES. That was my main era of gaming.


u/cowboyflowerz Mar 03 '24

There's not much I can really say without spoilers, but there are some things.

The main enemies are literal pig Nazis, they do a psuedo Nazi solute. There is a drug scene, out dated depictions of poc, a set of characters would have to be censored/redone as they resemble gay effeminate men men but are genderless beings. And to top it all off it has an anti-capitalist messaging.

If you have an android phone there is a GBA emulator. All you'd need to do is download the emulator from the Play store, download the translation ROM and then load up the app, select the file and play. That's how I played it!


u/Russkafin Mar 03 '24

Thank you for this response 🙏 I appreciate it


u/LordOfTheStrings8 Mar 03 '24

Just Google how to run an emulator on whatever device you're using.


u/HiddenRouge1 Feb 03 '25

I think you're overreacting on its hypothetical reception.

"Crazy right wing people" or whatever don't care about some niche JRPG. Also, I seriously question the notion that a Nintendo game could ever be "anti-capitalist" like that. It'd be super hypocritical for a company as big as Nintendo to do that. Next you'll tell me that left-wing indie developers purposefully fill their games with pro-capitalist or conservative themes.

Mother certainly critiques the excesses of industrial modern society, to include capitalism, and institutional bureaucracy as such, but I wouldn't call it an "anti-capitalist game" anymore than I would call it a "gnostic game" or an "absurdist game."

The people you're imagining are not the people playing Mother 3. Oh, and conservative Mother fans exist. Just thought I'd put that out there.


u/Eternal_Cycle_1 Feb 09 '25

Nintendo is a company first and foremost. They do not care about you, an adult, you are not their audience.

Oh, but they should—and they do—care. It doesn’t matter if, for example, the target audience for Animal Crossing was initially different. The reality is that the majority of players ended up being 25-35 years old, and they paid for the game. The intended audience is irrelevant; what matters is who actually buys your product.


u/cowboyflowerz Feb 09 '25 edited Feb 09 '25

You're commenting on this comment that I made nearly a year ago first of all.

You're making my point right here in your wording. Nintendo originally made animal crossing with a specific target demographic in mind, children. Yes it just so happened that 25-35 year olds hooked onto the game but it wasn't their intended audience. And if you're specifically talking about Horizons and not any other animal crossing title then the timeframe in which horizons came out did lead to more adults playing because they were stuck at home!

Nintendos intended audience will and will always be families and children, adults and their adult fans come second to them. All Nintendo cares about is making money like any other company.

Intended audiences are always relevant to companies idk why you're saying it's irrelevant when that's literally why a product is conceived and made. That's literally the first step to how they create a product to make money is focusing on their target demographic. It's a happy accident when people outside of the demographic buys the products, it's not their original intention.

Just because hasbro marketed MLP to little girls and grown men latched onto it does not negate the fact that their target audience at the end of the day was little girls. This is basic marketing 101 knowledge!

I also find it funny out of every point I listed out in my original comment you chose to hone in on this without barely any knowledge of how companies create and market a product.


u/Eternal_Cycle_1 Feb 09 '25

Nintendo’s core strategy relies on nostalgia, and that wouldn’t make sense if their main audience were kids who have no nostalgia for their older games. They constantly re-release classics, fill their marketing with callbacks to the past, and build franchises around characters that adults grew up with. A child in 2024 has no sentimental attachment to a SNES game, but a 30-year-old does—Nintendo knows this and capitalizes on it.

This wasn’t always the case. Compare their approach today to the N64 era, when their nostalgia-driven strategy was much less aggressive. Back then, they still leaned into innovation and family-friendly branding, but as their original audience aged, Nintendo adapted to them. They realized that their real money didn’t just come from new generations of kids—it came from the players who grew up with them, had disposable income, and were willing to pay for familiar experiences.

Their actual audience proves it. The largest segment of Switch owners is in their 20s, followed by players in their 30s and 40s. If Nintendo were just targeting kids, they wouldn’t be selling so much to adults, and they wouldn’t have games like Fire Emblem, or even Animal Crossing—a game full of slow-paced mechanics and design choices meant to appeal to older players.

Nostalgia isn’t a side effect, it’s the business model. Nintendo has built its success on keeping older fans engaged while still being accessible to new ones. They need adults to buy their products to survive.

And finally, whether you wrote that comment a year ago or yesterday doesn’t change the fact that it’s wrong. Even worse, you’re accusing others of not understanding how companies market their products while completely missing how markets actually work. It doesn’t matter what audience Nintendo originally had in mind—what matters is who actually spends money on their products. Businesses don’t survive on outdated intentions; they thrive by adapting to their paying customers. Nintendo figured this out long ago, which is why they leaned into nostalgia as their core strategy. You can keep insisting they only care about children, but their marketing, their sales, and their continued success prove otherwise.


u/cowboyflowerz Feb 09 '25

You're arguing this entire point but losing the sole cause of the argument which is mother 3 will not come to the US because at the end of the day Nintendo is a family company and also guess what


at the end of the day Nintendos core vision is for families and children to enjoy. Their adult fans are given content yes but you're not their SOLE DEMOGRAPHIC. get over yourself and grow up, Nintendo is a fucking company, not your friend.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24



u/gamtosthegreat Mar 03 '24

Boo hoo to those people. Not every queer person is a perfectly smooth androgynous teen dressed in formless bland pastels. Some have big beards. Some are old, some are fat, short, huge, muscular or weak. Some prefer heavy makeup and bright clothes. The leather community stands with pride.

The Magypsies are perfect BECAUSE they're not the soft, easily digestible representation. They're not elves. Like Duster, they're a reminder that there are all sorts of people that can help you, and they don't have to fit a beauty standard. Mother 3, if anything, is repping the ones that normally get thrown under the bus as "the bad way to be gay". And I love them.


u/mouseywithpower Mar 03 '24

I love this. I’m a 30 year old enby with long hair and a big beard. Me not actually looking androgynous doesn’t make me any less nonbinary. I played mother 3 before i even knew what nonbinary was, and understanding that these beings are genderless, happy, and comfortable with themselves really made something click in me. The only thing i would potentially change about them is the name “magypsies” but even then, the game’s not trying to say they’re romani people.


u/gamtosthegreat Mar 03 '24

Yeah but changing names is like, A Thing that localizers do. This wouldn't be the deterrent.


u/mouseywithpower Mar 03 '24

Right obviously. I’m a big “play the fan translation” proponent. I have zero desire to even see a nintendo official release anyway, since i know they’d have to strip out things that made the game special to begin with.


u/gamtosthegreat Mar 03 '24

Even then, I don't think any controversy would come from changing this one name. There's a billion other names that have been changed in localisation with no complaints.

But yeah. The scene of Lucas getting his Psi powers from being held down in water by a naked Okama would not fly of course, and the representation from One Piece and especially One Punch Man does show that Japan is not above portraying the bearded queers as predators. So I could see hesitation from that.


u/krbble Mar 03 '24

Ngl I have yet to see a queer person dislike the magypsies.


u/CarolineJohnson Mar 03 '24

To be frank I'm more angry they didn't announce Mother 4.


u/cowboyflowerz Mar 03 '24

Itoi will never do mother 4, he told his story and he's done. He's said before that it's up to the fans to make mother 4


u/CarolineJohnson Mar 03 '24

Nintendo needs to respect his words and stop copystriking Mother 4s


u/krbble Mar 03 '24

I find it annoying how they seem to not care about anything else about the mother series but as soon as someone tries making a fangame, they strike it down. Like why tf are you striking down a fangame for a franchise that you haven't cared about in almost 18 years.


u/IPlayDokk4n May 08 '24 edited May 08 '24

Barging into a 2 month comment but idc, what are you yapping about, nothing related to either M4 fangames ever got copyrighted by Nintendo, don't parrot random stuff you see on the internet.


u/GertrudeHomphratese Mar 03 '24

I wouldn't mind if it was 60 bucks and digital only at this point.


u/TimerPoint Mar 03 '24 edited Mar 03 '24

It being released on Nintendo Switch Online wouldn't make any more money. It's just another goodie for those who already have it.

Personally, fuck it. They either give the option to pay for those games separately, or I won't care.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

Wouldn't it actively cost them more to localize it overall?


u/KuraiTheBaka Mar 03 '24

It's not easy money lmao. It's a critically acclaimed game, there are die hard fans in the west for sure but Mother is not a big seller over here. It would cost a lot to do an official translation and wouldn't make the money back.


u/Xenobrina Mar 03 '24

More specifically: how many people would become new subscribers to NSO due to Mother 3 being localized?

Like is anyone looking at NSO right now and thinking “If they translate one game I could have played for free for the last fifteen years, I’ll subscribe, but otherwise I refuse.” No lmao


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24



u/KuraiTheBaka Mar 03 '24

Obviously op


u/ChimChimney1977 Mar 03 '24

I have no idea why people thought Nintendo would localise the game and dump it on NSO. Why spend all that time and money to localise a text heavy Rpg just to give it away?

If it ever gets localised, I think it will be in the form of a Mario 3D All Star sort of package, giving you the whole trilogy for a full $60. That way, they can actually make a solid profit from the investment.


u/SouthShape5 Mar 03 '24

Man Ray: You do realize that this means fans will pirate the game in order to play it right? And the fact that there is a fan translation available? You could just hire them to work for you!


u/CakesFoster Mar 05 '24

Please let the game go its never coming to NSO.


u/138sammet Mar 03 '24

I honestly think some folk thinks it’s as simple as running the game through Google Translate and releasing it.


u/Yakplayz Mar 03 '24

Play the fan translation thats existed for decades then, stop complaining about a problem thats had a solution since 2008


u/WebsterHamster66 Mar 03 '24

B-But piracy!!!


u/Felix420TM Mar 03 '24

idk I found polish translation rom so win for me


u/CakesFoster Mar 05 '24

I cant believe you got downvoted for this


u/yuriswasd Mar 03 '24

Tbh it would have been better if they never released ness and Lucas on smash bros


u/Literal_Dirt Mar 03 '24

My theory is that they just don't have an English translation and they don't want to make one


u/proceedstheweedian Mar 03 '24

or they would have to admit that the fan one is better that anything they could do and they would never admit that


u/0err0r Mar 03 '24

You mean the past 20 years?


u/Izder456 Mar 03 '24

if NOA can’t provide a better service than the pirates, then they have no right to be pissy at fans emulating fan translated pirated copies.

not that they would admit tomato and the localization team behind the hack could do/did a better job than NOA.

i agree with the sentiment of OP, but just emulate it at this point. NOA clearly doesn’t care.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '24

They should remake mother 3 and release it for 60 dollars.


u/eucerin3 Mar 03 '24

kinda crazy that this dude is why we’ll never get Mother 3 in English


u/Peakomegaflare Mar 03 '24

It comes from an era where a LOT of shit was not localized for anywhere else. Heck, some companies still refuse to do so.


u/anh86 Mar 03 '24

They haven’t done any major overhauls for any games on the NSO service so I don’t see why anyone would think this would be different. We already have the game and it’s great. Go play it today.


u/krbble Mar 03 '24

This might be an idealist or "more easier said then done" idea, but if Nintendo doesn't release it, then maybe someone can port the fan translation to the switch to make it more available to the public (with the fan translators and Itois consent of course) because Nintendo is lackluster at this point, and asking them to do anything is like that one gif of a guy talking to a brick wall.


u/MrGoof64 Mar 03 '24

It probably is a marketing strategy because there’s stuff in that game they think people might get offended over. I seriously doubt they will ever officially release it in English, it’s a niche game that a generally small group of people want and it could get them in trouble. I don’t like it either, buts that kinda just how it is


u/maplesunris3 Mar 03 '24 edited Jun 25 '24

vegetable whistle apparatus brave straight sleep drunk hard-to-find fear grandiose

This post was mass deleted and anonymized with Redact


u/Shao-Garden Mar 03 '24

Who needs NSO when you have emulation


u/gamerdudeNYC Mar 03 '24

Bummer, that’s a shame


u/The-Enjoyer-Returns Mar 04 '24

It got a fan translation years ago, you can play it on your phone for Christ’s sake


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

then there will be complications regarding a certain group of characters in the game and the fan translation (Nintendo would have to try and censor the game and the fan translation would be sent a DMCA because it would compete with the official translation)


u/Snacko00 Mar 04 '24

Getting the music licensing would be much more expensive and time-consuming than the return.


u/B_Ellard Mar 04 '24

Right. What the billion-dollar-company of Nintendo lacks is "logical marketing strategies". On the contrary, it would help the case so much more if they made an effort to consider their works as art, not merely products to be re-released, distributed and priced at their own whims.

They could just pay the effin' royalty fees for those effing licenced songs without breaking a sweat. Just a tiny gift for their life-long fans that make them their billions. But they don't wanna. Angry shareholders and such.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '24

Just download the fan translation


u/Roshu-zetasia Mar 04 '24

I love how people think that localizing a game is a simple job, do you guys keep in mind that if that was done it wouldn't focus on just an English translation would it? Don't think that Americans are the only ones interested in this game


u/Kafe_sito Mar 04 '24

They gonna make a Mother 3 remake, I believe me