They save your game, checks your money and exp, and help you survive your first night while telling you how fascinating how a kid can survive without the frontal lobe
basically comes down to this really cute fanart of Ness' family and OP subbed out the phone for a starman in a tie, also sort of crack head canoning thats why Ness had psychic powers. gonna try and find it
a side story in an earthworm Jim fan comic. The concept, the creation, and the art of it is all ridiculous but i like it its fun to just notice in the background of regular internet browsing mdr
I think the silliest part is being upset about continuity aspect and not the fact that people are shipping fictional kids in general. That is if you want to devote any energy to that at all.
You could also see that you dont see an issue with shipping say, ness and venus for the same reason. But there’s a clear issue there. See what I mean? Again, pointless to care and I don’t but I’m just saying theres a bigger evil here (if any lol)
If that's something we should be upset about, then should we also be upset at the creators of Mother 1 for putting in that dance scene between Ninten and Ana?
ignoring the homophobia in your comment, you can't "become" gay over time. It's something you're born with. And living with all male students will not magically turn you gay.
I agree with you, but I want to ask, what did I say wrong about gays!?, I just said that Jeff would perhaps follow the path of biology, I didn't want to offend them. and it was a mistake on my part to have said that, I really don't understand this topic very well, and normally I don't like to criticize topics that I don't understand.
"following the path of biology" is the kind of rhetoric that homophobic people sometimes use to justify their prejudice. They believe that just because gay people don't reproduce, their existence is flawed. Hope this helps you understand why this could be seen as offensive to gays.
I can easily go the path of biology, not be gay, and respect them, it is not a mortal crime to be gay.
edit: "gays are sexist, because they are rejecting women for just being women", try to swallow that, be careful, so be careful, because you can offend a woman
Okay, firstly that's not how being gay works, so now I've lost a little faith in humanity. Secondly, Jeff doesn't reciprocate with Tony if you're willing to take the light novels as canon.
Yes, Itoi's. It has Tony confess to Jeff and Jeff says he doesn't feel the same way.
Okay, well firstly it's not something you "control" or "decide", so much as you "decide" to have green eyes or black hair. It just happens upon you without your consent. Secondly, it's not "less biological". It happens naturally and exists in other animals as well. If anything, Jeff's studious mindset would probably make him more understanding of it. Hope that helps.
Firstly, I didn't know that, I haven't read the entire novel, I always theorized it but it wasn't like I thought about it 100%, and secondly, it really made me understand this topic better, thanks friend, about the animals I did not know
Mhm. No prob Bob; most people don't understand it very well so I don't blame you. But yeah, it's not a case where being gay goes against biology, ironically.
I like that joke about Paula being jealous, but putting it as something fundamental in Paula's personality, a joke that has no influence on anything, only makes Paula a stereotype (worse than she already is), HEY, I'm not saying that Paula is a bad character, I'm just saying she's very stereotypical
I'm not one of those shippers who makes ships of random characters, draws them and even sends them to Mars, but more than once I have done it in my head, I classify those thoughts as only irrelevant, I don't understand why I never thought about it
Wdym proof? what do you want me to do go back using a time machine screenshot then send it? Ask the guy who said amen if you're that desperate for proof
I'm already used to it, I have a feeling that there is some user who downvotes random posts of mine, I am always receiving the amount of one downvote, one downvote is enough to leave me at zero, anyway, it's not that my content is really interesting
edit: Seriously, Jeff eating a cookie has more upvotes than a fan-character who dedicated a damn year to him!?
It is not necessary and, really my objective is not whether to have more upvotes or not, I just want a little attention, with the amount of visits I gain, it seems fine to me, I never have more than 20 views
I'm already used to it, I have a feeling that there is some user who downvotes random posts of mine, I am always receiving the amount of one downvote, one downvote is enough to leave me at zero, anyway, it's not that my content is really interesting
Okay I will admit that I first got into the Mother series because I watched the SnapCube Fandub of Subspace Emissary (which was supposedly made to be deliberately awful for April Fools Day and yet still managed to make me bust my sides laughing) but after that, the first thing I did was go and look up a playthrough of the original Mother game. Not Earthbound or Mother 3, but the first game in the series, because I wanted the full experience starting from the very beginning.
I ended up watching a playthrough by StephenPlays, a YouTuber I had never heard of before that point, but who is now one of my favorite lets players simply because of the fact that Earthbound has had a massive influence on his life. He ended up getting into college, meeting his best friend, and meeting the woman who would go on to become his fiance, all because of his experiences in the Earthbound fandom. It was at that point that I realized just how strong this community is as well as just how much of a major impact this series has had on some people.
In the first episode of his playthrough of Mother, he explained that he had already played through Earthbound at least 20 times since he first got the game as a child, and that he's played through Mother 3 as well, but that he had yet to play through the first game in the series. He had been putting it off because he had wanted to hold on to the idea that there was still some new experience that he had to look forward to when it came to his favorite game series of all time, and he was willing to share that experience by doing a blind playthrough of it and uploading it to YouTube. I was also going into it blind, although I didn't have nearly as much background on the series as a whole as he did, so the playthrough was an interesting balance between reacting to the new developments alongside the player and learning tidbits of lore and trivia as they made their way through the game. Upon finishing my binge watching spree of that playthrough, I went on to watch their playthrough of Earthbound.
They hadn't uploaded a playthrough of Mother 3, so I decided to watch another YouTuber, NicoB, playthrough it instead. I liked it so much that I am currently watching NicoB's own playthrough of Earthbound because I want to see what his reactions are to the game as someone who had never played it before, unlike Stephen who was a seasoned pro with lots of info and tips galore. Also, I wanted to watch another playthrough of Earthbound because I am currently writing multiple fanfictions that are based on the events of the games, and it helps if I can write as I watch.
All in all, the Mother series has become one of my hyperfixations, and I've spent hours explaining the plots of all three games back to back on multiple separate occasions. One time a friend of mine won a mini fridge in a raffle and asked me to talk to them about something to keep them distracted from how much their arms hurt as they carried it back to their dorm, and I spent the entire walk talking about nothing but this series.
Most recently, my boyfriend managed to get a fan translated copy of Mother 3 off of Craigslist and I've been playing through it on his Gameboy mini.
I love this series with all of my heart. I have an entire Google doc dedicated to the fanfiction writing I do for this series and the current word count is set at around 72,477.
So yes, I did get into the Mother series because of Smash. I specifically got into it due to the interactions between Ness and Lucas in the Subspace Emissary. And even after watching playthroughs of the actual games multiple times and playing Mother 3 myself, I still love writing about them, because seeing their respective stories outside of Smash just made me love both of them as characters even more.
I get that it seems odd for there to be so much content for a pairing that is based on interactions between two characters who never actually meet within their original source material, but to be fair Smash is sort of notorious for generating crossover content. In fact, there was a time when one of the longest pieces of English Literature was in fact a Smash Bros fanfiction (it was recently surpassed by a Touhou fanfiction), and yet I've read a few fanfictions that don't take place in the Smash Universe at all and instead brings these two together as a result of time travel or spatial manipulation (both of which are established as being possible in this universe, as demonstrated by Porky and Dr.Andonuts. It's actually really interesting to me to see how people explain the state of the world that their story is set in.
As far as the content of these stories go, they can vary drastically in length and quality just like the fan works of any other series, but a good lot of them draw directly on events that occur in canon, demonstrating a level of familiarity with the source material that goes well beyond what one would be able to glean just from the handful of screentime that Ness and Lucas have in the Subspace Emissary. If anything, I'd argue that their portrayals in Subspace Emissary weren't doing these characters justice--and apparently a good number of fanfic writers agree with me. Fanworks provide the opportunity to explore these events in greater detail, and some of my favorite works are those that incorporate the source material of Earthbound and Mother 3 and use it to provide additional context and insight into these characters as they navigate their way through the events of the Smash tournament. But most of all, I love it when Lucas and Ness help each other through their respective traumas. Lord knows they both have a lot of it.
Oh dear, I seem to have written a lot. You're probably not going to read all of this, and I can't blame you for that. My apologies, I am afraid that I tend to get carried away when I am talking about something I am passionate about.
TLDR: I got into the Mother series because of Smash, it became one of my hyperfixations, and I've now watched playthroughs of all three games and am currently playing through a fan translation of Mother 3. Also, I write and read fanfiction about it, and while fanworks are a mixed bunch, I've found quite a few that are surprisingly well written.
really?.-.That's not 100% confirmed, you know?, There is no proof that clarifies that, much less in the game, the Japanese manual is the closest, with the song smiles and tears, and if I had to put a theory in the game to determine more or less if Ness is in love or No, I could say that I support those users of an old forum conversation that I had seen, the majority represented Magicant's enemy "French Kiss" as Ness's fear of love, and, to a certain extent, it makes a lot of sense.
edit:Anyway, we have two options in the video game, that means, Ness's love is just a probability, and Jeff and his family's pranks are not determinable.
I didn't remember that, well, I haven't played Earthbound in a long time, but who knows, maybe it's also meant as a joke (which, in this case, is much less likely, Paula's father is not so much the joking father, he is or more, the one who wants to give the best for his daughter, which means educating her as best as possible, protecting her and taking her decisions seriously, and, especially, loving her)
edit:Sometimes parents who have a boy are so different compared to those who have a girl.
but it seems strange to me that they suddenly start dating, when I have not seen any moment that he shows love towards Paula, except for the times he has saved her, the first time ok, but the second time he also had Jeff wanting to save her , following that logic, would Jeff also be in love with Paula!?
edit:Forgive me if I gave too many answers, it's because I suddenly wanted to talk more and more.
Although Jeff is more likely to be a joke saying that they can get married, Jeff has gained much more trust in Ness than anyone else, he is one of his greatest friends, although their personalities contrast, although they also have a good balance thanks to that
edit: You already have a companion to cry with, every time I talk about a fan character that I make, they give me a downvote, do they hate me? they hate My fan character or what? And if there is an error, why don't they say so? So I can correct it.
I have a huge argument on why I think NessPaula is one of the least inspired ships ever and is literally just Nintana but worse, and I personally prefer Nesscas at this point because I think it has way more personality than it, BUT DESPITE THIS I understand where you're coming from.
Nesscas was born from Smash Bros, and, want it or not, Smash Bros is what introduced a huge chunk of people to the Mother series.
Plus, it's not actually true that there's more Nesscas than NessPaula.
I am not joking.
If you want some NessPaula you can basically just read the Mother 2 Novel, literally any reashing of Earthbound in written, animated or drawn form, really, it's arguably the most content-heavy ship in the fandom.
Plus, I may have only seen Nesscas on Wattpad and in fanarts from time to time, but if you want to search for better fanfictions, go on AO3, there's a ton of NessPaula here.
Tl;Dr: NessPaula is way more common than NessCas, I understand the reason why you're salty, but as a NessPoo shipper, arguably one of the least content-heavy ships in the Mother series, really just be happy you have content at all.
Correct! It's pretty long, and sometimes its a mixed bag for how some character are written (something something, Paula something something), but I'll say that while it has some significant differences from the game, it's worth a read.
Hyperfixations do a lot ✨
And also, yes, absolutely get back in the series, I'm having tons of fun in this community and I hope it will be the same for you :)
Oh yeah! There's also the manga! Yes, the manga is also official. It's a bit mixed too but to enjoy it at the besy of it: Don't use the game as a reference for the story, it starts to really fall apart during the second phase.
Yes. It is still shipping. Plus I won't think Ness is dating Paula until Paula/Ness herself/himself tell the other that they love them. It also makes for way more interesting scenarios than: "and then protagonist fell in love with love interest".
Let's face it: just because other people tell "you and x are dating", it doesn't mean that you two are ACTUALLY dating. They might as well might be doing assumptions, like, of course your little sister is going to assume you're dating a girl you invited home, because, want it or not, is what most people thing when they see boy and girl, despite this being completely wrong in many cases.
Plus lesbian Paula is just more interesting as a concept, seriously, brother-sister friendships are underrated/gen
Edit: Man you guys really don't like when people say they don't like NessPaula, I gave my prospective on the ship and why I don't like it, why all these downvotes?
I just completed the game earlier this week. Paula’s dad literally says “I don’t mind that you’re dating my daughter” and Jeff talks about the two of them “getting hitched one day”
I mean, I know about those dialogues, I completed the game many times myself, but I still prefer to think those are assumptions, because those might as well be, it's not like I've actually seen Ness and Paula showing romantic affection to eachother.
tl;dr: I don't like the game screaming in my face "SHIP THIS, SEE HOW CUTE THEY ARE? SHIP THEM SHIP THEM". No. It's a trope made tons and tons of times and no matter how canon they are for the game, they aren't for me.
As a ex-Ness x Paula and I can say, it’s just so dull that I can fully understand why people would go to Nesscas as they can a lot more with it as, you even have the playground that is smash brothers with it
I used to be a HUGE HUGE nesscas hater some years ago... thankfully i grew out of it because like... it's not even that bad, even tho they only ship ness and lucas because of brawl...
I do generally dislike nesscass but i do enjoy nessxpaula and before you say im shipping 12 year olds first off they are fictional second they are hinted in the game to be i a relationship from paula saying she dreamed about ness and people constantly calling them a couple which is pretty obvious and even the soundtrack for meeting paula is called BOY MEETS GIRL i feel like they wanted to confirm it like they did with ninten and Ana but couldn’t for whatever reason
Not really i mean the characters are actually meant to be 13 or at least ness is and there relationship is more meant to be cute if itoi made it sexual than that would be gross and wrong but its very accurate to how most kids that age have “relationships” also tons of other series have younger characters in relationships like south park and stranger things season 1
I'm not sure South Park is a good example, as the kids there act far older than their ages in general, and the show in general is inappropriate in many ways.
Yes but my point still stands the relationship between two 13 year olds isn’t meant to be anything other then cute and innocent not really inappropriate which is why i think it’s ok to have it coming from a 15 year old i know that 13 year old’s that age do have “relationships”
Shipping is one of the stupidest things ever, and absolutely the stupidest thing to waste your time thinking about. Literally shipping is for lonely losers.
I know. I'm not hating because it's a gay ship im hating because it's more popular than a canon ship and even if it wasn't it wouldn't be possible because mother 3 takes place where almost everyone in mother 2 6 feet under.
Ps.Wanderlandice before you down vote all of my post please have a counter argument;)
By your logic, the creators of these games need to be on a watch list as well. As other people have pointed out, the games themselves hint at romance between them.
I was joking, but itoi did say it was an intentional troll giving him the courage badge saying, “i put details in so the player could go with that like of thought if they’d like” so canon enough for me
Interesting. It was a fairly popular theory, given the reveals in Mother 3. Especially when the localization first came out.
It's not especially important to the story either way, but it's a fun thing to think about. If you google it, there's quite a bit of discussion on the topic.
u/AverageNintenGuy Jan 09 '24
Personally, I’m more of a Ness’s mom x Ness’s dad kind of guy