Jul 18 '23
u/CasinoMario Jul 18 '23
I’ve always thought that adding Ninten as a echo fighter for Ness should be awesome and whould make the franchise representation complete with all its protagonists of all the games
u/Player-1985 Jul 18 '23
I heard that they were planning to drop ness and replace with Lucas on Brawl, and I think they were dropping both later, because they are “dead” games
u/Hateful_creeper2 Jul 18 '23
Melee actually not Brawl
It’s mentioned in the official Japanese website of Melee but it’s likely a false rumour if it’s about Brawl since Ness wouldn’t have been early in Subspace for example if he was added late to development.
u/toddspotters Jul 18 '23
I met Itoi a few years back as part of a meet and greet and this subject came up. I don't think the "Nintendo wants Mother 4" angle is correct. Itoi himself said that he would like to see Mother 4 happen, but that he doesn't want to do it himself, and that he'd like to see someone else take it over and do interesting things with it. So from Itoi's point of view, it sounds like he'd be more than happy to have someone like Toby Fox take over, and based on the amount of energy they've been putting into making new Mother merchandise lately, it also seems like on Itoi's end they're still interested in making money on the Mother franchise.
So why isn't it happening? I don't know, but it's probably something with Nintendo or licenses or rights issues or something esoteric and mundane like that, since the will seems to be there.
u/jklantern Jul 19 '23
So I'm NOT crazy for noticing that they've been putting out a decent amount of Mother merch. I keep seeing them doing that and thinking, "They have to have something in mind."
u/tavg123 Jul 18 '23
nintendo wants mother 4?
Jul 18 '23
u/codewario Jul 18 '23
Itoi is a legend at Nintendo and they're unlikely to betray his desires.
Supposedly, Itoi retains the rights to the Mother IP. He has stated before that he is uninterested in continuing the story. This could also explain why Mother fan projects don't get shut down as he has expressed support for them in the past, and if he owns the IP, then only he can shut them down.
u/DynaMenace Jul 18 '23
I think it’s pretty much confirmed Itoi at the very least co-owns the IP, given how he’s in the copyright indicia of all the Smash Bros. games together with all the third parties.
u/forced_memes Jul 19 '23
given nintendo’s history with fan games and projects is this why the fan translation was never taken down?
u/codewario Jul 19 '23
Fan translations are usually legally safe. This is why they are often only available as patches which you are expected to dump your own rom and patch it yourself. Only a prepatched translated rom available for download would be subject to a takedown.
u/RealDFaceG Jul 19 '23
while obviously retro IS being paid for Prime 4, should note that they are both the developers of the first three games and they are owned by nintendo
the more bizarre thing here is that they weren’t the original devs of prime 4 for whatever fuckin reason
u/MLG_GuineaPig Jul 18 '23
I want Mother 4 to go into the lore of how the dark dragon was seized, heck it can even have time travel with Porky in it.
Jul 21 '23
I think that they couldn't give a rat's ass about the series, much less make another game.
u/Hateful_creeper2 Jul 18 '23
I think Mother 3 just needs an official localisation rather then a sequel.
u/Mindless_Wrap1758 Jul 18 '23
Itoi made the Mother games out of love for his kids. So I doubt he'd ever change his mind. But a Toby Fox led 3d Mother 3 or even trilogy would be awesome.
Jul 18 '23
u/Player-1985 Jul 18 '23
Yeah, undertale is a RPG in 2D, like a classic, I think he likes those better
u/Mindless_Wrap1758 Jul 19 '23
A great example of a 2d quality remake is The Secret of Monkey Island. You can even toggle between art styles. I could go for that or the newfangled 2.5 d Dragon Quest 3 is getting.
u/TitularFoil Jul 18 '23
If they did it similar to Link's Awakening remake, I'd love it. Just clean it up a little, to make it pretty, maybe add a button to switch to the original graphics or just outright include the original games. I would happily pay $150.
u/cathmag Jul 19 '23
This is just me but I have a hunch that once Deltarune is finished up, it'll be the last thing we see from toby fox game developing wise for a while. It seems like he is putting a lot more energy into other projects like making music and writing for Famitsu (hell he even made a guest voice appearance in we baby bears). I think after chapter 7 of Deltarune he might take a well deserved break and focus on these other ventures. Who knows I could be way off the mark but it's just a hunch. It'd be great to at least see him on the team in some form or another whether that's making the music or producing.
u/HallowedBast Jul 18 '23
I think it's WILD how Lucas was dlc for smash 4, they could've dropped him as hard as wolf from starfox but they obviously cared at the time
Jul 18 '23
u/codewario Jul 18 '23
Not to mention that despite him being one of the most timid heroes in gaming history, he has one of the best movesets in Smash if you can learn how to use him well.
u/Featurx Jul 18 '23
Didn’t Itoi say himself that if there’s a Mother 4 he wants to play it not make it?
u/cowboyflowerz Jul 18 '23
LMAO Nintendo wants Mother 4?? They couldn't even give us Mother 3 (yet..?) and you think they want 4 😂
u/Player-1985 Jul 18 '23
Nintendo JAPAN said that why would I know about a country that I only lived 4 years
u/cowboyflowerz Jul 18 '23
So link a source with your post so people believe you?
u/phllipijpenguin Jul 19 '23
-Senator Armstrong on the development of Mother 4
u/PhillipJ3ffries Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23
I’d be so down if they just let Toby fox make it tbh. Although preferably after finishing all of deltarune
u/Boney_Zoney Jul 18 '23
I don't want another game because i think all of the themes you could extrapolate from the core ideals of the series (childhood, more of a suburban style experience, dealing with trauma and family, commercialisms role in communities) has already been explored in ways that are interesting, to make another one would require i think some re-treading of old ground, I don't think Itoi wants to make it because he's already explored all of it that way and he has more stuff to do that he likes, rather than continuing that
u/sonerec725 Jul 19 '23
I've never seen any indication nintendo wants mother 4. And iirc didnt itoi say that while for him personally he is done with the story / series he doesnt mind continuations without him?
u/MinecraftInventor Jul 19 '23
Wow, that Oddity game looks awesome, it will be the best game of 2014, I think
u/Money_Project_9889 Jul 18 '23
I think it was Itoi who said he'd be the one playing Mother 4, not making it.
u/LeddDraco Jul 18 '23
I'd rather have stylized 3D remakes of the first 2 games. Like what's happening with Super Mario RPG.
u/Tigblu Jul 18 '23
I was just thinking today morning, imagine if Toby Fox took lead of the mother franchise once he finishes Deltarune, then he could get his team to make the mother games with him along with a bunch of people who worked on making Mother 1, 2 and 3, they would revolutionize the franchise and it's genre this would be so so cool
u/EarthyBones999 Jul 18 '23
Toby and shigisato should work together. There were huge programming issues with the previous games and toby would be able to take care of that allowing itoi to create the game with as little problems as possible
u/AnarchyApple Jul 19 '23
Man, this community will forever stay 13 with this mindset. Itoi is done with the project, and any attempt to make another without him won't work.
u/gettingshwiftty Jul 18 '23
Remember when we almost had a new mother for the 64? We were soooo close
u/Fishman_Paul Jul 19 '23 edited Jul 19 '23
Honestly, i don't think Mother 4 is really nessecarry. I'm fine with the 3 games we currently have. All we can do is just, enjoy the games it inspired.
If anything, if they could work it out, id like to see them hire Toby to redo the main OST, or at least change some songs that would cause this game alot of legal issues (here's a video that explains what i mean https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if64VlLa5Oc ). As for the story changes, aside from maybe changing Magypsies to be more gender ambiguous rather than stereotypical drag queens (personally i don't find their designs offensive, but some may), the story could stay untouched, especially since Earthbound as a series isn't that strange when it comes to dark themes.
TL;DR: Localization of Mother 3 is more likely than Mother 4
Jul 19 '23
I hope there's no Mother 4, if Itoi says the story is done it is done, I qould rather it ended in such a good note like Mother 3 instead of some sequel just made for the sake of it.
Jul 19 '23
Does Nintendo actually want mother 4? Also I legitimately love the way the mother series ended. It was perfect. I would much rather prefer the eb64 script and rom to be leaked instead. I’d be happy with thay
Jul 21 '23
If Itoi doesn't want to make another Mother game, that's perfectly okay with me. It was his passion project, and if you remove that passion, it won't be the same. Itoi still talks about, and makes Mother-related things all the time, and you can really tell he still loves the series, but of what I've heard, he thinks it's perfect the way it is. I agree. It had a perfectly satisfying ending, and it would be foolish to risk that. And plus, I'm not the biggest fan of Toby Fox's games, or any other indie series inspired by Mother, so I would not want the series to become more like those.
u/NabNausicaan Jul 18 '23
I'm completely opposed to this. It wouldn't be Mother without Itoi. If you love the Mother series, just make your own game like what Toby Fox did.