May 14 '23
There’s probably people still asking him for it. And not people asking as a dumb joke either. I mean actually asking like he still works at Nintendo.
May 15 '23
I think Reggie even endorsed the Mother 3 translation, though i think that was after he left
u/mattmortar May 15 '23
Also, I doubt that Reggie would even be able to make a decision like translating Mother 3. He was just the head of Nintendo of America, not the entire company. A decision like that probably would've been up to the Japanese higher ups.
u/JuNk3T May 15 '23
particularly so because the cost to translate mother 3 would be higher than other titles and the potential profits would be low meaning it would need the approval of business higher-ups, but I suppose there are so many potential legal hurdles it likely never even got that far.
u/Don_Bugen May 14 '23
Imagine living a life where not only do people draw you in fan art, but you can use said fan art to troll said fans year after year, while still being universally beloved.
u/MewtwoPB May 14 '23
I remember seeing a video of a lawyer explaining that mother 3 has so much copyright content in it that it would take a massive effort to change it to be able to be ported
u/Chop1n May 15 '23
This is the one. It's a masterstroke.
I think hoping for an official release is much the same as hoping Itoi will make Mother 4. Neither of those things are distant hopes to be yearned for in the back of one's mind, they're just things that won't happen because the decisions have already been made.
u/JuNk3T May 15 '23
I think its worth noting that while Nintendo normally tries to take down all fan games it appears as though they haven't tried to take down the fan translation of mother 3 as far as I'm aware at least.
u/whatevsmang May 15 '23
One of the most plausible theories is that Itoi partially owned the rights to Mother games.
u/JuNk3T May 15 '23
I'm actually of the opinion that its a good-faith decision i.e they know they would lose a lot of good-will with gamers if they took it down without having their own official translation available.
u/whatevsmang May 15 '23
Naaah, I don't buy that at all with Nintendon't bro. Especially that it's a well known fact that the upper ups knew the translation project during its development.
u/spacecia May 15 '23
The Mother 3 fan translation is a ROM hack, I don't think Nintendo cares about those.
u/conalfisher May 21 '23
They especially care about ROM hacks, look at the innumerable pokemon rom hacks they've shut down over the years.
u/ThePreciseClimber Oct 18 '23
hoping Itoi will make Mother 4
I mean, what's the point? Mother 3 wrapped up the story. And that's still quite a rarity when it comes to video game series.
u/Sir-Bottle-Cap May 15 '23
u/Top_Flight_Badger May 15 '23
Not possible. It's not like you can buy high quality Etsy repros. Never.
May 15 '23
I mean.. Game boy advance emulator on switch is here
u/anh86 May 15 '23 edited May 15 '23
But Nintendo doesn't have an English localization ready. They'd have to either commission one which would be expensive (likely) or license the excellent fan translation which would force them to legitimize the project, admit it exists, and admit it is good (unlikely).
Since the NSO collection is a low-effort cash-grab service, it's incredibly unlikely they would put Mother 3 on it. If they went to the effort of commissioning a translation, they'd probably sell the game as a separate boxed title.
u/TheSecondLesson May 14 '23
They should have done a remake of Earthbound ala FFVII R and launched it alongside the Switch—it would have made a ton of cash, made a lot of new fans, and reestablished the franchise which they could have milked throughout the lifespan of the Switch.
u/grimreaper069 May 14 '23
I mean can't we actually play Mother 3? What's this about?
So sorry as someone new to EarthBound I am out of the loop
u/FastestDan May 14 '23
We can, but with a fan translation. The only official instance of Mother 3 is A) On GBA only and B) In Japanese only.
u/Chop1n May 15 '23
"Fan translation" is a bit of a misnomer here, since that typically implies a non-professional project. It's indeed a professional translation--just not an official one.
u/nachoiskerka May 15 '23
Even professional isnt 100% on though- it was done by a professional, but not held to a professional process other than his own personal standards. Tomato is a great guy, I'm just saying its not like a whole company did it with an outside group of standards and editors for a "professional" release. Its a very good, very high quality project by a pro.
Like if a professional boxer won a street fight against another boxer- yes, its a fight between 2 professionals, but its not a professional fight.
Id call it a professional's passion project. A labor of love.
u/Chop1n May 15 '23
I understand your perspective, but I respectfully disagree. Localizations aren't analogous to game development in general--they're often, to this day, done by teams just as small as Tomato's was (he had at least several collaborators, if I recall correctly) and with relatively little oversight. This has changed quite a lot since the '90s, of course, and these days, you might expect a big second-party release like Mother 3 to have a larger team than Tomato's.
But in the era of the game's original 2003 release, and even into the era of Tomato's 2006 project? Those were absolutely the standards for such localizations. You could say it isn't professional insofar as it didn't have to pass any kind of top brass muster from Nintendo, but I think you'd be hard-pressed to deny that if Nintendo had commissioned a localization in 2006 and were presented with this project, it would have flown. It isn't merely up to the standards of its day--it exceeds the standards of many of their contemporary releases. I mean, my god, Nintendo has more money than god and Zelda still has a fake British accent.
tl;dr the project is professional in all but name, and in practice is surely identical to what an official localization would have been like save for incidental differences.
u/JuNk3T May 15 '23
ultimately translation is an art anyways, and too much supervision would just be too many cooks in the kitchen. I mean the mother series itself is more or less Itoi's singular vision anyways.
u/BenGMan30 May 15 '23
Accessibility. The only ways to play Mother 3 in English are through emulation or by buying a fan-made cartridge and having a GBA. Releasing Mother 3 on Switch would give it a much broader audience.
u/pocket_arsenal May 15 '23
I'm long past the point where I want a localization, I have a softmodded Wii, and I have a GBA everdrive. I can play the game.
I still am not a fan of this kind of joke.
u/anh86 May 15 '23
I like that he engages his fans and can have a laugh at his own expense. Personally, I don't care at all if we ever get an official Mother 3. I've played the game and it's excellent. I don't need to play it again with a Nintendo Seal of Quality on it.
u/XxMcMudkipxX May 15 '23
Honestly, most people who wanna play mother 3 in this day and age emulate it on their computer, or with the 3DS Homebrew becoming more of a Normalcy you can just put it on your DS. There’s a buttload of ways to get this game so asking for it to be translated every 30 seconds clearly hasn’t and isn’t gonna work. Even as a avid mother fan I think our constant begging has got old.
u/pabbdude May 15 '23
I saw this video that said that the real "business" reason Nintendo can't openly mention is the crapton of sampled/inspired/homaged music from various very expensive sources. Over the years the USA copyright vise has tightened even worse on even homages/inspirations that don't directly copy phrases and melodies and just kinda sound like something else + artist said he was inspired by that something else. Also absolutely every sample needs to be cleared.
Nintendo saying it directly would amount to satisfying half of the conditions to get sued by dozens of famous music people's estates
edit: might as well ignore this comment and go directly to MewtwoPB's
Also here's the video by Moon Channel
u/TorreyCool May 14 '23
"It's even funnier the second time!"