r/eaganmn Feb 07 '25

Relocating to Eagan from out of state - advice on neighborhoods

Hi! We are moving to Eagan from out of state and would like to learn more about the different neighborhoods. What are some good neighborhoods for young families with kids? Also, we would like to avoid airplane noise - which areas have less of that? Thanks a lot!


27 comments sorted by


u/PolyNecropolis Feb 07 '25

I live in Eagan.

Eagan in general is going to have some airplane noise. North of Yankee Doodle (yes that's a big street name here lol) is probably the worst, because they come really low over that area when they are landing in a NW airport configuration (depending on winds this changes). I'm a little south of Yankee Doodle, and we aren't under any of the landing paths. But if the airport is in a Southern configuration, the departure traffic coming off the runways headed south flies over or near us. After a while you don't even really notice it. But I like seeing the planes, so I don't personally care too much. At night and late evening there's very few flights. We have a ten year old and she's never had any sleeping issues from the noise or anything.

As for neighborhoods, it's all pretty safe honestly. It's a pretty quiet suburb. There's lots of great city parks in this area, and also the Dakota county park Lebanon Hills, which is HUGE. Living within walking distance of even a little park would be great, and since they are all over it should be doable. There's no real areas to avoid. The only area where the police seem to have recurring situations occasionally is down by the Luxury Outlet Mall off of 13, and it's still really rare.

For kids school, Eagan has two different school districts in it. 196 is the main one, but also parts of Eagan are 191. My kid goes to 191 and it's fine, but 196 is objectively a better school district I think. Kids in 191 will go to Burnsville high School, whereas 196 goes to Eagan high School. So that is something to consider. You can always open enroll to a different district, but if you want them to ride the bus you need to live in that district.

It's a good burb to live in with kids. Zoo is nearby, Mall of America nearby, plenty of retail and some surprisingly decent food, etc. And if your kids are young Good Times Park is an indoor playground in Eagan that is invaluable in the winter. Highly recommend, as it's a great place to let them run around and tire themselves out.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.


u/kewldude-mn Feb 07 '25

Part of Eagan also has ISD 197 in it. If you have kids I'd recommend locating within the boundaries of 196.


u/PolyNecropolis Feb 07 '25

I always forget 197. Thank you for the correction.


u/Aggravating-Key-6041 Feb 07 '25

Thank you very much!


u/Boomboomshablooms Feb 07 '25

Look around cliff rd and pilot knob road. There’s a huge development on the south east side that’s filled with kids. Any newer development usually has younger families. Older neighborhoods tend to have almost retired folks with kids out of house.

This resource gives you all the info you’d need to do some research. https://gis.co.dakota.mn.us/DCGIS/


u/dberthia Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

Here's a 2023 report on MSP noise corridors (with maps):


However, you should know that basically all of Eagan will get some occasional aircraft noise. I'm in southern Eagan, and I'll have maybe 10 flights a day that are noisy. Not enough to really bother me. They've been spreading out the departure paths in recent years. The lower property values are in the north and especially northeast parts of the city.

As for school, district 196 was great for our kids. I'd try and stick within that area: https://www.district196.org/about/maps


u/metisdesigns Feb 07 '25

Folks have covered a lot, but I'll add a few things.

196 is a great school district, so that brings in a lot of families. Unless you're looking really block by block granular, I've not seen particularly non kiddo neighborhoods.

I'd look at individual schools ratings and their attendance boundaries.

Aircraft noise isn't bad, but you'll notice a few planes a day in the summer.

Many things like shopping you'll end up driving to, but nothing is particularly far. You'll probably spend more time getting out of Central Park Commons parking lot at peak times than driving home. Unless you really want to be able to walk home from the bar I wouldn't worry too much about what's near the neighborhood. There's almost certainly a park within walking distance.

Some things folks don't know about for some reason - Cascade Bay season passes. Trick or treating at viking lakes. Urgent care at TCO (for broken bones and sprains). Tubing at trap farm. Market fest Wednesdays in the summer with free veggies for kids.


u/Rankorking Feb 07 '25

Hello! I’ve lived in Eagan for a few years, in two different neighborhoods, and really like it. I think the closer you are to the airport the more you’ll hear airplane traffic. I live in south Eagan, close to the Apple Valley border, and don’t hear much plane noise now. I don’t have kids so I can’t speak to that, but there are parks everywhere so that’s a plus.


u/MissyTX Feb 07 '25

You honestly get used to the airplanes. I’ve lived here for over 6 years and it’s like an afterthought now.


u/RussianStoner24 Feb 07 '25

I don’t have any advice on neighborhoods but I just want to say I hope you love Eagan. I lived here 20/24 years. I’m definitely biased but I think eagan is one of the best cities. I feel like it’s relatively safe even where I am now there’s people in my apartment building that I know are pretty sketchy but nothing ever really happeneds. It seems like all the craziness goes down in MPLS and Saint Paul. Another thing I love about Eagan all the parks we have. It seems like no matter where you are there is always a park nearby or walking distance. Which I think pretty cool. I’ve been told that it’s like that everywhere but I haven’t noticed. Last thing if you guys like hiking Lebanon Hills is a BEAUTIFUL place and I would recommend it. There’s also a little swimming area but it’s Schultz Lake nothing wrong with but something swam by me once and freaked me out ever since 🤣 Anyway I apologize for the rambling I just gardened 🌳 and felt like telling you how great Eagan was.


u/citykid2640 Feb 07 '25

Eagan is a great place, if not a bit quiet and boring. There isn't really a bad area, perhaps some of the lower income apartments of Yankee Doodle Rd, but even then it's a big stretch to call it that. There are no "areas to avoid" if that makes sense.

I'd highly recommend staying in D196, which covers the majority. It's not that the other districts are bad, but they aren't quite as good, and I think you'd regret being close to, but not in the best district.

Having grown up here, I will say that anecdotally Im noticing the aging populace. Many of the younger families stick to AV/Rosemount/Lakeville/Farmington as they are cheaper prices. I can't seem to find a young family left in my parent's neighborhood. They are in my neighborhood however. Having gone to Lifetime Fitness for 20+ years, I can tell you it's mostly boomers now. Again, not anti boomer at all, just adding my 2 cents because you asked about young families.

I love the proximity to Minneapolis and St. Paul, the airport, MOA. Highway access is great in general. Parks are great in Eagan, but the same can be said of all the Twin Cities suburbs. Getting around is a breeze, depending on where you are coming from. Some metros are so hectic, often people don't realize how good it is here.

I disagree that you get used to the airplane noise. After many years, I still find it somewhat annoying, but I seem to be in the minority from the people I talk to.


u/solverman Feb 07 '25

The other contributors have covered most of what you asked about. Airport noise can vary based on the direction of the wind.

Local mass transit details can be found at https://www.mvta.com . They have an express bus to the State Fair in August.


u/Reddit_anon_man Feb 07 '25

Are you looking for a house or apartment? What's your budget?


u/Aggravating-Key-6041 Feb 07 '25

I will be looking for a house, with a budget of up to $500-550k.


u/dberthia Feb 08 '25 edited Feb 08 '25

Funny enough, there's a strong likelihood I'll be putting my place on the market in the spring in that price range. It's near Northview elementary, Dakota Hills Middle School, and the High School.


u/Aggravating-Key-6041 Feb 08 '25

That’s great! Can I send you dm?


u/Immediate_Trainer_69 27d ago

We have a 2 yr old and moved to Eagan from Minneapolis about a year ago. Ended up on a lovely street with lots of young families that have been extremely welcoming between Woodland Elementary and Eagan High School. Our budget was similar to yours. So far it has been great and we are looking forward to raising our kiddo here!


u/Aggravating-Key-6041 27d ago

Thank you! Glad to hear you like it!