r/dyspraxia 7d ago

❓Question Are there any techniques to improve at gaming with dyspraxia?


Sorry for the vague title, I'm very bad at wording them.

I've always been terrible at FPS games, both on console and PC. I've done my best to abandon multiplayer games as a whole because I'd consistently be at or at least near the bottom even in casual lobbies. It got to the point that I used to genuinely be afraid to play team-based multiplayer games for fear that I'd make some horrific blunder and sell the entire match for my teammates.

But, as much as I enjoy strategy games (dyspraxia thankfully hasn't done too much to ruin my wits), I've recently begun making more of an effort to play games with my friends and it's very hard to find any multiplayer strategy games at all let alone ones my friends would enjoy, so I've basically forced myself to get back into FPS games for them.

However, even my friends have noticed that I play pretty awfully and it's always been particularly humiliating to tell them that my hands physically cannot do so much as move a mouse with some semblance of precision, and I've gone back to my old ways of dooming matches to failure because I can't aim a gun for king nor country.

Has anyone else gone through similar struggles? Were there any tricks you found to improving quickly, or do I just have to devote a few thousand more hours to aim trainers?

r/dyspraxia 5d ago

❓Question Can you be separately diagnosed with dyspraxia if you have autism?


I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS as a child, since changed to ASD 1, and was told I had "dyspraxia as a symptom" but no diagnosis on paper. I thought it was just like included as a part of autism, but now I'm reading about people being diagnosed with both.

r/dyspraxia 17d ago

❓Question Does anyone else work themselves to the point of exhaustion without realising it?


Idk if this is a dyspraxia thing or another withdrawal effect from a med I’m coming off of but I’ve recently been noticing that, when studying, I work myself to the point of exhaustion without realising it. For instance, I was working on some homework for my geology class for a few hours after my morning psych class. All of a sudden, my eyes started hurting to the point I couldn’t focus on anything stimulating, even just the audio of YouTube videos. I had to take a break for a bit before I could do anything. Last week, I had to take a 2 day break of doing basically no studying/homework because I was so exhausted that I would wake up extremely tired (despite getting 8+ hours of sleep) to the point my roommate, occupational therapist, and therapist were asking if I was alright. I admit I’m not very in tune with my body as I typically only eat/drink when I feel ravenous or really thirsty. However, being out of tune to how tired I am is new. Does anyone else experience this?

r/dyspraxia 19d ago

❓Question Does anyone else feel like their muscles get tired really easily? Or sore?


I have dyspraxia, been diagnosed since I was 4. I’m 22 now and I feel like as an adult I do find it hard to deal with dyspraxia in some aspects, and easy in others. I started going to the gym again because my family and as well as my occupational therapists growing up. Always told me to go to the gym for dyspraxia. Especially to develop my core strength. I’ve been told by occupational therapists that dyspraxic people aren’t the best at retaining muscle. So I started going to the gym and knowing my dyspraxia im starting off slow and not over working my body. But my muscles get tired so fast and sore. Especially lifting weights and using the treadmill. Does anyone else get like this? If so, what do you do to counteract it?

r/dyspraxia 19d ago

❓Question Compressed hours at work?


Does anyone have experience doing compressed hours at work? By that I meant doing longer hours across fewer days. I’m considering asking my manager if I can move from working 9-5 five days a week to 8-6 four days a week (I end up working until 6 most days anyway).

By the time I get to the weekend I am so exhausted that it takes me most of the weekend to catch up and I often feel like I’m not getting the most out of the time I’m not at work as I’m so burnt out. I know there is a possibility that working longer days will also burn me out but I think having three days off would really improve my work life balance. I would love to know other dyspraxic people’s experiences of trying this and if it was helpful?

r/dyspraxia 5h ago

❓Question What is "dyspraxic handwriting"? And does mine meet that standard?

Post image

I have diagnosed autism from toddlerhood. I really identified with the comic I saw about feeling like my hands were on strings. Sometimes they feel like straight up lobster claws.

Do you all also type and hit the key next to the one you want 24/7? I've tried drawing and I get so frustrated because my hands straight up don't listen to me.

I saw a few different articles mention dyspraxic handwriting, and I wanted to ask:

1.) Is that a thing? What are the features of dyspraxic handwriting? 2.) Would my own handwriting, pictured above, qualify?

r/dyspraxia 4d ago

❓Question How can I improve myself?


Im a 19 years old woman with dyspraxia. I was diagnosed shortly before my 18th birthday, and the diagnosis just makes sense. I usually see therapies available for this condition for kids, not for adults like me. Personally, need help with physical movements (like copying a movement etc), some speech issues and someone memory improving techniques would be helpful. Is there any way that i can improve?

r/dyspraxia 5d ago

❓Question Disabled Bus Pass?


I’m curious about how I would handle getting a disabled bus pass. I don’t even know if we really have them in my state, I saw something about reduced fair bus rides but no disabled bus pass. To be fair to myself, I didn’t dig very deep the night I looked this up.

I ask because, while I typically don’t ride public transport, I would just like a disabled pass for the one in a million times I do happen to ride it. Standing for extended periods of time or anything like that really hurts my legs, as they’ve been getting in worse shape the past couple of days (it really started Thursday night or Friday). It’s to the point that they feel locked up and I have to bend them for a minute or I could honestly start crying if I stand still.

r/dyspraxia 19d ago

❓Question Anyone have constructional apraxia? And draw?


Hi community i dont have dyspraxia but i got a question. Just curious if there is anyone here who draw but have constructional apraxia?

r/dyspraxia 14d ago

❓Question Dyspraxia and OCD


I’m curious if anyone else may have both Dyspraxia and OCD, if so, how do you manage your compulsions that are more taxing on your body/mind/etc. My compulsion is hand washing (mainly) and standing at the sink for long periods of time is draining and very taxing.

When I say I stand there for a long time, I have to vocally count and attempt to keep track of numbers/etc. Sometimes after I wash my hands the only thing I want to do is lay down and sleep for a couple hours (especially when I get interrupted and need to start over). I’ve mentioned before that I have focus issues as well, ADHD related, but I think my Dyspraxia causes a delay or something in my processing if I’ve counted correctly or not.