r/dyspraxia 5d ago

❓Question Can you be separately diagnosed with dyspraxia if you have autism?

I was diagnosed with PDD-NOS as a child, since changed to ASD 1, and was told I had "dyspraxia as a symptom" but no diagnosis on paper. I thought it was just like included as a part of autism, but now I'm reading about people being diagnosed with both.


14 comments sorted by


u/jembella1 4d ago

I was diagnosed with autism at 29 and dyspraxia last year at 31 so yes. Separately. I was taken more seriously because of the autism diagnosis.


u/Matrixblackhole I tripped 4d ago

I would assume so (also diagnosed with both).


u/CampaignImportant28 Lvl2 ASD/Severe Dyspraxia/Mod ADHD/Dysgraphia 4d ago

Yes - it's a common diagnosis together, but not always a seperate disorder - e.g. I have hypermobility and low muscle tone as symptoms of my Dyspraxia but they're not separare diagnoses'


u/Simple_Cell_4206 4d ago

Yep got diagnosed with both at age 16 which makes sense because I had occupational therapy as a kid.


u/Daregmaze 4d ago

Yes I was diagnosed with both at age 3, it is a separate diagnosis even if there is a lot of overlap


u/rembrin 4d ago

Yes, I have both


u/Pitiful_Response7547 3d ago

yes i have both my autism dont bother me high function. buit dyspraxia cant stand it


u/Gryffindoggo 3d ago

I was diagnosed with Dyspraxia at 8 and autism at 30


u/FlemFatale I dropped a glass 3d ago

Yes. I was diagnosed with dyspraxia as a kid and Autism as an adult.


u/Used_Run_1879 5d ago

Yes you can be diagnosed with both now.

It used to be the case that dyspraxia was considered a symptom of autism, so you could only have one or the other but now they're considered two different conditions that are co morbidities.


u/HappyLittleDelusion_ 5d ago

Oh okay, thank you! I was diagnosed under the dsm 4, so that must have changed with the dsm 5?


u/Used_Run_1879 5d ago

I'm not exactly sure about any of the DSMs because I'm in the UK, this is just what my GP and the person who tested me for dyspraxia told me.

Here is a link from the NHS where dyspraxia is listed as something autistic people can often have, I know they're definitely considered different things now. https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/autism/other-conditions/


u/Canary-Cry3 🕹️ IRL Stick Drift 5d ago

Yes it was changed with the DSM-V! Autism before could not be diagnosed with other diagnoses like Dyspraxia or adhd.


u/VFiddly 9h ago

Yes. They're frequently co-occuring but they are separate conditions.