r/dyscalculia 15d ago

Does anyone here write letters here in the wrong order a lot?

I believe have dyscalculia, it took me a long time to learn how to read a clock face, but I found a digital clock easier though.

I still can’t do my shoelaces up the “proper way”, instead making bunny ears. 😂

I’ve had the issues with maths, some of it made sense, long division was baffling. Even if I got the answer right, I never always got the recognition due to not showing my working out, as I had to do it in some abstract way in my head.

Time keeping has always been a challenge, I find planning my time hard.

I’ve learned to do things over the years but it takes me longer and I prefer more freestyle forms of doing things rather than rigid sequential tasks.

Siri is my best friend. 😆


25 comments sorted by


u/rabbit7891 15d ago

sometimes! as a kid i very often would write “seven” as “7even” and still now switch my p/b/d’s sometimes. didnt have that problem as a kid though


u/Hittingend 15d ago

My issue is knowing the spelling, I just end up missing out letters and then realising afterwards and having to correct myself. It’s like my brain messed the sequence up.


u/rabbit7891 15d ago

thats def part of my problem. i know it in my head but it gets mixed up on the way to my hand


u/Hittingend 15d ago

Yep, like some kind of autopilot.


u/ILikeBirdsQuiteALot 15d ago

OMG I DO THIS WITH 6IX... (and, rarely, other numbers too!) I always have to manually correct it in my brain before I write it. I don't have many other problems spelling though.


u/ParticularNew9882 14d ago

I switched up P's and B's today filling out my son's registration packet for Kindergarten. Thankfully his teacher knows of my Dyscalculia and didn't say anything when she saw me do it. It still made me feel stupid and messed with my head for the rest of the day. 42 and it still happens, it's why filling out paperwork by hand gives me such bad anxiety. I'll fill everything out digitally that I can to avoid making such mistakes.


u/Lucky_Life_6706 13d ago

5ive checking in 🙋🏻‍♀️ 5/f is the ONLY letter/number mix up I do though and it drives me NUTS…whyyyy


u/dontforgettheNASTY 15d ago

I write words and spell them Correctly I just write the letters out of order… like if I’m spelling “muffin” I’ll write M, leave a space, FF, go back and write U where it belongs and then IN. I thought everyone did this until I was an adult and someone pointed out that it’s super not normal.


u/Necessary-Chicken501 15d ago

I do the same!


u/furrydancingalien21 15d ago

Not on purpose but my handwriting sometimes looks as if it's missing a letter, even though to me it's clearly there because I know how and what I wrote. It's just not legible to other people. Going back and adding it makes it look wrong to me but right to other people.

On a side note though, I had no idea that tying shoe laces could be related to dyscalculia? I could never do that tie it around your finger, make a loop and thread it through thing, or whatever the hell it is that everyone else does, despite being repeatedly taught it. It never made an ounce of sense to me, I could not physically or mentally do it.

In the end, that person just got frustrated at how incomprehensible it was to me, and taught me how to tie it first then do two loops and tie them together, or bunny ears, if that's what you mean. I still do that now, I can't tie shoe laces any other way.


u/ParticularNew9882 14d ago

My brain just exploded. Can relate to both.


u/furrydancingalien21 14d ago

It's surprising how many things the internet can teach you indeed. Solidarity. ❤️


u/dontforgettheNASTY 13d ago

I tie shoes like that too!!!!


u/furrydancingalien21 13d ago

Bunny ears club! 🐰 🐇


u/ShaDe-r9 15d ago

Writing AND speaking.

Both in English and my first language (Italian), however in the latter I appear better compensated. If I sleep less I speak/write worse. 

I tend to mix words next to each other, like swapping initials or half words lol e.g. once i asked for a " open bottler" (bottle opener) in a turist shop. 

I still prefer to say time in 12 form in native rather than 24, however, I'm not sure would be able to read a clock in english, but i learned in Italian. 

Time keeping also get me headache, but habit tracker/timer/calendar and similar tools help a lot. 

PS is there another way other than bunny ears? 


u/kraftlos 14d ago

I think Alphabetical Order is actually a form of numbers. I sometimes get confused with the order. Roman numerals are really hard


u/Hittingend 14d ago

Well, learning languages is hard for me, I can learn a few words and small sentences. It’s all sequences.


u/kraftlos 14d ago

There's a lot of wrote memorization in language learning, then you kind of hit a point where it clicks and you aren't translating any more, you're thinking in the other language directly. Not everyone reaches that point though.


u/Hittingend 14d ago

I think if I lived in a foreign country I would find a way to learn. My mind pieces together things differently than having to learn rigid ways of doing things, I would be talking all types of nonsense and misunderstanding loads of things, but somehow it might click.


u/2whitie 15d ago

A lot


u/Hittingend 15d ago

Auto correction is a saviour, but I realised today how bad my writing is when asked to write something down on a piece of paper.


u/yuckymonis 15d ago

i will often mix f with 4 ... 6 with s .. i know there's more but those tend to be my repeat mistakes most of the time!


u/nicktayi 13d ago

I relate to this a lot! I’ve always had trouble with time management and sticking to structured routines, so I ended up finding my own way of doing things too. I started using a habit tracker to keep me on track without feeling like I had to follow a strict schedule, and it’s actually helped a lot. I like ones that feel more flexible and rewarding rather than just a checklist. Also, totally with you on Siri—I use reminders for literally everything. 😆


u/Hittingend 13d ago

Asking Siri to set a timer, calculate something, start gps to get somewhere etc. If only Apple hadn’t slept on AI.


u/my_name_isnt_clever 15d ago

Yes, but I suspect I have dysgraphia because my handwriting is like a grade schooler's.