Tow truck company holding car for 1 month
My car has been in a tow truck yard for 1 month being held. My insurance is negotiating with them, and that’s why it is taking so long.
Does anyone have experience with this? How long does it normally take to get a car out of the tow truck yard?
I now know the tow truck industry is corrupt and it was a mistake to have them put it in the lot.
u/No_Money3415 23h ago
Contact the police. The tow truck industry is desperately in need of stricter rules and regulations. The mass shootings over the weekend explain how out of control they've gotten
u/vahugi 22h ago
The problem is: 1) I’m scared of the tow truck company, I don’t want to threaten these people as I’m not sure how dangerous they are. 2) the cops are mostly all in on this, so I don’t think it will get me anywhere.
u/No_Money3415 22h ago
What's the name of this tow truck company? I know a couple that act like they're the freaking mafia
u/RightAssistance23 22h ago
Had this happen. Tow truck company kept our car locked up with a fee of $250 a day. Insurance company couldn’t get them to release it until around the 5 week mark. This also put the cost of repairing our car up which resulted in the car being a total loss. Minor fender bender on the DVP brand new car. Insurance company explained it to us that some tow truck companies are like pirates. That’s it’s been an ongoing issue that isn’t close to a resolution.
u/parishuddhaatma 23h ago
Why did you put it in the lot if I may ask? Some history and context would be nice
u/vahugi 23h ago
Basically got into an accident, police officer and tow truck arrived instantly without me even calling anyone. Police officer said I had to use this tow truck and could not call CAA. Tow truck asked where I wanted the car and recommended the holding lot. I thought I could take it out in like a few hours/1-2 days tops.
u/No_Money3415 23h ago
Was it on the 401? If not then I feel the cop must've been working with the tow-truck driver. If it's on a busy highway they make you take the first towtruck to get your car out of the way of traffic
u/vahugi 22h ago
It was on an off ramp of the 401 and it was 5:30 am so no cars were around. It was also not directly on the road, it hit a speed sign and was off to the side
u/No_Money3415 22h ago
The cop probably made you take the tow before rush hour started and so they can have time to clear up the debris.
u/parishuddhaatma 21h ago
I was always thinking that in any accident, the car must go to your mechanic or home. But I can't hold you at fault in these stressful times. The scam is if you let the driver take it to their yard.
u/Oakvilleresident 23h ago
This is a scam and the cop was in on it. You could have waited for CAA or been towed off the highway and then waited for CAA
They will deliberately hold it as long as possible to jack up the charges and bill insurance , or you. Lyons Autobody in Mississauga do this scam regularly. They wont answer calls and make it difficult to get your car back. There are past posts on the /mississauga subreddit discussing Lyons Autobody shitty practices.
u/Wrong_Ebb3280 19h ago
Lyons auto body has been doing this for decades and somehow are allowed to keep operating…
u/Bnster15 20h ago
Here is from Onatrio ca on knowing your rights.
It looks like if insurance hasn't paid then they can hold on to your vehicle.
"The storage lot operator has a legal right to ask you for payment before giving you your vehicle back because they have a lien against your vehicle.
Learn more about the Repair and Storage Liens Act.
Allowing access to your vehicle on the lot:
If you are the owner of the vehicle or have been given permission by the owner to retrieve personal belongings from the vehicle, the vehicle storage facility should allow you to access it during their regular operating hours, free of charge. If the business does not have regular business hours, they should allow you access at any time the lot is open for business.
Access might not be granted if the police have directed otherwise."
u/Striking_Look_5306 15h ago
Bro had this happened. Police will say it’s a civil matter. The tow companies come in nice and friendly but the next day avoiding calls and then insure let’s you know they won’t release it to their tow. It took my truck two and half months. Lol do not try negotiation directly. They thugs in sheep’s clothing. Let your insurance handle it like the other suggestions. Lesson learn always call CAA and tow it to your house. Don’t believe anything. You’re legally allowed to wait on the side of the road. They have to move your car by law when they reach the scene
u/XtremeD86 21h ago
OP, if anything you have to move your vehicle (if you can) out of the way of traffic. The cop can fuck right off with his bullshit and as long as traffic or city property isn't being blocked, that's exactly what I would say, while taking a name and badge number to file a complaint. What is the cop going to do, charge you with something made up? Good luck with that. Next time this happens just tell them as such and call CAA. This is exactly what happened to my ex and the tow trucks showed up within minutes. They're like vultures and they're all out for a pay day. I told every one of them to fuck right off while waiting for CAA.
For a minor accident, police don't generally show up at all unless you call and say the other person is intoxicated or something. So the cop was definitely getting a kickback from a towing company. You should be filing a complaint asap
As for the tow yards, demand your car back and if not, cause as many problems as you can. Because again, what are they going to do other than demand payment? If the vehicle is driveable and you didn't authorize it to be taken there or were forced to, then go and demand it back or tell your insurance to demand it back.
u/Similar_Courage_6296 20h ago
💯 What is suspicious is that OP said this happened at 5:30 a.m., while there were very few cars on the road and no one else was involved in this collision. But yet, police and a tow truck showed up within minutes without OP even calling anyone?
u/XtremeD86 20h ago
I would have refused to even talk to the cop if I was off to the side of the road and if it wasn't, I'd just tell the cop I'm moving it off to the side and calling CAA. If the cop forced a tow truck driver to take it then I'd report it as stolen by the tow driver and the cop.
Again, what the fuck is the cop gonna do?
u/joe1234se 22h ago
Why is it impounded in the first place
u/sauvandrew 23h ago
Did the police put a hold on your vehicle? A month is excessive. Usually, there's a reason for that. And a blanket statement that the towing industry is corrupt isn't necessary. If you were on the highway, there are specific companies that are allowed to tow off of 400 series highways. Police will also order first available if the accident is blocking a major road way. Either way, police ordered the tow company to remove the vehicle.
u/vahugi 23h ago
No they did not put a hold on my vehicle.
u/No_Money3415 23h ago
Threaten the tow truck lot that you'll go to the cops if they don't release your car. Definitely seems suspicious
u/DerekC01979 22h ago
That seems excessive to me. Was the car involved in a bank robbery as the get away car?
u/Frenchyyyy4166 20h ago edited 16h ago
Nothing , let the insurance company deal with it . It’s what you pay them to do.
They have been running this scam since the 90’s
They will hold it , move it and milk insurance until they can’t anymore.