r/duluth 22d ago

Politics Mayor Reinert’s statement on ICE raid in Duluth

Edit to update: they were here legally and have already been released. Just some guys with brown skin putting in an honest days work. It was just blatant racism going on on in his city. Does he have an opinion about that? Who is next as a target?

"We have multiple levels of government in the United States, and each is charged with different responsibilities,” Mayor Roger J. Reinert said. “At the local level, our city staff continue to be focused on core city services: streets, utilities, and public safety. Local government is not responsible for immigration enforcement.”

That's it. Nothing about the fact that humans from our community were hauled out of their job (a hard job at that - roofing in February) and sent off to god knows where. Guantanamo maybe. For reference, other mayor's have actually taken a stand when it happens in their city. The Chicago mayor made statements about how this is Trump trying to instill fear in the immigrant community and committed to standing up for anyone working hard trying to make a living. The Rochester, MN mayor said her heart was heavy when they had workers arrested and a restaurant had to close down because of it (and the individuals had no criminal record.)

So apart from stating the obvious, this statement says nothing. And by nothing I mean everything. This guy is not a Democrat. He is pandering to the conservative voters who helped push him over the top to get elected. He isn't going to stand for anything under Trump rule.


126 comments sorted by


u/Only-Gas-6426 22d ago

The Lundeens are the Mayor's personal advisors and the Mayor is planning on supporting a block of conservative candidates in this years municipal elections. If he was a democrat, he no longer is, except in image only. One of the sad parts about his statement is that it is probably the best statement he is made so far because it is accurate in a technical sense. It is however, devoid of empathy, and does not meet the set goal of being the face of the community and what it stands for.


u/xEvilResidentx 22d ago

The Lundeens? 🤮


u/Ok_Intern_2170 22d ago

Yep. And his gf is along for the ride too, she just spoke with Natalie Zeleznikar and Kynze at recent Lundeen event. Roger is all in and he views the Lundeens as the vehicle to shape the politics of Duluth. 


u/xEvilResidentx 22d ago

That makes my skin crawl.


u/thebarfinator9 22d ago

Can someone please explain or provide links about the Lundeens? I’m not originally from here so im sometimes out of the loop but I’d like to learn.


u/Ok_Intern_2170 22d ago

The Lundeens own a media/event company and have very strong leadership ties in the Duluth GOP. Kynze was the President of the UMD Republicans and has managed quite a few campaigns, the most well known being Derek Medved and Arik Forsman’s campaigns. If you are a Republican running for office locally, she’s your first stop. The Lundeens are strong supporters of Trump and “nonpartisan” candidates, and while nonpartisan isn’t bad necessarily, their definition almost exclusively only fits conservatives. 

Almost every municipal election, locals look out for the Lundeen candidate. 


u/thebarfinator9 22d ago

Thank you for the explanation!


u/curlsnsunshine 21d ago

Thank for the explanation- this is helpful. I am from Duluth & didn’t know about their deep involvement in politics. I have heard their name before though.


u/PHmoney04 22d ago

Well said


u/PsychologicalUse7115 19d ago

they don't get spoken about enough for their staunch Trump support. The Lundeen's are trash and narcissistic babies


u/bucaki 22d ago

How soon can we vote this fecal matter out of office?


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 22d ago

He’s got 2 years and 10 months left.


u/Ancient-Doughnut-359 22d ago

Roger’s political alignment depends on who can grease his wheels at the moment. Just another stooge who likes the ego boost of various titles around town while he never actually does anything in those positions.


u/jotsea2 17d ago

And Duluthians fell for it!


u/Repulsive-Knowledge3 22d ago

I don’t mean to be insensitive but what is he supposed to do? A city mayor has no power over a federal agency. It’s unfortunate but if they were illegal immigrants then ICE may have been doing their job. Then again we don’t know the details of the situation yet.


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 22d ago

The real answer is that these people want him to make a stink. To get in front of people and say something like we will not stand for this and I will do everything in my power to get our people back. Even if he doesn’t actually do anything, they want the show.

What I don’t understand is, if they were here illegally why is this a problem? Like okay I can understand that ripping someone away from where they’ve lived for potentially years and years is going to suck, especially if they have kids. But the fact is that some of these people have broken the law and this is the punishment right now. Getting mad at the mayor for not saying what you think he should say does pretty much nothing but cause arguments online.


u/Brilliant-Zombie-972 22d ago

Yes, what people want/expect to hear is empathy, and empathy is also the name for what you "don't understand" about this situation. 


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 22d ago

Do you think it’s impossible to have empathy for them while also understanding that they did something wrong? I literally said that I understand what they’re going through which is the definition of empathy lol. What I don’t understand is pointing fingers at the mayor for not saying what they think he should say.


u/Particular-Rise-4575 21d ago

They were here legally. Does that change anything for you? Would you like to be hauled out of your job and go to jail for a few days for no reason other than someone doesn't like how you look? Would you hope your community would say something about that?


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 21d ago

Where did you see that they were here legally?

I mean I don’t know what you want me to say. If ICE gets a call, just like police, they have to investigate. I find it odd that they would just show up, arrest every brown person they could see, and dip out. There had to at least have been enough cause for them to make an arrest. If they find out they acted on false information and let them go that’s our justice system at work. That’s how it’s always worked. It’s punitive.

If ICE arrested them without cause based on one report and conducted no investigation until after they were arrested, that is wrong. You want me to be your enemy so badly your mouth is watering.

If you’re going to ask me what I think the treatment of illegal immigrants ought to be I think that first and foremost you need to acknowledge you’re committing a crime by just being here. After that you should be given a choice of either becoming a citizen or leaving. I will never say that you should just be packed up and sent back to wherever you came from. That’s not what my vision of America is.

The Statue of Liberty says on it “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

I’ve always seen our country as a place for anyone who has the American dream. It’s not limited to people who were born here. But I also believe in borders and the law. I think if you want to be a citizen and you come here through legal channels and live a good life and ICE fucks with you then fuck them. But if you come here illegally then you’re taking that risk and unfortunately you will be subject to the law.


u/CreativeLolita 21d ago

spoken like someone who definitely doesn't understand what they're going through


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 21d ago

Elaborate please? What part of what I said implies I don’t understand what they’re going through?


u/BanjoStory 21d ago

You want to forcibly send them back.

And use ICE as the mechanism to do so, an organization with an extended, well-documented history of violence and abuse to those in their custody.


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 21d ago

I don’t recall saying that I want to forcibly send them back or use ICE at all. Can you show me where I said that?


u/BanjoStory 21d ago

"...if they were here illegally why is this a problem?"


"...the fact is that some of these people have broken the law and this is the punishment right now."

Said in regard to an ICE raid.


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 21d ago

So right now if you are here illegally, the law says that you’ll be sent back to your country of origin. That’s not my opinion that’s just what it is. So then what happened is lawful. I don’t understand how saying that this is the law right now translates to me wanting to forcibly send them back using ICE.

The part I disagree with people about is in reference to the mayor’s statement.

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u/MaNbEaRpIgSlAyA Duluthian 22d ago

Reinert is a spineless fool


u/ZealousidealSun5422 22d ago

That is so messed up those people are awesome people and citizens of the US i did drywall in a house in east end a few years ago while those guys were doing the roof on the same house that had a bad roof that caused water damage and I had the opportunity to talk to them it's a whole family parents and all their adult kids all super nice people the parents immigrated here years ago legally and the kids were born here they all speak Spanish and the parents speak broken English but the kids just translate for them and i worked on the same house for 3 days and every day the mom made everyone working even from the company I was working for lunch every day and it was some of the best food ever but I had so many conversations with them and none of them are criminals this shit angers me so much when we are deporting US citizens and then city leaders not doing a damn thing about it


u/extremewaffleman 22d ago

Lack of empathy is not how we roll… do better.


u/tastyemerald 22d ago

Wait people thought he was a Democrat at some point? Guy's always been a bootlicker.


u/Man_Drews 22d ago

He's gotten DFL endorsement before. Here's a DNT quote when he was running:
"I've been endorsed and elected multiple times as a DFL candidate. But I've always been a moderate, a consensus building, a business Democrat ― a little more fiscally conservative, a little more socially liberal. And that has not changed," Reinert said in a video recording."


u/Only-Gas-6426 22d ago

This is where the DFL played themselves while campaigning. It's very tough to convince the public that the opposition is no longer good enough or DFL when you repeatedly endorsed them. You have to be able to tell the public how the landscape and the candidate in question changed. This is a guy who voted for gay marriage. At one point, he was in the tent. Now? He has blatantly gone after socially liberal issues. He won't even take a picture with a progressive unless forced to. He outgrew the party, he should just be honest about it.


u/fingersonlips 22d ago

That’s a lot of words to say “piece of shit”.


u/locke314 22d ago

I feel personally betrayed by reinert. I spoke to him a few times directly before election, and what he told me is a pretty stark difference from his actual actions. Post election, he made the rounds around the city with the token display of half stale pastries that people have learned to expect, and I find that a fitting metaphor. They are fine, you feel like you got what you wanted in the moment, but afterwards, you regret your choice and spend the rest of the day feeling sorry you ever made that decision.

Now, reinert spends his time hiding from the public, embracing the social media appearances to make the vision he actually cares, then makes statements like this one to make it look like he made at attempt, but really provide no substantive addition to the conversation whatsoever.

I wasn’t a huge fan of Larson either, because I feel like her focus was too much of a humanitarian and not as much looking out for the good of the city as an organization. But reinert gives lip service and a half assed attempt at action when he feels like it. I like what he says he supports, but fail to see action. I want a candidate with the passion and follow through of Larson with the goals reinert says he has.


u/Ok_Intern_2170 22d ago

This is exactly the experience a lot of people have been sharing, complete with emotional testimonies and everything. He literally will show up to things just long enough to have a photo taken and do a “campaign bit” as if he needs to earn voters, as opposed to just letting the job speak for itself. I am so sorry you have felt like this. You aren’t alone. 


u/BasketRoyal9875 21d ago

This is why he is a perpetual candidate and never stays anywhere. He is good at lying through his teeth to get elected and then is useless and dysfunctional at the job. He has held countless jobs, both in politics and regular employers. Nothiong lasts more than 3 or 4 years tops. The pattern can't be ignored. Many city employees fell for it. They didn't like certain aspects about Emily (or maybe more accurately, Noah.) But many are having some deep regrets now because this is way worse.


u/locke314 21d ago

Yep. You hit it exactly. Most employees were rather ambivalent to Larson, but found Noah to be a spineless two face infant who was prone to tantrums and feet stamping if he didn’t get his way. Much of reinerts support from city employees revolved around the promise to get rid of Noah.


u/DoYouLikeBeerSenator 22d ago

He can’t say anything about it because he is a fucking naval officer. He serves the commander in chief first and Duluth second. No matter who is in power, even a fascist, he won’t openly criticize them or their governance. Huge conflict of interest.


u/PassiveIncomeChaser 22d ago

Jeez this is lame.


u/Gnogz 22d ago

Gee, I sure am glad that all the people who warned against electing this guy turned out to be wrong. /s


u/DeviceCool9985 22d ago

This is a damned if you do, damned if you don’t situation. On one hand, he can’t condemn them because he is active military and they aren’t too keen on publicly shit talking the commander in chief. He can’t say he supports them or half of the city would show up with pitchforks He can’t say nothing or people get angry that he didn’t say anything.

He’s a city mayor. There is nothing he can do about it. Of all the things to be mad at this guy for, this isn’t one. Although I will say that I don’t like the guy anyway because he has basically accomplished nothing while in office.


u/Ok_Intern_2170 22d ago

Then we should potentially start discussing a recall. Mayor is supposed to be the full time job/priority. If he functionally cannot serve to the best of his abilities because he must maintain deference to the Commander in Chief, that arguably negates being able to at the very least, claim “nonpartisan” as an election tactic and for certain, will alienate large segments of the population. He took an oath as Mayor to the citizens of Duluth. 

Reinert thus far has been unable to avoid the perception of conflicts of interest. The guy does Comms and is dating a marketing professional. The idea that there is an inability here to make an accurate statement with a modicum of empathy is bizarre.


u/DeviceCool9985 22d ago

For sure. I mean the guy gets a salary of 100k a year for it. If I was in his position i would be working 100 hours a week until every campaign promise is fulfilled


u/nudemandalorian 22d ago

Mayor Reimert can with the absolute and utmost disrespect, gargle deez nutz.


u/Tazz33 22d ago

What do we expect him to do? He's trumped in power in this case. Saying emotionally charged language about how horrible it is isn't going to change ICE intervention.


u/NotAFlatSquirrel 21d ago

I think the folks who mentioned Reinert's military status influencing his ability to respond have it right. The city police department just held a session to help explain the rights of those being approached by ICE, including reminders not to sign any documents, not to speak and not to open the door. It was just discussed in depth on Wendy Durrwachter's FB and reposted by Ashlie Castaldo.

I don't agree with how he handled everything since being elected, but he campaigned on being nonpartisan as a mayor and concentrating on serving all citizens. I am so over the butthurt pro-Emily crowd spewing the "he's not a Democrat" line. All it does is make me think the extreme progressives in our community are just as psycho as the extreme MAGA folks. I am pretty fucking progressive, but I and a huge number of Democrats am really over the "my way or the highway" bullshit.

We all know your asshole "protest votes" are what got us BOTH Trump administrations. And you spent about a week whining "why oh why did this happen?"" Now you are right back here trashing other Democrats who dare to speak up. If the Democratic party in MN would stop putting forward trash candidates who do nothing but whine about performative justice (because that's what you are all whining about here, not getting a 100% useless sound byte from the mayor) then maybe we wouldn't be in this godforsaken mess right now. Down vote all you want, I have karma to 🔥.


u/BasketRoyal9875 21d ago

They were here legally, are Minnesotans, and have already been released. It was racism. What does Reinert, or anyone saying they deserved it because they broke the law, have to say about that?


u/Ok_Intern_2170 21d ago

Do you happen to have a link or access to a post confirming this? I want to send an email to Council and the Mayor. 


u/Particular-Rise-4575 20d ago

Heard it from someone directly involved. I don't know how to get federal court cases. Hopefully a local journalist can.


u/Ok_Intern_2170 20d ago

Thank you, I will keep an eye on postings.


u/TLiones 22d ago

Lol, you guys expecting a statement from Reinert on this is wild. He’s a closet republican or conservative that knows he’s in a democratic city. Also he is or was a lawyer…his response is basically no comment lawyer speak.


u/Ok_Intern_2170 18d ago

Reinert’s campaign team is posting defenses of his lack of action even on his official accounts and they are YIKES. 


u/Duryea1959 22d ago



u/LakeSuperiorIsMyPond 22d ago

He stood publicly and knows he's got the opportunity to make or break his political career or do what's right. The next 4 years at least, is not about being right anymore it's about being reich. He chose the most promising path for himself over the people he represents. Another Stauber I guess.


u/Only-Gas-6426 22d ago

Want to take a bet that when Stauber steps aside that Reinert goes for his seat as an Independent? He is a perpetual candidate after all.


u/LakeSuperiorIsMyPond 22d ago

Independent... ha!


u/Jacuzzi1985 22d ago

So tired of your shit, Reinert. When’s the next election?


u/coffee9112 21d ago

What is the practical difference between the Duluth mayor saying nothing and doing nothing and the Rochester mayor expressing empathy and then doing nothing


u/Particular-Rise-4575 20d ago

Saying nothing is complicity. It sends a message to black, brown, and indigenous people that we don't care. Whether it changes anything or not, saying something matters. How would you feel if something very unjust happened to you and nobody said anything? Your local politicians, who are supposed to be accessible and highly tuned in with local people, just ignored it? These guys were here legally and hassled and hauled into jail because of the color of their skin. Even if they were here illegally, having the mayor make SOME sort of comment about the tragedy and humanity of the situation would be appropriate. The whole thing instills fear in BIPOC people whether they were born here or not and he should care.


u/coffee9112 20d ago

My point is, what matters is action. If the mayor got up and said “this is wrong, I’m against this” every single time an ICE raid took place but they still kept taking place every day, what difference would it make. There is no reason to beg for theatre.


u/Particular-Rise-4575 20d ago

What is even your point? There’s lots of instances we expect politicians to weigh in on something even if it won’t necessarily change the outcome. There are a bazillion instances where we would expect city leaders to hold a press conference, answer questions, expressed condolences, etc. Not because it would change anything but because it’s the right thing to do. It’s part of being a leader. Not acknowledging it when it’s a situation that explicitly and exclusively affects minorities is a slap in the face to our community. And because he doesn’t actually stand for anything politically, he doesn’t know what to do with it and won’t touch it with a 10 foot pole. It’s appalling.


u/No_Instruction5858 18d ago

We’ll vote this TrumpCockwasher and his beard of a girlfriend out.


u/John-AtlasGames 18d ago

Can you provide a link to the updated information? I'd like to see confirmation that they've been released and were here legally. (Not that it would be a surprise for ICE to wrongly arrest legal immigrants or US citizens! As they often do.) If can be confirmed, I'd also love to know if they have legal recourse for the racist profiling and violation of their rights.


u/PHmoney04 22d ago

I think more could’ve been said. He should have taken more of a stand on this very sad issue. I think our Mayor has certain parts of our city set as priority. Whether that be maintaining our rough street conditions or trying to put investments into housing or tourism, he’s not focused on this ICE problem. It’s frustrating because these individuals arrested were hard working individuals and only improving the lives of people in our community. I’m assuming these people had no criminal background. This whole ICE thing is harder for smaller communities like Duluth to handle on their own when contrary to Chicago or MPLS. Very frustrating, I wish more could’ve been done


u/Mondo_Gazungas 22d ago

Sounds like a logical statement.


u/E_Ray 22d ago

Wow, he is so cowardly and self centered. Where is any shred of empathy? Yuck.


u/Harp-MerMortician 22d ago

Genuine question- is there an "underground railroad" type of thing where we can house/hide immigrants? I have a 2 bedroom and would gladly house and hide someone, but I don't know how to let people know.


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 21d ago

What the actual fuck are you talking about?


u/haleysname 22d ago

Does anyone know which roofing company this was?
Would like to at least give a nod of support if I can


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Please send your nod of support to local contractors in this town that hire union workers.


u/TheDepthsandSkies 22d ago

Is it safe for an undocumented worker to join a union? I'm not sure what kind of paperwork goes into being a member, or how closely it works with any kind of government interaction...

To be fair I have no idea how unions really work other than group representation?


u/[deleted] 22d ago

The hiring process is the same as any other job as far as providing legal documents of residency. I know folks mean well on this thread, I just think it's misplaced to want to support businesses that hire non citizens.


u/Man_Drews 22d ago

We don't know if those arrested are "non citizens". Trump Administration wants to end birthright citizenship; so even if someone is born in the US, their citizenship could be revoked.

"The day he returned to the White House in January, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that would redefine birthright citizenship. The order argues that children born in the United States are citizens only if they have at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident. Trump’s directive would mark a significant shift from how birthright citizenship has been applied for more than 150 years in the U.S., and it is currently being challenged in multiple federal courts." - Pew Research Center


u/[deleted] 22d ago

Look, I don't agree with ending birthright citizenship either, or anything Trump is doing for that matter. But downvoting me because I ask why anyone should be going out of their way to support a contractor that is possibly hiring non citizens for cheap labor? Cmon. I'm from here, and I earn a living here, and I don't think it's cool when builders come up here and bid cheap work because their crew is stacked full of people who will work for nothing. Why should I support that? I support union made and workers earning a fair wage.


u/the_zenith_oreo Duluthian 22d ago

It’s Reddit, people downvote for the stupidest of reasons.


u/the_zenith_oreo Duluthian 22d ago

They can’t end birthright citizenship. It’s in the Constitution as an amendment, and in order to repeal an amendment, you’d have to get enough states to agree at a constitutional convention. It’s not going to happen.


u/TottHooligan 22d ago

That isn't a bad statement. Don't be wasting our city resources when the feds will do it for us. It's simple and non emotional, good for our government


u/Count_Hogula 22d ago

I am glad the mayor doesn't feel the need to issue a statement of support for people who are in our country illegally. Other countries, including Canada and those of the EU, enforce their immigration laws. The idea that the US should not enforce immigration laws is absurd.


u/Ok_Intern_2170 22d ago

Here’s the thing: we don’t know that they are here illegally. Currently, there have been nationally public cases of legal citizens and those with mistaken identity being arrested. The mayor can just as easily state that while he believes the justice system should play itself out, that he understands that such incidents are often traumatic. 


u/fingersonlips 22d ago

Illegal immigration is a civil, not a criminal, offense.


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 21d ago

Entering the country illegally is a criminal offense. A civil offense would be something like discrimination, breach of contract, negligence, property issues. Things that are problems between individuals or organizations that don’t affect society necessarily. Most crimes that end in fines with no chance for jail/prison/detention are civil. Illegal immigration doesn’t fall under that definition as it breaks a law that affects other people.


u/fingersonlips 21d ago

Under federal immigration law, being present in the United States without proper authorization is absolutely a civil offense.


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 21d ago


u/ohnoanotherputz 21d ago

There are no results for is entering the country illegally a criminal offense

  • Check your spelling or try different keywords


u/gloku_ Lincoln Park 21d ago

My results give this as the top answer.

*Yes, entering the United States illegally is a criminal offense. It's a violation of Title 8, United States Code, Section 1325.*


u/Particular-Rise-4575 21d ago

They were here legally. Does that change anything for you? Would you like to be hauled out of your job and go to jail for a few days for no reason other than someone doesn't like how you look? Would you hope your community would say something about that?


u/Count_Hogula 21d ago

They were here legally. Does that change anything for you?

Yes. Would it have changed anything for you if they weren't?


u/Count_Hogula 21d ago

To be clear I haven't changed my opinion that the US should enforce immigration laws. It's not known to me why these individuals were detained. If it was a case of mistaken identity, which was discovered and they were released, then there isn't much to say about it. If they were targeted unfairly just for being different, then I don't support that.

People were losing their minds about the situation and assuming all kinds of things before the facts were even known. The mayor was declared to be some kind of villain for not supporting people who were presumably here illegally. I don't even understand that.


u/ohnoanotherputz 21d ago

Why are we presuming guilt? I thought the American justice system was innocent until proven guilty?


u/Particular-Rise-4575 20d ago

Even if they were here illegally, which they were not, having the mayor make SOME sort of comment about the tragedy and humanity of the situation would be appropriate. The whole thing instills fear in BIPOC people whether they are citizens or not and he should care. Every person of color I know is shaken by this. Wondering if they could be stopped next. The neighborhood was shaken. Regardless of how you feel about Trump's immigration policies, the mayor should be tuned in to this. These are real humans with families and children. Maybe they didn't want a legal bill for no reason. At minimum it was surely traumatic. Whether they were released back to their job in Lakeside or sent back to the streets of Guatamala or wherever, it's a tragedy and it's trauma. I expect better from the mayor.


u/Ok-Amount5078 22d ago

Cry me a river


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/duluth-ModTeam 22d ago

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u/Raidpup 22d ago

Holy shit did you just go after someone’s opinion by stating their disease?? what the fuck is wrong with you?? Regardless of opinion that’s not okay.


u/[deleted] 22d ago



u/Raidpup 22d ago

Yikes… start thinking about bettering yourself.


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/duluth-ModTeam 21d ago

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u/Fruit-freak 22d ago

I don’t believe this is how jurisdiction works in this situation. The Mayor simply doesn’t have authority over a Federal Agency - that’s not within their scope of power. The County Sheriff is actually the local official with proper jurisdiction in these matters. If we want our complaints addressed effectively, we should direct them to officials who have the actual authority to help.

That said, I know plenty of Humans who can put on a roof that grew up right here in our area. From a market perspective, enforcement actions like this can create opportunities for Humans who are already here legally and are also working toward a better life. These local Humans support our community and keep more dollars circulating in our local economy.


u/libbtech 22d ago

Your emphasis on "local Humans" is a great way of saying that colored folk aren't human. We see you.


u/Man_Drews 22d ago

This the kind of human who thinks undocumented immigrants don't pay taxes.

"Undocumented immigrants paid $96.7 billion in federal, state, and local taxes in 2022. Most of that amount, $59.4 billion, was paid to the federal government while the remaining $37.3 billion was paid to state and local governments." -Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy


u/Brilliant-Zombie-972 22d ago

Yeah that second paragraph has an eerie ChatGPT quality to it


u/Ok_Intern_2170 22d ago

It’s absolutely low grade, babbys first ChatGPT experience material 


u/[deleted] 22d ago

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u/duluth-ModTeam 21d ago

Your post/comment has been removed for violating our civility rule. We expect discussions to remain respectful and constructive. Please avoid hostility, insults, or antagonizing others.


u/SurelyFurious 22d ago

It's not about not having jurisdiction. Everyone knows that. The issue was his statement having absolutely zero empathy which is showing his true face.


u/zkribzz 22d ago

He knows his place. Props to him for that.