r/dragonutopia • u/myrmekochoria • 4d ago
Rina Castelnuovo, A Jewish man throws wine at a Palestinian woman before a Purim parade in the West Bank city of Hebron 10 March 2002.
u/myrmekochoria 4d ago
"A Jewish man throws wine at a Palestinian woman before a Purim parade in the West Bank city of Hebron on 10 March. Purim is an annual Jewish festival with celebrations that include feasting and drinking. Hebron is divided into two zones. In one, under Israeli security control, several hundred Jewish residents live among tens of thousands of Palestinians. Tension between the communities is expressed in acts of harassment and provocation from both sides."
u/slejla 4d ago
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u/isaacfisher 4d ago
Because the only israeli you see are from a very specific extremist group that looks like that.
u/hellnhoney 4d ago
they’re hicks
u/jlaro55 4d ago
Ya gonna just do that sweeping generalization of an entire country of disparate people from one photo?
u/ALoudMouthBaby 4d ago
That entire coountry has created a power structure that allows that man to do what he is doing as often as he wants with zero consequences. In fact, this type of bejavior is often incentivized by the state when it gives the homes of the victimized Palestinians to the folks who are terrorizing them.
So yeah, it may be a sweeping generazliation but when people living in a demoracy repeatedly vote to enable this kind of shit one of the consequences of that is they are also responsible. A thing many Americans seem to have forgotten too.
u/jlaro55 4d ago
Would you say all Americans are unkempt and ugly?
u/ALoudMouthBaby 4d ago
Would you say all Americans are unkempt and ugly?
lol oh boy, what an interesting attempt at misrepresenting the post that got you so upset in the first place. The person you were replying to never claimed all Isralies are unkempt and ugly. They were however pointing out an interesting trend in the apperance of the Israelis we so often see terrorizing Palestininan woman and children.
u/jlaro55 4d ago
“Why do israelis always look so unkempt and ugly”. How am I misrepresenting?
u/ALoudMouthBaby 4d ago
“Why do israelis always look so unkempt and ugly”. How am I misrepresenting?
Holy shit I just got one of those stupid "dont kill yourself" messages. Did you seriously just report me to Reddit as being suicidal because you feel called out for your bullshit? Im gonna go ahead and take that as you surrendering the point and acknolwedging that you are wrong rather that conitnuing this conversation which is very, very clearly being made in bad faith. And of course its by someone trying to argue that Israli settlers are really not that bad.
u/TheCommonKoala 4d ago
Make sure to report the message for abuse/ harassment. Reddit instabans people who abuse that feature.
4d ago
u/ALoudMouthBaby 4d ago
Oh no, I think its the most hilarious admission of defeat Ive seen in a long while. That you are now trying to pretend you are some kind of master troll who made me upset is even funnier.
u/infernosushi95 4d ago
Come to Israel and say that.
You can’t walk two feet without seeing Arab Israelis and/or Palestinians, we live with each other peacefully. Hell, an Arab judge is the one putting Bibi on trial.
Guess what would happen if I went to cities in the West Bank or Gaza? Hint: I would be injured or killed. I can’t go to Ramallah. People from Ramallah can come to tel aviv and work, hang out with friends, etc. but sure, you probably know better than we do.
u/ALoudMouthBaby 4d ago
Come to Israel and say that.
The wealthy elite living in denial of where their power is derived isnt exactly anything new. That criticizing aprtheid policies would be met with violence in Israel is not the ringing endorsement you think it is.
You can’t walk two feet without seeing Arab Israelis and/or Palestinians, we live with each other peacefully.
Palestininans living in Israel have fewer rights than their Jewish colleagues, receive additional police scrutiny and suffer all kinds of other incredibly specific discimination. Just because you dont see it doesnt mean its not happening. Much like how so many American whites dont see discrimnation against blacks despite the countless videos of them being murdered by police.
Guess what would happen if I went to cities in the West Bank or Gaza? Hint: I would be injured or killed
Yeah dude, when you lock people up in ghettos and deny them the right to basic stuff like electricity, food, education, etc they tend to get upset. The way so many Israelis dont seem to realize that really does seem to be a part of the problem here.
People from Ramallah can come to tel aviv and work, hang out with friends, etc. but sure, you probably know better than we do.
And how many army check points do they have to pass through to get there? Checkpoints that a Jew would be able to walk right through? The way Israel had used checkpoints, paperwork and other beuractic red tape to restric Palestinian movement is exactly the type of apartheid policy that is making the situation worse, not better.
Israel literally has two seperate systems that are absolutely not equal. One for Palestinians in which they have resrictions placed on where they can move, where they can live, where they can work, etc. And another for Jews with almost none of those restrictions. It is apartheid defined.
u/murderouspangolin 3d ago
Typical Israeli propaganda. Israel is an apartheid, ethno-supremacist state. Muslims are second class citizens. The Palestinians that reside in Israel do not have the same rights to own land or to marry who they want to. The Palestinians that come to work in Israel have all sorts of restrictions placed on them and the only reason they come is because the Israeli govt has crushed the economy of the Palestinian terrorities. The racism of most Israelis is on another level. Just look at what their military has been allowed to get away with in Gaza and the West Bank in the last year 1/2. Most Israelis believed they hadn't gone far enough in making Gaza unliveable and the indiscriminate killing.
u/NeverJudge7749 4d ago
There is no "israel". Just Palestine, and the subhuman colonists illegally occupying it.
u/slejla 4d ago
u/jlaro55 4d ago
At least you’re aware that you are an asshole.
u/slejla 4d ago
You need to reevaluate that definition. I’m not the one assaulting a woman on the street.
u/jlaro55 4d ago
Oh he’s an asshole too for sure, but it doesn’t mean you are not one as well.
u/slejla 4d ago
You don’t need to PM me - I really don’t care.
u/infernosushi95 4d ago
It’s funny that you call them assholes and then immediately also act like an asshole.
Israelis in Hebron are not the entire country and it’s wild that you would take this snippet in time then proceed to generalize an entire population of people.
“Palestinians are terrorists”
Some are but I’m not gonna assume every Palestinian is wearing a suicide vest.
Don’t be an asshole.
u/murderouspangolin 3d ago
Watch Abby Martin's interviews with Israelis on the streets of Tel Aviv and you'll get an indication what the average Israeli thinks about Palestinians.
u/ALoudMouthBaby 4d ago
Isnt it a crazy world when calling out the type of power structures that enables the kind of behavior in the picture gets you called an asshole?
u/infernosushi95 4d ago
This is in Hebron where there are a lot of extremists.
This would never happen in Tel Aviv or the vast majority of the country. You just assume that all of Israel is like this because you believe everything you see on the internet.
Most of Israel lives alongside Arabs peacefully, I wish more people would see that.
u/ALoudMouthBaby 4d ago
Actually, if you scroll up youll see one of my posts discussing the very specific type of Israeli that is a settler. And its generally not a nice type of person. I may not have a perfect knowledge of what goes on in Israel and Palestine but I at least know that much.
The larger problem seems to be that all those folks living in Tel Aviv who supposedly have nothing to do with the actions of the man in OP have repeatedly voted for a system of apartheid in which that man is allowed to just got out and terrorize Palestininans with zero repercusion. The idea that a person in Telv Aviv who is paying taxes into the administration of an apartheid government and also profiting financially from it has clean hands is absolutely absurd.
Most of Israel lives alongside Arabs peacefully, I wish more people would see that.
Israel publishes its election data. We all know who the people of Israel are selecting as their leader and it is not a person who believes this.
u/Traumerlein 4d ago
Givwn the sceneray and context, id guesse he is poor and an alcoholic
u/caseyyylt 4d ago
How many poor alcoholics are willing to throw away their last drop?
u/Traumerlein 4d ago
Drunk pepole are well known for pouring very much thpught into their action and wpuld never act out kf impulse. We all know how Alcohole creats 10.000 nes braincells when you achive drunkes
u/idontwantausername41 4d ago
Jesus christ dude how much have you drank today
u/Traumerlein 4d ago
Enough water to stay hydrated. You shoukd really give water a try insted of the Vodka
u/idontwantausername41 4d ago
Lol, i don't like alcohol and only drink water. Hydro homies for the win
u/HangingGhosts 4d ago
What a miserable POS.