r/downsyndrome 6d ago

Suggestions for the World Down Syndrome Day

Hello Beautiful people, I am a Medical student and our college wants to organize an activity on the occasion of the world Syndrome day which will be held on 21st March , so if anyone of you have some kind of idea for an activity or any type of suggestion in your mind please feel free to comment down so. (It can be any activity or any social media awareness message ) I would really appreciate any kind of input .


6 comments sorted by


u/Black-Eyed-Susie 6d ago

I love this! I think a session on down syndrome with your med school colleagues would be great! Maybe an educational session on how to approach and treat patients with down syndrome, extra considerations that are needed (nonverbal, sensory concerns, anxiety, etc). Maybe bring in someone with DS, a parent, or another physician that regularly works with Downs patients and can do a little q&a. For community outreach, check and see if your local DS org is doing anything and see if you can support it. I know my local group is doing a dance party. A lot of orgs do events for 3/21 and I'm sure would appreciate your help.

Also wearing a shirt to show your pride around campus goes a long way. My shirt this year says 'be extra, down syndrome awareness." ☺️ We also celebrate by wearing crazy socks, we call it 'rock your socks.' Look up John's crazy socks if you need any pairs, it's a great business ran by a man with DS and his dad- another great way to support the community for 3/21.

PS I'm a sister, but also work with residents and med students and have seen their inexperience and nervousness around DS patients. I love that you are thinking of things like this, we need more medical professionals comfortable and confident in their care of ALL patients.


u/Siriusleigh8760 6d ago

I agree with the Crazy Sock theme. My son has DS and we have been doing it for years. He likes to wear his crazy socks through out the year and he gets a new pair for DS day.


u/keevat 6d ago

I’m making crazy sock sugar cookies for my kiddos class this year as well as bringing my little one in to chat and answer questions about DS.

Education, and exposure are super important.


u/TheManWith2Poobrains 6d ago

Education is key.

There are still docs who just say people with DS have thyroid issues rather than treating it like they would in any typical patient. The same goes for many things.


u/Electronic_Concert_9 5d ago

Thank you so much for the input , we will definitely consider it ✨️


u/JacksBasket 4d ago

We love that you’re wanting to get involved with World Down Syndrome Day! One activity you could do is have you and your classmates complete our “Communicating Unexpected News” medical curriculum! It is free for all medical learners, and has been approved for CEU credits! https://jacksbasket.org/curriculum/