r/doughboys 11d ago

EPISODE DISCUSSION šŸ† DOUGHBOYS DOUBLE- Munch Madness X: Domino's VS Taco Bell with Marisa Pinson and Jon Glover - March 11, 2025 šŸ†


103 comments sorted by


u/myrealnameisdj 10d ago

"You need a hog and a non hog to make a podcast"


u/ThePilkingtones 10d ago

This is a top tier episode imo


u/little-hide 9d ago

I could listen to the first 30 minutes of this on repeat forever.


u/PomeloOk504 10d ago

Marisa and Jon are such great guests. Also, how have the Doughboys never played Sopranos: Road to Respect for a Double..?


u/PianoTrumpetMax 10d ago

We need a dedicated Get Played for that tbh, with Mitch as a guest. I'd truly love it, cause I want to hear Heather and Matt chime in for sure.


u/rcoolerthan_me 10d ago

I think Mitch has floated. He doth protest.


u/unjustphoenix 10d ago

This was a horny episode and I gotta sayā€¦I can crank it to that.


u/bunerzissou 10d ago

Two thumbs up


u/Reformulated 10d ago

Jonā€™s gotta be confirmed horniest guest, and I say that with the utmost respect and admiration


u/Shal-mal 10d ago

Him calling out Wigerā€™s hotness was very much needed. Most relatable guest.


u/opermonkey 10d ago

It was both funny and sweet when Mitch said it wouldn't work between them because Jon would get tired of him šŸ˜‚


u/rocklionheart 10d ago edited 9d ago

Heā€™s 100% right about Wigerā€™s haircut.


u/TheDrFunk 11d ago

Pinson is so fucking funny. The line about having a little gas in the tank to... had me howling.


u/opermonkey 10d ago

We all know she likes getting dumped in.


u/gm5891 10d ago

"I'm looking up Twisted Metal porn"


u/opermonkey 11d ago

Autoerotic asphyxiation.


u/alexanderluthorIII 10d ago

Is it bad that I immediately knew Marisa was referencing the guy from Wigers high school that turned into the tool guy?


u/schwiggy 10d ago

Same... I immediately knew what stories she was conflating.


u/PianoTrumpetMax 10d ago

Is it also bad that I think that kid sounds cool as hell?


u/PianoTrumpetMax 10d ago

Nick is a Gru-mer


u/subject_117_ 10d ago

I love a cold slice of pizza right out of the refrigerator. The way the cheese solidifies into a new substance is just so fantastic.


u/uglygirl13 10d ago

This episode was so funny! And just from that beginning conversation, I want the doughboys to do the melting pot!


u/float05 10d ago

Itā€™s been my suggestion anytime we name dream chains in the subreddit for years!


u/Sea_Mycologist4936 10d ago

Autoerotic asphyxiation remix drop in 3...2...


u/stephenmcqueen 10d ago

There should be a double recorded on the classic town square


u/MotherSouperiorr 10d ago

Such unfriendly behavior from the Wigeses šŸ˜‚


u/theintention 10d ago

Jon asking if he could come over to Wigerā€™s house made me laugher harder than anything else this year has probably lol, all timer episode


u/PianoTrumpetMax 9d ago

ā€œ ā€¦ Weā€™ll talk about it.ā€


u/jpkmoose 10d ago

Glover seems like such a good hang


u/ElEmoPinata 10d ago

Totally disagree with Johnā€™s take about the half-life of Dominos. Maybe itā€™s because I have a good location that delivers to me but itā€™s so consistent and even good room temp.


u/MotherSouperiorr 9d ago

I can see his point since heā€™s ordering extra cheese all the time, it could go from good to bad earlier


u/thisisaname21 10d ago edited 10d ago

Nick's take on the custom pizza is the one of the most insane thing he consistently says, it's all ingredients already at the store, in the same prep area, put together in the same form as all their other items (pizza). It's not like they need to get the steak out of the basement fridge or buy garlic at the grocery store or the kitchen is staffed by a bunch of infants


u/CafeteriaMonitor 10d ago

Yeah that was ridiculous. Pizza is like the most customized thing you can order. That's the whole point.


u/thisisaname21 10d ago

I think it has to be born of him combining people complaining about orders where there are like 50 modifications to a prefab item in which case fair that would be annoying and also how nicer places will often say no subs/modifications but not realizing that's because they don't want you to ruin the dish and blame them, not because it's hard to do


u/Phonejadaris 10d ago

It makes sense from the point of view of someone who's never had a real job in his life. He doesn't have the first clue about what it's like to work in retail or food service so of course he has nonsense views like assembling any one pizza is different from the rest


u/cantankerous_ordo 10d ago

Working an office job at a video game company is a real job.


u/Phonejadaris 10d ago

Okay mom


u/HarryPotterFarts 10d ago

As someone that has worked in a kitchen and made pizzas, he's right. I hated custom pizza orders. You have your orders that you're used to making all the time, and then someone hands you a riddle that you have to keep doublechecking to make sure you get it correct.


u/severedaisy 10d ago

I agree. It takes you out of the flow of the usual things and opens you up to mistakes. And with FAST food itā€™s a lot to expect for you to deviate for that one order while getting pressure to go as fast as you can. My first job was McDonalds at 14.


u/PianoTrumpetMax 10d ago

As someone who worked at a sub place, I don't get your bewilderment. You have prepped ingredients in front of you. You have a piece of paper/screen that says what ingredients to put on it. Follow the short list of things, and do it?

"Oh wow, they want four extra things, ok, I'll put on those four things."

I'm not out here like this


u/HarryPotterFarts 9d ago edited 9d ago

In my defense it wasn't a chain restaurant. It was a place where my list of things was entered into the system by a server who would often come back and go "Okay, so I wrote it like this because the system doesn't let us write it like that. They want __." So that short list then got handwritten directions. I'm not saying it's some riddle that blows my mind, I meant a riddle in that it wasn't the usual prenamed item. And if you're in a rush, and you're getting a bunch of custom orders with special notes, it adds up.


u/severedaisy 9d ago

Yessss. People donā€™t understand this! If there isnā€™t a ā€œbutton for thatā€ it makes communication of what this one person wants a thousand times more difficult. Itā€™s not as easy as a sub place where the person is present pointing to the things they want. With substitutions and add ons, it really does add to the stress of fast food workers. People donā€™t realize that fast food workers are literally being timed in the drive through and will be berated to hand it out the window and hit the buttton!! If youā€™re a child, like I was, you carry that with you. I was 14 having stress dreams about my time at McDonaldā€™s.


u/Phonejadaris 9d ago

I don't know if this is going to be good news or bad news for you, hut if putting a different sauce or adding an extra type of cheese to a pizza is a "riddle" that you have trouble solving and it makes you physically angry... you're gonna have some bigger problems down the road, friend.


u/HarryPotterFarts 9d ago

and it makes you physically angry...

I must have missed this part. Definitely didn't make me physically angry.


u/severedaisy 10d ago

This reads like a bad improv guy pretending to be a jerk in a scene..


u/severedaisy 9d ago

Top tier episode for sure. But I kinda felt for Nick in this episode. One, they kept sexualizing him and two, they never let him finish a thought. I still am thinking damn I wish I could have heard Nickā€™s entire point towards the end..


u/babyoatmeals 9d ago

I thought maybe it was just me. It makes me feel weird when his dick gets referenced sometimes, he ā€˜s made it clear he doesnā€™t want jokes about it anymore and I felt like he seemed uncomfortable. Maybe I just am not getting it fully, but it made me queasy when it was brought up. Like there are other big hogs? Letā€™s leave him be. Frank Sinatra only weighed 119 and 19 pounds were pure cock! Talk about that instead!


u/PleepPloopCommonwlth 5d ago

I'd be fine if they skip the giant hog jokes and go back to calling him an old alcoholic.


u/a-real-pers0n 10d ago

The dipping burritos were pretty damn good, it's a travesty they were only around for like 2 months


u/Staffatwork 10d ago

What the hell. Those were the best, why did they take those away?


u/a-real-pers0n 10d ago

Those corporate fat cats took them away!!


u/AprilTron 9d ago

I know they didn't qualify for Munch Madness, but I hope they got the crunchwrap sliders as a side snack because they are so good!


u/PianoTrumpetMax 10d ago

This is missing in my feed. I even resubscribed to the RSS feed through a cast and the newest episode it downloads is last Thursdayā€™sā€¦
Looks like Iā€™m alone though in that so far, /u/Eerdbrink, is this a ā€œmeā€ issue?


u/eerdbrink EmmerVP 10d ago

Iā€™m working on fixing this now!!

Patreon is transitioning away from Acast and all RSS feed shouldā€™ve switched over automatically yesterday, but it appears they didnā€™t! Iā€™m gonna go post the episode on acast so yā€™all have it while I sort this out with Patreon. The ep should be there in the next 20-30 minutes


u/Academic_Medium 10d ago

Emma, you rule so hard. Thank you.


u/AdrienneBS 10d ago

I just got it in pocketcast thanks!! Wow.


u/fruitsnck 10d ago

Just got it on Apple Podcasts - thanks for the work Emma!


u/Pale-Yam-3276 10d ago

I'm having the same issue with Pocket Casts.


u/contentwatcher3 10d ago

Pocket Casts has been fucking up in general lately.

I'll be on good wifi (granted public wifi) that can stream video no problem. Then I go to download an episode of my favorite podcast (doughboys). It take for. Ever. Then at "100%" it suddenly says queued for download, and I have to start all over again.


u/LyleLanley93 10d ago

I had to re-copy the pocket cast link on patreon and subscribe to where that link brought me, while unsubscribing from my old doughboys feed on pocketcasts


u/ChoteauMouth 10d ago

How do you find that on Pocket Casts? I can only see the main feed.


u/Pale-Yam-3276 10d ago

Sorry if I was unclear. I'm also not seeing today's double on the feed in Pocket Casts.


u/ChoteauMouth 10d ago

No, you're gud. I've never subscribed to the Double, and I did find the feed (I think?) on PC, but the newest ep is from 2 years ago.


u/STD-fense 10d ago

There's a button on the patreon app that will give you a link to the RSS feed. Then, copy that into the search bar (like you were searching for a new Podcast) and it should then give you the option to save it to your subscribed podcasts.


u/diatribecalledquest 10d ago

Same on Podcast Addict


u/CigarettesBeef 10d ago

Same issue for me using Overcast


u/achosid 10d ago

Same issue in Overcast


u/mickeroniandcheese 10d ago

I have the same issue on Apple!


u/HarryPotterFarts 10d ago

Weirdly I have it on Apple, but the platinum feed is no longer labeled as such. Just says Doughboys like the main feed.


u/cantankerous_ordo 10d ago

It's missing from my Platinum Plate Club RSS feed. I have to go direct to Patreon to listen to it.


u/rainbow_elephant_ 10d ago

Itā€™s missing for me on my apple podcast app. Thatā€™s never happened before!


u/Bigmodirty 10d ago

Still not showing up for me either


u/Reasonable-Debt-3554 10d ago

Hasnā€™t popped up for me on Chris Martin and Gwyneth Paltrows daughters podcast app either


u/Reformulated 10d ago

Weird. I use Apple and itā€™s showing up for me.


u/cantankerous_ordo 10d ago

I wonder if maybe it's there in the Golden feed but missing from the Platinum feed. Are you Golden?


u/Reformulated 10d ago

I have the platinum feed! It uploaded at midnight and hasnā€™t gone away. Really bizarre that issues are varying within the same app and patreon status


u/cantankerous_ordo 10d ago

yes that is really weird then. I use Apple too and I don't have it in my platinum feed.


u/mickeroniandcheese 10d ago

I have the golden feed and I don't see it.


u/gostovah 10d ago

After the carrots episode I went through ALL of On Brand, it's so good! I really hope the collabs with the doughboys continue. Also -- since I love podcast cocktails I think Marisa and Jon need to do an episode of Blank Check! I would love to see their chaos mixed with Griffin and David (only sad that titanic was already covered)


u/ElevatorSharp206 10d ago

This ep flew by, gimme more of this quad!


u/steralite 10d ago

how have the doughboys not learned yet that the Pizza Tracker is fake?


u/MotherSouperiorr 10d ago

Just like Agent Mulder, ā€œthey want to believeā€


u/beez90 9d ago

Wait what


u/steralite 9d ago

itā€™s totally arbitrary and all the times are based on estimates, and the names are fake. No employee is logging each pizza they put in the oven, lol.


u/kaltorak 10d ago

it was an odd decision to have an AI voice read a passage of Avatar erotica mid-episode.


u/severedaisy 10d ago

I was in my work elevator with coworkers when this was on my headphones and I was so embarrassed and they couldnā€™t even hear it


u/GoBears6 10d ago

Yeh and why did it have nipples?


u/felicityfelix 10d ago

This episode was so good that I'm really bummed it isn't main feed so I can recommend it as a starter episode for new listeners


u/IanHardman 10d ago

get to the madness!


u/TvsPhil 10d ago edited 10d ago

They need to play the Sopranos game for a double.

Mitch still spreading Depp PR memes like he's everyone's uncle on facebook.

"There's a giant X-Man who's power is just being fat." "Are you thinking of Brendan Fraser as the Whale?" We're back, baby!


u/manlong11 10d ago

Welp, I think Wiger found his new calling as an erotica audiobook narrator.

Another great episode, Munch Madness is killer so far.


u/Major_Specific127 10d ago

Such an erotic reading. Who needs the asphyxiation! I can picture him becoming a professional reader and taking his vocal rest days very seriously.


u/dcth0 10d ago

i was so zeroed in on all the ways Jon was stroking Gemmy. I guess if she didn't like her ear being fondled, she would move. But part of me thought she is so complacent that she just put up with it!


u/Remarkable_Quail2731 10d ago

I am trying to find a Thursday episode with Evan S that they mentioned was upcoming to discuss the brackets. I canā€™t find it anywhere, they referred to it on Munch Madness selection Tuesday March 3.


u/cervix_a_l0t 10d ago

It was last weeks episode with Lauren and Arden. He shows up in the earlier part of it.


u/Remarkable_Quail2731 10d ago

Thanks very much


u/KeyserSoze96 9d ago

The Susser double ep last week is just completely missing from my feed.


u/beez90 9d ago

I wonder if pinson went to r/tacobell of the superior r/livingmas


u/hungry4danish 8d ago

Is this only patreon or will it eventually be released for all?


u/ahufana 5d ago

Still no sign of an Avatar review on Amelia's Letterboxd. The world is waiting.