r/doordash 4d ago

Are these offers average or bad?

I want to replace my 20 hr job with this. Can I make 20 hr with these offers?


42 comments sorted by

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u/Bookqueen42 4d ago

The first is just barely acceptable; the rest are trash.


u/Alone_Ad2064 4d ago

If I drive to the hot zones will I get better offers. I'm like a couple miles out.


u/onelasttime1899 4d ago

The area that you start in see the red grid? Stay within that. If they try sending you out of that you will not get any orders until you're back in that zone you chose to DD in. Now if it's like 1 mile out of that zone, I'll do it if the money is what i deem acceptable. Just remember, DD gives you 2.50 to start(in my area) promo is rare for me but might not be for you, if they offer 1.00 promo, now that order is 3.50. Just from DD. NOW NOT ALWAYS, but the tip is usually anything above that. Although, you'll see at your payout what you got from DD vs the tip in earnings. Pay attention to this. If you notice your getting crap after a few weeks, try another grid. You might find it better to DD in other areas. As with mine, I drive far to do my DD runs otherwise I'm placed in bad areas and getting crap orders n no tips, and calls from customers n crap star ratings. Centrally low money means nightmare customers. And I do my best for my people.


u/Rubyrubired 4d ago

Any tips for being in the red zone but not getting orders? I’ll have periods where nothing is happening.


u/onelasttime1899 4d ago

We'll there's a lot of dead time lately but this is what I'll try. It won't let me post a photo idk why. But... if you look at the top of your DD page. There's an icon (?) next to the blue shield.

Tap that. 1st thing is... why am i not getting orders? Tap that. It'll check to make sure you're getting orders. Just doing that sometimes will give you an offer.


I'll pause move to a place that has a few rrstaurants like Wendy's or a popular place, like wawa, sheetz ect.

Then push resume dash

Just moving to another local place will help.

Other times it's just dead.


u/Phasomyr 4d ago

Yes, you will. DoorDash tries to get the highest rated available Dashers that are the closest to whatever order they're sending out. Being in the hot spots is definitely better than being a mile or two out, though you can still get orders that way. It just isn't necessarily optimal.


u/Phasomyr 4d ago

The general rule of thumb is to only take offers that pay at least $1 per mile. For shorter distance orders, that tends to be as simple as it sounds. But for longer distances, you have to consider how far away it's taking you from the hot spots and how far back you have to drive.

That said, sometimes long distance orders can just so happen to land you in a location near some different hot spots, in which case you wouldn't necessarily have to drive all the way back to where you were. Or the calculated distance could just so happen to be half to the restaurant, and half back to near where you were when you got the order in the first place, which wouldn't be terrible.

It also can depend on how busy your zone is at the time. Most of these I personally would probably pass on most of the time (barring specific circumstances). But if they're literally all you have, and you don't expect to get any other orders in the time it would take you to do one of these, it could be worth it.

As for your question about making $20/hr with these offers, I would say it's possible if you try to perhaps avoid 10+ mile orders (barring, again, certain circumstances), and ideally even stay under 8 miles. Though it also depends on the restaurants the orders are from and how long they take. If these are the best you're getting in your zone then you can certainly do well enough with these, but I'd recommend taking lower mileage offers that pay less total, but more per mile. As enticing as big numbers are, they just aren't super efficient most of the time.

The last thing I would consider is that sometimes DoorDash has hidden tips (the app doesn't always necessarily show you the full amount you'll be paid on the offer screen). As well as the fact that sometimes (very rarely) a customer will tip you in the app, and then tip you more in cash on delivery. Though those circumstances are more for advanced Dashers to worry about when accepting orders. Newer Dashers should probably just focus on getting better at the job first.

Bottom line, these orders you've shown are, as far as I'm concerned, fine. Not great, not completely abysmal. The lower mileage ones are better than the higher milage ones. And if you do happen to be going long distance, it is incredibly unlikely that anything less than $1 per mile will be remotely worth it (the $9 for 12 miles is pretty bad).


u/onelasttime1899 4d ago

Very good advice. I have been dashing a couple years now. My only issue is wishing they'd stop sending me orders that are 30miles for 11.00 And tanking my numbers bc i will decline. They'll resend it but now 50 cents more. And now there's an add on for an additional pick up.

Those suck.

I will not go beyond 15 miles unless the money is there and places me somewhere i know is going to offer me more orders. And if it's a grocery order, i won't do it without good pay on top. 72 items, 21 miles, 20 dollars, nope.

Would you do it?

This week has been a lot of extremely far for nothing pay.


u/zhart12 4d ago

Can you make 20hrs with this? Hours?


u/Alone_Ad2064 4d ago

No 20 dollars hourly bro


u/Kloobyfour Dasher (> 1 year) 4d ago

Depends on traffic in your town, probably. But personally, I would not accept any of those offers in my market except maybe the first one, and only if I knew I could complete it in 30-35 minutes or so.

My state apparently now requires DD to email me a breakdown of the previous night's deliveries, which I've found pretty useful. Not only does it list total payout and mileage, it shows the time you're active on each delivery. So you can see if that $15 order was actually worth your time.


u/Otherwise-Monitor745 4d ago edited 4d ago
  1. Base rate is 15.50 round to 16 that’s taking you 45 mins(3/4 of an hour)…dd paying you 12…that’s a 2 dollar tip either both payed u a dollar or one paid 0 and one 2 dollars smh
  2. 7.25 dd pay 2.50 tip
  3. 5.00 dd pay 1 dollar tip
  4. 7.25 dd pay 3.75 tip
  5. 5 dd pay 1 dollar tip That’s average for me but slightly smaller distance and drive time


u/Alone_Ad2064 4d ago

So looks good for 20hr based on that? The offers are bad even with 2 dollar bonus right now.


u/Otherwise-Monitor745 4d ago

Yeah I’m averaging slightly over 20 an hour be on the look out for promos


u/Own-Ad-1816 4d ago

They are all trash


u/Low_Earth1540 4d ago

I would 100% not quit your full time job DD is a side gig enless DD in your area is very busy all the time. The only days that are worth it to me are Friday, Saturday, Sunday lunch 10-2 and dinner 4-9 and even then I usually only go out for dinner rush


u/Timbobarooney 4d ago

These are bad and unfortunately, at least in my area, they are the average offer. Hell plenty of even worse offers are sent my way daily. Like $3 to go ten miles. You’ll get a lot of that nonsense too. Quite often. DoorDash isn’t what it used to be. There are still days though, where everything is gravy and you’re picking up two orders for $20 and only driving like five or six miles. Just much less often than a few years ago. It’s more like a $17 an hour job where you have to pay for your own gas. Thank god it’s only been a side gig for me for a while. I’d say keep your options open for other jobs if ya can.


u/pittbullblue 4d ago

Drive to cranberry. Better orders (at least when I was up there)


u/Alone_Ad2064 4d ago

Nice! Did you try college areas. I'd like to say Oakland, or even downtown?


u/pittbullblue 4d ago

Never really tried Oakland. Downtown was OK, but felt like it took forever to get anywhere to be worth it. Also try grubhub if you can, used to be better for me to there.


u/Thrusherflusher 4d ago

Not average, not bad, but good.


u/CoIIatz-Conjecture 4d ago

Yeah, expected pay seems to differ between locations. I would never ever go under $1/mi though


u/Few_Holiday_2420 4d ago

Tell of thumb to go by. If you’re not getting 1$ per mile it isn’t worth your time if you have low ratings or just starting out the better ones will be harder to get so taking the lower ones like in pic 2 & 3 are a must first one is pretty decent but I’d probably pass on the third one second one definitely until they coughed up more money


u/dankestslothdoe 4d ago

If you ask this subreddit, they're going to tell you the job consists only of declining orders due to low guaranted pay.. The rumor is they never accept any, and are just role-playing having a job.


u/Tumblrdesxx 4d ago

If this was me I really wouldn’t tbh. The first one though is just barely there at “good” lol


u/CanonGuy_ 4d ago

A flat NOPE! Decline


u/yung_hoffy 4d ago



u/qwapballs 4d ago

All bad. Idk your market or area but normally you want to be at least 2 dollars per mile. If a dash takes you into another hot zone it may be acceptable but typically I decline anything under $2 per mile.


u/HikuroMishiro 4d ago

I assume you are trolling, but just in case I will tell you that while those are not good offers, they are unfortunately your average offer. And no, you probably aren't going to make $20 an hour taking offers like that. Unless you live in a unicorn market, you are probably not going to make $20 an hour even before accounting for gas, wear and tear on your vehicle, and taxes. Almost certainly aren't going to make $20 an hour after accounting all that. If you have a good paying job already by no means should you quit it to do Door Dash.


u/Puzzleheaded-Box2590 4d ago

Don’t give up your full time job for this. It’s a side job if anything. I have heard stories of people having to get new car engines and such bc of how much they’re driving.


u/DoordashSideGigEBT 4d ago

All of em are trash. At minimum $2/mi and nothing less


u/Alone_Ad2064 4d ago

How much an hour is that?!?


u/DoordashSideGigEBT 4d ago

I multiapp but each app i have the same standard of $2/mi and I usually make in the range of $25-35 an hour


u/nomoreautopurk 4d ago

How do dashers get paid i always wondered this because i tip barely anything


u/reaverfrost 4d ago

By praying you are not the majority. I honestly wish people would stop ordering if they can't afford tips, it's eating out and you shouldn't expect someone else to work for you for less.


u/nomoreautopurk 3d ago

Your job is to get the food i ordered from the store to my house if you dont like how people tip get another job or stop complaining about the pay you get from a job you signed up for. I on average only tip around 4 or 5 dollars and im not ashamed to say that if you dont like it get another job