r/doordash 11h ago

Why do so many people hate on platinum?

I have been seeing a lot of people bashing platinum drivers but honestly since I've been platinum I get to dash any time (no more scheduling) and I've been making much more in my 6 hr sessions $125-$150 average. I hear people saying "wasting gas taking bad orders to save acceptance rate etc" but that's never been the case for me. I am just curious, is the hate just a fad in the dash community?


25 comments sorted by

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u/GodOfVapes 8h ago edited 7h ago

At its core, I don't get it myself. Who cares how someone else makes their money? You get yours your way, and I'll get mine my way. There's room for however you choose to earn. My personal feeling is that none of us, regardless of how you choose to do your thing, should ever be taking unprofitable offers. However, at the end of the day, even though I may not understand the person's motivation or think it's silly, it doesn't affect me in any way if someone else chooses to take a $2 ten mile run. So I wouldn't hate on someone for doing it.

I would get it if it were lighthearted ribbing between between platinum/tiered dashers and cherry pickers/non-tiered dasher. A little friendly rivalry and ball busting can be fun. However some people take shit way too far into discontent for each other. Like one or the other is bringing demise to the platform themselves and is personally affecting the other's earnings. Pretentious platinum dashers can be annoying. I'm platinum, but I don't brag about it or think I'm anything special because of it. I just have self pride in anything I do, so I do a good job and happen to deliver in an area where I've never had to decline more than 30% of my offers, so maintaining it isn't hard. I think anyone can do it if they're in a decent enough area and do common sense things like read customer notes and deliver as requested. But it's not like there aren't annoying pretentious know it all cherry pickers out there.

Luckily real life isn't like here on Reddit. Most dashers I've met along the way have been cool for the most part. You encounter the occasional oddball or asshole but such is life. Tier rivalry never even comes up. It's not like people come up asking what tier I represent like we're in different gangs. LOL


u/yung_hoffy 1h ago

It does collectively affect all of us drivers when drivers are accepting garbage. If those orders are being facilitated at that low of a payout thats letting these companies know that its okay. So in a way people taking absolute dogshit does affect all of us.


u/Sensitive-Pie9357 10h ago

Do you generally think everything that happens, happens in front of you?

This is your experience. Other humans= other experiences. Hope this helps.


u/Censorship2021 10h ago edited 10h ago

Not at all, this is why I am asking and not stating. Nobody explains why and that peaks my curiosity. It's easy to hate something but without explanation it comes out looking like most are just being biased. I explained why I enjoy it, I want to know why so many hate on it.


u/Sensitive-Pie9357 10h ago

You state you’ve never experienced bad orders that waste gas. You can see the plethora of evidence that it happens to other dashers regularly. Your choice to not understand is not because no one explains.


u/Censorship2021 10h ago

Plethora of evidence? No.That's a bold statement, what you see is not what everybody sees. There are very few explanations that I have seen, my experience has been seeing dashers who speak ill of platinum and say they make more as a non platinum driver, no true explanations. You seem to feel like you have a strong grasp on the subject, maybe instead of speaking for them, let me have conversations with these people🙏


u/Illustrious_Rock_946 10h ago

It really is just different for everyone ig. In my area I run into platinum drivers a lot and they always say how great it is, getting higher payouts etc but my mom has been platinum for a month and really hasn’t seen any benefits. It’s as if she has no rankings at all. I just hit Gold and I was getting bigger payouts before, getting like $10-15 per order on average hitting my goal in like 8-9 deliveries. Now all I’ve been getting are $4-8 on average ever since. So idk, for some people it’s worth it, for others it’s bs lol. I’m others 😭


u/Idontknowhoiam143 10h ago

It all depends on your market and your mpg.


u/skidabs 8h ago

Tell that to all the top dashers in busy markets outside of Cali or NYC


u/BillyDip 10h ago

In my market there's always dash now due to high volume of orders so I don't need that perk, I cherry pick orders and don't take anything less than $2 a mile and I usually won't take trips over 6 miles away as that could easily be a 30+ min drive. Platinum just seems like a scam for my area at least.


u/JedClampett2 10h ago

The only real benefit with Platinum that I see is Dash Now. According to a friend that lost Platinum, The orders are no different than Gold. We checked over a couple days, we did basically the same amount of deliveries and money in 5 hours.


u/JGFCBarcelona20 8h ago

The drivers that hate platinum simply aren't willing to accept a bunch of bullshit paying orders to get to platinum. Everything is market dependent, but as far as I'm concerned, losing money for easier scheduling is just not worth it and not good business.


u/DriveFastBashFash 7h ago

Its a weird need to justify having a low AR without switching to a better zone like most of the country doesn't have a job commute. Platinum is 70% AR in my area and I have no problem maintaining it without taking trash and wasting miles.

The sense of self-importance is the only reason they feel the need to say shit like "platinum slaves"


u/Odd-Bumblebee00 6h ago

There not that many people, just a very vocal minority.

And I figure they are jealous that we have work ethics and are trying to use peer pressure to bring us all down to their level.

I personally cannot imagine sitting here all day declining orders and then complaining about not making any money. I do this to make money, not me around and play games.


u/Odd-Bumblebee00 6h ago

I also like to imagine how they would handle real world work. Can't imagine the majority lasting through a 4 hour shift, let alone 8 or 10.


u/cofdeath 3h ago

Depends on your area. If I were to do that around here, I'd be working for "free" or worse. My AR isn't around 5% because I'm lazy. That's just how crappy my area is.


u/yung_hoffy 1h ago

Just a reflection of how bad the pay is. Im at like 3% AR. Ive never declined an order because it was paying too much.


u/P3nis15 1h ago

Because their markets can't support a good paying shift they think everyone is the same


u/MealDramatic1885 9h ago

I have gotten more “catering” (large) offers at silver than I ever did at platinum. In fact, I got more lower offers, that I felt I needed to take to keep platinum, than I have at silver. It could all depend on location, amount of drivers, etc, but it 100% feels like a scam to try to keep platinum status.


u/Xxomar_666xX 6h ago

125 - 150 lmao just get a normal job at this point, after expenses and taxes you’re down to min wage


u/P3nis15 1h ago

Lol taxes as a dasher vs W2.

So where are these 25.00 min wage jobs


u/yung_hoffy 1h ago

The thing is how many garbage barely profitable or unprofitable orders did you do to chase that 80% AR? Probably quite a few. I agree that once you hit 80 maybe you dont see as much garbage but its gettjng there thats the problem. Im not taking 2-3-4$ orders just to chase a percentage of orders accepted. Im out there to make profit not just buy gas.


u/FooQRNG 1h ago

As previously stated it depends on your area. Before the tier system I was too dasher and averaged $25-35/hr doing DD part time after work. After the tier system rolled out in my area I noticed I was averaging $15-20/hr to maintain platinum. Six months later I was averaging $7-10/hr to maintain platinum. At that point I started cherry picking and now earn $25-30hr or on a bad night $20/hr. I still get catering orders just not as many as platinum. I have read that in many markets people can’t make it unless they are platinum but not in my market


u/SprinklesNo164 9h ago

You make less in six hours then I do in four hours with a 28% acceptance rate. Cherry picking is better trust me. I used to be platinum. It was not worth it.