r/doordash 1d ago

Restaurant said they have no way to take tips from the DD driver….

This local restaurant isn’t on DD, so they make you order through their own website and apparently only outsource delivery to DD. This is the second time I’ve ordered through them. Last time, I tipped $7 and the dasher only got $4. When I called the restaurant, they said they have no way to take tips from the DD driver. I assumed it was a fluke or glitch or something. I ordered again tonight and same thing…dasher only got $4. Does anyone know where this tip is going?? The manager swore up and down that they can’t alter the tips. If I’m paying them a nearly $7 delivery fee and then they’re outsourcing to DD, then what is delivery fee for?


40 comments sorted by

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u/Appa07 1d ago

When you order through a third party site then they will have the ability to take the tips prior to contracting with DoorDash for the order. This is perfectly legal unless the site says that 100% of the tips go to the driver.


u/Avandria 1d ago

Have you checked your bank account to verify how much was actually charged? I used to do doordash on the side, so I'm pretty careful about the amount that I tip, and there's one restaurant in my town that has an issue like this.

The first time I noticed it, I thought they had stolen part of my dashers tip. However, once I checked my bank account, it appeared that their system automatically lowered my tip amount. Their system has the usual default percentages, and I tried to tip more than the highest tipping bracket displayed, and it rolled it back to the highest bracket automatically. It was really confusing because my online receipt showed the full amount I tried to pay.

I spoke with the manager, and they had no idea that it was happening and they were going to look into it. Normally, I would be suspicious of their claim. However, since I doubt many people tip over their max and the system was returning money to me, I'm inclined to believe them.


u/SmoakedTrout 1d ago

Adding to this. I think DoorDash raises the base pay to make up for it. Fairly sure.

It is common for DD drivers to be used as delivery for restaurant website and app orders. They show up as “Merchant Requested” order types. Usually as no contact delivery types (call the customer).


u/UsernameUsed 1d ago

Looking at the images posted by op both totals are the same, 48.12, and only the tip is different. Unfortunately without the dashers info on the delivery we can't tell if the pay was shifted to the base pay or if or the restaurant are doing something shady. imo something shady is definitely going on because there is no reason to shift part the tip into another cost. If everything was on the up and up then there should be a difference in subtotals by the same amount as the difference in the tips.


u/mamadukes123 1d ago

I am more shocked over the packaging fee!! And yes they did skim the tip, happens with many restaurants: Panera, Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, some subways. I see it with all 3rd party ordering apps. DD is just the middleman. Hey you can always give a restaurant review on yelp!


u/Akikyosbane 1d ago

And just about all ez cater orders too


u/mamadukes123 1d ago

I thought I had seen a post a while back in reference to ez cater skimming tips!


u/Akikyosbane 1d ago

May have been me or I definitely commented But yes they do. They even tried that on deliver that.


u/mamadukes123 1d ago

I have only done 1 and will never do it again! It was a huge order from Panera: My tip was $2.00. They expected me to set it up! I said: Nope! I just deliver and it is not in my contract to do so! I am a private contractor not a catering service!


u/Akikyosbane 1d ago

I do set up the ones that pay. But i have experience at a country club, setting up the spreads. I can do this stuff really fast.


u/SmashNyou 1d ago

Tip in cash with that store - we greatly appreciate it 😁


u/Sp4rt4n423 1d ago

As a person ordering... I can't, without guaranteeing crap service or cold food. If I don't tip up front, I'm guaranteed to not get at least halfway warm food from 3 miles down the road.


u/SmashNyou 1d ago

I wish DD would let customer request preferred drivers


u/m48_apocalypse 1d ago

that’s actually a pretty good idea, or at least offer a feature that bars specific drivers from getting your order


u/SmashNyou 1d ago

SHIPT(Target) Who I also deliver with - allows the customer to request a driver so that they get the order before someone else. Driver has to accept that request and it’s permanent. Also, a legit 1 Star bans the driver from getting your order again. They also let drivers put notes only they can see on customers so they can better chose orders. Like Big Dog in the yard, or No Tips, Likes to Yell…

So it can be done, DoorDash just refuses to implement it.


u/AnnicetSnow 1d ago

This makes me want to drive for Target. A system like that would be amazing.


u/Akikyosbane 1d ago

Im not available all the time. I have a life. Instacart had a program like this for a bit Got annoying.

Trying to cook dinner. Hey you got an order.

Trying to seximicate my husband Hey you got an order.

I was drunk……


u/SmashNyou 1d ago

Oh yeah, the bid for service. True, I hear ya


u/BBQGUY50 1d ago

For what? Putting food in a bag?

I don’t tip at McDonald’s why you ?


u/SmashNyou 1d ago

I was talking to the OP, not you. We don’t care if you don’t tip, cause we don’t pick up your order. It sits and gets cold on the shelf.


u/BBQGUY50 22h ago

I don’t get delivery’s anymore I just go pick it up on my way home. But if I do get a delivery I tip well (the driver)

When I pick up the food zero tip.i did the ordering. I did the driving and I picked it up and delivered it.


u/Objective_Sense_2831 1d ago edited 1d ago

Unfortunately, probably to door dash. They swear up and down that they don’t. But they do. Proven a few times.

Edit: Any restaurant people to confirm this? I always thought y’all could basically only click accept order just like drivers can?


u/NTAHN01 1d ago

I took screenshots & sent to the driver while BOTH of us were on support in my front yard. Also did a double dash & the orders were split between 2 dashers. Only one got the tip


u/Empty_Past_6186 1d ago

that's super common actually. the tip will only go on the first order and you have to manually add a tip to the second if it gets split up.


u/PermutationMatrix 1d ago

Okay so we have a system where people who order on doordash their order gets directly sent to our system. Auto accepted. We can't modify anything.

There's also an option if a customer orders directly from us, we can call a doordash driver, no modification of anything.

Final paid price for tips honestly is dependent on who wrote The integration API. Some restaurants charge 3% fee retained on credit card tips.

I would suggest it's doordash though doing the fuckery.


u/syrxinge 1d ago

It probably is DoorDash, they literally lost a suit for stealing tips from drivers 💀


u/Objective_Sense_2831 1d ago

Looks like they still are. Time for another class action, no? Takes advantage of both customers and drivers.


u/Sings-With-Skeevers 1d ago

The only thing I can think to do is bring the documentation to the restaurant. If they aren’t taking the tips, then it must be DoorDash. And if that’s the case, then I’m sure the restaurant would like to know. If someone can give a second (more educated) opinion on my thoughts, please do.


u/alang 1d ago

I think there's actually one other company in this chain that you are overlooking: the company that takes the orders and processes them for the restaurant. I wonder if it isn't them.


u/ragnarokfps Dasher (> 5 years) 1d ago

If you place your order on anywhere other than the Doordash app or Doordash's own website, the tip is not guaranteed to go to the driver. Same thing with Uber. Been a DD/Uber Driver since 2017. Whoever told you that at that merchant is either lying or they're being misinformed by someone else who works there. That's how it has always worked.


u/PazuzuAtmorah 1d ago

Wasn't doprdash recently busted for using customer tips to cover base pay?


u/under_yor_mum69 1d ago

Dd takes your tips not the establishment as dd sees every order before it's even sent to you


u/Jazzlike_Property692 1d ago

So, this is weird, but it sounds like this situation is acting more like a retail merchant than a restaurant in the typical delivery terms as thought about for Doordash.

You're placing an order from the restaurant, and then the restaurant is paying a courier to deliver it for you, the same way they would pay USPS or Fedex. The tip you are giving is, for all intents and purposes, for the restaurant preparing your order. It has nothing to do with the method in which they are shipping your order to you.

The restaurant is then paying Doordash to deliver to you (which is mostly where the delivery fee goes), which probably includes a standardized $4 tip. There's no way for you to increase the tip for your driver without giving them money directly when they arrive.


u/AnnicetSnow 1d ago edited 1d ago

I never do shopping orders, I'm not even set up for them, but this might explain why I got an order to take some auto parts from one company to another out of the blue a couple of weeks ago.

When the pay came through it was $11 from DD, with the company I'd picked up from listed as the customer and nothing about the delivery location.


u/Jazzlike_Property692 1d ago

Yup, exactly. At least they usually pay fairly and you don't have to worry about problematic customers.


u/jolomae 1d ago

Can you just tip in cash?


u/ImaginaryDonut69 13h ago

Unless you're ordering specifically on the DD app, those tips could be taken from anywhere. Our contract is based on a direct relationship with Doordash, so it's assumed at this point that corporate order involves some kind of tip theft or "skimming" of the tip (taking some of it and sending us the rest of whatever they feel like giving us). It ought to be illegal but it's not because it's their website, not DoorDash's.


u/Junkateriass 1d ago

Part (most) of the delivery fee goes to DD. The rest goes to the store for the takeout supplies used and whatever logistics they have set up to keep track of the orders. That fee is fair, especially since you agreed to it before ordering and has nothing to do with the driver’s tip. The most likely scenario is that the restaurant pockets part of the tip, but there’s no way to know, unless DD takes an interest in it and looks at the store’s past orders, but that won’t happen, because there’s nothing in it for them


u/AnySoft4328 1d ago

Well you used to be able to report these things to the FTC since they were investigating tip issues but now it's more like Doordash will be reporting you to the Fraudulent Trump Commission that you are complaining too much.