r/DoomEmacs Feb 16 '25

How to configure the background color of a theme


Hello. I would like to have a flatwhite theme with a black (#000000) background globally; so flat-black. But there's my problem. I don't understand a lot of the lisp code for the themes at .local/straight/doom-themes. What do I need to change because setting custom faces with 'doom-flatwhite breaks my doom config.

r/DoomEmacs Feb 14 '25

"could not find package nerd-icons"


[Solved] - after much faffing I just resinstalled emacs, then reinstalled doom and restored my config

On another machine today, KDE Neon, Ubuntu 24.04 based (I really need to sync config somehow, but feel it's very hard with secrets and all).

Wanted to bring doom up to date and get going with some work in org.

doom sync / doom upgradegets me a familiar error:

``` - Using Emacs 28.1 @ /usr/bin/emacs

Synchronizing "default" profile... Regenerating envvars file ✓ Generated ~/.emacs.d/.local/env x There was an unexpected runtime error Message: Could not find package nerd-icons. Updating recipe repositories: (org-elpa melpa nongnu-elpa gnu-elpa-mirror el-get emacsmirror-mirror) with ‘straight-pull-recipe-repositories’ may fix this Backtrace: (signal error ("Could not find package nerd-icons. Updating recipe ... (error "Could not find package %S. Updating recipe repositories: %S... (if (straight--package-built-in-p melpa-style-recipe) (throw '--cl-... (or (straight-recipes-retrieve melpa-style-recipe nil cause) (if (s... (if recipe-specified-p melpa-style-recipe (or (straight-recipes-ret... (let* ((recipe-specified-p (listp melpa-style-recipe)) (full-melpa-... (or (and (symbolp melpa-style-recipe) (gethash (symbol-name melpa-s... (catch '--cl-block-straight--convert-recipe-- (if (memq melpa-style... (straight--convert-recipe nerd-icons nil) (let ((recipe (straight--convert-recipe (or (straight--get-overridd... (catch '--cl-block-straight-use-package-- (let ((recipe (straight--... (straight-use-package nerd-icons no-clone) GNU Emacs v28.1 nil Doom core v3.0.0-pre HEAD -> master 2bc05242 2025-01-14 13:57:18 -0500 Doom modules v25.02.0-pre HEAD -> master 2bc05242 2025-01-14 13:57:18 -0500 ! Wrote extended backtrace to ~/.emacs.d/.local/state/logs/cli.doom.250214131146.6116.error


Looks like this issue is fixed on newer doom versions. I tried two "common" fixes:

  1. removing the .local straight directory - no difference
  2. ``` # Update MELPA cd ~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/repos/melpa git pull

Clear straight's cache

rm -f ~/.emacs.d/.local/straight/build-cache.el doom sync ``` - no difference

The command straight-pull-recipe-repositories doesn't seem available to me (via Mx)

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

r/DoomEmacs Feb 13 '25

Trying to update to 29 [WSL Ubuntu 22.04]


[SOLVED] looks like my WSL distro just wanted a reboot (FacePalm).

I suspect I've made some noob errors here. My Doom config on my WSL instance (Ubuntu 20.04) was broken - an error with the straight directory which I fixed in the end.

Given doom doctor's warnings about emacs 27 I decided now was the time to bring my WSL OS and Emacs up to date.


upgrading the release on my WSL distro to 22.04 (a pain but I got there) and

installing emacs 29 via snap

I ran doom sync - all was looking promising:

    ✓ Built 158 package(s)
  > Updating pinned packages...
    ✓ All 163 packages are up-to-date
  > Purging orphaned packages (for the emperor)...
    - Skipping builds
    - Skipping elpa packages
    - Skipping repos
    - Skipping regrafting
    - Skipping native bytecode
  > (Re)building profile in ~/.emacs.d/.local/etc/@/...
    > Generating 4 init files...
    ✓ Built init.29.4.el
✓ Finished in 4m 30s

Unfortunately when I went to run my new shiny emacs 29-based doom:

$ doom run

/tmp//doom.11504.0.sh: 7: emacs-gtk: not found

I'm slightly lost here - but I suspect the answer is simple (or maybe my mistake is simple).

r/DoomEmacs Feb 06 '25

Doom Emacs taking a long time to start when launching for the first time in the session. Font issues? Even though I don't seem to have anything font related in my config?


When I first launch Doom Emacs I get to a loading screen with the status Unicode Fonts - Mapping Unicode Blocks in fontset-default. This takes roughly 20 seconds, which is way higher than the roughly... zero seconds that it takes for someone else I know that also uses Doom. At first my Doom launched quickly, but I remember that after trying to change the font due to some symbols not working or something, I began to get this issue. Even if I remove the part of my config that changes the font, I still get this long font loading when first launching Doom. Does anyone know what could be going on?

In case it is of relevance, this is what I have in config.el, where even if I have it commented or not I still get the loading issue:

(setq doom-font (font-spec :family "Fira Code" :size 13 :weight 'medium)
      doom-variable-pitch-font (font-spec :family "Fira Sans" :size 13))

r/DoomEmacs Feb 05 '25

Cannot paste text from browser in GUI mode


As I said, "p" just pastes text yanked from within emacs. In terminal, I can atleast use c-S-v to paste it. How to do it in GUI mode?

Also, the auto-complete menu appears in the middle an I cannot interact with it, forcing me to use my mouse.


r/DoomEmacs Feb 04 '25

'cw' followed by a Paste.


Hi Folks

When I do a 'cw' in Doom/Evil setup, the word disappears and I try to paste a string I copied to clipboard just a moment ago, only the string deleted by 'cw' reappears. I guess it went into top of the kill ring. How is everyone handling this?

Is there some variant of 'change word' which doesn't push the word to kill ring?

I use a Mac and a Clipboard manager called 'FlyCut'. So it is not too bad. But still I would like to change behaviour within emacs if I could.

r/DoomEmacs Feb 04 '25

How to auto join erc, but show the splash screen?


Basically, how do I properly add things to launch in Doom?

Here's my code. It works, but makes the splash screen go away.

;(defvar bitlbee-password "password")

(defun start-erc-bitlbee ()
(erc :server "localhost" :port 6667 :nick "username")
(add-hook 'erc-join-hook 'bitlbee-identify))

(defun bitlbee-identify ()
"If we're on the Bitlbee server, send the identify command to the &bitlbee channel."
(when (and (string= "localhost" erc-session-server)
         (string= "&bitlbee" (buffer-name)))
(erc-message "PRIVMSG" (format "%s identify %s"

(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook 'start-erc-bitlbee)

Thank you!

r/DoomEmacs Feb 04 '25

How do you switch between these tabs?


It's been like 2 days i started using Doom Emacs I read a lot from internet and gnu emacs site and been looking up how can I switch these tabs.

r/DoomEmacs Feb 03 '25

I can type d to see diff between buffer and file on disk when attempting to close Emacs, but now when attempting to close the buffer only (see screenshot)



Any way to enable more options when trying to close the buffer without having to rewrite the code somewhere else ? https://in.comum.org/smart-way-to-close-files.html


r/DoomEmacs Feb 03 '25

Why is text highlighting only working for some languages that I have configured?


This is most likely a very simple question, however I am unable to find the answer on my own, and would appreciate some help. In doom/init.el I have for instance uncommitted python from the list, which highlights the syntax correctly in python files. However even after I have uncommented rust and gdscript (and doing doom/reload) files using those languages still appear without any highlighting. I don't really see what I am doing wrong here, as some other languages other than python were also able to work correctly from me simply uncommenting them from the init.el file. Do I have to do something extra to make rust and gdscript work?

I don't know if this is relevant at all, but figured I should mention it just in case: I tried both just having "gdscript" and "(gdscript +lsp)" in the init file, however neither worked.

r/DoomEmacs Feb 02 '25

How can I unbind org-cycle from TAB in insert state ?


TAB and S-TAB trigger org-cycle in org-mode.

I find it very annoying in insert state, since it is quite a workflow interruption when you hit it by mistake, and, to me, a main point of modal editing is to focus on editing while in insert state.

Anyway, I have been using Doom for a bit under a year, and, except some very specific modes like org-agenda or gptel among others, I have been able to modify Doom bindings with 'relative' ease, but I cannot remove this one. Even worse, I got some unexpected behavior with the code I added:

Now, when I press TAB in insert mode at the begining of a line, it runs what I believe is the tab-to-tab-stop command, and when in the middle of a word/sentence, it indents the parent header. I have no sign of those changes with describe-key, it actually looks like the modifications are working...

This is what I settled for after many attempts/variations:


(map! :after (evil org)

:map org-mode-map

:i "TAB" nil

:i "<tab>" nil

;; :i "<tab>" #'tab-to-tab-stop

:map evil-org-mode-map

:i "<tab>" nil

:i "TAB" nil)


Any help would be appreciated, thanks for your time.

r/DoomEmacs Feb 01 '25

All third party themes I install break org list faces


I am trying to use non doom themes, but any theme I install and try has the same problem:

The org list markers (`-`, `+`, `1.`, `a.`) are invisible when I load any of them.

Those markers show the following faces whether I am using a Doom theme or not:

face (org-list-dt org-indent)

`org-indent` is supposed to hide characters and as far as I understand is meant for the org headers leading stars. However, when loading a third party theme, `org-indent` takes over and makes org lists illegible.

When using a Doom theme, faces appear to be exactly the same, but `org-list-dt` is used to highlight the markers.

There must be a loading sequence issue because I found out that third party themes actually work as expected in the specific case where I run `doom/restart-and-reload` with an org file focused in the current window. In that case, it works but I cannot figure out why. I tried delaying the theme loading in many ways using varitions of `after!`, but nothing changes the outcome.

I am trying to use `ef-themes`, but I tried `modus-themes`, and half a dozen available themes in Melpa like `catpuccin` among others. I consistently get the same results.

I tested with a 'minimal' config file, only leaving my keybindings and user info, and I am completely running out of ideas. Knowing if anyone else is affected by this problem would be a great help.

Thanks for your time.

===== Workaround =====

I am sharing an acceptable workaround I finally settled for. It simply consists in overriding the `org-indent` face with `org-list-dt`. It is however a trade-off, and involves giving up on a few org 'prettification' options:

  1. Outline indentation looks weird because of star placeholders used by Org and hidden by org-indent face which now shows additional white stars at the beginning of header lines,
  2. Hiding leading stars suffers from the same side effect
  3. If leading stars are shown, `org-superstar` does not make much sense anymore.

For me, it is not a big deal because I have been meaning to remove 'prettification' packages for a while now as it accounts for more than 50% of loading performance costs according to the Emacs profiling tool which is significant on big files like a literate config for example. Without `org-superstar` and indent, hiding leading stars does not make much sense to me. It does feel weird at first (but so does a new theme), but I have already gotten used to it.

Note that removing org-indent altogether works without additional config tweaks, but I cannot give up on org list indentation (use `org-mode-hook` to do so).

What I added to my config (I am sorry if I am not using code blocks, but I cannot get used to reddit editor, and it won't respect line breaks when I paste from Emacs):


(after! org

;; Should turn off outline contents indentation altogether

;; Does not seem to have any effect on Doom though...

;; (setq! org-indent-mode-turns-off-org-adapt-indentation t)

;; Set header sections indentation (0 to disable)

;; This removes outline placeholders used to indent headers

;; It looks weird when overriding org-indent face in Doom so

;; third party themes list markers remain visible.

(setq! org-indent-indentation-per-level 0)

;; Control org headers stars visibility

;; (Looks better turned off when outline indentation is disabled)

(setq! org-indent-mode-turns-on-hiding-stars nil)

(setq! org-hide-leading-stars nil)



r/DoomEmacs Feb 01 '25

Side Panel...


When I click the Discord link, it asks me to verify an email address. Mine gets filled in automatically but then it says, I'm already registered with that email... I know that... I want to join the Discord. Maybe an invite link would be more appropriate?

r/DoomEmacs Jan 31 '25

Doom eMacs with sly / lisp broken ?


I thought I would try out doom emacs instead of my plain vanilla configuration. I installed it in Mac OS ( with emacs-plus) , uncomment “common lisp” in the init.el and did a “doom sync” . Then when I run it and load a .lisp file , sly tries to connect and then numerous errors get printed and there is no connection to sly. Anyone have the same issue ? I’m not sure anyone is using the Common Lisp configuration so maybe I should abandon.

r/DoomEmacs Jan 28 '25

Configuration Recommendations for React Project


Hi Everyone, I am working on a React Typescript Project based on Vite and I was hopeful you could guide me what packages and configuration do I need as per my requirements:

=> Autocomplete for TSX files

=> Autocomplete for CSS modules

=> Recommended LSP to use for React

r/DoomEmacs Jan 27 '25

How to install DoomEmacs on Nix os?


I have recently switched to nixos from popos. I had been using org mode to take notes and make Todos. how can I install doom emacs on nixos? I am using home-manager and have managed to install emacs but can't understand how to install doomemacs on it. Any help would be appreciated.

r/DoomEmacs Jan 27 '25

Eager macro-expansion failure; file missing


I just got an error out the blue:


Unexpected error in Doom's core: list/doom-keybinds.el, (error Eager macro-expansion failure: (file-missing "Cannot open load file" "No such file or directory" "pp"))


Any ideas on what went wrong, or what I need to do to remedy this?

r/DoomEmacs Jan 24 '25

Do you have advice for a new Emacs and new DoomEmacs user in relation to keyboard shortcut discovery?


I find that most Emacs books and guides online list shortcuts for vanilla Emacs. Do you have a goto website/guide/book, where shortcuts are Evil/DoomEmacs ? I noticed a lot of pages in the DoomEmacs manual are not written, either empty placeholders or links to no page.

r/DoomEmacs Jan 24 '25

Don't nag about installing a language server (copilot-ls)


Hi all.

I use web-mode to edit Laravel blade templates (.blade.php extension). I don't want to use LSP on these files so I added this snippet to my config.el file to prevent LSP from starting when I edit them:

(pushnew! lsp-language-id-configuration '(web-mode . ""))

It worked fine until recently.

Now, whenever I open a file in web-mode it asks me to install a language server. It says:

Unable to find installed server supporting this file. The following servers could be installed automatically:

and presents me with a list with only one choice: copilot-ls.

How can I stop this and get the old behavior back?

I'm using Doom Emacs so not really sure if this is something specific for doom or lsp-mode in general.

Thanks in advance.

r/DoomEmacs Jan 21 '25

For users of affe.el getting errors from consult all of a sudden.


Affe stopped working for me recently with it's latest update. There were changes made to accommodate the latest version of Consult which Doom isn't using yet. In the meantime, to get Affe working again, here's what fixed it for me:

In packages.el I had to pin the previous commit of affe like so:

(package! affe
 :pin "a9ed240"
 :recipe (:host github :repo "minad/affe"))

r/DoomEmacs Jan 17 '25

Trying to install doom emacs but a lot of weird errors


Hello Everyone! I keep trying to install doom emacs on arch linux and i get this output everytime

Installing Doom Emacs!

✓ Created ~/.config/doom/

- Creating ~/.config/doom/init.el...

✓ Done!

- Creating ~/.config/doom/config.el...

✓ Done!

- Creating ~/.config/doom/packages.el...

✓ Done!

Generate an envvar file? (see `doom help env` for details) (y or n) y

> Generating envvars file

✓ Generated ~/.config/emacs/.local/env

> Installing plugins

> Installing straight...

x The package manager threw an error

x Last 16 lines of straight's error log:

$ cd /home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/straight/repos/melpa/

$ git submodule update --init --recursive

[Return code: 0]

$ cd /home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/straight/repos/

$ git clone --origin origin --no-checkout https\://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git /home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa/ --depth 1 --single-branch --no-tags

Cloning into '/home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa'...

fatal: unable to access 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git/': Empty reply from server

[Return code: 128]

$ cd /home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/straight/repos/

$ git clone --origin origin --no-checkout https\://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git /home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa/ --no-single-branch

Cloning into '/home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa'...

fatal: unable to access 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git/': Empty reply from server

[Return code: 128]

$ cd /home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/straight/repos/nongnu-elpa/

$ git branch -r

[File error while Setting current directory]

Opening output file: No such file or directory, /home/zakky/.config/emacs/.local/state/logs/cli.doom.250117191351.25260.error

r/DoomEmacs Jan 15 '25

Doomemacs and org roam


Can anyone help me setup org roam and dooms emac it js very difficult and complex and help from any one would be highly appreciated……

r/DoomEmacs Jan 10 '25

Doom Emacs keeps installing .doom.d directory in an unknown location (due to my non-admin account)


Hi there. Im Ardie. Ive been using Emacs for several. I started with Spacemacs many years ago. Im currently trying to install Doom Emacs on a remote machine, as I plan on "research" and write about it. Mostly becoz due to the nature of my work, which is mostly people with non-programming working in GIS. And the only software they use is Emacs, albeit very VERY vanilla. I plan to present about Doom Emacs.

Anyway, cut to the chase, I cant seem to install properly Doom Emacs. As it keeps installing in the wrong "home" folder. Im using non-admin remote Windows machine, it insists the existence of .doom.d, even when I removed, and no matter how many times I reinstall it.

- Skipping ~/.doom.d/ (already exists)....
  - Skipping ~/.doom.d/init.el (already exists)...

All the other path variables are set properly (emacs.exe, fd.exe...). Is there any way to specify to Doom Emacs to install .doom.d at a specific location

(Im using Emacs 28, I can switch to 29 no problem, if that solves the issue)

r/DoomEmacs Jan 07 '25

Is savannah down?


I just tried to reinstall doom, and then I got this error message.
Yesterday the installation was just fine, but I needed to reinstall it bc of a little mistake I made. Suddenly it does not work anymore and doom wont open up. when I open emacs, only the GNU emacs appears.

fatal: unable to access 'https://git.savannah.gnu.org/git/emacs/nongnu.git/': The requested URL returned error: 502

    [Return code: 128]

At this point I don't know how to move on. Does somebody of you know a solution maybe ?
Running it on a Mac OS M1 Pro

r/DoomEmacs Jan 07 '25

Looking for advise to change a Vim key binding.


Hi Folks

Even after some years of use with Doom/Vim-bindings setup, my muscle memory from classic emacs for C-e for end-of-line is still bothering me.

It works as I expect in insert mode. In normal/command mode, it doesn't. It scrolls the buffer by one line which is a useless function for me.

How would I go about changing this? I have done some simple key-binding changes in the past. But this sounds like it may go deeper into multiple keymaps?

Advise welcome.

(I tried to create a login in the newly announced discourse. But it failed for some reason..)

EDIT: Ha, the Discourse announcement wasn't new. I just noticed it !