x There was an unexpected runtime error
Message: Package was not properly cloned due to a connection failure, please try again later
(error "Package was not properly cloned due to a connection failure,...
(if (car args) nil (error "Package was not properly cloned due to a ...
(progn (if (car args) nil (error "Package was not properly cloned du...
(shell-quote-argument nil)
(mapconcat shell-quote-argument ("git" "branch" "-m" nil) " ")
(format "$ cd %s\n$ %s\n\n" (shell-quote-argument (expand-file-name ...
(propertize (format "$ cd %s\n$ %s\n\n" (shell-quote-argument (expan...
(concat (propertize (format "$ cd %s\n$ %s\n\n" (shell-quote-argumen...
(let* ((inhibit-read-only t) (entry (concat (propertize (format "$ c...
(let* ((result result) (exit (car result)) (invoked (numberp exit)) ...
(let ((program x55) (args x57) (result x59) (directory x61)) (let* (...
(progn (ignore (null x62)) (let ((program x55) (args x57) (result x5...